972 resultados para nutrition care
BACKGROUND: The overall intake of energy and nutrients in the Granada EPIC-cohort (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) is examined in order to assess compliance with the Spanish Nutritional Objectives (NO) and the Recommended Intakes (RI). METHODS: During recruitment (1992-1996), 7,789 participants, aged 35-69, were asked about diet through a validated diet history questionnaire. Nutrient intake is compared to the NO and RI that were valid at that time. Risk of inadequate intake is estimated as the percentage of the sample with intakes: ≤ 1/3 RI (high risk), ≤ 2/3 RI- > 1/3 RI (moderate risk), ≤ RI- > 2/3 RI, > RI. Differences in intakes have been analyzed by sex and age, and by smoking status and BMI. RESULTS: The daily intake of nutrients did not meet the NO as the total contribution of energy from proteins and fats exceeded these guidelines. Whilst intake of most nutrients was above the RI, the amount of iron, magnesium and vitamins D and E provided by the diet was not enough to meet the RI: in women aged 20-49 years, about 55% were at moderate risk for iron inadequacy, and a 20% of women for magnesium. Both sexes were at high risk of inadequacy for vitamin D, although sunlight exposure may supply adequate amounts. Never smokers showed a higher compliance to the NO. CONCLUSION: At recruitment, the nutrient profile of the diet was unbalanced. The observed nutrient inadequacy for iron, magnesium and vitamin E might be attributed to inappropriate dietary habits, and may have implications for future disease risk.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate nutritional status and dietary habits after implementation of a nutritional education program in professional handball players. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Longitudinal study of 14 handball players evaluated with 72-h recall, a questionnaire on food consumption and anthropometric measures during 4 months. The intervention consisted of a nutrition education program. RESULTS: Energy intake was consistently below the recommended allowances. Macronutrient intakes as a percentage of total energy intake were below the recommended allowances for carbohydrates, and above recommended allowances for fats. Nutritional education was followed by a significant increase (p < 0.01) in total energy and macronutrient intakes, with no significant changes in macronutrient or micronutrient intakes after adjustment for energy intake. DISCUSSION: The imbalance in nutrient intake in handball players suggests that detailed re-analysis is needed to determine specific recommendations for this population. Nutritional education with continuous follow-up to monitor athletes' dietary habits may lead them to adopt appropriate nutritional habits to optimize dietary intakes. The lack of specific recommendations for micronutrient intakes in athletes leads to confusion regarding appropriate intakes; biochemical tests that yield normal values (albeit approaching cut-off values for deficiency) may disguise deficient status for some nutrients when strenuous exercise is involved. CONCLUSION: In-depth studies with nutrition education programs that include long-term follow-up are advisable to avoid deficiencies that can lead to irreversible damage in competitive athletes.
To describe the results of the home enteral nutrition (HEN) registry of the NADYA-SENPE group in 2011 and 2012. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We retrieved the data of the patients recorded from January 1st 2011 to December 31st 2012. RESULTS: There were 3021 patients in the registry during the period from 29 hospitals, which gives 65.39 per million inhabitants. 97.95% were adults, 51.4% male. Mean age was 67.64 ± 19.1, median age was 72 years for adults and 7 months for children. Median duration with HEN was 351 days and for 97.5% was their first event with HEN. Most patients had HEN because of neurological disease (57.8%). Access route was nasogastric tube for 43.5% and gastrostomy for 33.5%. Most patients had limited activity level and, concerning autonomy, 54.8% needed total help. Nutritional formula was supplied from chemist's office to 73.8% of patients and disposables, when necessary, was supplied from hospitals to 53.8% of patients. HEN was finished for 1,031 patients (34.1%) during the period of study, 56.6% due to decease and 22.2% due to recovery of oral intake. CONCLUSIONS: Data from NADYA-SENPE registry must be explained cautiously because it is a non-compulsory registry. In spite of the change in the methodology of the registry in 2010, tendencies regarding HEN have been maintained, other than oral route
Transportation is an important health care issue. The majority of the population here in Iowa have ready access and typically use private automobiles to access health care and other community services. There is also a significant segment of the population that either does not have access to a personal automobile or is not currently capable of driving. This can potentially limit their access to health care, but it has greater health implications because it can also limit access to nutrition and other community services, as well as involvement in social activities. For people unable to drive themselves, the alternatives generally include reliance on family, friends, volunteer groups, and public transit. Many choose transit because it gives them a degree of independence. Public transit is often used to supplement other options even when they are available. It becomes critical in circumstances where the other options don’t exist. In many cases there may be no family available or they may not always be able to get off work when travel needs arise during the workday. Friends may be in similar circumstances and volunteer groups may be either unavailable or overwhelmed. The fact that many patients depend on public transit to get to and from health care appointments makes it beneficial for health care professionals to get to know more about public transit and how it operates here in Iowa.
BACKGROUND: This review aims to present a consensus for optimal perioperative care in colonic surgery and to provide graded recommendations for items for an evidenced-based enhanced perioperative protocol. METHODS: Studies were selected with particular attention paid to meta-analyses, randomised controlled trials and large prospective cohorts. For each item of the perioperative treatment pathway, available English-language literature was examined, reviewed and graded. A consensus recommendation was reached after critical appraisal of the literature by the group. RESULTS: For most of the protocol items, recommendations are based on good-quality trials or meta-analyses of good-quality trials (quality of evidence and recommendations according to the GRADE system). CONCLUSIONS: Based on the evidence available for each item of the multimodal perioperative care pathway, the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society, International Association for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition (IASMEN) and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) present a comprehensive evidence-based consensus review of perioperative care for colonic surgery.
Some biochemical functions of vitamin C make it an essential component of parenteral nutrition (PN) and an important therapeutic supplement in other acute conditions. Ascorbic acid is a strong aqueous antioxidant and is a cofactor for several enzymes. The average body pool of vitamin C is 1.5 g, of which 3%-4% (40-60 mg) is used daily. Steady state is maintained with 60 mg/d in nonsmokers and 140 mg/d in smokers. Shocked surgical, trauma, and septic patients have a drastic reduction of circulating plasma ascorbate concentrations. These low concentrations require 3-g doses/d to restore normal plasma ascorbate concentrations, questioning the recommended PN dose of 100 mg/d. Determination of intravenous requirements is usually based on plasma concentrations, which are altered during the inflammatory response. There is no clear indicator of deficiency: serum or plasma ascorbate concentrations <0.3 mg/dL (20 micromol/L) indicates inadequate vitamin C status. On the basis of available pharmacokinetic data the 100 mg/d dose for patients receiving home PN and 200 mg/d for stable adult patients receiving PN are adequate, but requirements have been shown to be higher in perioperative, trauma, burn, and critically ill patients, paralleling oxidative stress. One recommendation cannot fit all categories of patients. Large vitamin C supplements may be considered in severe critical illness, major trauma, and burns because of increased requirements resulting from oxidative stress and wound healing. Future research should distinguish therapeutic use of high-dose ascorbic acid antioxidant therapy from nutritional PN requirements.
PURPOSE: Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) pathways have significantly reduced complications and length of hospital stay after colorectal procedures. This multimodal concept could probably be partially applied to major urological surgery. OBJECTIVES: The primary objective was to systematically assess the evidence of ERAS single items and protocols applied to cystectomy patients. The secondary objective was to address a grade of recommendation to each item, based on the evidence and, if lacking, on consensus opinion from our ERAS Society working group. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: A systematic literature review was performed on ERAS for cystectomy by searching EMBASE and Medline. Relevant articles were selected and quality-assessed by two independent reviewers using the GRADE approach. If no study specific to cystectomy was available for any of the 22 given items, the authors evaluated whether colorectal guidelines could be extrapolated. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Overall, 804 articles were retrieved from electronic databases. Fifteen articles were included in the present systematic review and 7 of 22 ERAS items were studied. Bowel preparation did not improve outcomes. Early nasogastric tube removal reduced morbidity, bowel recovery time and length of hospital stay. Doppler-guided fluid administration allowed for reduced morbidity. A quicker bowel recovery was observed with a multimodal prevention of ileus, including gum chewing, prevention of PONV and minimally invasive surgery. CONCLUSIONS: ERAS has not yet been widely implemented in urology and evidence for individual interventions is limited or unavailable. The experience in other surgical disciplines encourages the development of an ERAS protocol for cystectomy.
Aims: To describe overweight or eating disorders in primary care consultations of Swiss children or adolescents and analyze responses by physicians. Methods: 150 to 200 primary care physicians participating in the Swiss Sentinel Surveillance Network in collaboration with the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health register their consultations over one year for selected health conditions. We describe reports of consultations where overweight or eating disorders were identified in subjects aged 2-20 years by physicians, patients or their relatives, or referring professionals, between 29.12.2007 and 15.2.2008. Results: 189 consultations were registered in the first 7 weeks of declaration. A short majority concerned female (58%) and 12-20 years old (53%) patients. Half were reported by pediatricians, one third by general practitioners and the remaining minority by internists. The sample included two thirds of Swiss-German and one third of Swiss-French cases. In the male subgroup aged 2-20 and in female children aged 2-11, almost all reported consultations were characterized by overweight. Among female teenagers, underweight was reported in 29% whilst overweight was recorded in 60%. Anorexia was noted in 68% of reported consultations of underweight female teenagers. In underweight patients, advice given by physicians frequently covered both nutrition and physical activity (38%) or nutrition only (29%), while no specific recommendations were recorded for the remaining third. In case of overweight, for one half of consultations patients received both nutritional and physical activity recommendations, for 12% nutritional only, and for one quarter patients were not advised in these domains. No specific treatment was usually proposed to overweight patients (65%), except when bulimia was diagnosed; in such case, one third of patients were proposed a psychological/psychiatric treatment, whereas both psychological and pharmacological treatments were frequently offered for underweight teenagers. Therapy was most often motivated by physicians (50%) or by relatives (44%), more rarely by patients themselves (7%). Conclusions: These preliminary data indicate that in some primary care consultations of young patients with overweight or eating disorders, advice was not given on nutrition and physical activity. This observation needs to be later confirmed with the totality of the consultations registered in 2008 and reasons will be further investigated.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a governmentally-led center based child care physical activity program (Youp'la Bouge) on child motor skills.Patients and methods: We conducted a single blinded cluster randomized controlled trial in 58 Swiss child care centers. Centers were randomly selected and 1:1 assigned to a control or intervention group. The intervention lasted from September 2009 to June 2010 and included training of the educators, adaptation of the child care built environment, parental involvement and daily physical activity. Motor skill was the primary outcome and body mass index (BMI), physical activity and quality of life secondary outcomes. The intervention implementation was also assessed. RESULTS: At baseline, 648 children present on the motor test day were included (age 3.3 +/- 0.6, BMI 16.3 +/- 1.3 kg/m2, 13.2% overweight, 49% girls) and 313 received the intervention. Relative to children in the control group (n = 201), children in the intervention group (n = 187) showed no significant increase in motor skills (delta of mean change (95% confidence interval: -0.2 (-0.8 to 0.3), p = 0.43) or in any of the secondary outcomes. Not all child care centers implemented all the intervention components. Within the intervention group, several predictors were positively associated with trial outcomes: 1) free-access to a movement space and parental information session for motor skills 2) highly motivated and trained educators for BMI 3) free-access to a movement space and purchase of mobile equipment for physical activity (all p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This "real-life" physical activity program in child care centers confirms the complexity of implementing an intervention outside a study setting and identified potentially relevant predictors that could improve future programs.Trial registration: Trial registration number: clinical trials.gov NCT00967460 http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00967460.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Protocols for enhanced recovery provide comprehensive and evidence-based guidelines for best perioperative care. Protocol implementation may reduce complication rates and enhance functional recovery and, as a result of this, also reduce length-of-stay in hospital. There is no comprehensive framework available for pancreaticoduodenectomy. METHODS: An international working group constructed within the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) Society constructed a comprehensive and evidence-based framework for best perioperative care for pancreaticoduodenectomy patients. Data were retrieved from standard databases and personal archives. Evidence and recommendations were classified according to the GRADE system and reached through consensus in the group. The quality of evidence was rated "high", "moderate", "low" or "very low". Recommendations were graded as "strong" or "weak". RESULTS: Comprehensive guidelines are presented. Available evidence is summarised and recommendations given for 27 care items. The quality of evidence varies substantially and further research is needed for many issues to improve the strength of evidence and grade of recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: The present evidence-based guidelines provide the necessary platform upon which to base a unified protocol for perioperative care for pancreaticoduodenectomy. A unified protocol allows for comparison between centres and across national borders. It facilitates multi-institutional prospective cohort registries and adequately powered randomised trials.
BACKGROUND: This review aims to present a consensus for optimal perioperative care in colonic surgery and to provide graded recommendations for items for an evidenced-based enhanced perioperative protocol. METHODS: Studies were selected with particular attention paid to meta-analyses, randomised controlled trials and large prospective cohorts. For each item of the perioperative treatment pathway, available English-language literature was examined, reviewed and graded. A consensus recommendation was reached after critical appraisal of the literature by the group. RESULTS: For most of the protocol items, recommendations are based on good-quality trials or meta-analyses of good-quality trials (quality of evidence and recommendations according to the GRADE system). CONCLUSIONS: Based on the evidence available for each item of the multimodal perioperative-care pathway, the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society, International Association for Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition (IASMEN) and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) present a comprehensive evidence-based consensus review of perioperative care for colonic surgery.
Older Iowans are independent and want to stay that way – even in tough times. Good health is important to staying independent. Food Assistance can help you buy the groceries you need to stay healthy. Everyone deserves a nutritious meal. Food Assistance can help you buy foods that taste good and are good for you! Stay well for yourself and for your family. Call 2-1-1 and get connected to the Food Assistance office that serves your community. They can help you apply for an EBT card. The people who work in the Food Assistance Program really do care about your family’s health. Food Assistance is not a hand out . . . it’s a helping hand.