744 resultados para nonprofit organisations
This paper reports on a study of 25 nonprofit human service organisations offering four types of human services. The purpose of the study was first to explore the manner in which consumer rights are both conceptualized and operationalized in the nonprofit human service context. Secondly the study explored whether differences occur between organisations whose primary funding body emphasized the importance of a rights framework in its program delivery and those where this is not the case.
Despite multiple efforts, the amount of poverty in Bangladesh has remained alarmingly high by any standard. Two salient characteristics of poverty alleviation in Bangladesh are: their poor accessibility for the ‘target’ population (the rural poor), and lack of co-ordination between government and the Non-Government Organisations. The moment the state alone is unable to combat poverty then the NGOs come into the picture to fill the void. First Britain as a colonial power, then the East Pakistan Government and the Government of Bangladesh have promulgated Ordinances and Regulations for the practical regulation of NGOs. The loopholes and flaws within the legal framework have given the NGOs opportunities to violate the Ordinances and Regulations. A better situation could be achieved by modifying and strictly implementing such state rules, ensuring accountability, effective state control, and meaningful NGO-State collaboration and co-operation.
In the mid seventies there was a spate of legal claims involving unincorporated not-for-profit associations. These claims highlighted the liability exposure of management committee members and prompted a dramatic increase in the number of associations seeking shelter behind the corporate veil. Corporate structure decisions during this period were primarily motivated by the incentive of limited liability. Twenty years later, the not-for-profit sector is subject to new challenges. The Industry Commission Report into Charitable Organisations in Australia heralds an increasing intrusion of legislative responsibilities and reform in the sector. The traditional sources of funds for not-for-profit organisations are about to radically change with the advent of “competitive tendering” for government funding and the declining benevolence of society. The legal scuffle between Australian Rugby Football League Limited (the “ARL”) and News Limited has also exposed the vulnerability of not-for-profit groups and the many legal and commercial minefields in structural decision-making. The sector is beginning to respond to these pressures by rationalisation and restructure. Corporate structure decisions are now motivated by the need to promote efficiency and resilience. Survival of the fittest. Restructuring is by no means a task for the faint-hearted. A delicate balance between legality and practicality needs to be maintained. The focus of this paper is on the restructuring choices for not-for-profit organisations and groups in Queensland. It answers “how-to” questions and identifies some important restructuring issues.
In December 1993, the Commonwealth Assistant Treasurer., Mr George Gear announced an Inquiry into Charitable Organisations in Australia. The inquiry would be undertaken by the Industry Commission, the structure charged by the Commonwealth to oversight its micro-economic reform agenda. The inquiry had been on the Industry Commission's forward workplan since 1992. In July 1993 a draft terms of reference was prepared for comment by the State Premiers...
I stand before you with some diffidence because my knowledge and involvement in this field is far less than yours. I can only claim to have had a long interest in the field of philanthropy. Until recently that interest had been in a general and not in an analytical way. Due to a conjunction of circumstances about a year ago I have taken a much more disciplined approach to the subject. This culminated in a large submission I made, as a private Senator, to the Prime Minister before Christmas on the subject of philanthropy.
A longitudinal qualitative study was conducted with CEOs of 12 fundraising organisations across Australia to answer the question - how mights a change in the CEO's fundraising knowledge improve fundraising activity and outcomes for their organisation? The CEOs along with the inaugural Australian Grantmaker of the Year, Caitriona Fay from Perpetual and lead researcher Dr Wendy Scaife travelled to San Antonio, Texas, USA to attend the annual Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) conference in March 2014. Participants identified five main success factors for such group learning initiatives about fundraising: - Getting away from the day to day business of running the organisation - Informal, social time to debrief and get to know others - Diversity of organisations whereby no one was in direct competition to others - Commitment, openness and willingness of individuals to participate - Group facilitation This research has been supported by the Perpetual Foundation – Trustees Endowment, The Edward Corbould Charitable Trust, and the Samuel and Eileen Gluyas Charitable Trust under the management of Perpetual Trustee Company Ltd.
Australian fundraisers and their organisational leaders (CEOs and board members) diverge sometimes in how they think about fundraising. In fact, eight key differences emerged in the recent Australian study that sparked this paper. A strong fundraising/leadership accord in attitudes toward fundraising would seem to be important, especially in tightened funding regimes. Both demand and competition for funding beyond the government dollar is growing. Many organisations are moving into community fundraising for the first time due to imperilled government funding. The sophistication of all donation sources is likewise on the rise. These factors add complexity to the fundraising role and to the task of boards and CEOs in managing fundraising strategy and activity. Some variances in professional outlook might be predictable between fundraisers and fundraising organisation leaders. However, the differences found in our study are in areas that potentially affect the organisation’s ability to fill its mission. It is advisable then to ‘mind the gap’ and also to explore it.
Les dons effectués par les entreprises privées auprès d’organismes communautaires à but non lucratif semblent avoir des effets à long terme sur ces derniers. Ces entreprises cherchent à la fois à semer le bien dans les communautés dans lesquelles elles interviennent, mais également à améliorer leur image au sein de celles-ci. Les organismes communautaires oscillent donc entre le devoir de servir leurs usagers du mieux qu’ils le peuvent, en respectant leur mission avec la plus grande diligence, et les nombreuses conditions qui se rattachent aux dons reçus. Ils doivent travailler avec un financement octroyé à court terme, de nombreuses mesures évaluatives ainsi que les volontés de donateurs parfois indiscrets. Il en résulte une identité qui se rapproche de plus en plus de celle des entreprises privées. L’étude dans ce mémoire tente d’évaluer si les usagers des quatre universités principales de Montréal adoptent une identité mercantiliste et comment ils évaluent leur rôle au sein de leurs établissements d’enseignement. Ces étudiants assumeraient un rôle davantage engagé envers les entreprises donatrices, à la fois au sein de leur institution et dans la société en général. Ils revêtiraient une identité conforme à ce qu’attend une entreprise qui effectue un don de manière intéressée en consommant de leurs biens et services.
School of Management Studies, CUSAT