912 resultados para non-compliance
Objective To determine rates of adherence to antipsychotic medication in first episode patients and the correlates of adherence in this group. Method Subjects were the first 200 admissions to an Early Psychosis Program. Adherence was determined on a three-point scale. Symptoms, medication side-effects, quality of life, substance use and family involvement were examined longitudinally. Results In their first year in the program 39% were non-adherent, 20% inadequately adherent, and 41% adherent. Non-adherent patients demonstrated more positive symptoms, more relapses, more alcohol and cannabis use, reduced insight, and poorer quality of life. They were younger, had an earlier age of onset and less likely to have a family member involved in treatment. Conclusion Results for this group are similar to those reported in the literature. Correlates are often the consequence of non-adherence. Non-compliance has to be anticipated and relationships maintained with patients and families to intervene as soon as possible to minimize the consequence of non-compliance.
The National Energy Efficient Building Project (NEEBP) Phase One report, published in December 2014, investigated “process issues and systemic failures” in the administration of the energy performance requirements in the National Construction Code. It found that most stakeholders believed that under-compliance with these requirements is widespread across Australia, with similar issues being reported in all states and territories. The report found that many different factors were contributing to this outcome and, as a result, many recommendations were offered that together would be expected to remedy the systemic issues reported. To follow up on this Phase 1 report, three additional projects were commissioned as part of Phase 2 of the overall NEEBP project. This Report deals with the development and piloting of an Electronic Building Passport (EBP) tool – a project undertaken jointly by pitt&sherry and a team at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) led by Dr Wendy Miller. The other Phase 2 projects cover audits of Class 1 buildings and issues relating to building alterations and additions. The passport concept aims to provide all stakeholders with (controlled) access to the key documentation and information that they need to verify the energy performance of buildings. This trial project deals with residential buildings but in principle could apply to any building type. Nine councils were recruited to help develop and test a pilot electronic building passport tool. The participation of these councils – across all states – enabled an assessment of the extent to which these councils are currently utilising documentation; to track the compliance of residential buildings with the energy performance requirements in the National Construction Code (NCC). Overall we found that none of the participating councils are currently compiling all of the energy performance-related documentation that would demonstrate code compliance. The key reasons for this include: a major lack of clarity on precisely what documentation should be collected; cost and budget pressures; low public/stakeholder demand for the documentation; and a pragmatic judgement that non-compliance with any regulated documentation requirements represents a relatively low risk for them. Some councils reported producing documentation, such as certificates of final completion, only on demand, for example. Only three of the nine council participants reported regularly conducting compliance assessments or audits utilising this documentation and/or inspections. Overall we formed the view that documentation and information tracking processes operating within the building standards and compliance system are not working to assure compliance with the Code’s energy performance requirements. In other words the Code, and its implementation under state and territory regulatory processes, is falling short as a ‘quality assurance’ system for consumers. As a result it is likely that the new housing stock is under-performing relative to policy expectations, consuming unnecessary amounts of energy, imposing unnecessarily high energy bills on occupants, and generating unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, Councils noted that the demand for documentation relating to building energy performance was low. All the participant councils in the EBP pilot agreed that documentation and information processes need to work more effectively if the potential regulatory and market drivers towards energy efficient homes are to be harnessed. These findings are fully consistent with the Phase 1 NEEBP report. It was also agreed that an EBP system could potentially play an important role in improving documentation and information processes. However, only one of the participant councils indicated that they might adopt such a system on a voluntary basis. The majority felt that such a system would only be taken up if it were: - A nationally agreed system, imposed as a mandatory requirement under state or national regulation; - Capable of being used by multiple parties including councils, private certifiers, building regulators, builders and energy assessors in particular; and - Fully integrated into their existing document management systems, or at least seamlessly compatible rather than a separate, unlinked tool. Further, we note that the value of an EBP in capturing statistical information relating to the energy performance of buildings would be much greater if an EBP were adopted on a nationally consistent basis. Councils were clear that a key impediment to the take up of an EBP system is that they are facing very considerable budget and staffing challenges. They report that they are often unable to meet all community demands from the resources available to them. Therefore they are unlikely to provide resources to support the roll out of an EBP system on a voluntary basis. Overall, we conclude from this pilot that the public good would be well served if the Australian, state and territory governments continued to develop and implement an Electronic Building Passport system in a cost-efficient and effective manner. This development should occur with detailed input from building regulators, the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB), councils and private certifiers in the first instance. This report provides a suite of recommendations (Section 7.2) designed to advance the development and guide the implementation of a national EBP system.
This thesis examines the right to self-determination which is a norm used for numerous purposes by multiple actors in the field of international relations, with relatively little clarity or agreement on the actual and potential meaning of the right. In international practice, however, the main focus in applying the right has been in the context of decolonization as set by the United Nations in its early decades. Thus, in Africa the right to self-determination has traditionally implied that the colonial territories, and particularly the populations within these territories, were to constitute the people who were entitled to the right. That is, self-determination by decolonization provided a framework for the construction of independent nation-states in Africa whilst other dimensions of the right remained largely or totally neglected. With the objective of assessing the scope, content, developments and interpretations of the right to self-determination in Africa, particularly with regard to the relevance of the right today, the thesis proceeds on two fundamental hypotheses. The first is that Mervyn Frost s theory of settled norms, among which he lists the right to self-determination, assumes too much. Even if the right to self-determination is a human right belonging to all peoples stipulated, inter alia, in the first Article of the 1966 International Human Rights Covenants, it is a highly politicized and context-bound right instead of being settled and observed in a way that its denial would need special justification. Still, the suggested inconsistency or non-compliance with the norm of self-determination is not intended to prove the uselessness or inappropriateness of the norm, but, on the contrary, to invite and encourage debate on the potential use and coverage of the right to self-determination. The second hypothesis is that within the concept of self-determination there are two normative dimensions. One is to do with the idea and practice of statehood, the nation and collectivity that may decide to conduct itself as an independent state. The other one is to do with self-determination as a human right, as a normative condition, to be enjoyed by people and peoples within states that supersedes state authority. These external and internal dimensions need to be seen as complementary and co-terminous, not as mutually exclusive alternatives. The thesis proceeds on the assumption that the internal dimension of the right, with human rights and democracy at its core, has not been considered as important as the external. In turn, this unbalanced and selective interpretation has managed to put the true normative purpose of the right making the world better and bringing more just polity models into a somewhat peculiar light. The right to self-determination in the African context is assessed through case studies of Western Sahara, Southern Sudan and Eritrea. The study asks what these cases say about the right to self-determination in Africa and what their lessons learnt could contribute to the understanding and relevance of the right in today s Africa. The study demonstrates that even in the context of decolonization, the application of the right to self-determination has been far from the consistent approach supposedly followed by the international community: in many respects similar colonial histories have easily led to rather different destinies. While Eritrea secured internationally recognized right to self-determination in the form of retroactive independence in 1993, international recognition of distinct Western Sahara and Southern Sudan entities is contingent on complex and problematic conditions being satisfied. Overall, it is a considerable challenge for international legality to meet empirical political reality in a meaningful way, so that the universal values attached to the norm of self-determination are not overlooked or compromised but rather reinforced in the process of implementing the right. Consequently, this thesis seeks a more comprehensive understanding of the right to self-determination with particular reference to post-colonial Africa and with an emphasis on the internal, human rights and democracy dimensions of the norm. It is considered that the right to self-determination cannot be perceived only as an inter-state issue as it is also very much an intra-state issue, including the possibility of different sub-state arrangements exercised under the right, for example, in the form of autonomy. At the same time, the option of independent statehood achieved through secession remains a mode of exercising and part of the right to self-determination. But in whatever form or way applied, the right to self-determination, as a normative instrument, should constitute and work as a norm that comprehensively brings more added value in terms of the objectives of human rights and democracy. From a normative perspective, a peoples right should not be allowed to transform and convert itself into a right of states. Finally, in light of the case studies of Western Sahara, Southern Sudan and Eritrea, the thesis suggests that our understanding of the right to self-determination should now reach beyond the post-colonial context in Africa. It appears that both the questions and answers to the most pertinent issues of self-determination in the cases studied must be increasingly sought within the postcolonial African state rather than solely in colonial history. In this vein, the right to self-determination can be seen not only as a tool for creating states but also as a way to transform the state itself from within. Any such genuinely post-colonial approach may imply a judicious reconsideration, adaptation or up-dating of the right and our understanding of it in order to render it meaningful in Africa today.
Background: There was a low adherence to influenza A (H1N1) vaccination program among university students and health care workers during the pandemic influenza in many parts of the world. Vaccination of high risk individuals is one of the recommendations of World Health Organization during the post-pandemic period. It is not documented about the student's knowledge, attitude and willingness to accept H1N1 vaccination during the post-pandemic period. We aimed to analyze the student's knowledge, attitude and willingness to accept H1N1 vaccination during the post-pandemic period in India. Methods: Vaccine against H1N1 was made available to the students of Vellore Institute of Technology, India from September 2010. The data are based on a cross-sectional study conducted during October 2010 to January 2011 using a self-administered questionnaire with a representative sample of the student population (N = 802). Results: Of the 802 respondents, only 102/802 (12.7%) had been vaccinated and 105/802 (13%) planned to do so in the future, while 595/802 (74%) would probably or definitely not get vaccinated in the future. The highest coverage was among the female (65/102, 63.7%) and non-compliance was higher among men in the group (384/595; 64.5%) (p < 0.0001). The representation of students from school of Bio-sciences and Bio-technology among vaccinees is significantly higher than that of other schools. Majority of the study population from the three groups perceived vaccine against H1N1 as the effective preventive measure when compared to other preventive measures. 250/595 (42%) of the responders argued of not being in the risk group. The risk perception was significantly higher among female (p < 0.0001). With in the study group, 453/802 (56.4%) said that they got the information, mostly from media. Conclusions: Our study shows that the vaccination coverage among university students remains very low in the post-pandemic period and doubts about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine are key elements in their rejection. Our results indicate a need to provide accessible information about the vaccine safety by scientific authorities and fill gaps and confusions in this regard.
Verifica o impacto que o sobrestamento de pauta, instituído pela Emenda Constitucional n. 32/2001, concebida para refrear o uso exacerbado de medidas provisórias, ocasionou na agenda do Legislativo. Tendo-se como premissa que a relação entre o Legislativo e o Executivo caracteriza-se pelo sistema presidencialista de coalizão e que as medidas provisórias configuram o principal instrumento utilizado pelo Executivo para controlar a agenda política do País, aborda o instituto das MP desde a sua inserção na Constituição de 1988 até as propostas atuais de modificação para se traçar um histórico do caminho percorrido pelo Parlamento brasileiro na tentativa de conter o abuso do poder legiferante do Executivo e impedir o esvaziamento das competências precípuas do Poder Legislativo. Investiga por que o Legislativo não tem conseguido frear a produção de medidas provisórias, considerando-se que essa é a vontade de seus representantes. Concentra-se no problema do sobrestamento de pauta do Poder Legislativo decorrente da não apreciação de medida provisória em até quarenta e cinco dias contados da sua publicação, como determina o § 6º do art. 62 do atual texto da Constituição Federal.
The paper critically examines the trend in fish production in Nigeria. The problem of excessive mismanagement and lack of attention by relevant agencies are still common place in inland water bodies. The paper discusses these mismanagement practices which are non compliance with the existing rules and regulations on good fishing methods, uncontrollable, unorthodox and obnoxious fishing practices, destruction of the natural breeding grounds and the collapse of the fishery due to massive over fishing. The challenges posed by the fishing methods as well as the effect of different gears and mechanization of fishing crafts on fish production are discussed. The paper recommends ways to increase domestic fish production in inland water bodies, which include a well planned strategy of restocking the existing reservoirs after careful scientific study, enforcement of the existing laws and regulation based on community participation. Training of stakeholders on the code of practice for responsible fisheries (CPRF), extension of subsidies to fisher folks, the traditional practices, which encourage the adherence to close season and other fish conservation and utilization strategies, are also advocated
Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) que realizam atividades de ensino e pesquisa em Química, em geral são potenciais áreas de risco de acidentes, uma vez que utilizam substâncias químicas perigosas em seus processos de ensino e pesquisa. Esta pesquisa se justifica em face da existência de substâncias de natureza química e biológica as quais possuem riscos à saúde e ao meio ambiente e de alguns acidentes já ocorridos em diversas IES no Brasil e exterior. O objetivo da pesquisa foi elaborar diretrizes para a gestão de emergências em acidentes químicos que possam ser aplicadas nos laboratórios de um Instituto de Química de uma Universidade Pública do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório e descritivo, aplicado a um caso estudado, de uma emergência. Realizou-se de revisão em literatura especializada, visitas aos laboratórios, registros fotográficos e entrevistas dirigidas a funcionários, técnicos e professores do IQ. A metodologia de avaliação de vulnerabilidade baseou-se no método dos cinco passos da Federal Emergency Management Agency. O estudo de caso mostrou que o Instituto de Química não possui uma Gestão de Emergências Químicas, com ausência de brigada de incêndio e o não cumprimento de normas técnicas e regulamentares. Apesar disso, existem laboratórios que possuem um perfil satisfatório quanto à segurança e saúde. O estudo mostrou também que a metodologia de Análise de Vulnerabilidade é uma boa ferramenta para elaboração de diretrizes voltadas para um Plano de Emergência, quando conduzida por equipe especializada.
A presente pesquisa destina-se a estudar os incentivos tributários. Espécie de norma tributária indutora, os incentivos tributários ainda não receberam a atenção devida por parte dos estudiosos do direito tributário. Atento ao volume cada vez maior de recursos envolvendo incentivos tributários, assim como a necessidade de se conferir maior transparência e responsabilidade na gestão do gasto público, esse trabalho dedica-se a estudar essa ainda pouco explorada figura, extremando-a de figuras parecidas, com as quais não raras vezes é confundida. Embora não haja uma conceituação constitucional ou legal expressa, é possível afirmar que os incentivos tributários são hipóteses de desoneração tributária, que importam em derrogações às regras gerais de tributação, com o não ingresso de recursos nos cofres públicos, de forma a estimular condutas dos contribuintes, com a finalidade de se atingir fins e objetivos constitucionais. Em virtude de sua natureza híbrida, os incentivos tributários se sujeitam a limitações constitucionais tributárias e econômicas, assim como às limitações orçamentário-financeiras. O principal instrumento de compatibilização entre os incentivos tributários, capacidade contributiva, isonomia e cânones da ordem econômica é o princípio da proporcionalidade. Poder Legislativo, Tribunal de Contas e Poder Judiciário devem fiscalizar e controlar essa espécie de desoneração tributária. O Controle a cargo Poder Legislativo (no âmbito do Poder Legislativo federal) tem deixado muito a desejar, tanto no que concerne ao controle dos limites orçamentário-financeiros, quanto no que diz respeito ao controle dos limites constitucionais tributários e econômicos. O Controle que cabe ao Tribunal de Contas (foi analisado o Tribunal de Contas da União) tem mostrado alguma evolução. Contudo, a análise de alguns julgados do TCU demonstra que há muito a melhorar, especialmente no que concerne à investigação da legitimidade e economicidade. A LRF ostenta caráter de norma geral no que tange aos requisitos para a concessão de incentivos tributários. Eventual descumprimento desses preceitos por leis locais revela verdadeira inconstitucionalidade, passível de controle pelo Poder Judiciário. A atuação do Poder Judiciário, em especial do STF, no controle dos incentivos tributários tem sido bastante tímida e pouco transparente. Na maior parte dos casos, o STF tem se limitado a reafirmar o caráter discricionário dos atos oriundos do Poder Legislativo e Executivo, negando-se a examiná-los. Os pedidos de extensão de incentivos tributários também não tem obtido sucesso, pois o STF faz aplicação irrestrita da cláusula do legislador negativo. Uma solução conciliadora seria o judiciário se valer da declaração de inconstitucionalidade sem a pronúncia de nulidade, permitindo a extensão dos incentivos tributários àqueles casos em que a ilegalidade não reside no incentivo em si mesmo, mas na sua não aplicação aos contribuintes em mesma situação. Muito embora existam limites bem definidos, é possível afirmar que o controle dos incentivos tributários precisa evoluir muito.
Ao longo da história do homem, as universidades têm exercido um papel fundamental na geração de conhecimentos e tecnologias com o fim maior de melhorar a qualidade de vida de nossa sociedade. Em contrapartida, além de produzir os benefícios oriundos da aplicação dos conhecimentos e tecnologias, as pesquisas científicas produzem também diversos tipos de resíduos potencialmente poluidores e tóxicos os quais não estão sendo descartados e tratados corretamente. A falta de políticas institucionais de gerenciamento de resíduos nas universidades além de proporcionar a poluição dos corpos receptores de seus efluentes, a deterioração das tubulações coletoras de esgoto e, danos a eficiência das estações de tratamento de esgoto, também contribui para a geração de um passivo ambiental nas universidades, os quais são acumulados anualmente à espera de tratamento adequado em precárias condições de armazenamento. Dentro deste cenário, o presente estudo visa caracterizar e avaliar o gerenciamento dos resíduos químicos do Laboratório de Engenharia Sanitária (LES) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Quanto aos meios, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas, eletrônicas e documentais, assim como entrevistas com os principais atores do gerenciamento dos resíduos no laboratório foco deste estudo. O estudo revela que o gerenciamento dos resíduos gerados em tal laboratório é realizado de maneira incipiente. As metodologias utilizadas em todas as etapas do gerenciamento, desde a geração dos resíduos até a destinação final dos mesmos carecem de melhorias para também a melhora da qualidade ambiental das atividades de pesquisa e de ensino do laboratório. Além da inexistência de normas internas para a padronização e controle do processo de gerenciamento, o laboratório também carece de estrutura física e financeira para a adequação do processo. A partir do diagnóstico deste cenário, foi possível o reconhecimento de riscos relacionados às características dos reagentes químicos somados as condicionantes ambientais do laboratório, mais especificamente, às condicionantes presentes no local do armazenamento dos resíduos. Tais riscos possuem a natureza de riscos químicos, físicos, toxicidade e riscos de explosão. Ainda na caracterização deste cenário, foi possível o reconhecimento do não cumprimento de legislações pertinentes ao tema. Conclui-se que, de maneira geral, as universidades carecem de investimentos na temática de gestão ambiental nas políticas institucionais e dia-a-dia das universidades. O laboratório em questão também não foge a esta realidade e, por tal razão, também carece de investimentos financeiros, investimentos em treinamento e investimentos na estruturas físicas para todos estes darem suporte a implantação de um gerenciamento de resíduos eficiente e consistente.
This is the River Dart Salmon Action Plan Final document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. This final Salmon Action Plan (SAP) for the River Dart catchment has been produced after consideration of feedback from external consultation. It provides a list of the agreed issues and actions for the next five years to maintain and improve the River Dart salmon stock. The low marine survival (likely to be below 10%) is possibly to be the main cause for the River Dart salmon stock non-compliance with its conservation limit. Actions protecting smolts and maximising spawning activity of returning adults are seen as priorities to contribute to mitigate the low marine survival. Also the lack of information on salmon stock and its habitat is recognised as one main factor limiting the better management of salmon fisheries. Efforts will be focused on gaining more knowledge and improving modelling techniques. The actions presented in this document are perceived as those required to address the important issues and factors limiting the salmon stock. This SAP aims also to promote long term collaboration between the Agency and other interested parties in managing the River Dart salmon stock and fisheries.
This is the River Teign Salmon Action Plan Final document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. This final Salmon Action Plan (SAP) for the River Teign catchment has been produced after consideration of feedback from external consultation. This final plan provides a list of the agreed issues and actions for the next five years to maintain and improve the River Teign salmon stock. An attempt has been made to cost these actions, identify possible sources of funding, partners and the timescale under which they will be dealt with. It indicates how the plan will be managed, i.e., implemented and reviewed, and, summarises progress of on-going actions. The low marine survival (likely to be below 10%) is possibly the main cause for the River Teign salmon stock non-compliance with its conservation limit. Actions protecting smolts and maximising spawning activity of returning adults are seen as priorities to contribute to offset the low marine survival. This SAP aims also to promote long term collaboration between the Agency and other interested parties in managing the River Teign salmon stock and fisheries.
Countries across the world are being challenged to decarbonise their energy systems in response to diminishing fossil fuel reserves, rising GHG emissions and the dangerous threat of climate change. There has been a renewed interest in energy efficiency, renewable energy and low carbon energy as policy‐makers seek to identify and put in place the most robust sustainable energy system that can address this challenge. This thesis seeks to improve the evidence base underpinning energy policy decisions in Ireland with a particular focus on natural gas, which in 2011 grew to have a 30% share of Ireland’s TPER. Natural gas is used in all sectors of the Irish economy and is seen by many as a transition fuel to a low-carbon energy system; it is also a uniquely excellent source of data for many aspects of energy consumption. A detailed decomposition analysis of natural gas consumption in the residential sector quantifies many of the structural drives of change, with activity (R2 = 0.97) and intensity (R2 = 0.69) being the best explainers of changing gas demand. The 2002 residential building regulations are subject to an ex-post evaluation, which using empirical data finds a 44 ±9.5% shortfall in expected energy savings as well as a 13±1.6% level of non-compliance. A detailed energy demand model of the entire Irish energy system is presented together with scenario analysis of a large number of energy efficiency policies, which show an aggregate reduction in TFC of 8.9% compared to a reference scenario. The role for natural gas as a transition fuel over a long time horizon (2005-2050) is analysed using an energy systems model and a decomposition analysis, which shows the contribution of fuel switching to natural gas to be worth 12 percentage points of an overall 80% reduction in CO2 emissions. Finally, an analysis of the potential for CCS in Ireland finds gas CCS to be more robust than coal CCS for changes in fuel prices, capital costs and emissions reduction and the cost optimal location for a gas CCS plant in Ireland is found to be in Cork with sequestration in the depleted gas field of Kinsale.
Prenatal well-being can have significant effects on the mother and developing foetus. Positive psychological interventions, including gratitude and mindfulness, consistently demonstrate benefits for well-being in diverse populations. No research has been conducted on gratitude during pregnancy; the few studies of prenatal mindfulness interventions have demonstrated well-being benefits. The current study examined the effects of gratitude and mindfulness interventions on prenatal maternal well-being, cortisol and birth outcomes. Five studies were conducted. Study 1 was a systematic review of mindfulness intervention effects on cortisol; this highlighted potential benefits of mindfulness but the need for rigorous protocols in future research. In Study 2 a gratitude and a mindfulness intervention were developed and evaluated; findings indicate usefulness of two 3 week interventions. Study 3 examined the effects of these interventions in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) of non-pregnant women, before examining a pregnant group. No significant intervention effects were found in this study, potentially due to insufficient power and poor protocol adherence. Changes in expected directions were observed for most outcomes and the potential utility of a combined gratitude and mindfulness intervention was noted. In Study 4 a gratitude during pregnancy (GDP) scale was developed and the reliability of an existing mindfulness measure (MAAS) was examined in a pregnant group. Both scales were found to be suitable and reliable measures in pregnancy. Study 5 incorporated the findings of the previous four studies to examine of the effect of a combined mindfulness and gratitude intervention with a group of pregnant women. Forty-six participants took part in a 5-week RCT that examined intervention effects on prenatal gratitude, mindfulness, happiness, satisfaction with life, social support, prenatal stress, depression and sleep. Findings indicated that the intervention improved sleep quality and that effects for prenatal distress were approaching significance. Issues of attrition and non-compliance to study protocols were problematic and are discussed. In summary, the current thesis highlights the need for robust measurement, and intervention and cortisol sampling protocols in future research, particularly with pregnant groups. Findings also demonstrate tentative benefits of a gratitude and mindfulness intervention during pregnancy.
The steady-state pharmacokinetic profile of indomethacin was examined in twelve healthy volunteers (4 m, 8 f; 20-34 y) and in 12 elderly subjects (7 m, 5 f; 70-88 y). Two formulations of indomethacin were examined, providing duplicate data for each subject group. The subjects received each formulation of indomethacin (25 mg tid) for 6 days in a single blind crossover fashion. On day 7, after an overnight fast, a final 25 mg dose of indomethacin was given and plasma concentrations measured over the following 12 h. Kinetic parameters Cpmin, Tmax and AUC (0-12 h) were determined. There were no differences in the pharmacokinetic parameters between young and elderly subjects or between data for the two formulations of indomethacin. AUC values (micrograms.ml-1.h), for example, for the two formulations in the young subjects were 5.85 and 6.85 while the values for the elderly subjects were 6.55 and 6.50 respectively. When each treatment period was considered independently there was a significant difference between young and elderly subjects with regard to compliance. The rates of non compliance (over and under compliance) using a capsule count technique were, however, low with a mean maximum value of 5.8% being recorded for the elderly subjects.
Although overfishing is a concern for many fish stocks, it was for a long time only associated with commercial fishing exploitation, with less or no attention being given to the recreational fisheries. Recent research has shown however that the impact of recreational fishing on particular species can be considerable, and that the recreational harvest needs to be taken into account if fisheries are to be accurately assessed and effectively managed. In Portugal, the first recreational fishing regulations were only recently implemented. However, mirroring other European countries, regulations lacked scientific support, and specific knowledge of the activity was limited to a few studies with limited coverage. This thesis aimed to characterize the biological and socioeconomic aspects of the recreational shore angling activity in southern Portugal, to investigate whether the regulations in place were adequate and effective, and to provide recommendations for improved management and conservation of the inshore fisheries resources. A combined aerial-roving survey was conducted to gather data on fishing effort, catch, fishing trips and socioeconomic aspects (including anglers’ perceptions of regulations) of the recreational angling activity. The analysis of anglers’ catches suggested that compliance with daily bag limits was high, with less than 0.5% of creels exceeding the 10 kg angler-1 day-1 bag limit. Overall, 11.5% of the retained fishes were undersized, but non-compliance with minimum size limits was found to be high for some species (e.g. seabass, 73% undersized). In terms of the impact of recreational shore angling, the total estimated catches corresponded to less than 1% of the commercial landings for the same period (shared species). However, shore angling catches for white sea bream (Diplodus sargus) were found to be considerable, corresponding to 65% of the commercial landings (39.4% of total catch). In terms of anglers’ perceptions about the recreational fishing regulations in Portugal, the present study has shown that the majority of anglers accepted the existence of some kind of SRF regulations, but in general there was a partial or total disagreement with the recreational fishing restrictions recently put in place. Most anglers perceived themselves as not being involved in the decision-making process and claimed that some restrictions lacked a meaningful rationale (e.g. prohibition of fishing from piers/jetties). Fishers’ awareness with regard to specific aspects of the restrictions (such as the rationale for minimum size limits) was found to be very limited. During the same period, catches from sport fishing competitions were examined to test for differences with the recreational activity in terms of catches, and evaluate long term trends in catch and mean size of fish. Catches of the sport fishing competitions were found to be different from those observed for recreational fishing, being dominated by different species (e.g. garfish, mullets), and suggesting different fishing strategies of the the two types of anglers. High percentages of undersized fish were observed to be captured (and retained) during the competitions (in particular seabass, with 100% undersized), probably as a result of a single allowable minimum size (AMS) of 15 cm for all species in use in competitions. Lastly, catch and release fishing experiments were carried out to assess post-release mortality of three recreationally important species: two banded sea bream Diplodus vulgaris; black sea bream Spondyliosoma cantharus; and gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata. Post-release mortalities were found to be low (0-12%). The main predictor of mortality for Sparus aurata was anatomical hooking location, with 63% of the fishes that died being deeply hooked. The results support the release of fish, either from mandatory (e.g. minimum landing sizes) or voluntary practices. In summary, this thesis has demonstrated that the impact of recreational fishing for particular species is significant and needs to be taken into account for more effective management and stock assessment purposes. It has also highlighted several management issues that should be addressed in order to promote more adequate regulations in the future and prevent noncompliance issues. A periodic monitoring of the recreational fishing activity including all fishing modes (i.e. spear fishing, boat, and shore angling) would also be beneficial to ensure a timely knowledge on the global recreational fishing activity and support future management actions.