976 resultados para non-clonal plants


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In order to investigate the biological effects of heavy ion radiation at low closes and the different radiosensitivities of growing and non-growing plants. rice at different lift stages (dry seed, wet seed and seedling) were exposed to carbon ions at closes of 0 02, 0.2, 2 and 20 Gy. Radiobiological effects on survival, root growth and mitotic activity, as well as the induction of chromosome aberrations in root meristem. were observed The results show that radiation exposure induces a stimulatory response at lower close and an inhibitory response at higher dose on the mitotic activity of wet seeds and seedlings Cytogenetic damages are induced in both seeds and seedlings by carbon ion radiation at doses as low as 0.02 Gy Compared with seedlings. seeds are more resistant to the lethal damage and the growth rate damage by high doses of carbon ions, but are more sensitive to cytogenetic damage by low closes of irradiation Different types of radiation induced chromosome aberrations are observed between seeds and seedlings. Based on these results, the relationships between low close heavy ion-induced biological effects and the biological materials are discussed.


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Experimental studies of how global changes and human activities affect plant diversity often focus on broad measures of diversity and discuss the implications of these changes for ecosystem function. We examined how experimental warming and grazing affected species within plant groups of direct importance to Tibetan pastoralists: medicinal plants used by humans and palatable plants consumed by livestock. Warming resulted in species losses from both the medicinal and palatable plant groups; however, differential relative vulnerability to warming occurred. With respect to the percent of warming-induced species losses, the overall plant community lost 27%, medicinal plants lost 21%, and non-medicinal plants lost 40% of species. Losses of palatable and non-palatable species were similar to losses in the overall plant community. The deep-rootedness of medicinal plants resulted in lowered sensitivity to warming, whereas the shallow-rootedness of non-medicinal plants resulted in greater sensitivity to warming; the variable rooting depth of palatable and non-palatable plants resulted in an intermediate response to warming. Predicting the vulnerability of plant groups to human activities can be enhanced by knowledge of plant traits, their response to specific drivers, and their distribution within plant groups. Knowledge of the mechanisms through which a driver operates, and the evolutionary interaction of plants with that driver, will aid predictions. Future steps to protect ecosystem services furnished by medicinal and palatable plants will be required under the novel stress of a warmer climate. Grazing may be an important tool in maintaining some of these services under future warming.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen and an important cause of infection, particularly amongst cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. While specific strains capable of patient-to-patient transmission are known, many infections appear to be caused by unique and unrelated strains. There is a need to understand the relationship between strains capable of colonising the CF lung and the broader set of P. aeruginosa isolates found in natural environments. Here we report the results of a multilocus sequence typing (MLST)-based study designed to understand the genetic diversity and population structure of an extensive regional sample of P. aeruginosa isolates from South East Queensland, Australia. The analysis is based on 501 P. aeruginosa isolates obtained from environmental, animal and human (CF and non-CF) sources with particular emphasis on isolates from the Lower Brisbane River and isolates from CF patients obtained from the same geographical region. Overall, MLST identified 274 different sequence types, of which 53 were shared between one or more ecological settings. Our analysis revealed a limited association between genotype and environment and evidence of frequent recombination. We also found that genetic diversity of P. aeruginosa in Queensland, Australia was indistinguishable from that of the global P. aeruginosa population. Several CF strains were encountered frequently in multiple ecological settings; however, the most frequently encountered CF strains were confined to CF patients. Overall, our data confirm a non-clonal epidemic structure and indicate that most CF strains are a random sample of the broader P. aeruginosa population. The increased abundance of some CF strains in different geographical regions is a likely product of chance colonisation events followed by adaptation to the CF lung and horizontal transmission among patients.


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The biochemical responses of Holcus lanatus L. to copper and arsenate exposure were investigated in arsenate-tolerant and -non-tolerant plants from uncontaminated and arsenic/copper-contaminated sites. Increases in lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and phytochelatin (PC) production were correlated with increasing copper and arsenate exposure. In addition, significant differences in biochemical responses were observed between arsenate-tolerant and -non-tolerant plants. Copper and arsenate exposure led to the production of reactive oxygen species, resulting in significant lipid peroxidation in non-tolerant plants. However, SOD activity was suppressed upon metal exposure, possibly due to interference with metallo-enzymes. It was concluded that in non-tolerant plants, rapid arsenate influx resulted in PC production, glutathione depletion and lipid peroxidation. This process would also occur in tolerant plants, but by decreasing the rate of influx, they were able to maintain their constitutive functions, detoxify the metals though PC production and quench reactive oxygen species by SOD activity.


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In Holcus lanatus L. phosphate and arsenate are taken up by the same transport system. Short-term uptake kinetics of the high affinity arsenate transport system were determined in excised roots of arsenate-tolerant and non-tolerant genotypes. In tolerant plants the Vmax of ion uptake in plants grown in phosphate-free media was decreased compared to non-tolerant plants, and the affinity of the uptake system was lower than in the non-tolerant plants. Both the reduction in Vmax and the increase in Km led to reduced arsenate influx into tolerant roots. When the two genotypes were grown in nutrient solution containing high levels of phosphate, there was little change in the uptake kinetics in tolerant plants. In non-tolerant plants, however, there was a marked decrease in the Vmax to the level of the tolerant plants but with little change in the Km. This suggests that the low rate of arsenate uptake over a wide range of differing root phosphate status is due to loss of induction of the synthesis of the arsenate (phosphate) carrier. © 1992 Oxford University Press.


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As alterações climáticas favorecem a ocorrência global de episódios de precipitação e seca extremas, colocando em risco a qualidade da água em sistemas aquáticos usados consumo humano ou recreação. O fenómeno de seca, em particular, será mais frequente e severo, alterando toda a hidrodinâmica dos sistemas aquáticos e, consequentemente, a ecologia das comunidades aquáticas. A ocorrência de blooms de cianobactérias intensificarse- á sob este novo cenário climático. Em Portugal, estudos parcelares em rios e barragens têm sido realizados com enfoque em cianobactérias tóxicas e outras bactérias patogénicas, mas não há trabalhos publicados acerca da composição da comunidade bacteriana (CCB). O presente trabalho pretende colmatar esta falha, com particular atenção para a ocorrência de blooms cianobacterianos, em vários sistemas aquáticos portugueses lóticos e lênticos. Este objectivo foi alcançado utilizando metodologias moleculares, como a técnica rDNA 16S-DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis), independente do cultivo, e a sequenciação. Dados ambientais foram também determinados para correlacionar com as variações sazonais ou espaciais da diversidade da CCB. O impacto da seca na distribuição espacial da CCB foi também investigado. A lagoa da Vela é um caso de estudo especial, devido à vasta documentação sobre a ocorrência de blooms de cianobactérias durante os últimos anos, e várias estirpes isoladas de blooms foram estudadas em mais detalhe. Os resultados mostraram, em geral, perfis de DGGE típicos de verão vs. inverno nos sistemas aquáticos estudados. Nos sistemas lênticos, os filótipos dominantes afiliaram com Cyanobacteria (formas unicelulares, coloniais e filamentosas), eucariotas fototróficos e Actinobacteria, enquanto nos rios, Bacteroidetes e Betaproteobacteria foram dominantes. Nos sistemas lênticos, os factores mais significativos para a sazonalidade da CCB incluíram a temperatura da água, a condutividade e a clorofila a, apesar da variação extrema dos níveis de precipitação, sugerindo que a BCC poderá resistir a mudanças severas causadas pela seca. Nos rios, a sazonalidade da CCB foi principalmente definida pela temperatura e os níveis de amónia. No verão seco de 2005, as barragens do Alentejo (Sul de Portugal) mostraram similaridade na CCB, com filótipos comuns de Cyanobacteria, Actinobacteria e Alphaproteobacteria. No entanto, os perfis de DGGE sugerem filótipos ubíquos em sistemas portugueses geograficamente distantes. Na Lagoa da Vela, a seca conduziu à redução drástica do nível da água e à variação na diversidade espacial da CCB (e cianobactérias dominantes) e potencial tóxico, o que pode ter impacto directo nos utilizadores da lagoa. Os resultados também mostraram a presença de estirpes tóxicas de Microcystis na lagoa e um bloom não clonal de estirpes de Aphanizomenon aphanizomenoides, com diferentes morfótipos, genótipos e ecótipos.


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Parasitic weeds of the genera Striga, Orobanche, and Phelipanche pose a severe problem for agriculture because they are difficult to control and are highly destructive to several crops. The present work was carried out during the period October, 2009 to February, 2012 to evaluate the potential of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to suppress P. ramosa on tomatoes and to investigate the effects of air-dried powder and aqueous extracts from Euphorbia hirta on germination and haustorium initiation in Phelipanche ramosa. The work was divided into three parts: a survey of the indigenous mycorrhizal flora in Sudan, second, laboratory and greenhouse experiments (conducted in Germany and Sudan) to construct a base for the third part, which was a field trial in Sudan. A survey was performed in 2009 in the White Nile state, Sudan to assess AMF spore densities and root colonization in nine fields planted with 13 different important agricultural crops. In addition, an attempt was made to study the relationship between soil physico-chemical properties and AMF spore density, colonization rate, species richness and other diversity indices. The mean percentage of AMF colonization was 34%, ranging from 19-50%. The spore densities (expressed as per 100 g dry soil) retrieved from the rhizosphere of different crops were relatively high, varying from 344 to 1222 with a mean of 798. There was no correlation between spore densities in soil and root colonization percentage. A total of 45 morphologically classifiable species representing ten genera of AMF were detected with no correlation between the number of species found in a soil sample and the spore density. The most abundant genus was Glomus (20 species). The AMF diversity expressed by the Shannon–Weaver index was highest in sorghum (H\= 2.27) and Jews mallow (H\= 2.13) and lowest in alfalfa (H\= 1.4). With respect to crop species, the genera Glomus and Entrophospora were encountered in almost all crops, except for Entrophospora in alfalfa. Kuklospora was found only in sugarcane and sorghum. The genus Ambispora was recovered only in mint and okra, while mint and onion were the only species on which no Acaulospora was found. The hierarchical cluster analysis based on the similarity among AMF communities with respect to crop species overall showed that species compositions were relatively similar with the highest dissimilarity of about 25% separating three of the mango samples and the four sorghum samples from all other samples. Laboratory experiments studied the influence of root and stem exudates of three tomato varieties infected by three different Glomus species on germination of P. ramosa. Root exudates were collected 21or 42 days after transplanting (DAT) and stem exudates 42 DAT and tested for their effects on germination of P. ramosa seeds in vitro. The tomato varieties studied did not have an effect on either mycorrhizal colonization or Phelipanche germination. Germination in response to exudates from 42 day old mycorrhizal plants was significantly reduced in comparison to non-mycorrhizal controls. Germination of P. ramosa in response to root exudates from 21 day old plants was consistently higher than for 42 day-old plants (F=121.6; P<.0001). Stem diffusates from non-mycorrhizal plants invariably elicited higher germination than diffusates from the corresponding mycorrhizal ones and differences were mostly statistically significant. A series of laboratory experiments was undertaken to investigate the effects of aqueous extracts from Euphorbia hirta on germination, radicle elongation, and haustorium initiation in P. ramosa. P. ramosa seeds conditioned in water and subsequently treated with diluted E. hirta extract (10-25% v/v) displayed considerable germination (47-62%). Increasing extract concentration to 50% or more reduced germination in response to the synthetic germination stimulants GR24 and Nijmegen-1 in a concentration dependent manner. P. ramosa germlings treated with diluted Euphorbia extract (10-75 % v/v) displayed haustorium initiation comparable to 2, 5-Dimethoxy-p-benzoquinon (DMBQ) at 20 µM. Euphorbia extract applied during conditioning reduced haustorium initiation in a concentration dependent manner. E. hirta extract or air-dried powder, applied to soil, induced considerable P. ramosa germination. Pot experiments were undertaken in a glasshouse at the University of Kassel, Germany, to investigate the effects of P. ramosa seed bank on tomato growth parameters. Different Phelipanche seed banks were established by mixing the parasite seeds (0 - 32 mg) with the potting medium in each pot. P. ramosa reduced all tomato growth parameters measured and the reduction progressively increased with seed bank. Root and total dry matter accumulation per tomato plant were most affected. P. ramosa emergence, number of tubercles, and tubercle dry weight increased with the seed bank and were, invariably, maximal with the highest seed bank. Another objective was to determine if different AM fungi differ in their effects on the colonization of tomatoes with P. ramosa and the performance of P. ramosa after colonization. Three AMF species viz. GIomus intraradices, Glomus mosseae and Glomus Sprint® were used in this study. For the infection, P. ramosa seeds (8 mg) were mixed with the top 5 cm soil in each pot. No mycorrhizal colonization was detected in un-inoculated control plants. P. ramosa infested, mycorrhiza inoculated tomato plants had significantly lower AMF colonization compared to plants not infested with P. ramosa. Inoculation with G. intraradices, G. mosseae and Glomus Sprint® reduced the number of emerged P. ramosa plants by 29.3, 45.3 and 62.7% and the number of tubercles by 22.2, 42 and 56.8%, respectively. Mycorrhizal root colonization was positively correlated with number of branches and total dry matter of tomatoes. Field experiments on tomato undertaken in 2010/12 were only partially successful because of insect infestations which resulted in the complete destruction of the second run of the experiment. The effects of the inoculation with AMF, the addition of 10 t ha-1 filter mud (FM), an organic residues from sugar processing and 36 or 72 kg N ha-1 on the infestation of tomatoes with P. ramosa were assessed. In un-inoculated control plants, AMF colonization ranged between 13.4 to 22.1% with no significant differences among FM and N treatments. Adding AMF or FM resulted in a significant increase of branching in the tomato plants with no additive effects. Dry weights were slightly increased through FM application when no N was applied and significantly at 36 kg N ha-1. There was no effect of FM on the time until the first Phelipanche emerged while AMF and N application interacted. Especially AMF inoculation resulted in a tendency to delayed P. ramosa emergence. The marketable yield was extremely low due to the strong fruit infestation with insects mainly whitefly Bemisia tabaci and tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta). Tomatoes inoculated with varied mycorrhiza species displayed different response to the insect infestation, as G. intraradices significantly reduced the infestation, while G. mosseae elicited higher insect infestation. The results of the present thesis indicate that there may be a potential of developing management strategies for P. ramosa targeting the pre-attachment stage namely germination and haustorial initiation using plant extracts. However, ways of practical use need to be developed. If such treatments can be combined with AMF inoculation also needs to be investigated. Overall, it will require a systematic approach to develop management tools that are easily applicable and affordable to Sudanese farmers. It is well-known that proper agronomical practices such as the design of an optimum crop rotation in cropping systems, reduced tillage, promotion of cover crops, the introduction of multi-microbial inoculants, and maintenance of proper phosphorus levels are advantageous if the mycorrhiza protection method is exploited against Phelipanche ramosa infestation. Without the knowledge about the biology of the parasitic weeds by the farmers and basic preventive measures such as hygiene and seed quality control no control strategy will be successful, however.


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Screenhouse experiments conducted in Kenya showed that inoculation of cabbage seedlings with Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV), either alone, or in combination with Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV), reduced the number and weight of marketable harvested heads. When viruses were inoculated simultaneously, 25% of cabbage heads were non-marketable, representing 20-fold loss compared with control. By contrast, inoculation with CaMV alone had insignificant effects on cabbage yield. This suggests that TuMV is the more detrimental of these pathogens, and its management should be a priority. Early exposure to TuMV produced cabbages that were 50% lighter than non-infected plants, but later infection was less damaging suggesting that controlling virus infection at the seedling stage is more important. TuMV was far less damaging to kale than it was to cabbage; although high proportions of TuMV-inoculated kale plants showed symptoms (> 90%), the marketability and quality of leaves were not significantly reduced, and no clear relationship existed between timing of infection and subsequent crop losses. Early inoculation of Swiss chard with Beet mosaic virus (BtMV) significantly impaired leaf quality (similar to 50% reduction in marketable leaf production), but the impact of disease was greatest in plants that had been inoculated at maturity, where average leaf losses were two and a half times those recorded in virus-free plants. Disease-management of BtMV in Swiss chard is important, therefore, not only at the seedling stage, but particularly when plants are transplanted from nursery to field.


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Two controlled microcosm experiments aimed at a critical re-assessment of the contributions of divergent arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi to plant mineral nutrition were established that specifically targeted Plantago lanceolata–Glomus intraradices (B.B/E) and –Gigaspora margarita (BEG 34) symbioses developed in a native, nutrient limited, coastal dune soil. Plant tissue nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) status as well as plant growth parameters and levels of mycorrhizal colonization were assessed at harvest. In addition to the general well-established mycorrhizal facilitation of P uptake, the study was able to demonstrate a G. intraradices-specific contribution to improved plant nitrogen and potassium nutrition. In the two respective experiments, G. intraradices-inoculated plants had 27.8% and 40.8% more total N and 55.8% and 23.3% more total K when compared to Gi. margarita inoculated counterparts. Dissimilar overall contribution of the two isolates to plant nutrition was identified in AM-genus specific differences in plant tissue N:P:K ratios. G. intraradices inoculated and non-mycorrhizal plants generally exhibited N:P:K ratios indicative of P limitation whereas for Gi.margarita mycorrhizal plants, corresponding ratios strongly implied either N or K limitation. The study provides further evidence highlighting AM functional biodiversity in respect to plant nutrient limitation experienced by mycorrhizal P. lanceolata in an ecologically relevant soil system.


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To manage agroecosystems for multiple ecosystem services, we need to know whether the management of one service has positive, negative, or no effects on other services. We do not yet have data on the interactions between pollination and pest-control services. However, we do have data on the distributions of pollinators and natural enemies in agroecosystems. Therefore, we compared these two groups of ecosystem service providers, to see if the management of farms and agricultural landscapes might have similar effects on the abundance and richness of both. In a meta-analysis, we compared 46 studies that sampled bees, predatory beetles, parasitic wasps, and spiders in fields, orchards, or vineyards of food crops. These studies used the proximity or proportion of non-crop or natural habitats in the landscapes surrounding these crops (a measure of landscape complexity), or the proximity or diversity of non-crop plants in the margins of these crops (a measure of local complexity), to explain the abundance or richness of these beneficial arthropods. Compositional complexity at both landscape and local scales had positive effects on both pollinators and natural enemies, but different effects on different taxa. Effects on bees and spiders were significantly positive, but effects on parasitoids and predatory beetles (mostly Carabidae and Staphylinidae) were inconclusive. Landscape complexity had significantly stronger effects on bees than it did on predatory beetles and significantly stronger effects in non-woody rather than in woody crops. Effects on richness were significantly stronger than effects on abundance, but possibly only for spiders. This abundance-richness difference might be caused by differences between generalists and specialists, or between arthropods that depend on non-crop habitats (ecotone species and dispersers) and those that do not (cultural species). We call this the ‘specialist-generalist’ or ‘cultural difference’ mechanism. If complexity has stronger effects on richness than abundance, it might have stronger effects on the stability than the magnitude of these arthropod-mediated ecosystem services. We conclude that some pollinators and natural enemies seem to have compatible responses to complexity, and it might be possible to manage agroecosystems for the benefit of both. However, too few studies have compared the two, and so we cannot yet conclude that there are no negative interactions between pollinators and natural enemies, and no trade-offs between pollination and pest-control services. Therefore, we suggest a framework for future research to bridge these gaps in our knowledge.


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We predicted that P-fertiliser residues will limit the establishment of native plant species and their mycorrhizas to old-fields in the wheat-growing region (i.e. the wheatbelt) of Western Australia. To test this prediction, we assessed the growth and P uptake of seedlings of three native plant species to phosphate addition and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) in a pot study. The native plant species were Acacia acuminata Benth. (Mimosaceae), Eucalyptus loxophleba Benth. subsp. loxophleba (Myrtaceae) and Hakea preissii Meisn. (Proteaceae); and each pot contained one seedling. P was added to field soil to mimic pre-agricultural (P0), old-field (P1) and 10 times old-field (P10) soils. AM inoculant, which was a mix of Scutellospora calospora (Nicolson and Gerdemann) Walker and Sanders, Glomus intraradices Schenck and Smith and Glomus mosseae (Nicolson and Gerdemann) Gerdemann and Trappe, was added to half of the pots. After 12 weeks, the biomass and P uptake of the mycorrhizal A. acuminata were greater than those of the non-mycorrhizal plants across all P treatments. Plant biomass decreased significantly with increasing P addition, yet this species was apparently unable to suppress its mycorrhizal colonisation at high P despite this reduction in growth. In contrast, mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal E. loxophleba subsp. loxophleba were of a similar biomass after 12 weeks; maximum biomass was attained at intermediate (old-field) levels of P. P uptake increased with increasing P supply, beyond that required to attain maximum biomass. AM did not form on H. preissii. P uptake increased with increasing P supply for this species also. Overall, it is the apparent inability of these species to down-regulate P uptake rather than a lack of mycorrhizal symbiosis that will constrain their establishment on wheatbelt old-fields.


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It is known that roots can respond to patches of fertility; however, root proliferation is often too slow to exploit resources fully, and organic nutrient patches may be broken down and leached, immobilized or chemically fixed before they are invaded by the root system. The ability of fungal hyphae to exploit resource patches is far greater than that of roots due to their innate physiological and morphological plasticity, which allows comprehensive exploration and rapid colonization of resource patches in soils. The fungal symbionts of ectomycorrhizal plants excrete significant quantities of enzymes such as chitinases, phosphatases and proteases. These might allow the organic residue to be tapped directly for nutrients such as N and P. Pot experiments conducted with nutrient-stressed ectomycorrhizal and control willow plants showed that when high quality organic nutrient patches were added, they were colonized rapidly by the ectomycorrhizal mycelium. These established willows (0.5 m tall) were colonized by Hebeloma syrjense P. Karst. for 1 year prior to nutrient patch addition. Within days after patch addition, colour changes in the leaves of the mycorrhizal plants (reflecting improved nutrition) were apparent, and after I month the concentration of N and P in the foliage of mycorrhizal plants was significantly greater than that in non-mycorrhizal plants subject to the same nutrient addition. It seems likely that the mycorrhizal plants were able to compete effectively with the wider soil microbiota and tap directly into the high quality organic resource patch via their extra-radical mycelium. We hypothesize that ectomycorrhizal plants may reclaim some of the N and P invested in seed production by direct recycling from failed seeds in the soil. The rapid exploitation of similar discrete, transient, high-quality nutrient patches may have led to underestimations when determining the nutritional benefits of ectomycorrhizal colonization.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O pepino (Cucumis sativus L.) é, dentre os produtos hortícolas, um dos mais visados para o cultivo em estufas no Brasil devido ao ciclo vegetativo curto e ao elevado valor econômico no período da entressafra. Estudou-se, em condições de ambiente protegido, a influência de diferentes cores de cobertura plástica de solo no florescimento e na produção de pepino híbrido 'Yoshinari' enxertado ou não sobre abóbora híbrida 'Ikky'. Os tratamentos de cobertura foram: preto, preto pintado de branco, verde, e sem cobertura. Os tratamentos cobertos com plástico e sem enxertia apresentaram florescimento com distribuição mais uniforme na planta. O número de flores foi superior no tratamento preto/branco enxertado. Para as plantas não enxertadas, todas as coberturas favoreceram o florescimento. A enxertia favoreceu o florescimento somente para os tratamentos com plástico preto ou verde. A fixação dos frutos aumentou pelo uso de cobertura plástica, mas a enxertia não teve influência. A distribuição uniforme do florescimento manteve-se na frutificação apenas para os tratamentos com plantas enxertadas e cobertura do solo com plástico preto ou verde. Tanto o uso de cobertura plástica quanto a enxertia favoreceram a colheita precoce. Os frutos de melhor qualidade e as maiores produções, em número de frutos, foram obtidos nos tratamentos preto e preto/branco, não enxertados. A enxertia 'Yoshinari'/'Ikky' provocou o aparecimento de frutos mais grossos e menores, fora do padrão de comercialização.