953 resultados para natural user interface
Background: Dementia is a multifaceted disorder that impairs cognitive functions, such as memory, language, and executive functions necessary to plan, organize, and prioritize tasks required for goal-directed behaviors. In most cases, individuals with dementia experience difficulties interacting with physical and social environments. The purpose of this study was to establish ecological validity and initial construct validity of a fire evacuation Virtual Reality Day-Out Task (VR-DOT) environment based on performance profiles as a screening tool for early dementia. Objective: The objectives were (1) to examine the relationships among the performances of 3 groups of participants in the VR-DOT and traditional neuropsychological tests employed to assess executive functions, and (2) to compare the performance of participants with mild Alzheimer’s-type dementia (AD) to those with amnestic single-domain mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and healthy controls in the VR-DOT and traditional neuropsychological tests used to assess executive functions. We hypothesized that the 2 cognitively impaired groups would have distinct performance profiles and show significantly impaired independent functioning in ADL compared to the healthy controls. Methods: The study population included 3 groups: 72 healthy control elderly participants, 65 amnestic MCI participants, and 68 mild AD participants. A natural user interface framework based on a fire evacuation VR-DOT environment was used for assessing physical and cognitive abilities of seniors over 3 years. VR-DOT focuses on the subtle errors and patterns in performing everyday activities and has the advantage of not depending on a subjective rating of an individual person. We further assessed functional capacity by both neuropsychological tests (including measures of attention, memory, working memory, executive functions, language, and depression). We also evaluated performance in finger tapping, grip strength, stride length, gait speed, and chair stands separately and while performing VR-DOTs in order to correlate performance in these measures with VR-DOTs because performance while navigating a virtual environment is a valid and reliable indicator of cognitive decline in elderly persons. Results: The mild AD group was more impaired than the amnestic MCI group, and both were more impaired than healthy controls. The novel VR-DOT functional index correlated strongly with standard cognitive and functional measurements, such as mini-mental state examination (MMSE; rho=0.26, P=.01) and Bristol Activities of Daily Living (ADL) scale scores (rho=0.32, P=.001). Conclusions: Functional impairment is a defining characteristic of predementia and is partly dependent on the degree of cognitive impairment. The novel virtual reality measures of functional ability seem more sensitive to functional impairment than qualitative measures in predementia, thus accurately differentiating from healthy controls. We conclude that VR-DOT is an effective tool for discriminating predementia and mild AD from controls by detecting differences in terms of errors, omissions, and perseverations while measuring ADL functional ability.
In this paper we present a user-centered interface for a scheduling system. The purpose of this interface is to provide graphical and interactive ways of defining a scheduling problem. To create such user interface an evaluation-centered user interaction development method was adopted: the star life cycle. The created prototype comprises the Task Module and the Scheduling Problem Module. The first one allows users to define a sequence of operations, i.e., a task. The second one enables a scheduling problem definition, which consists in a set of tasks. Both modules are equipped with a set of real time validations to assure the correct definition of the necessary data input for the scheduling module of the system. The usability evaluation allowed us to measure the ease of interaction and observe the different forms of interaction provided by each participant, namely the reactions to the real time validation mechanism.
Novel input modalities such as touch, tangibles or gestures try to exploit human's innate skills rather than imposing new learning processes. However, despite the recent boom of different natural interaction paradigms, it hasn't been systematically evaluated how these interfaces influence a user's performance or whether each interface could be more or less appropriate when it comes to: 1) different age groups; and 2) different basic operations, as data selection, insertion or manipulation. This work presents the first step of an exploratory evaluation about whether or not the users' performance is indeed influenced by the different interfaces. The key point is to understand how different interaction paradigms affect specific target-audiences (children, adults and older adults) when dealing with a selection task. 60 participants took part in this study to assess how different interfaces may influence the interaction of specific groups of users with regard to their age. Four input modalities were used to perform a selection task and the methodology was based on usability testing (speed, accuracy and user preference). The study suggests a statistically significant difference between mean selection times for each group of users, and also raises new issues regarding the “old” mouse input versus the “new” input modalities.
The conception of IoT (Internet of Things) is accepted as the future tendency of Internet among academia and industry. It will enable people and things to be connected at anytime and anyplace, with anything and anyone. IoT has been proposed to be applied into many areas such as Healthcare, Transportation,Logistics, and Smart environment etc. However, this thesis emphasizes on the home healthcare area as it is the potential healthcare model to solve many problems such as the limited medical resources, the increasing demands for healthcare from elderly and chronic patients which the traditional model is not capable of. A remarkable change in IoT in semantic oriented vision is that vast sensors or devices are involved which could generate enormous data. Methods to manage the data including acquiring, interpreting, processing and storing data need to be implemented. Apart from this, other abilities that IoT is not capable of are concluded, namely, interoperation, context awareness and security & privacy. Context awareness is an emerging technology to manage and take advantage of context to enable any type of system to provide personalized services. The aim of this thesis is to explore ways to facilitate context awareness in IoT. In order to realize this objective, a preliminary research is carried out in this thesis. The most basic premise to realize context awareness is to collect, model, understand, reason and make use of context. A complete literature review for the existing context modelling and context reasoning techniques is conducted. The conclusion is that the ontology-based context modelling and ontology-based context reasoning are the most promising and efficient techniques to manage context. In order to fuse ontology into IoT, a specific ontology-based context awareness framework is proposed for IoT applications. In general, the framework is composed of eight components which are hardware, UI (User Interface), Context modelling, Context fusion, Context reasoning, Context repository, Security unit and Context dissemination. Moreover, on the basis of TOVE (Toronto Virtual Enterprise), a formal ontology developing methodology is proposed and illustrated which consists of four stages: Specification & Conceptualization, Competency Formulation, Implementation and Validation & Documentation. In addition, a home healthcare scenario is elaborated by listing its well-defined functionalities. Aiming at representing this specific scenario, the proposed ontology developing methodology is applied and the ontology-based model is developed in a free and open-source ontology editor called Protégé. Finally, the accuracy and completeness of the proposed ontology are validated to show that this proposed ontology is able to accurately represent the scenario of interest.
The number of overweight people has increased in the last few years. Factors such as attention to diet and changes in lifestyle are crucial in the prevention and control of obesity and diseases related to it. Experts believe that such actions are most effective when initiated during childhood, and that children raised in an environment that encourages physical activity ultimately become healthier adults. However, to arouse and maintain interest in such activities represent a major challenge, which are initially perceived as repetitive and boring, and, thus, soon abandoned. Computer games, traditionally seen as stimulants to a sedentary lifestyle are changing this perception using non-conventional controls that require constant movement of the player. Applications that combine the playfulness of such games to physical activity through devices, like Microsoft Kinect, might become interesting tools in this scenario, by using the familiarity of Natural User Interfaces along with the challenge and the fun of video games, in order to make attractive exercise routines for schoolchildren. The project carried out consists of an exergame composed of several activities designed and implemented with the participation of a Physical Educator, aimed at children between eight and ten years old, whose performance and progress can be remotely monitored by a professional via web interface. The application arising from this work was accompanied by tests with a group of graduating Physical Education students from the University of Rio Verde GO, and subsequently validated through questionnaires whose results are shown on this work.
Relevant past events can be remembered when visualizing related pictures. The main difficulty is how to find these photos in a large personal collection. Query definition and image annotation are key issues to overcome this problem. The former is relevant due to the diversity of the clues provided by our memory when recovering a past moment and the later because images need to be annotated with information regarding those clues to be retrieved. Consequently, tools to recover past memories should deal carefully with these two tasks. This paper describes a user interface designed to explore pictures from personal memories. Users can query the media collection in several ways and for this reason an iconic visual language to define queries is proposed. Automatic and semi-automatic annotation is also performed using the image content and the audio information obtained when users show their images to others. The paper also presents the user interface evaluation based on tests with 58 participants.
O intuito principal desta Tese é criar um interface de Dados entre uma fonte de informação e fornecimento de Rotas para turistas e disponibilizar essa informação através de um sistema móvel interactivo de navegação e visualização desses mesmos dados. O formato tecnológico será portátil e orientado à mobilidade (PDA) e deverá ser prático, intuitivo e multi-facetado, permitindo boa usabilidade a públicos de várias faixas etárias. Haverá uma componente de IA (Inteligência Artificial), que irá usar a informação fornecida para tomar decisões ponderadas tendo em conta uma diversidade de aspectos. O Sistema a desenvolver deverá ser, assim, capaz de lidar com imponderáveis (alterações de rota, gestão de horários, cancelamento de pontos de visita, novos pontos de visita) e, finalmente, deverá ajudar o turista a gerir o seu tempo entre Pontos de Interesse (POI – Points os Interest). Deverá também permitir seguir ou não um dado percurso pré-definido, havendo possibilidade de cenários de exploração de POIs, sugeridos a partir de sugestões in loco, similares a Locais incluídos no trajecto, que se enquadravam no perfil dos Utilizadores. O âmbito geográfico de teste deste projecto será a zona ribeirinha do porto, por ser um ex-líbris da cidade e, simultaneamente, uma zona com muitos desafios ao nível geográfico (com a inclinação) e ao nível do grande número de Eventos e Locais a visitar.
A educação é uma área bastante importante no desenvolvimento humano e tem vindo a adaptar-se às novas tecnologias. Tentam-se encontrar novas maneiras de ensinar de modo a obter um rendimento cada vez maior na aprendizagem das pessoas. Com o aparecimento de novas tecnologias como os computadores e a Internet, a concepção de aplicações digitais educativas cresceu e a necessidade de instruir cada vez melhor os alunos leva a que estas aplicações precisem de um interface que consiga leccionar de uma maneira rápida e eficiente. A combinação entre o ensino com o auxílio dessas novas tecnologias e a educação à distância deu origem ao e-Learning (ensino à distância). Através do ensino à distância, as possibilidades de aumento de conhecimento dos alunos aumentaram e a informação necessária tornou-se disponível a qualquer hora em qualquer lugar com acesso à Internet. Mas os cursos criados online tinham custos altos e levavam muito tempo a preparar o que gerou um problema para quem os criava. Para recuperar o investimento realizado decidiu-se dividir os conteúdos em módulos capazes de serem reaproveitados em diferentes contextos e diferentes tipos de utilizadores. Estes conteúdos modulares foram denominados Objectos de Aprendizagem. Nesta tese, é abordado o estudo dos Objectos de Aprendizagem e a sua evolução ao longo dos tempos em termos de interface com o utilizador. A concepção de um interface que seja natural e simples de utilizar nem sempre é fácil e independentemente do contexto em que se insere, requer algum conhecimento de regras que façam com que o utilizador que use determinada aplicação consiga trabalhar com um mínimo de desempenho. Na concepção de Objectos de Aprendizagem, áreas de complexidade elevada como a Medicina levam a que professores ou doutores sintam alguma dificuldade em criar um interface com conteúdos educativos capaz de ensinar com eficiência os alunos, devido ao facto de grande parte deles desconhecerem as técnicas e regras que levam ao desenvolvimento de um interface de uma aplicação. Através do estudo dessas regras e estilos de interacção torna-se mais fácil a criação de um bom interface e ao longo desta tese será estudado e proposto uma ferramenta que ajude tanto na criação de Objectos de Aprendizagem como na concepção do respectivo interface.
Desenvolvimento do sistema de controlo de um braço robotizado e respetiva interface com o utilizador
A robótica tem evoluído de forma significativa nos últimos anos e passa a ser indispensável em várias aplicações nas áreas da engenharia, aeronáutica, medicina, entre outras. O estado da arte do presente trabalho está dividido em duas partes, uma que aborda vários aspetos relacionados com a robótica e outra com os aspetos da fundamentação matemática por de trás da robótica, porque para controlar o robô é necessário implementar expressões matemáticas para o poder controlar. Neste trabalho é apresentado um sistema de controlo do braço robótico MENTOR e o desenvolvimento de uma interface para o utilizador. Para o controlo do braço robótico foi necessário calcular a cinemática direta e inversa, para que se possa obter os ângulos das juntas para uma dada posição ou qual é a posição final do braço robótico para um valor das juntas. O sistema é bastante flexível e foi desenvolvido para ser utilizado essencialmente para aprendizagem de robótica, podendo no entanto ser utilizado em outras aplicações.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
The participation of the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA (Stuttgart, Germany) and the companies User Interface Design GmbH (Ludwigsburg, Germany) plus MLR System GmbH (Ludwigsburg, Germany) enabled the research and findings presented in this paper; we would like to namely mention Birgit Graf and Theo Jacobs (Fraunhofer IPA) furthermore Peter Klein and Christiane Hartmann (User Interface Design GmbH).
Este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de um módulo capaz de medir a intensidade das vibrações sofridas por um tenista no braço e ombro durante um jogo. Numa primeira fase foi estudada a biomecânica do braço humano e a biomecânica dos movimentos envolvidos no ténis. Foi realizada uma pesquisa sobre os dispositivos MEMs mais adequados bem como o hardware e software a utilizar, tendo sido analisados os requisitos do sistema a implementar. Foi desenvolvido um protótipo electrónico microcontrolado compacto e de baixo custo baseado na utilização de sensores microeletromecânicos (MEMs) de aceleração, permitindo obter informações biomecânicas do desportista e monitoriza-lo durante o treino de maneira não evasiva, possibilitando que ele esteja no seu ambiente natural de treino. O sistema envia as informações dos sensores para um PC através da porta USB sendo estas processados no mesmo. Foi desenvolvida uma interface gráfica intuitiva, para a apresentação dos dados resultantes das medidas, de fácil leitura pelos treinadores. Esta interface grava e apresenta os dados em tempo real. Os testes de campo foram realizados no campo de ténis que existe na Quinta das Freiras em Rio Tinto. O protótipo é de fácil fixação no atleta e permite a monitorização no local de treino sendo pequeno ((20x15mm) e muito leve (2g), tornando-se uma alternativa versátil para o auxilio de atletas e treinadores, aperfeiçoamento da técnica e como ferramenta de pesquisa na área de educação física.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
This research seeks to design and implement a WebGIS application allowing high school students to work with information related to the disciplinary competencies of the competency-teaching model, in Mexico. This paradigm assumes knowledge to be acquired through the application of new technologies and to link it with everyday life situations of students. The WebGIS provides access to maps regarding natural risks in Mexico, e.g. volcanism, seismic activities, or hurricanes; the prototype's user interface was designed with special emphasis on scholar needs for high school students.
Eye tracking as an interface to operate a computer is under research for a while and new systems are still being developed nowadays that provide some encouragement to those bound to illnesses that incapacitates them to use any other form of interaction with a computer. Although using computer vision processing and a camera, these systems are usually based on head mount technology being considered a contact type system. This paper describes the implementation of a human-computer interface based on a fully non-contact eye tracking vision system in order to allow people with tetraplegia to interface with a computer. As an assistive technology, a graphical user interface with special features was developed including a virtual keyboard to allow user communication, fast access to pre-stored phrases and multimedia and even internet browsing. This system was developed with the focus on low cost, user friendly functionality and user independency and autonomy.