851 resultados para national account management
A cikk azt a kérdést vizsgálja, hogy milyen szerepet töltenek be a multinacionális vállalatok leányvállalatai a hazai klaszterekben, milyen a kapcsolatuk a klasztertag kis- és középvállalatokkal többek között a közös innovációban, a tudásközvetítésben, a klaszterek reputációjának növelésében. A felderítő kutatás a témát a hazai klaszterfejlesztési program, a Pólus Program által életre hívott három, úgynevezett akkreditált klaszter menedzsereivel, a klasztertag multinacionális vállalatok (MNV-k) hazai leányvállalatainak képviselőivel és a klasztertag KKV-k vezetőivel készült interjúk alapján mutatja be. A téma relevanciáját a program által potenciálisan indukált együttműködési folyamatok adják, mivel a klaszterfejlesztési pályázati konstrukciók úgy lettek kialakítva, hogy a klasztertag KKV-knak érdemes legyen nagyvállalatot is bevonniuk a közös innovációs és kutatás-fejlesztési projektekbe. A kutatási eredmények alapján az MNV leányvállalatainak leginkább a globális trendek és standardok klaszterbeli elterjesztésében van meghatározó szerepük, illetve a KKV-k és leányvállalatok közötti üzleti kapcsolatok alakításában kiemelt szerepe van a klasztermenedzsment szervezet tevékenységének. / === / The paper focuses on the topic which deals with the role of subsidiaries of multinational companies (MNC’s) in Hungarian industrial clusters in the fields of common innovation, knowledge transfer, and increasing the cluster’s reputation. The findings of the paper are based on an explorative research. Interviews were made with cluster managers, representatives of MNC’s subsidiaries, leaders of small and medium size (SME’s) enterprises operating in three accredited clusters created by the Hungarian cluster development program, the Pole Program. The relevance of the topic is given by the Program, which has induced potential cooperation between MNC’s subsidiaries and domestic SME’s in cluster environment in a way so the members of the cluster – SME’s and subsidiaries – were driven to cooperate in common innovation and R+D projects. The author’s research results suggest that MNC’s subsidiaries in Hungarian clusters seem to play a key role in the dissemination of global industrial trends and standards between the cluster members. The national cluster management organization can also play a decisive role in shaping business relationship between MNC’s and SME’s.
A cikk azt a kérdést vizsgálja, hogy milyen szerepet töltenek be a multinacionális vállalatok leányvállalatai a hazai klaszterekben, milyen a kapcsolatuk a klasztertag kis- és középvállalatokkal többek között a közös innovációban, a tudásközvetítésben, a klaszterek reputációjának növelésében. A felderítő kutatás a témát a hazai klaszterfejlesztési program, a Pólus Program által életre hívott három, úgynevezett akkreditált klaszter menedzsereivel, a klasztertag multinacionális vállalatok (MNV-k) hazai leányvállalatainak képviselőivel és a klasztertag KKV-k vezetőivel készült interjúk alapján mutatja be. A téma relevanciáját a program által potenciálisan indukált együttműködési folyamatok adják, mivel a klaszterfejlesztési pályázati konstrukciók úgy lettek kialakítva, hogy a klasztertag KKV-knak érdemes legyen nagyvállalatot is bevonniuk a közös innovációs és kutatás-fejlesztési projektekbe. A kutatási eredmények alapján az MNV leányvállalatainak leginkább a globális trendek és standardok klaszterbeli elterjesztésében van meghatározó szerepük, illetve a KKV-k és leányvállalatok közötti üzleti kapcsolatok alakításában kiemelt szerepe van a klasztermenedzsment-szervezet tevékenységének. ----- Abstract: The paper focuses on the topic which deals with the role of subsidiaries of multinational companies (MNC’s) in Hungarian industrial clusters in the fields of common innovation, knowledge transfer, and increasing the cluster’s reputation. The findings of the paper are based on an explorative research. Interviews were made with cluster managers, representatives of MNC’s subsidiaries, leaders of small and medium size (SME’s) enterprises operating in three accredited clusters created by the Hungarian cluster development program, the Pole Program. The relevance of the topic is given by the Program, which has induced potential cooperation between MNC’s subsidiaries and domestic SME’s in cluster environment in a way so the members of the cluster – SME’s and subsidiaries – were driven to cooperate in common innovation and R+D projects. Our research results suggest that MNC’s subsidiaries in Hungarian clusters seem to play a key role in the dissemination of global industrial trends and standards between the cluster members. The national cluster management organization can also play a decisive role in shaping business relationship between MNC’s and SME’s.
This thesis studies, in collaboration with a Finnish logistics service company, gainsharing and the development of a gainsharing models in a logistics outsourcing context. The purpose of the study is to create various gainsharing model variations for the use of a service provider and its customers in order to develop and enhance the customer’s processes and operations, create savings and improve the collaboration between the companies. The study concentrates on offering gainsharing model alternatives for companies operating in internal logistics outsourcing context. Additionally, the prerequisites for the gainsharing arrangement are introduced. In the beginning of the study an extensive literature review is conducted. There are three main themes explored which are the collaboration in an outsourcing context, key account management and gainsharing philosophy. The customer expectations and experiences are gathered by interviewing case company’s employees and its key customers. In order to design the gainsharing model prototypes, customers and other experts’ knowledge and experiences are utilized. The result of this thesis is five gainsharing model variations that are based on the empirical and theoretical data. In addition, the instructions related to each created model are given to the case company, but are not available in this paper
Objetivo: realizar un diagnóstico respecto a la oferta demanda de hemocomponentes, en el contexto epidemiológico colombiano para que sirva de base en la formulación de futuros modelos logísticos de cadena de suministro que permita responder eficientemente a las necesidades transfusionales del país Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo basado en las fuentes oficiales de información colombiana respecto a condiciones epidemiológicas poblacionales y su relación respecto a captación y transfusión de sangre, así como las posibilidades de conexiones aéreas. Resultados: actualmente 62.3% de la captación es aportada principalmente por 19% de los bancos de sangre del país (16 / 82), ubicados en 8 ciudades del país las cuales evidencian mejores condiciones de salud e índices de densidad poblacional superiores al promedio nacional. Adicionalmente, desde estas ciudades se puede hacer cubrimiento de hemocomponentes en todo el territorio nacional dadas las condiciones de las conexiones aéreas. Conclusiones: es posible con base en el diagnostico presentado, plantear opciones que apunten a mejorar la eficiencia en la cadena de suministros de hemocomponentes, centralizando la captación de sangre en las áreas donde se cuenta con mejores condiciones de salud y mayores densidades poblacionales. Lo anterior permitiría minimizar los porcentajes de incineración de unidades de glóbulos rojos por vencimiento al mejorar las redes de distribución y de esta manera reducir costos de operación. Debe además fortalecerse la gestión de inventarios desde los servicios de transfusión para lograr minimizar las perdidas. Lo anterior requiere control gubernamental dado que al considerarse la sangre como un bien de interés público, su uso no puede ser indiscriminado.
Durante la década de los años 90 Costa Rica tomó conciencia del problema que significa el mal manejo de los desechos sólidos. En la provincia de Heredia durante estos años se formó una comisión interinstitucional e intermunicipal con el objetivo de darle una solución integral provincial a esta problemática. La Universidad Nacional, a través de la Escuela de Ciencias Geográficas (Programa Morfoclimatología Aplicada y Dinámica Exógena, MADE), formó parte de esta comisión, para la cual realizó la primera etapa de un estudio tendiente a identificar los sitios óptimos para la instalación de un relleno sanitario provincial. La metodología utilizada se basó en la que se desarrolló en el Plan Nacional de Manejo de Desechos elaborado por el Gobierno de Costa Rica y la GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit). Se identificaron cinco áreas técnicamente aptas, todas en el sector sur de la provincia, estas, dos presentan las condiciones menos adversas y, por lo tanto, consideran las áreas candidatas, estas se ubican al este de la provincia y son parte del cantón de San Isidro. Se recomienda realizar los estudios de detalle, considerados indispensables. En este sentido, recientemente la Empresa de Servicios Públicos Heredia (ESPH) ha utilizado como base esta investigación para efectuar mencionados estudios. ABSTRACT During the 1990s, Costa Rica began concentrating on the problem of poor solid waste management. In the province of Heredia during these years, inter-institutional and inter-municipal commission was formed to seek integral solution to this problem at the province level. The Universic Nacional in Costa Rica, through the School of Geographical Sciences (Progr Morfoclimatología Aplicada y Dinámica Exógena, MADE), formed part of this commission and did a preliminary study in order to identify the optimum sites for installing a provincial sanitary refill. The methodology used was based on the one developed in the National Waste Management Plan designed by the government of Costa Rica and German agency GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit ). Five technically suitable áreas were identified, all located in the southern sec of the province. Of these, two present less adverse conditions and therefore considered candidate áreas. These are located in the eastern part of this sector and are in the cantón of San Isidro. Further detailed studies are recommended and are considered crucial, this sense, the Empresa de Servicios Públicos de Heredia (ESPH) has utilized this research as base study to perform the abo ve mentioned studies.
Lo scopo del presente elaborato è ottenere dati grezzi dai maggiori offerwalls affinché si renda possibile elaborarli ed analizzarli per metterli a disposizione delle figure che si occupano di account management di un potenziale Ad Network quale è MyAppFree. Il primo Ad Network competitor a venire integrato nel presente tool di Business Intelligence è OfferToro, seguito da AdGem, il quale è attualmente in fase di integrazione. Prima di presentare i risultati del tool, a cui è stato dedicato l’ultimo capitolo dell’elaborato, sono stati approfonditi ed analizzati ampiamente i concetti fondamentali per la comprensione del progetto insieme agli strumenti utilizzati per la costituzione dell’architettura software. Successivamente, viene presentata l'architettura dei singoli microservizi oltre a quella sistemistica generale, la quale tratta come le parti che compongono iBiT, interagiscono tra loro. Infine, l’ultima parte della trattazione è dedicata al funzionamento del Front End Side per la figura account manager, che rappresenta l’utente finale del progetto. Unita alle analisi dei risultati ottenuti tramite una fase di benchmark testing, metrica che misura un insieme ripetibile di risultati quantificabili che serve come punto di riferimento perché prodotti e servizi possano essere confrontati. Lo scopo dei risultati dei test di benchmark è quello di confrontare le versioni presenti e future del software tramite i rispettivi benchmark.
Using a model calibrated to Khao Yai National Park in Thailand, this paper highlights the importance of generating explicitly spatial and temporal data for developing management plans for tropical protected forests. Spatial and temporal cost-benefit analysis should account for the interactions between different land uses – such as the benefits of contiguous areas of preserved land and edge effects – and the realities of villagers living near forests who rely on extracted resources. By taking a temporal perspective, this paper provides a rare empirical assessment of the importance of quasi-option values when determining optimal management plans.
The Brazilian Amazon is one of the most rapidly developing agricultural areas in the world and represents a potentially large future source of greenhouse gases from land clearing and subsequent agricultural management. In an integrated approach, we estimate the greenhouse gas dynamics of natural ecosystems and agricultural ecosystems after clearing in the context of a future climate. We examine scenarios of deforestation and postclearing land use to estimate the future (2006-2050) impacts on carbon dioxide (CO(2)), methane (CH(4)), and nitrous oxide (N(2)O) emissions from the agricultural frontier state of Mato Grosso, using a process-based biogeochemistry model, the Terrestrial Ecosystems Model (TEM). We estimate a net emission of greenhouse gases from Mato Grosso, ranging from 2.8 to 15.9 Pg CO(2)-equivalents (CO(2)-e) from 2006 to 2050. Deforestation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions over this period, but land uses following clearing account for a substantial portion (24-49%) of the net greenhouse gas budget. Due to land-cover and land-use change, there is a small foregone carbon sequestration of 0.2-0.4 Pg CO(2)-e by natural forests and cerrado between 2006 and 2050. Both deforestation and future land-use management play important roles in the net greenhouse gas emissions of this frontier, suggesting that both should be considered in emissions policies. We find that avoided deforestation remains the best strategy for minimizing future greenhouse gas emissions from Mato Grosso.
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injury death for international tourists. This makes road safety an important issue for tourism authorities. Unfortunately, as it is in other areas of tourist health, the common response from the travel and tourism industry is to remain silent about this problem and to leave any mishaps in the hands of insurers. At the same time, but for different reasons, international tourists are not usually targeted for road safety initiatives by transport authorities. Given that there are considerable 'hidden' costs associated with international tourists and motor vehicle crashes, the topic should be of concern to both tourism and transport groups. This paper examines issues concerned with driving in unfamiliar surroundings for international visitors in Australia, and proposes a national research and management programme to guide policy and planning in the area. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Management of rectal cancer has become increasingly complex and a multidisciplinary approach is considered of key importance for improving outcomes. A national survey among specialists involved in this multidisciplinary setting was performed. A web-based survey containing 11 questions regarding rectal cancer management was sent to surgeons and medical oncologists registered by their corresponding societies as members. Statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square and Fisher`s exact tests for all categorical variables according to response to individual questions. Multivariate analysis was performed using Cox`s logistic regression. Overall, 418 email recipients responded the survey. Local staging was performed without either magnetic resonance imaging or endorectal ultrasound by 64% of responders. Seventy-two percent considered that final management decision should be made after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy. Additionally, 46% considered that an alternative procedure (local excision or observation) was appropriate in a patient with a complete clinical response. Colorectal surgeons were more frequently in favor of longer intervals after completion of chemoradiation therapy (P = 0.001) and of alternative management procedures after a complete clinical response (P = 0.02). After multivariate analysis, the choice of a watch and wait approach after a complete clinical response following neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy was significantly more frequent among surgeons (OR 3.5, 95% CI 1.8-7.1). Surgeons seem to be more in favor of tailoring management of rectal cancer according to tumor response after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy, with longer intervals after chemoradiation therapy, decisions about treatment strategy being made after chemoradiation therapy instead of before, and the use of alternative surgical procedures after a complete clinical response following neoadjuvant therapy.
The quality of care can be improved by the development and implementation of evidence-based treatment guidelines. Different national guidelines for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exist in Europe and relevant differences may exist among them.This was an evaluation of COPD treatment guidelines published in Europe and Russia in the past 7 years. Each guideline was reviewed in detail and information about the most important aspects of patient diagnosis, risk stratification and pharmacotherapy was extracted following a standardised process. Guidelines were available from the Czech Republic, England and Wales, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain and Sweden. The treatment goals, criteria for COPD diagnosis, consideration of comorbidities in treatment selection and support for use of long-acting bronchodilators, were similar across treatment guidelines. There were differences in measures used for stratification of disease severity, consideration of patient phenotypes, criteria for the use of inhaled corticosteroids and recommendations for other medications (e.g. theophylline and mucolytics) in addition to bronchodilators.There is generally good agreement on treatment goals, criteria for diagnosis of COPD and use of long-acting bronchodilators as the cornerstone of treatment among guidelines for COPD management in Europe and Russia. However, there are differences in the definitions of patient subgroups and other recommended treatments.