77 resultados para nafion


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Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst die Synthese und Charakterisierung phosphonsäurehaltiger, organischer Kristalle als ionenleitende Verbindungen in Brennstoffzellen-Anwendungen. Sie zielt dabei einerseits auf die Darstellung von protonenleitenden Polyphenylenverbindungen und deren Verwendung als Linker für den Aufbau protonenleitender Aluminium-Phosphonat-Netzwerke ab und behandelt andererseits die Einführung stark polarer Phosphonsäuregruppen in einen diskreten Nanographenkern sowie deren Einfluss auf die ionen- und elektronenleitenden Eigenschaften, um diese als gemischt-leitende Kompatibilisatoren an der isolierenden Elektrode/ Membran-Grenzfläche in einer Brennstoffzelle zu verwenden. Am Beispiel eines phosphonsäurefunktionalisierten, phenylenisch-expandierten Hexaphenylbenzols konnte ein solvothermisch stabiler Protonenleiter mit einer Selbstorganisation in kolumnare, supramolekulare Strukturen und hoher, temperaturunabhängiger Leitfähigkeit mit dominierendem Grotthuss-Anteil präsentiert werden. Durch einen Wechsel dieser 1D-radialen Phosphonsäureanordnung in der Molekülhülle hin zu 2D- und 3D-H2PO3-funktionalisierten, dendritischen Stäbchen- bzw. Kugelstrukturen konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine kolumnare Molekülanordnung jedoch kein notwendiges Kriterium für einen Grotthuss-artigen Protonentransport darstellt. Durch die mehrdimensionale Orientierung der Phosphonsäuren in der Außenhülle der Dendrimere garantieren die synthetisierten Strukturen hochaggregierte Phosphonsäurecluster, die als dichtes Säurekontinuum die eigentlichen protonenleitfähigen Kanäle darstellen und somit als entscheidendes Kriterium für das Auftreten eines Grotthuss-artigen Mechanismus definiert werden müssen. Eine signifikante Erhöhung der Leitfähigkeit konnte durch den Aufbau poröser, organisch-anorganischer Netzwerke (Al-HPB-NETs) über Komplexierung einer unterstöchiometrischen Menge an Aluminium-Kationen mit der Polyphosphonsäureverbindung Hexakis(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol als Linkereinheit erfolgen, die anschließend mit kleinen intrinsischen Protonenleitern wie Phosphonsäure dotiert wurden. Diese dotierten Netzwerke wiesen außergewöhnliche Leitfähigkeit auf, da sie die σ-Werte des Referenzpolymers Nafion® bereits in einem Temperaturbereich oberhalb von 135°C übertrafen, aber gleichzeitig ein sehr gutes Säureretentionsverhalten von einem Gew.-% Säuredesorption über eine Immersionsdauer von 14 h gegenüber wässrigem Medium zeigten. Durch Mischen dieser Aluminiumphosphonate mit einer dotierten Polymermatrix wie PBI konnten synergistische Effekte durch zusätzliche attraktive H-Brückenbindungen zwischen molekular angebundener Phosphonsäure und mobiler H3PO4 an Hand eines signifikanten Leitfähigkeitsanstiegs für die resultierenden Membranen beobachtet werden. Die Protonenleitfähigkeit lag in diesen Materialien in dem gesamten untersuchten Temperaturbereich oberhalb von Nafion®. Durch das Einbringen der NETs in PBI konnte ebenfalls die Säureretention von PBI um etwa 9 % bei kurzen Immersionszeiten (bis 1 min) verbessert werden. Darüber hinaus wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit die synthetische Kombination eines hydrophoben, elektronenleitenden Nanographenkerns mit einer, durch eine isolierende Peripherie getrennten, stark polaren, protonenleitenden Außenhülle realisiert. Am Beispiel von zwei phosphonsäurefunktionalisierten Triphenylenen, die sich in Länge und Planarität der gewählten Peripheriebausteine unterschieden, sollten polycyclische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe mit gemischt protonen- und elektronenleitenden Eigenschaften hergestellt werden, die über Impedanzspektroskopie und Vierpunktmessungen untersucht wurden. Da es sich bei der Anwendung solcher gemischtleitenden Verbindungen um grenz-flächenaktive Substanzen handelt, die das ohne verbesserte Anbindung bestehende Dielektrikum zwischen Elektrode und protonenleitender Membran überbrücken sollen, wurde die Untersuchung eines möglichen Elektronentransportes durch eine Molekülmonolage ebenfalls über kombinatorische STM- und STS-Technik durchgeführt.


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Este trabalho descreve a síntese, caracterização e aplicação de sistemas poliméricos baseados em polímeros condutores em sistemas de liberação controlada de drogas. Esta tese pode ser dividida em duas partes: na primeira se apresentam os resultados da aplicação de filmes de polianilina e polipirrol na liberação de drogasmodelo como a dopamina protonada e o ácido salicílico. Na liberação de salicilato utilizou-se um filme polianilina eletrosintetizado e dopado com íons cloreto. Já para a liberação de dopamina protonada (um cátion) a liberação foi conduzida a partir de um sistema bicamadas, com um filme de polianilina recoberta com uma camada de Náfion. É mostrada a liberação controlada nos dois casos, porém também se discutem limitaçãoes deste tipo de sistema que levaram ao estudo de uma forma alternativa de controle eletroquímico utilizando polímeros condutores. A segunda parte do trabalho mostra então esta nova metodologia que se baseia em compósitos de poianilina eletropolimerizada no interior de hidrogéis de poliacrilamida. É mostrado que este novo material é eletroativo e mantém as características de intumescimento dos hidrogéis, tanto necessárias ao desenvolvimento destes sistemas de liberação controlada. Mecanismos para o crescimento e distribuição da polianilina na matriz isolante e para a atuação do compósito no controle eletroquímico da liberação são propostos com base nos dados de microscopia de força atômica, Raman e eletrônica de varredura, além de testes de liberação controlada com moléculas de diferentes cargas.


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In this work carbon supported Pd nanoparticles were prepared and used as electrocatalysts for formic acid electrooxidation fuel cells. The influence of some relevant parameters such as the nominal Pt loading, the Nafion/total solids ratio as well as the Pd loading towards formic acid electrooxidation was evaluated using gold supported catalytic layer electrodes which were prepared using a similar methodology to that employed in the preparation of conventional catalyst coated membranes (CCM). The results obtained show that, for constant Pd loading, the nominal Pd loading and the Nafion percentage on the catalytic layer do not play an important role on the resulting electrocatalytic properties. The main parameter affecting the electrocatalytic activity of the electrodes seems to be the Pd loading, although the resulting activity is not directly proportional to the increased Pd loading. Thus, whereas the Pd loading is multiplied by a factor of 10, the activity is only twice which evidences an important decrease in the Pd utilization. In fact, the results obtained suggest the active layer is the outer one being clearly independent of the catalytic layer thickness. Finally, catalyst coated membranes with Pd catalyst loadings of 0.1, 0.5 and 1.2 mg cm-2 were also tested in a breathing direct formic acid fuel cell.


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En este trabajo, en primer lugar, se presenta una nueva técnica desarrollada en nuestro laboratorio para el estudio electroquímico de las capas catalíticas de las pilas de combustible en células de tres electrodos, centrándonos en el proceso de electroxidación de ácido fórmico como reacción de test. Gracias a esta técnica se han estudiado parámetros de construcción como % en peso del metal, relación Nafion / sólidos totales y recubrimiento catalítico comprobando como la adsorción irreversible de adátomos de Bi sobre Pt soportado sobre Vulcan XC-72 favorece este proceso y como puede caracterizarse la capa catalítica de una pila de combustible de ácido fórmico (DFAFC) de forma integral utilizando estudios de sistemas nanoparticulados de Pt-Pd soportados sobre Vulcan XC-72 en el seno de ésta. En segundo lugar se ha introducido el concepto de PEMER (Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrochemical Reactor). De esta forma, una configuración electródica propia de las pilas de combustible se utiliza en electrosíntesis orgánica. Como reacciones test se han testeado la formación de 1-feniletanol como producto mayoritario por hidrogenación electrocatalítica de la acetofenona sobre nanopartículas de Pd soportadas sobre Vulcan XC-72 como electrocatalizador y, utilizando Pb (catalizador no noble) soportado sobre Vulcan XC-72, se ha estudiado la ruptura del puente disulfuro de L-cistina y N,N-diacetil-L-cistina (NNDAC) para obtener L-cisteína y N-acetil- L-cisteína (NAC). En ambas reacciones, hidrogenación y ruptura del puente disulfuro, se han analizado tanto parámetros constructivos de la capa catalítica como parámetros de proceso tanto a escala laboratorio con el uso de un reactor comercial de 25 cm² como a escala pre-piloto con la construcción de un reactor de 100 cm².


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A novel nanocomposite of iron oxide and silicate, prepared through a reaction between a solution of iron salt and a dispersion of Laponite clay, was used as a catalyst for the photoassisted Fenton degradation of azo-dye Orange II. This catalyst is much cheaper than the Nafion-based catalysts, and our results illustrate that it can significantly accelerate the degradation of Orange II under the irradiation of UV light (lambda = 254 nm). An advantage of the catalyst is its long-term stability that was confirmed through using the catalyst for multiple runs in the degradation of Orange II. The effects of the H2O2 molar concentration, solution pH, wavelength and power of the LTV light, catalyst loading, and initial Orange II concentration on the degradation of Orange 11 were studied in detail. In addition, it was also found that discoloration of Orange 11 undergoes a faster kinetics than mineralization of Orange II and 75% total organic carbons of 0.1 mM Orange II can be eliminated after 90 min in the presence of 1.0 g of Fe-nanocomposite/L, 4.8 mM H2O2, and 1 x 8W UVC.


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The syntheses of the hexadentate ligands 2,2,10,10-tetra(methyleneamine)-4,8-dithiaundecane (PrN(4)S(2)amp), 2,2,11,11-tetra(methyleneamine)-4,9-dithiadodecane (BuN(4)S(2)amp), and 1,2-bis(4,4-methyleneamine)-2-thiapentyl)benzene (XyN(4)S(2)amp) are reported and the complexes [Co(RN(4)S(2)amp)](3+) (R = Pr, Bu, Xy) characterised by single crystal X-ray study. The low-temperature (11 K) absorption spectra have been measured in Nafion films. From the observed positions of both spin-allowed (1)A(1g) --> T-1(1g) and (1)A(1g) --> T-1(2g) and spin forbidden (1)A(1g) --> T-3(1g) and (1)A(1g) --> T-3(2g) bands, octahedral ligand-field parameters (10D(q), B and C) have been determined. DFT calculations suggest that significant interaction between the d-d and CT excitations occurs for the complexes. The calculations offer an explanation for the observed deviations from linearity of the relationship between Co-59 magnetogyric ratio and beta(DeltaE)(-1) (beta = the nephelauxetic ratio; DeltaE the energy of the (1)A(1g) --> T-1(1g) transition) for a series of amine and mixed amine/thioether donor complexes.


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The synthesis of the hexadentate ligand 5,6-dimethyl-2,2,9,9-tetra(methyleneamine)-4,7-dithiadecane (1,2-Me(2)EtN(4)S(2)amp) is reported. The diastereiosomers were separated as cobalt(III) complexes using cation exchange chromatography. The rac and mesa isomers were characterized by NMR (C-13, H-1, Co-59), ESI-MS, UV-Vis spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. Single crystals of [Co(rac-1,2-Me(2)EtN(4)S(2)amp)] Cl-2(ClO4) (.) 2H(2)O were characterized by X-ray diffraction. The low-temperature (11 K) absorption spectra of the complexes have been measured in Nafion films and from the observed positions of both spin-allowed (1)A(1g) --> T-1(1g) and (1)A(1g) --> T-1(2g) and spin forbidden (1)A(1g) --> T-3(2g) bands, octahedral ligand-field parameters (10Dq, B and C) were determined. These results, in conjunction with the Co-59 NMR data, are used to further explore the relationship between the Co-59 magnetogyric ratio (gamma(Co)) and the product of the nephelauxetic ratio and the wavelength of the (1)A(1g) --> T-1(1g) transition (beta(DeltaE)(-1)) for complexes of mixed donor nitrogen-thioether ligands. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Zirconium phosphate has been extensively studied as a proton conductor for proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications. Here we report the synthesis of mesoporous, templated sol-gel zirconium phosphate for use in PEM applications in an effort to determine its suitability for use as a surface functionalised, solid acid proton conductor in the future. Mesoporous zirconium phosphates were synthesised using an acid-base pair mechanism with surface areas between 78 and 177 m(2) g(-1) and controlled pore sizes in the range of 2-4 nm. TEM characterisation confirmed the presence of a wormhole like pore structure. The conductivity of such materials was up to 4.1 x 10(-6) S cm(-1) at 22degreesC and 84% relative humidity (RH), while humidity reduction resulted in a conductivity decrease by more than an order of magnitude. High temperature testing on the samples confirmed their dependence on hydration for proton conduction and low hydroscopic nature. It was concluded that while the conductivity of these materials is low compared to Nafion, they may be a good candidate as a surface functionalised solid acid proton conductor due to their high surface area, porous structure and inherent ability to conduct protons.


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The operation of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) with dry feeds has been examined with different fuel cell flow channel designs as functions of pressure, temperature and flow rate. Auto-humidified (or self-humidifying) PEMFC operation is improved at higher pressures and low gas velocities where axial dispersion enhances back-mixing of the product water with the dry feed. We demonstrate auto-humidified operation of the channel-less, self-draining fuel cell, based on a stirred tank reactor; data is presented showing auto-humidified operation from 25 to 115 degrees C at 1 and 3 atm. Design and operating requirements are derived for the auto-humidified operation of the channel-less, self-draining fuel cell. The auto-humidified self-draining fuel cell outperforms a fully humidified serpentine flow channel fuel cell at high current densities. The new design offers substantial benefits for simplicity of operation and control including: the ability to self-drain reducing flooding, the ability to uniformly disperse water removing current gradients and the ability to operate on dry feeds eliminating the need for humidifiers. Additionally, the design lends itself well to a modular design concept. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microtome sections of proton exchange membrane cells produce a wide range of information ranging from macroscopic distribution of components through specimens in which the detailed distribution of catalyst particles can be observed. Using modern data management practices it is possible to combine information at different scales and correlate processing and performance data. Analytical electron microscopy reveals the compositional variations across used cells at the electrolyte/electrode interface. In particular analytical techniques indicate that sulphur concentrations are likely to diminish at the interface Nafion/anode interface. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Siliceous mesoporous molecular sieves (SBA-15) have been functionalised with propylsulfonic acid groups by both co-condensing 3-mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane with the solid at the synthesis (sol-gel) stage and by grafting the same compound to pre-prepared SBA-15, followed, in both cases, by oxidation to sulfonic acid. The acidic and catalytic properties of the supported sulfonic acids prepared in the two ways have been compared, using ammonia adsorption calorimetry and the benzylation reaction between benzyl alcohol and toluene. Using a combination of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and other analytical techniques, the level of functionalisation and the extent of subsequent oxidation of tethered thiol to sulfonic acid, both in the bulk and close to the surface of SBA-15 particles, have been assessed. The research shows that the co-condensing route leads to higher levels of functionalisation than the grafting route. The extent of oxidation of added thiol to acid groups is similar using the two routes, about 70% near the surface and only 50% in the bulk. Comparison is made with polymer supported sulfonic acid catalysts, Amberlysts 15 and 35, and Nafion. Nafion shows the highest acid strength and the highest specific catalytic activity of all materials studied. Amongst the other materials, average acid strengths are broadly similar but there appears to be a relationship between the concentration of acid sites on the catalysts and their specific activity in the benzylation reaction. A model is proposed to explain this, in which clustering of sulfonic acid groups, even to a small extent, leads to disproportionately enhanced catalytic activity. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Silica-supported sulfonic acids are a class of solid Brønsted acid catalysts that generally comprise organo-sulfonic acid groups tethered to silica surfaces. Methodologies to prepare organically modified silica have been widely developed in separation science and the techniques for their preparation are well documented. The application of this chemistry to prepare pure Brønsted sulfonic acid functionalized mesoporous silicas has stimulated significant research effort in this area, since these materials are interesting alternatives to commercially available sulfonated polymer resins, such as Amberlyst–15 and Nafion-H (sulfonated polystyrene and perfluorinated sulfonic acid resins respectively), which suffer from low surface areas and thermal stability. This chapter presents an overview of the preparation of mesostructured silica supported sulfonic acids, their catalytic applications and reviews the approaches taken to tune catalyst performance in organic transformations.


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A two-phase three-dimensional computational model of an intermediate temperature (120--190°C) proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell is presented. This represents the first attempt to model PEM fuel cells employing intermediate temperature membranes, in this case, phosphoric acid doped polybenzimidazole (PBI). To date, mathematical modeling of PEM fuel cells has been restricted to low temperature operation, especially to those employing Nafion ® membranes; while research on PBI as an intermediate temperature membrane has been solely at the experimental level. This work is an advancement in the state of the art of both these fields of research. With a growing trend toward higher temperature operation of PEM fuel cells, mathematical modeling of such systems is necessary to help hasten the development of the technology and highlight areas where research should be focused.^ This mathematical model accounted for all the major transport and polarization processes occurring inside the fuel cell, including the two phase phenomenon of gas dissolution in the polymer electrolyte. Results were presented for polarization performance, flux distributions, concentration variations in both the gaseous and aqueous phases, and temperature variations for various heat management strategies. The model predictions matched well with published experimental data, and were self-consistent.^ The major finding of this research was that, due to the transport limitations imposed by the use of phosphoric acid as a doping agent, namely low solubility and diffusivity of dissolved gases and anion adsorption onto catalyst sites, the catalyst utilization is very low (∼1--2%). Significant cost savings were predicted with the use of advanced catalyst deposition techniques that would greatly reduce the eventual thickness of the catalyst layer, and subsequently improve catalyst utilization. The model also predicted that an increase in power output in the order of 50% is expected if alternative doping agents to phosphoric acid can be found, which afford better transport properties of dissolved gases, reduced anion adsorption onto catalyst sites, and which maintain stability and conductive properties at elevated temperatures.^


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The purpose of this research is to investigate potential methods to produce an ion-exchange membrane that can be integrated directly into a polydimethylsiloxane Lab-on-a-Chip or Micro-Total-Analysis-System. The majority of microfluidic membranes are based on creating microporous structures, because it allows flexibility in the choice of material such that it can match the material of the microfluidic chip. This cohesion between the material of the microfluidic chip and membrane is an important feature to prevent bonding difficulties which can lead to leaking and other practical problems. However, of the materials commonly used to manufacture microfluidic chips, there are none that provide the ion-exchange capability. The DuPont product Nafion{TM} is chosen as the ion-exchange membrane, a copolymer with high conductivity and selectivity to cations and suitable for many applications such as electrolysis of water and the chlor-alkali process. The use of such an ion-exchange membrane in microfluidics could have multiple advantages, but there is no reversible/irreversible bonding that occurs between PDMS and Nafion{TM}. In this project multiple methods of physical entrapment of the ion-exchange material inside a film of PDMS are attempted. Through the use of the inherent properties of PDMS, very inexpensive sugar granulate can be used to make an inexpensive membrane mould which does not interfere with the PDMS crosslinking process. After dissolving away this sacrificial mould material, Nafion{TM} is solidified in the irregular granulate holes. Nafion{TM} in this membrane is confined in the irregular shape of the PDMS openings. The outer structure of the membrane is all PDMS and can be attached easily and securely to any PDMS-based microfluidic device through reversible or irreversible PDMS/PDMS bonding. Through impedance measurement, the effectiveness of these integrated membranes are compared against plain Nafion{TM} films in simple sodium chloride solutions.


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Biocathodes may be a suitable replacement of platinum in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) if the cost of MFCs is to be reduced. However, the use of enzymes as bio-cathodes is fraught with loss of activity as time progresses. A possible cause of this loss in activity might be pH increase in the cathode as pH gradients in MFCs are well known. This pH increase is however, accompanied by simultaneous increase in salinity; therefore salinity may be a confounding variable. This study investigated various ways of mitigating pH changes in the cathode of MFCs and their effect on laccase activity and decolourisation of a model azo dye Acid orange 7 in the anode chamber. Experiments were run with catholyte pH automatically controlled via feedback control or by using acetate buffers (pH 4.5) of various strength (100 mM and 200 mM), with CMI7000 as the cation exchange membrane. A comparison was also made between use of CMI7000 and Nafion 117 as the transport properties of cations for both membranes (hence their potential effects on pH changes in the cathode) are different.