1000 resultados para mycelial growth


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Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram avaliar os efeitos de extratos de Momordica charantia sobre o crescimento micelial e a germinação de conídios de Colletotrichum musae, e a eficiência destes extratos no controle da antracnose, causada por C. musae, em bananas. Extratos aquoso e hidroetanólico, obtidos de folhas e ramos, na concentração de 50% em relação ao volume adicionado, em meio sólido, proporcionaram 71 e 65% de inibição do crescimento micelial, respectivamente, enquanto que em meio líquido, a inibição do crescimento micelial foi de 86 e 81%, respectivamente. Somente o extrato aquoso e o tiofanato metílico, nas concentrações de 50% e 1000 µg mL-1 respectivamente, proporcionaram 100% de inibição da germinação de esporos de C. musae. Os extratos metanólico e aquoso inibiram em 80 e 70%, respectivamente, o desenvolvimento das lesões em bananas, quando aplicados até dois dias antes da inoculação do fungo. Estes resultados foram semelhantes ao tratamento com tiofanato metílico, que inibiu 80% do desenvolvimento das lesões. Confirma-se a presença de substância antifúngica nos extratos de M. charantia e outros estudos devem ser realizados para viabilizar seu uso no controle da antracnose da banana.


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No Estado do Tocantins, no Norte do Brasil, a incidência de rizoctoniose no arroz é importante, causando danos significativos em lavouras de arroz irrigado. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o grupo de anastomose (AG) de isolados de R. solani associados ao arroz naquela região, testando a hipótese de que esses isolados pertencem ao grupo padrão de anastomose AG-1 IA, que também é o agente causal da mela em soja em áreas úmidas do Norte do Brasil. Todos os quatro isolados de arroz foram caracterizados, através de fusão de hifas, como AG-1 IA. A caracterização cultural, em função das temperaturas basais (mínimas, máximas e ótimas), evidenciou que os isolados de R. solani de arroz apresentaram perfis semelhantes aos padrões AG-1 IA, AG-1 IB e AG-1 IC. Os isolados de arroz foram caracterizados como autotróficos para tiamina assim como os isolados padrões AG-1 IA, IB, IC, AG-4 HGI e o isolado da mela da soja. O teste de patogenicidade em plantas de arroz cultivar IRGA-409 e de patogenicidade cruzada à cultivar IAC-18 de soja (suscetível à mela), indicou que além de causar a queima da bainha em arroz, esses isolados causam mela em soja. da mesma forma, o isolado SJ-047 foi patogênico ao arroz. As seqüências de bases de DNA da região ITS-5.8S do rDNA dos isolados do arroz foram similares às seqüências do AG-1 IA, depositadas no GenBank® - NCBI. A filogenia do ITS-rDNA indicou um grupo filogenético comum formado pelos isolados do arroz, o isolado da soja e o isolado teste do AG-1 IA. Assim, com base em características citomorfológicas, culturais, filogenéticas e patogênicas, foi confirmada a hipótese de que os isolados de R. solani patógenos de arroz do Estado do Tocantins pertencem ao grupo de anastomose AG-1 IA, além da indicação de que esses isolados podem também causar a mela em soja.


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The present work aimed to evaluate the effect fungitoxic of plant extracts on the mycelial growth and on the spores germination of C. gloeosporioides. The plant extracts were obtained starting from dried ground plants, using water and ethilic alcohol as extractor. Twenty-two plant species were used to obtain the extracts. The extracts were tested by means of the incorporation of 20% (v/v) in PDA medium, before or after sterilization. The percentage of inhibition of the mycelial growth (PIM) was determined. Extract in the proportion of 50% was added to a spore suspension used to determine the percentage of inhibition of the spores germination (PIS). The hidroetanolic extracts provided larger PIM of C. gloeosporioides, while larger PIS was obtained with the aqueous extracts. Non autoclaved extracts was the most efficient in mycelial growth of C. gloeosporioides, even more than the autoclaved ones. Aqueous and hidroetanolic extracts of Momordica charantia and hidroetanolic extract of Eucalyptus citriodora provided higher PIM. Aqueous extracts of Luffa acutangula, Eucalyptus citriodora, Chenopodium ambrosioides, and Bauhinia, and hidroetanolic extracts of Ruta graveolens, Eucalyptus citriodora, Zingiber officinale and Chenopodium ambrosioides inhibited more than 90% of spores germination.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We investigate the diversity of yeasts isolated in gardens of the leafcutter ant Atta texana. Repeated sampling of gardens from four nests over a 1-year time period showed that gardens contain a diverse assemblage of yeasts. The yeast community in gardens consisted mostly of yeasts associated with plants or soil, but community composition changed between sampling periods. In order to understand the potential disease-suppressing roles of the garden yeasts, we screened isolates for antagonistic effects against known microfungal garden contaminants. In vitro assays revealed that yeasts inhibited the mycelial growth of two strains of Escovopsis (a specialized attine garden parasite), Syncephalastrum racemosum (a fungus often growing in gardens of leafcutter lab nests), and the insect pathogen Beauveria bassiana. These garden yeasts add to the growing list of disease-suppressing microbes in attine nests that may contribute synergistically, together with actinomycetes and Burkholderia bacteria, to protect the gardens and the ants against diseases. Additionally, we suggest that garden immunity against problem fungi may therefore derive not only from the presence of disease-suppressing Pseudonocardia actinomycetes, but from an enrichment of multiple disease-suppressing microorganisms in the garden matrix.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The yeasts are microorganisms with great potential for biotechnological applications in diverse areas. The biological control of phytopathogens by yeasts has showed satisfactory results under laboratory conditions, and it has already produced commercial formulations. With this as focus, this work aims to perform in vitro and in vivo evaluations of the action of a Torulaspora globosa yeast strain (1S112), isolated from sugarcane rhizosphere, against the phytopathogenic mold Colletotrichum sublineolum, the causative agent of anthracnose in sorghum. In vitro experiments included the antagonism test in Petri dishes with morphological hyphal evaluation; yeast killer activity; siderophore, volatile compound and hydrolytic enzyme production. In vivo experiments were conducted in greenhouse conditions with a sorghum variety susceptible to C. sublineolum by evaluating the anthracnose disease for 6 weeks. The results indicated that the yeast strain significantly controlled the fungal growth, either in vitro or in vivo. The strain of T. globosa exhibited killer activity against two sensitive strains, which is a novel capacity for this species. The yeast did not produce siderophores, volatile compounds or hydrolytic enzymes, although it has reduced the mycelial growth, resulting in hyphal deformities but not cell death. The yeast controlled the anthracnose disease in sorghum, either inoculated before or after the fungal spores, suggesting that the competition for space and nutrients to dominate the mold and killer toxin production, altering the hyphal morphology, are mechanisms utilized by the yeast in the biocontrol.


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O uso de microrganismos é uma alternativa para o controle de doenças em plantas. Todavia, é prudente verificar a interação desse com os demais métodos de controle empregados em determinada cultura. Dessa forma, objetivou-se avaliar a fungitoxicidade dos herbicidas sobre o crescimento e desenvolvimento dos isolados de Trichoderma spp. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 6 x 6 x 4, com quatro repetições. O fator A correspondeu aos herbicidas pendimethalin, clomazone, carfentrazone-ethyl, oxadiazon, thiobencarb + propanil e byspiribac-sodium; o fator B, às doses dos herbicidas - 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 e 200% da dose recomendada; e o fator C, aos isolados de Trichoderma spp. AJAM 18, CE 66, TRI 01 e TRI 02. O ensaio foi realizado em condições in vitro; avaliaram-se o crescimento micelial radial (CMR) e a esporulação dos isolados após aplicação dos herbicidas. Observaram-se diferenças de sensibilidade dos isolados para o mesmo produto testado. O oxadiazon reduziu o CMR dos isolados AJAM 18 e TRI 01 em 66 e 35%, respectivamente. No entanto, reduziu apenas 16% do CMR do isolado TRI 02 e não alterou o CMR do isolado CE 66 mesmo em 200% da dose recomendada. Verificaram-se diferentes efeitos dos produtos em cada isolado. A mistura comercial de thiobencarb+propanil foi altamente tóxica aos isolados de Trichoderma spp., com reduções em torno de 85% no CMR e no número de esporos. Por outro lado, o byspiribac-sodium pouco afetou os isolados, apresentando reduções inferiores a 10% no CMR e na esporulação. O carfentrazone-ethyl e byspiribac-sodium demonstraram ser compatíveis com os isolados de Trichoderma spp. estudados.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Rhizoctonia foliar blight (RFB) of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] occurs in many tropical and subtropical regions, causing yield reductions of up to 70% and in Brazil, up to 60%. The disease is caused by Rhizoetonia solani AG1-IA and AG1-IB, and by AG2-3 in Japan. RFB occurs in the North, Northeast and Mid-west regions of Brazil. Chemical control remains the only effective method of controlling RFB, but its efficiency depends upon environmental conditions. In this study, 18 fungicides, salicylic acid (SA) and acibenzolar-s-methyl (ASM) were evaluated on R. solani AG1-IA in vitro, by mycelial growth rating and estimating effective concentration for 50% (EC 50) and 90% (EC 90) inhibition of mycelial growth, and in vivo by reduction of disease severity on soybean plants in greenhouse conditions. Mycelial growth was strongly inhibited by the fungicides pyraclostrobin + boscalid and fludioxonil. Preventive fungicide applications were the most effective. Strobilurins were more efficient both in preventive and curative applications. Best results with plant resistance activators were obtained with SA (2.5 mM) sprayed at 20 d before inoculation and with ASM (12.5 mg a.i. l(-1)) 10 d before inoculation. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Brazilian isolates of Colletotrichum spp. from citrus orchards affected by postbloom fruit drop were examined for colony colour, mycelial growth, benomyl-resistance, pathogenicity, and genetic variability by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. All isolates were obtained from flowers and persistent calyxes from different citrus hosts from São Paulo, Brazil. DNA polymorphisms detected after amplification with random 10-mer primers were used to classify the isolates into two groups. Group I isolates grew rapidly on potato-dextrose agar (PDA) and were sensitive to benomyl, and group II isolates grew slowly on PDA and were benomyl-resistant. Colletotrichum acutatum was analyzed by RAPD and had high genetic similarity with group II isolates of Colletotrichum from citrus. Probably, the group I is C, gloeosporioides and group II is C. acutatum.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the mycelial growth of the Coprinus comatus strain CCO 01/01 in culture based on organic residues of Saccharum officinarum (sugarcane bagasse), Citrus sinensis (orange bagasse), Ananas comosus (pineapple residues) and Musa sp. (banana leaf), supplemented with wheat bran in the proportions of 0, 10 and 20%, kept at 27 degrees C. The mycelial growth of C. comatus was evaluated daily by measurement of the diameter of the colony during seven days of incubation. The banana leaf was considered the best residue for the cultivation of the C. comatus even without supplementation, meaning lower production costs. The supplementation of pineapple residues with 10% of wheat bran favored fungi growth. Sugar-cane bagasse was suitable for the growth of the C. comatus provided it is enriched with wheat bran. The orange bagasse, without pH correction, was not appropriate for the mycelial growth of C. comatus.


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Gummosis is among the main fungal diseases of the citrus. It is caused by Phytophthora sp. and usually shows up in the lap of the plant, provoking rottenness and gum exudation, and expands causing the plant death for constrictions in the cambium or phloem which interrupts the descending flow of sap. The objective of this work was to evaluate the antagonistic in vitro activity of Trichoderma spp. to the fungi Phytophthora citrophthora. Phytophthora citrophthora was exposed to five environments of antagonism (without antagonist and with four strains of Trichoderma viride, T. virens, T. harzianu and T stromaticum), The in vitro essay was accomplished through the method of paired cultures. A completely randomized desing was used with five treatments and three replications, and each plot was represented by three petri dishes. The isolates of Trichoderma demonstrated significant effect in the inhibition of the mycelial growth of the fungi Phytophthora citrophthora, and the fungi Trichoderma stromaticum presented larger antagonism to the fungi P. citrophthora while the T harzianum presented antagonism smaller.


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In order to determine conditions that may provide greater solubilization of insouluble phosphate, the fungus Aspergillus niger was grown in a stationary culture containing modified citrate medium supplemented with 800 mg fluorapatite per litre. Solubilization of insouluble phosphate increased with fungal growth, reaching a maximum after 11 days of culture. Soluble phosphate levels were correlated with pH of the culture medium but not with titratable acidity values, probably due to the metabolic activity of the fungus resulting from consumption of sugar in the culture medium. Fructose, glucose, xylose, and sucrose were the carbohydrates that favoured fluorapatite solubilization the most when compared with galactose and maltose. Although increasing fructose concentrations in the culture medium favoured mycelial growth, increased total acidity and a fall in pH, soluble phosphate levels were reduced, probably owing to consumption by the rapidly growing fungus. Among the nitrogen sources tested, ammonium salts favoured the production of larger amounts of soluble phosphate than organic nitrogen (peptone or urea) or nitrate, corresponding to the lowest pH and highest titratable acidity values obtained. © 1988 Springer-Verlag.