935 resultados para multidimensional overlap


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Los espacios verdes son proveedores naturales de un gran número de beneficios medioambientales y sociales. La Infraestructura Verde favorece la naturalidad de estos espacios, constituyendo una alternativa sostenible a la planificación urbana tradicional. En el presente estudio se analizan los ecosistemas del Anillo Verde de Vitoria/Gasteiz y los servicios de los ecosistemas que genera, así como la percepción de las personas sobre los bienes que esta infraestructura genera para el bienestar de la población. Se ha comparado la potencialidad ecológica para el aporte de servicios con la percepción de los mismos por parte de la población en parques de distintas características ecológicas. Los resultados muestran que la mayoría de las personas perciben los beneficios que proporcionan los ecosistemas, sobre todo los culturales (recreo y disfrute del paisaje), junto con la regulación de la calidad del aire y la conservación de la Biodiversidad. Las zonas más naturales son consideradas más importantes para la biodiversidad y los servicios de regulación. Además hay una valoración mayor una vez conocida la potencialidad real de los ecosistemas, sobre todo para los servicios de regulación. Se concluye que el marco conceptual de los servicios de los ecosistemas puede promover la concienciación sobre la importancia de los ecosistemas urbanos y periurbanos para el bienestar social, así como aportar nuevas pautas de gestión en dichas zonas.


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Piscivorous fishes, many of which are economically valuable, play an important role in marine ecosystems and have the potential to affect fish and invertebrate populations at lower trophic levels. Therefore, a quantitative understanding of the foraging ecology of piscivores is needed for ecosystem-based fishery management plans to be successful. Abundance and stomach contents of seasonally co-occurring piscivores were examined to determine overlap in resource use for Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus; 206–670 mm total length [TL]), Weakfish (Cynoscion regalis; 80–565 mm TL), Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix; 55–732 mm fork length [FL]), and Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis; 422–920 mm FL). We collected samples from monthly, fishery-independent trawl surveys conducted on the inner continental shelf (5–27 m) off New Jersey from June to October 2005. Fish abundances and overlaps in diet and habitat varied over this study period. A wide range of fish and invertebrate prey was consumed by each species. Diet composition (determined from 1997 stomachs with identifiable contents) varied with ontogeny (size) and indicated limited overlap between most of the species size classes examined. Although many prey categories were shared by the piscivores examined, different temporal and spatial patterns in habitat use seemed to alleviate potential competition for prey. Nevertheless, the degree of overlap in both fish distributions and diets increased severalfold in the fall as species left estuaries and migrated across and along the study area. Therefore, the transitional period of fall migration, when fish densities are higher than at other times of the year, may be critical for unraveling resource overlap for these seasonally migrant predators.


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The morphological characteristics and overlap of fish community in Vamanapuram River have been studied in detail. In the 12 study sites, 19 fish species were encountered. Based on the body shape, four different types are apparent. The elongate bodied fishes (RBD<1.5) like Hemiramphus xanthopterus and Xenentodon cancila are grouped under one category. The deep bodied fishes (RBD>3.5) like Puntius filamentosus, P. ticto, P. vittatus, P. melanampyx, P. sarana, Etroplus maculatus and E. suratensis come under a separate category. Fishes with round to square cross section like Garra mullya and Glossogobius giuris form a separate group. All the other species are grouped as generalized bodied fishes. The morphological overlap studied for the Vamanapuram fish community showed that out of 190 combinations, 30 combinations have high overlaps (≥ 67). P. melanampyx has maximum number (6) of high overlaps. Puntius spp., which constituted 49.5% of the total population, have a mean morphological overlap of 52%. The morphological overlap of fish species in relation to the trophic structure is discussed in detail.


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Reconstruction of an image from a set of projections has been adapted to generate multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra, which have discrete features that are relatively sparsely distributed in space. For this reason, a reliable reconstruction can be made from a small number of projections. This new concept is called Projection Reconstruction NMR (PR-NMR). In this paper, multidimensional NMR spectra are reconstructed by Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo (RJMCMC). This statistical method generates samples under the assumption that each peak consists of a small number of parameters: position of peak centres, peak amplitude, and peak width. In order to find the number of peaks and shape, RJMCMC has several moves: birth, death, merge, split, and invariant updating. The reconstruction schemes are tested on a set of six projections derived from the three-dimensional 700 MHz HNCO spectrum of a protein HasA.


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We studied diet composition and overlap of the exotic noodlefish (Neosalanx taihuensis) and the endemic fish Anaborilius grahami in a deep, oligotrophic lake in the Yunnan Plateau. A. grahami dominated the fish community in Lake Fuxian before the invasion of N. taihuensis in 1982, but it is now in the process of extinction, corresponding with an explosive increase in N. taihuensis population. Schoener's index (alpha=0.773) indicate that N. taihuensis and A. grahami have significant diet overlap, with both fish feeding mainly on zooplankton. An increased proportion of littoral prey, such as Procladius spp., Coleoptera, and epiphytes, in the diet of A. grahami indicated that this endemic fish shifted its main habitat from the off-shore zone in the late 1980s to the littoral zone at the present. A difference in reproduction between the two fishes, along with the overfishing, may have exacerbated the occupation of A. grahami's pelagic niche by N. taihuensis. The endemic species has shown large competitive disadvantage for food and space in the presence of N. taihuensis.


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The present study was conducted in Lake Donghu, a suburban eutrophic lake arising from the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Food composition of 32 taxa of zoobenthos was analyzed from 1251 gut samples. Macroinvertebrate primary consumers ingested mainly detritus, sand grains and diatoms. The predators primarily preyed on rotifers, crustaceans, oligochaetes and chironomid larvae. The dietary overlap was relatively high among collector taxa but low among other macroinvertebrates. Food composition and dietary overlap of macroinvertebrates changed considerably, both spatially and temporally. Food web structure differed between inshore and offshore regions of Lake Donghu. The inshore web was relatively complex and dynamic whereas the offshore web was simple and stable. Taxon-specific changes of diet seem to have little effect on the benthic food web structure in offshore waters of a eutrophic lake.


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In this paper, the detection wavelength and the electron-hole wave function overlap of InAs/IrxGa1-xSb type II superlattice photodetectors are numerically calculated by using the envelope function and the transfer matrix methods. The band offset is dealt with by employing the model solid theory, which already takes into account the lattice mismatch between InAs and InxGa1-xSb layers. Firstly, the detection wavelength and the wave function overlap are investigated in dependence on the InAs and InxGa1-xSb layer thicknesses, the In mole fraction, and the periodic number. The results indicate that the detection wavelength increases with increasing In mole fraction, InAs and InxGa1-xSb layer thicknesses, respectively. When increasing the periodic number, the detection wavelength first increases distinctly for small periodic numbers then increases very slightly for large period numbers. Secondly, the wave function overlap diminishes with increasing InAs and InxGa1-xSb layer thicknesses, while it enhances with increasing In mole fraction. The dependence of the wave function overlap on the periodic number shows the same trend as that of the detection wavelength on the periodic number. Moreover, for a constant detection wavelength, the wave function overlap becomes greater when the thickness ratio of the InAs over InxGa1-xSb is larger.


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The analytical solution of a multidimensional Langevin equation at the overdamping limit is obtained and the probability of particles passing over a two-dimensional saddle point is discussed. These results may break a path for studying further the fusion in superheavy elements synthesis.


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The Angular Overlap Model (AOM) is applied to the LaOX:Eu3+(X = Cl, Br, I) series involving sigma, pi, delta and phi effects based on the experimental energy levels. The calculations are made in two cases. (1) Consider oxygen and halogen having the same bond-length. (2) Consider the real structure. In both cases, the results show that for sigma-bonding parameters, the values of e(sigma) decrease with increasing charge number of halogen, i.e. Cl- > Br- > I-, this indicates that the bonding ability also decreases with this order. The absolute values of each parameter are much larger than zero-therefore they all must be included in a practical analysis. In the second case, the values of the e(pi) parameter are negative, which means a ''back-bonding'' is formed, and this is profitable for the formation of sigma-bonding, usually referred to as ''synergic effect''.


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Correction of spectral overlap interference in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry by factor analysis is attempted. For the spectral overlap of two known lines, a data matrix can be composed from one or two pure spectra and a spectrum of the mixture. The data matrix is decomposed into a spectra matrix and a concentration matrix by target transformation factor analysis. The component concentration of interest in a binary mixture is obtained from the concentration matrix and interference from the other component is eliminated. This method is applied to correcting spectral interference of yttrium on the determination of copper and aluminium: satisfactory results are obtained. This method may also be applied to correcting spectral overlap interference for more than two lines. Like other methods of correcting spectral interferences, factor analysis can only be used for additive spectral overlap. Results obtained from measurements on copper/yttrium mixtures with different white noise added show that random errors in measurement data do not significantly affect the results of the correction method.