990 resultados para mosquito Culicidae
As part of investigations into Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus and related flaviviruses in northern Australia, 153,529 mosquitoes were collected and processed for virus isolation from the Gulf Plains region of northwest Queensland. Collections front within 30 km of each of the townships of Croydon, Normanton and Karumba yielded 3,087 (2.0%), 66,009 (43.0%), and 84,433 (55.0%) mosquitoes, respectively, from which 16 viruses were isolated. Four isolates of Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE), two of Kunjin (KUN), three of Ross River (1111), and one of Sindbis (SIN) viruses were obtained from Culex sitiens subgroup mosquitoes. Molecular identification of the mosquito species composition of these virus positive pools revealed that most isolates were from pools containing mainly Culex annulirostris Skuse and low numbers of Cidex palpalis (Taylor). Only three pools, one each of MVE, KUN, and RR, were from mosquitoes identified exclusively as Cx. annulirostris. Other viruses isolated include one Edge Hill Virus from Ochlerotatus normanensis (Taylor), an isolate of SIN from Anopheles meraukensis Venhuis, two isolates of RR from Anopheles amictus Edwards, and single isolates of RR from Anopheles bancroftii Giles and Aedes lineatopennis (Ludlow). The isolate of RR from Ae. lineatopennis was the first reported from this species. The public health implications of these isolations in the Gulf Plains region are discussed briefly.
The contribution of roof gutters to Aedes aegypti (L.) and Ochlerotatus notoscriptus (Skuse) pupal populations was quantified for the first time in Cairns, Australia. Concurrent yard and roof surveys yielded ill estimated 6,934 mosquito pupae, comprising four species. Roof gutters were all uncommon but productive source of Ae. aegypti in both wet season (n = 11) and dry season (n = 2) surveys, producing 52.6% and 39.5% of the respective populations. First story gutters accounted for 92.3% of the positive gutters. Therefore, treatment of roof gutters is a critical element in Ae. aegypti control campaigns during dengue outbreaks. In wet season yards, the largest standing, crops of Ae. aegypti occurred in garden accoutrements, discarded household items, and rubbish (36.4%, 28.0%, and 20.6%, respectively). In dry season yards, rubbish produced 79.6% of the Ae. aegypti pupae. The number of Ae. aegypti pupae/person was 2.36 and 0.59 for the wet and dry season surveys, respectively.
Mosquito collections were made throughout the mainland of Papua New Guinea to identify the members of the Anopheles punctulatus group present and to determine their distribution. Identification was made using morphology, DNA hybridization, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-RFLP analysis. Nine members of the group were identified: An. farauti s.s. Laveran, An.farauti 2, An. koliensis Owen, and An. punctulatus Donitz, were common and widespread; An. farauti 4 was restricted to the north of the central ranges where it was common; An. farauti 6 was found only in the highlands above 1,000 m; and An. farauti 3, An. sp. near punctulatus and An. clowi Rozeboom & Knight were uncommon and had restricted distributions. Identification of An. koliensis and An. punctulatus using proboscis morphology was found to be unreliable wherever An. farauti 4 occurred. The distribution and dispersal of the members of the An. punctulatus group is discussed in regard to climate, larval habitats, distance from the coast, elevation, and proximity to human habitation.
Two different doses of Ross River virus (1111) were fed to Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse), the primary coastal vector in Australia; and blood engorged females were held at different temperatures up to 35 d. After ingesting 10(4.3) CCID50/Mosquito, mosquitoes reared at 18 and 25degreesC (and held at the same temperature) had higher body remnant and head and salivary gland titers than those held at 32degreesC, although infection rates were comparable. At 18, 25, and 32degreesC, respectively, virus was first detected in the salivary glands on days 3, 2, and 3. Based on a previously demonstrated 98.7% concordance between salivary gland infection and transmission, the extrinsic incubation periods were estimated as 5, 4, and 3 d, respectively, for these three temperatures. When Oc. vigilax reared at 18, 25, or 32degreesC were fed a lower dosage of 10(3.3) CCID50 RR/mosquito, and assayed after 7 d extrinsic incubation at these (or combinations of these) temperatures, infection rates and titers were similar. However, by 14 d, infection rates and titers of those reared and held at 18 and 32degreesC were significantly higher and lower, respectively. However, this process was reversible when the moderate 25degreesC was involved, and intermediate infection rates and titers resulted. These data indicate that for the strains of RR and Oc. vigilax used, rearing temperature is unimportant to vector competence in the field, and that ambient temperature variations will modulate or enhance detectable infection rates only after 7 d: extrinsic incubation. Because of the short duration of extrinsic incubation, however, this will do little to influence RR epidemiology, because by this time some Oc. vigilax could be seeking their third blood meal, the latter two being infectious.
This study details the novel application of predacious copepods, genus Mesocyclops, for control of Ochlerotatus tremulus (Theobald) group and Aedes aegypti (L.) mosquito larvae in subterranean habitats in north Queensland, Australia. During June 1997, 50 Mesocyclops sp. I were inoculated into one service manhole in South Townsville. Wet season rainfall and flooding in both 1998 and 2000 was responsible for the dispersal of copepods via the underground pipe system to 29 of 35 manholes over an area of 1.33 km(2). Significant reductions in Aedes and Ochlerotatus larvae ensued. In these habitats, Mesocyclops and Metacyclops were able to survive dry periods, when substrate moisture content ranged from 13.8 to 79.9%. At the semiarid inland towns of Hughenden and Richmond, cracking clay soil prevents drainage of water from shallow service pits where Oc. tremulus immatures numbered from 292-18,460 per pit. Introduction of Mesocyclops copepods into these sites during May 1999 resulted in 100% control of Oc. tremulus for 18 mo. One uninoculated pit subsequently became positive for Mesocyclops with resultant control of mosquito larvae.
The objective of this study was to determine the epidemiological significance of subterranean mosquito breeding sites to the 1993 outbreak of dengue fever (type 2) in the northern Queensland town of Charters Towers, Australia. In recent studies on subterranean mosquito breeding, containers such as wells and service manholes have been shown to be important breeding sites to Australia's only dengue vector, Aedes aegypti (L.). This study demonstrates a direct epidemiological association between subterranean breeding sites and dengue virus infection. The mean distance between residents seropositive for dengue 2 and the nearest subterranean container (113 m) was significantly less than for a randomly selected control (191 m), (F = 81.9; df = 1, 478; P < 0.001). Residents positive for dengue 2 antibodies was 2.47 (95% confidence interval 1.88-3.24) times higher for those living within 160 m of a well or service manhole, compared with those residing further away. These findings emphasize the importance of including subterranean water containers in Ae. aegypti surveillance and control programs.
Australian mosquitoes were evaluated for their ability to become infected with and transmit a Torres Strait strain of Japanese encephalitis virus. Mosquitoes, which were obtained from either laboratory colonies and collected using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention light traps baited with CO2 and octenol or reared from larvae, were infected by feeding on a blood/sucrose solution containing 10(4.5+/-0.1) porcine stable-equine kidney (PS-EK) tissue culture infectious dose(50)/ mosquito of the TS3306 virus strain. After 14 d, infection and transmission rates of 100% and 81%, respectively, were obtained for a southeast Queensland strain of Culex annulirostris Skuse, and 93% and 61%, respectively, for a far north Queensland strain. After 13 or more days, infection and transmission rates of > 90% and greater than or equal to 50%, respectively, were obtained for southeast Queensland strains of Culex sitiens Wiedemann and Culex quinquefasciatus Say, and a far north Queensland strain of Culex gelidus Theobald. Although infection rates were > 55%, only 17% of Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse) and no Cx. quinquefasciatus, collected from far north Queensland, transmitted virus. North Queensland strains of Aedes aegypti L., Ochlerotatus kochi (Donitz), and Verrallina funerea (Theobald) were relatively refractory to infection. Vertical transmission was not detected among 673 F, progeny of Oc. vigilax. Results of the current vector competence study, coupled with high field isolation rates, host feeding patterns and widespread distribution, confirm the status of Cx. annulirostris as the major vector of Japanese encephalitis virus in northern Australia. The relative roles of other species in potential Japanese encephalitis virus transmission cycles in northern Australia are discussed.
Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus spread to northern Australia during the 1990s, transmitted by Culex annulirostris Skuse and other mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae). To determine the relative importance of various hosts for potential vectors of JE virus, we investigated the host-feeding patterns of mosquitoes in northern Australia and Western Province of Papua New Guinea, with particular attention to pigs, Sus scrofa L. - the main amplifying host of JE virus in South-east Asia. Mosquitoes were collected by CDC light traps baited with dry ice and 1-octen-3-ol, run 16.00-08.00 hours, mostly set away from human habitations, if possible in places frequented by feral pigs. Bloodmeals of 2569 mosquitoes, representing 15 species, were identified by gel diffusion assay. All species had fed mostly on mammals: only 30%) were trapped where domestic pigs were kept close to human habitation. From seven of eight locations on the Australian mainland, the majority of Cx. annulirostris had obtained their bloodmeals from marsupials, probably the Agile wallaby Macropus agilis (Gould). Overall proportions of mosquito bloodmeals identified as marsupial were 60% from the Gulf Plains region of Australia, 78% from the Cape York Peninsula and 64% from the Daru area of Papua New Guinea. Thus, despite the abundance of feral pigs in northern Australia, our findings suggest that marsupials divert host-seeking Cx. annulirostris away from pigs. As marsupials are poor JE virus hosts, the prevalence of marsupials may impede the establishment of JE virus in Australia.
Relatam-se observações sobre o ciclo diário de atividade, por parte de mosquitos Culicidae de mata residual, em área de ambiente intensamente modificado por exploração agropecuária, no Vale do Ribeira, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram levadas a efeito, com ritmo bimensal, capturas ininterruptas de vinte e cinco horas com isca humana, além de coletas simultâneas com ardilhas tipo Shannon em ambiente intra e extra florestal. Os resultados evidenciaram o caráter diurno e noturno das espécies mais freqüentes, com destaque para o Ae. scapularis e Ae. serratus que, embora com atividade classificada como diurna, mantêm atuação apreciável também durante a noite. Em relação ao primeiro acrescenta-se a ocorrência de nítido pico endocrepuscular vespertino, e a manutenção de sua presença no meio extraflorestal. De maneira geral, essas duas espécies mostram-se presentes todos os meses do ano, com dominância de Ae. scapularis sobre Ae. serratus somente no mês de junho, ocasião porém em que aquele sobrepuja a este de maneira considerável. Tais feições caracterizam quadro que permite atribuir àquele mosquito maiores oportunidades de contato com a população humana e, por conseguinte, papel importante na veiculação de arboviroses, em especial modo, de encefalites.
Observou-se o ciclo diário da atividade culicídea em ambiente primitivo das florestas perenifólias higrófilas da planície, compreendendo tanto a quaternária como a de transição, do Sistema da Serra do Mar, no Vale do Ribeira, Estado de São Paulo (Brasil). Em cada floresta foram realizadas capturas mensais de 25 horas ininterruptas com o emprego de isca humana, bem como a utilização de armadilha tipo Shannon operadas dentro e fora do ambiente florestal. Registrou-se a dominância de An. cruzii embora não de maneira tão acentuada quanto a verificada na mata da encosta, mas que se manteve durante todos os meses do ano. Juntamente com Ae. serratus e An. bellator, esse mosquito manteve-se continuamente em atividade, na isca humana, durante todo o período das 24 horas. Cx. sacchettae e Ps. ferox revelaram ciclo nictimeral caracteristicamente noturno para o primeiro e diurno para o segundo. A influência crepuscular evidenciou-se com a ocorrência de nítidos picos endocrepusculares para An. cruzii, An. bellator e o caráter eocrepuscular para Cx. sacchettae. Aquelas duas espécies de Kerteszia confirmaram a presença de ritmo paracrepuscular. O Ae. scapularis ocorreu nas coletas efetuadas no aberto, ou seja, no meio extraflorestal onde não se registrou a presença de Ae. serratus. Comparando-se os resultados destas observações com aqueles obtidos no ambiente modificado e na mata da encosta, pôde-se traçar o perfil culicídeo dos quatro locais notando-se a ocorrência de nítida sucessão na fauna, conseqüente às alterações introduzidas pelo homem. Ae. scapularis e Cx. ribeirensis mostraram capacidade de adaptação ao ambiente humano, com a conseqüente importância epidemiológica que desse fenômeno se pode deduzir.
The biting activity of a population of Aedes scapularis (Rondani), Haemagogus capricornii Lutz and Hg. leucocelaenus (Dyar and Shannon) in Southern Brazil was studied between March 1980 and April 1983. Data were obtained with 25-hour human bait catches in three areas with patchy residual forests, named "Jacaré-Pepira", "Lupo" Farm, and "Sta. Helena" Farm, in the highland region of S. Paulo State (Brazil). Data obtained on Ae. scapularis were compared with those formerly gathered in the "Ribeira'' Valley lowlands, and were similar, except in the "Lupo" Farm study area, where a precrepuscular peak was observed, not recorded at the "Jacaré-Pepira" site or in the "Ribeira" Valley. In all the areas this mosquito showed diurnal and nocturnal activity, but was most active during the evening crepuscular period. These observations support the hypothesis about the successful adaptation of Ae. scapularis to man-made environments and have epidemiological implications that arise from it. As for Haemagogus, results obtained on the "Lupo" and "Sta. Helena" regions agree with previous data obtained in several other regions and show its diurnal activity. The proximity of "Lupo" Farm, where Hg. capricornii and Hg. leucocelaenus showed considerable activity, to "Araraquara" city where Aedes aegypti was recently found, raises some epidemiological considerations about the possibility of urban yellow fever resurgence.
En la localidad de Charambirá, situada en el município de Istmina (Chocó) en la costa Pacífica de Colombia, se presenta un problema de malaria endémica asociada con grandes poblaciones de mosquitos Anopheles del subgénero Kerteszia (A. neivai). Estos se crían en las colecciones de agua formadas por plantas epífitas de la família Bromeliaceae, que son muy abundantes en los árboles de mangle. En esa localidad se estudiaron: fluctuación poblacional y algunos aspectos ecológicos y etológicos de los adultos de esa especie de mosquito, con el objetivo de determinar su papel en la transmisión de malaria. Todos los mosquitos fueron colectados por cebos humanos. Los picos máximos de actividad ocurrieron en las horas crepusculares de la mañana y de la tarde (5:30 a 6:30 y 18:00 a 19:00 horas). En el período nocturno la actividad intradomiciliar fue baja y no hubo ninguna durante el día. El estado gonadotrófico de las hembras colectadas durante nos picos de actividad, mostró la existencia de dos poblaciones de mosquitos: una, en su mayoría individuos jóvenes que buscan su alimento en las horas de la tarde y la otra compuesta por individuos mas longevos, que buscan su alimento en la mañana. El estudio de la variación estacional mostró que las poblaciones son bajas en los meses de poca precipitación, pero a medida que aumenta el índice pluviométrico, aumenta el número de mosquitos. Se discute la relación que existe entre la presencia de los mosquitos y la prevalencia de malaria humana; se sugiere que A. neivai puede ser el responsable de la transmisión de malaria en la zona estudiada.
The transmission cycle of western equine encephalitis (WEE) virus in South America is unknown. A WEE virus strain was isolated from Aedes albifasciatus in Argentina during the WEE epizootic of 1982-83. Also, Culex pipiens from Argentina was reported to be able to transmit WEE virus experimentally, but other results indicate that Cx. pipiens from the USA is refractory to this virus. We determined the susceptibility of Argentina strains of Ae. albifasciatus and Culex pipiens complex mosquites to infection by WEE virus by the oral route. Adult females were fed on chicks infected with a WEE virus strain isolated in Cordoba Province, Argentina, or were fed on a blood/virus suspension. Each mosquito ingested between 10(1.6) to 10(6.4) vero cell plaque-forming units of virus. Each of 28 Ae. albifasciatus was positive for virus from the fourth day postfeeding, and there was evidence for virus replication. In contrast, 0/44 Cx. p. quinquefasciatus and only 1/15 Cx. p. pipiens was positive. Aedes albifasciatus is susceptible to infection by WEE virus and should be considered a potential vector of this virus in Argentina. Both subspecies of Cx. pipiens are refractory to peroral infection by WEE virus and probably do not play a role in the WEE virus cycle in Argentina.
Foram feitas coletas de mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) na área do projeto de Colonização Pedro Peixoto, no Estado do Acre, Brasil. Obteve-se um total de 4.588 exemplares pertencentes a 53 espécies ou grupos. Salienta-se a ocorrência de Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) oswaldoi.
A relation between a rice irrigation system and mosquito breeding was established in a study undertaken at the Ribeira Valley Experimental Station, from January through December 1992. Flooding favoured Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) and Culex (Melanoconion) species, while empty paddies condition were propitious to Aedes scapularis and Culex (Culex) species. Compared with a more primitive area of the same region, several species showed high a degree of adaptation to the anthropic environment. Among them, Anopheles albitarsis, a potential malaria vector that breeds in the irrigation system, has shown immature stage production thirteen times higher than at the natural breeding sites. In addition, Ae. scapularis, An. oswaldoi, Cx. bastagarius, and Cx. chidesteri presented high levels of synanthropy.