988 resultados para modello epidemologia


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The relevance of human joint models has been shown in the literature. They can help in diagnosis, in prostheses and ortheses design and in predicting the joints’ behavior. Recently a sequential approach for the modeling of the human diarthrodial joints composed of three steps has been proposed. At each step the role of some anatomical structures is considered. Starting from a limited number of structures, the model gets more and more sophisticated until all the components, both passive (articular surfaces, ligaments and tendons) and active (muscles), are incorporated in the final model. According to this procedure, the behavior of the human ankle during passive motion (no loads applied) has been previously modeled by a one degree of freedom 5-5 fully parallel mechanism. Starting from this model, the kinetostatic model of the human ankle joint that replicates its behavior when external loads are applied is developed. The anatomical and mechanical characteristics and the role of the passive structures are considered; a multifiber model is developed and an optimization criteria based on experimental data is proposed. Finally an application of the developed model to an amputated ankle is presented, together with the results obtained from the optimization of the geometrical and mechanical Parameters. Although some improvements can be achieved, the model is satisfactorily able to replicate the behavior of the human ankle subject to the anterior drawer and the inversion clinical tests applied in the neutral position.


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In the Nineties year in the German Studies’ area appears a new reflection around the theatrical chorus thank to the activity of theatrical personalities as Heiner Müller, Einar Schleef, Elfriede Jelinek or Christoph Marthaler. So Hans Thies Lehmann, in his compendium about the Postdramatic Theater (Hans-Thies Lehmann, Postdramatisches Theater, Verlag der Autoren, Frankfurt am Main 1999) advances the new category of the Chortheater (Chor Theatre) to explain e new form of drama and performative event; again in 1999 appear the important essay of Detlev Baur (Detlev Baur, Der Chor im Theater des 20. Jahrhunderts. Typologie des theatralen Mittels Chor, Niemeyer, Tübingen 1999), that gives an important device about this instrument but without giving the reasons of the its modifications in such different historical times. Then in 2004, Erika Fischer-Lichte, (Theatre, Sacrifice, Ritual. Exploring Forms of Political Theatre, Routledge, London-New York 2005), reflects about the connection between ritual and theatre in the 20th Century. Thank to this studies the search aim was to give a new story of the chorus as theatrical and performative tool, in his liminal essence in creating immersive or alienating theatrical relation with the audience and to give specific features to distinguish it from general categories such as choral theatre o ensemble theatre.


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La tesi individua alcune strategie di rigenerazione urbana e di riqualificazione edilizia, al fine di ottenere una serie di linee guida per l’intervento sul patrimonio di edilizia abitativa situata nelle periferie urbane. Tali principi sono stati poi applicati ad un edificio ACER collocato nella prima periferia di Forlì, per sperimentare l’efficacia delle strategie individuate. Dalla ricerca svolta sulle strategie di intervento volte alla riqualificazione sociale delle periferie, in particolare la teoria del “Defencible space” di Jacobs, si evidenzia l’importanza di accentuare nei residenti il sentimento di territorialità, ovvero la consapevolezza di far parte di una comunità specifica insediata in un particolare spazio, alimentata attraverso la frequentazione e l’appropriazione percettivo-funzionale degli spazi pubblici. Si è deciso quindi di allargare il campo di intervento alla rigenerazione dell’interno comparto, attraverso la riorganizzazione degli spazi verdi e la dotazione di attrezzature sportive e ricreative, in modo da offrire spazi specifici per le diverse utenze (anziani, giovani, bambini) e la definizione di un programma funzionale di servizi ricreativi e spazi destinati a piccolo commercio per integrare le dotazioni carenti dell’area. Dall’analisi approfondita dell’edificio sono emerse le criticità maggiori su cui intervenire: - l’intersezione dei percorsi di accesso all’edificio - la struttura portante rigida, non modificabile - la scarsa varietà tipologica degli alloggi - l’elevato fabbisogno energetico. La riqualificazione dell’edificio ha toccato quindi differenti campi: tecnologico, funzionale, energetico e sociale; il progetto è stato strutturato come una serie di fasi successive di intervento, eventualmente realizzabili in tempi diversi, in modo da consentire il raggiungimento di diversi obiettivi di qualità, in funzione della priorità data alle diverse esigenze. Secondo quest’ottica, il primo grado di intervento, la fase 1 - riqualificazione energetica, si limita all’adeguamento dello stato attuale alle prestazioni energetiche richieste dalla normativa vigente, in assenza di adeguamenti tipologici e spaziali. La fase 2 propone la sostituzione degli impianti di riscaldamento a caldaie autonome presenti attualmente con un impianto centralizzato con pompa di calore, un intervento invasivo che rende necessaria la realizzazione di un “involucro polifunzionale” che avvolge completamente l’edificio. Questo intervento nasce da tre necessità fondamentali : - architettonica: poter ampliare verso l’esterno le superfici degli alloggi, così da intervenire sulle unità abitative rendendole più rispondenti alle necessità odierne; - statica: non dover gravare in ciò sull’edificio esistente apportando ulteriori carichi, difficilmente sopportabili dalla struttura esistente, assicurando il rispetto della normativa antisismica in vigore; - impiantistica/tecnologica: alloggiare i condotti del nuovo impianto centralizzato per il riscaldamento, raffrescamento e acs; La fase 3 è invece incentrata sull’ampliamento dell’offerta abitativa, in modo da rispondere anche a necessità legate ad utenze speciali, come utenti disabili o anziani. L’addizione di nuovi volumi si sviluppa in tre direzioni: - un volume parassita, che aderisce all’edificio nel fronte sud/est, indipendente dal punto di vista strutturale, ruotato per sfruttare al meglio l’orientamento ottimale. - un volume satellite, indipendente, connesso all’edificio esistente tramite un elemento di raccordo, e nel quale sono collocati alcuni alloggi speciali. - un’addizione in copertura, che non appoggia direttamente sul solaio di copertura esistente, ma grava sull’elemento di chiusura del’involucro realizzato nella fase 2 Completano il progetto le addizioni volumetriche a piano terra, destinate a servizi quali un centro diurno, un micronido e un bar, i quali costituiscono la traduzione alla scala dell’edificio delle strategie applicate nel progetto di comparto. Questi interventi hanno consentito di trasformare un edificio costruito negli anni ’80 in un complesso residenziale moderno, dotato spazi accessori di grande qualità, tecnologie moderne che ne garantiscono il comfort abitativo, servizi alla persona disponibili in prossimità dell’edificio.


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Total ankle arthroplasty (TAA) is still not as satisfactory as total hip and total knee arthroplasty. For the TAA to be considered a valuable alternative to ankle arthrodesis, an effective range of ankle mobility must be recovered. The disappointing clinical results of the current generation of TAA are mostly related to poor understanding of the structures guiding ankle joint mobility. A new design (BOX Ankle) has been developed, uniquely able to restore physiologic ankle mobility and a natural relationship between the implanted components and the retained ligaments. For the first time the shapes of the tibial and talar components in the sagittal plane were designed to be compatible with the demonstrated ligament isometric rotation. This resulted in an unique motion at the replaced ankle where natural sliding as well as rolling motion occurs while at the same time full conformity is maintained between the three components throughout the flexion arc. According to prior research, the design features a spherical convex tibial component, a talar component with radius of curvature in the sagittal plane longer than that of the natural talus, and a fully conforming meniscal component. After computer-based modelling and preliminary observations in several trial implantation in specimens, 126 patients were implanted in the period July 2003 – December 2008. 75 patients with at least 6 months follow-up are here reported. Mean age was 62,6 years (range 22 – 80), mean follow-up 20,2 months. The AOFAS clinical score systems were used to assess patient outcome. Radiographs at maximal dorsiflexion and maximal plantar flexion confirmed the meniscalbearing component moves anteriorly during dorsiflexion and posteriorly during plantarflexion. Frontal and lateral radiographs in the patients, show good alignment of the components, and no signs of radiolucency or loosening. The mean AOFAS score was observed to go from 41 pre-op to 74,6 at 6 month follow-up, with further improvement at the following follow-up. These early results reveal satisfactory clinical scores, with good recovery of range of motion and reduction of pain. Radiographic assessment reveals good osteointegration. All these preliminary results confirm biomechanical studies and the validity of this novel ligamentcompatible prosthesis design. Surely it will be important to re-evaluate these patients later.


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The present study was performed to validate a spatial working memory task using pharmacological manipulations. The water escape T-maze, which combines the advantages of the Morris water maze and the T-maze while minimizes the disadvantages, was used. Scopolamine, a drug that affects cognitive function in spatial working memory tasks, significantly decreased the rat performance in the present delayed alternation task. Since glutamate neurotransmission plays an important role in the maintaining of working memory, we evaluated the effect of ionotropic and metabotropic glutamatergic receptors antagonists, administered alone or in combination, on rat behaviour. As the acquisition and performance of memory tasks has been linked to the expression of the immediately early gene cFos, a marker of neuronal activation, we also investigated the neurochemical correlates of the water escape T-maze after pharmacological treatment with glutamatergic antagonists, in various brain areas. Moreover, we focused our attention on the involvement of perirhinal cortex glutamatergic neurotransmission in the acquisition and/or consolidation of this particular task. The perirhinal cortex has strong and reciprocal connections with both specific cortical sensory areas and some memory-related structures, including the hippocampal formation and amygdala. For its peculiar position, perirhinal cortex has been recently regarded as a key region in working memory processes, in particular in providing temporary maintenance of information. The effect of perirhinal cortex lesions with ibotenic acid on the acquisition and consolidation of the water escape T-maze task was evaluated. In conclusion, our data suggest that the water escape T-maze could be considered a valid, simple and quite fast method to assess spatial working memory, sensible to pharmacological manipulations. Following execution of the task, we observed cFos expression in several brain regions. Furthermore, in accordance to literature, our results suggest that glutamatergic neurotransmission plays an important role in the acquisition and consolidation of working memory processes.


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Si analizza il modello di Fister-Panetta per la crescita di cellule tumorali nella fase avascolare del tumore e si propone un percorso didattico di introduzione alla modellistica matematica in una quinta liceo. Si riporta poi una riflessione sulle motivazioni per cui l'introduzione degli aspetti modellistici e applicativi della matematica è importante anche nella scuola superiore.


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The main aim of this thesis is strongly interdisciplinary: it involves and presumes a knowledge on Neurophysiology, to understand the mechanisms that undergo the studied phenomena, a knowledge and experience on Electronics, necessary during the hardware experimental set-up to acquire neuronal data, on Informatics and programming to write the code necessary to control the behaviours of the subjects during experiments and the visual presentation of stimuli. At last, neuronal and statistical models should be well known to help in interpreting data. The project started with an accurate bibliographic research: until now the mechanism of perception of heading (or direction of motion) are still poorly known. The main interest is to understand how the integration of visual information relative to our motion with eye position information happens. To investigate the cortical response to visual stimuli in motion and the integration with eye position, we decided to study an animal model, using Optic Flow expansion and contraction as visual stimuli. In the first chapter of the thesis, the basic aims of the research project are presented, together with the reasons why it’s interesting and important to study perception of motion. Moreover, this chapter describes the methods my research group thought to be more adequate to contribute to scientific community and underlines my personal contribute to the project. The second chapter presents an overview on useful knowledge to follow the main part of the thesis: it starts with a brief introduction on central nervous system, on cortical functions, then it presents more deeply associations areas, which are the main target of our study. Furthermore, it tries to explain why studies on animal models are necessary to understand mechanism at a cellular level, that could not be addressed on any other way. In the second part of the chapter, basics on electrophysiology and cellular communication are presented, together with traditional neuronal data analysis methods. The third chapter is intended to be a helpful resource for future works in the laboratory: it presents the hardware used for experimental sessions, how to control animal behaviour during the experiments by means of C routines and a software, and how to present visual stimuli on a screen. The forth chapter is the main core of the research project and the thesis. In the methods, experimental paradigms, visual stimuli and data analysis are presented. In the results, cellular response of area PEc to visual stimuli in motion combined with different eye positions are shown. In brief, this study led to the identification of different cellular behaviour in relation to focus of expansion (the direction of motion given by the optic flow pattern) and eye position. The originality and importance of the results are pointed out in the conclusions: this is the first study aimed to investigate perception of motion in this particular cortical area. In the last paragraph, a neuronal network model is presented: the aim is simulating cellular pre-saccadic and post-saccadic response of neuron in area PEc, during eye movement tasks. The same data presented in chapter four, are further analysed in chapter fifth. The analysis started from the observation of the neuronal responses during 1s time period in which the visual stimulation was the same. It was clear that cells activities showed oscillations in time, that had been neglected by the previous analysis based on mean firing frequency. Results distinguished two cellular behaviour by their response characteristics: some neurons showed oscillations that changed depending on eye and optic flow position, while others kept the same oscillations characteristics independent of the stimulus. The last chapter discusses the results of the research project, comments the originality and interdisciplinary of the study and proposes some future developments.