155 resultados para mobilities
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden kreuzkonjugierte organische Verbindungen basierend auf Diazafluorenmethyliden- sowie Dipyridylmethyliden-Bausteinen synthetisiert, die zum einen photoredoxaktive Metallfragmente komplexieren können und zum anderen erweiterte π-konjugierte Pfade auf der Grundlage von Alkineinheiten ermöglichen. Das kreuzkonjugierte Motiv wurde über die Kupplung von Alkineinheiten an halogenierte Methyliden-Einheiten, den so genannten Dibromolefinen, zugänglich gemacht. Zur Synthese von Dibromolefinen wurden verschiedene Methoden untersucht. Literaturbekannte Methoden wie die Wittig-Reaktion und ihre Modifikationen sowie die Corey-Fuchs-Reaktion konnten für die Diazafluoreneinheit nicht erfolgreich angewendet werden. Bei einer mikrowellenunterstützten Reaktion konnte sowohl ausgehend von Diazafluoren-9-on als auch von Di-2-pyridylketon eine Dibromolefinierung (55 % und 65 %) erreicht werden. Die Eignung der Mikrowellenstrahlung für Dibromolefinierungsreaktionen nach Corey und Fuchs wurde weiterhin an verschiedenen Aldehyden und Ketonen untersucht. In den meisten Fällen konnten gute bis sehr gute Ergebnisse erzielt werden. Durch die erfolgreiche Synthese von Dibromolefinen über Mikrowellensynthese wurde die Realisierung von diversen π-konjugierten Systemen möglich. Dies erfolgte exemplarisch durch die Kupplung der Alkine 5-Ethinyl-2,2’-bipyridin, 1-(Ferrocenylethinyl)-4-(ethinyl)benzol, Tri(tolyl)propin sowie der TIPS- und TMS-Acetylene. Neben der Vielfalt an Möglichkeiten zur Funktionalisierung von Dipyridyl- und Diazafluorenbausteinen zeigte sich zudem, dass sogar räumlich anspruchsvolle Verbindungen wie die geminale angeordneten voluminösen Tri(tolyl)propinyl-Substituenten an der Doppelbindung erfolgreich synthetisiert werden können. Die Koordinationseigenschaften der neu synthetisierten Verbindungen konnten durch Umsetzungen der Diazafluoren- und Dipyridylverbindungen mit PdCl2 und [RuCl2(bpy)2] erfolgreich gezeigt werden. Im Hinblick auf die Herstellung von Funktionsmaterialien eignen sich die Endiin-Strukturmotive aufgrund von diversen Variationsmöglichkeiten wie Koordination von Übergangsmetallen sowie Funktionalisierung der Peripherie gut. Dadurch können die elektronischen Eigenschaften wie die Absorption oder elektrochemische Potentiale der Verbindungen modifiziert werden. Die UV/Vis-Spektren der neu synthetisierten Verbindungen zeigen, dass Absorptionen in längerwelligen Bereichen durch Verlängerung des Konjugationspfades gesteuert werden können. Zudem lassen sich weitere photophysikalische Eigenschaften wie MC-, LC-, LMCT- oder MLCT-Übergänge durch Koordination von Metallen generieren. Die elektrochemischen Potentiale der Dipyridyl- und Diazafluorenbausteine konnten durch Anbindung von verschiedenen Substituenten beeinflusst werden. Es zeigte sich, dass sich die Reduktionswellen im Vergleich zu denen der Ketone zu niedrigeren Potentialen verschieben, wenn Alkine an die Dipyridylmethyliden- und Diazafluorenmethyliden-Bausteine geknüpft wurden. Zudem konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Signale nicht immer reversibel sind. Insbesondere die Dipyridylverbindungen zeichneten sich durch irreversible Reduktionswellen aus. Die Realisierung von π-konjugierten Systemen gelang auch mit cyclischen kohlenstoffbasierten Verbindungen. Über das separat synthetisierte 2,2’-Diethinyltolan konnte eine cyclische Verbindung, ein dehydroannulen-radialenisches System, erfolgreich hergestellt werden. Die Koordination von redoxaktiven Metallzentren wie [Ru(bpy)2] konnte für diese Verbindung ebenfalls erfolgreich gezeigt werden. Die elektronische Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Metallzentrum und dem dehydroannulenischen System könnte sowohl über theoretische Methoden (zeitabhängige Dichtefunktionaltheorie) als auch experimentell wie z. B. über transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie untersucht werden. Diese zukünftig durchzuführenden Untersuchungen können Aufschluss über die Ladungstransferraten und -dauer geben. Im Hinblick auf die Realisierung von Modellverbindungen für molekulare Drähte wurden lineare Systeme basierend auf der Diazafluoreneinheit synthetisiert. Zur Synthese von derartigen Systemen war es zunächst notwendig, die Dibromolefine unsymmetrisch zu alkinylieren. Die unsymmetrische Substitution gestaltete sich als Herausforderung, da eine Einfachkupplung mit einem Acetylen nicht möglich war. In den meisten Fällen wurden zweifach substituierte Spezies mit den identischen Alkinen erhalten. Die besten Ausbeuten konnten durch die konsekutive Zugabe von TIPS-Acetylen und darauffolgend TMS-Acetylen in die Reaktionsmischung erhalten werden. Offenbar spielt der räumliche Anspruch des Erstsubstituenten in diesem Zusammenhang eine Rolle. Die selektive Entschützung der unterschiedlich silylierten Verbindungen erfolgte mit K2CO3 in MeOH/THF (1:1). Die oxidative Homokupplungsreaktion erfolgte ohne Isolierung der entschützten Spezies, da diese instabil ist und zur Polymerisation neigt. Aufgrund der Instabilität der entschützten Spezies sowie möglichen Nebenreaktionen waren die Ausbeuten sowohl bei der TIPS-geschützten Verbindung als auch bei der TTP-geschützten Verbindung gering. Versuche, lineare Systeme von dipyridylbasierten Verbindungen zu erhalten, schlugen fehl. Die π-konjugierten Systeme lassen aufgrund der effektiven Überlappung der beteiligten π-Orbitale hohe Ladungsträgermobilitäten vermuten. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit synthetisierten Verbindungen könnten mit Schwefelverbindungen die Anbindung an Elektroden zulassen, worüber die Leitfähigkeiten der Verbindungen gemessen werden könnten.
Este estudio trata sobre la evolución de la movilidad cotidiana en dos municipios que ilustran la diversidad de las periferias populares de Bogotá: Soacha está integrado al mercado residencial y laboral de Bogotá, mientras Madrid conserva cierta autonomía. Ambos han entrado hoy día en una fase de “maduración urbana”, que se traduce en una diversificación de su composición demográfica, en una consolidación de lo construido, en un cierto arraigo residencial de sus habitantes y en un mejoramiento de la oferta local de empleos y servicios, entre los que se encuentra el de educación. El análisis de los censos realizados por el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadísticas (DANE) en 1993 y 2005 y de unas encuestas específicas sobre movilidad (1993, 2009) muestra una relativa homogeneización de la composición social de los municipios, la cual contrasta con el recrudecimiento de las desigualdades de movilidad cotidiana, particularmente en Soacha. Estas desigualdades nos solo reflejan las jerarquías sociales, s o también los efectos del género y de la edad, pues se observan diferencias importantes entre individuos de un mismo hogar.
Building upon existing Caribbean research by Condon and Duval, we assess how repetitive visiting is, or is not, important to youthful return migrants in their 30s and 40s, who have decided to return more permanently to Trinidad. Is it influential in their social and economic adaptations on return, and does this transnational practice lead to a more permanent return? Our analysis is based on 40 detailed narratives which were collected in 2004-2005. For some returnees, repetitive visiting is influential, for others one visit is enough and for a few, it makes no difference. Yet it is certainly a common practice for 'keeping in touch' among our transnational informants.
We investigated whether oxidation alters the self-aggregation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and the inhibition of such aggregation by albumin. Incubation with copper for different durations produced mildly, moderately, and highly oxidised LDL (having, respectively, ca. 60, 300 and 160 nmol lipid hydroperoxides/mg protein, and electrophoretic mobilities 1.2, 2.6 and 4.4 times that of native LDL). The rate of flow-induced aggregation was the same for native, mildly oxidised and moderately oxidised LDL, but decreased for highly oxidised LDL. The inhibitory effect of albumin (40 mg/ml) on aggregation was reduced by mild oxidation and further reduced by moderate or severe oxidation. The net result of the two effects was that in the presence of albumin, moderately oxidised LDL had the highest rate of aggregation and native the lowest. The reduction in the anti-aggregatory effect of albumin provides a new mechanism by which LDL oxidation might enhance net aggregation in vivo. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Puroindoline proteins were purified from selected UK-grown hexaploid wheats. Their identities were confirmed on the basis of capillary electrophoresis mobilities, relative molecular mass and N-terminal amino acid sequencing. Only one form of puroindoline-a protein was found in those varieties, regardless of endosperm texture. Three allelic forms of puroindoline-b protein were identified. Nucleotide sequencing of cDNA produced by RT-PCR of isolated mRNA indicated that these were the 'wild-type', found in soft wheats, puroindoline-b containing a Gly -> Ser amino acid substitution (position 46) and puroindoline-b containing a Trp -> Arg substitution (position 44). The latter two were found in hard wheats. Microheterogeneity, due to short extensions and/or truncations at the N-terminus and C-terminus, was detected for both puroindoline-a and puroindoline-b. The type of microheterogeneity observed was more consistent for puroindoline-a than for puroindoline-b, and may arise through slightly different post-translational processing pathways. A puroindoline-b allele corresponding to a Leu -> Pro substitution (position 60) was identified from the cDNA sequence of the hard variety Chablis, but no mature puroindoline-b protein was found in this or two other European varieties known to possess this puroindoline-b allele. Wheats possessing the puroindoline-b proteins with point mutations appeared to contain lower amounts of puroindoline protein. Such wheats have a hard endosperm texture, as do wheats from which puroindoline-a or puroindoline-b are absent. Our results suggest that point mutations in puroindoline-b genes may confer hard endosperm texture through accumulation of allelic forms of puroindoline-b proteins with altered functional properties and/or through lower amounts of puroindoline proteins.
In mammalian cells, inflammation is mainly mediated by the binding of tumor necrosis factor alpha to tumor necrosis factor receptor 1. In this study, we investigated lateral dynamics of TNF-R1 before and after ligand binding using high-density single-particle tracking in combination with photoactivated localization microscopy. Our single-molecule data indicates the presence of tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 with different mobilities in the plasma membrane, suggesting different molecular organizations. Cholesterol depletion led to a decrease of slow receptor species and a strong increase in the average diffusion coefficient. Moreover, as a consequence of tumor necrosis factor-alpha treatment, the mean diffusion coefficient moderately increased while its distribution narrowed. Based on our observation, we propose a refined mechanism on the structural arrangement and activation of tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 in the plasma membrane.
A re-examination of the herald Roger Machado's extant memorandum book, which contains an inventory and mercantile accounts amongst its contents. It is argued that this little-studied source provides evidence for an otherwise undocumented period in Machado's life - when he fled into exile to join Henry Tudor.
Mobility is a fundamental facet of being human and should be central to archaeology. Yet mobility itself and the role it plays in the production of social life, is rarely considered as a subject in its own right. This is particularly so with discussions of the Neolithic people where mobility is often framed as being somewhere between a sedentary existence and nomadic movements. This volume examines the importance and complexities of movement and mobility, whether on land or water, in the Neolithic period. It uses movement in its widest sense, ranging from everyday mobilities – the routines and rhythms of daily life – to proscribed mobility, such as movement in and around monuments, and occasional and large-scale movements and migrations around the continent and across seas. Papers are roughly grouped and focus on ‘mobility and the landscape’, ‘monuments and mobility’, ‘travelling by water’, and ‘materials and mobility’. Through these themes the volume considers the movement of people, ideas, animals, objects, and information, and uses a wide range of archaeological evidence from isotope analysis; artefact studies; lithic scatters and assemblage diversity.
Although alkyl carbonic acids (ACAs) and their salts are referred to as instable species in aqueous medium, we demonstrate that a monoalkyl carbonate (MAC) can in fact be easily formed from bicarbonate and an alcohol even in the presence of a high amount of water. A CE system with two capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detectors (C(4)Ds) was used to obtain different parameters about these species and their reactions. Based on the mobilities obtained for a series of alcohols ranging from 1 to 5 carbons, the coefficients of diffusion and the hydrodynamic radii were calculated. When compared with the equivalent carboxylates, MACs have radii systematically smaller. Although the precise pK(a) values of the ACAs could not be obtained, because of the fast decomposition in acid medium, it was possible, for the first time, to show that they are below 4.0. This result suggests that the acidity of an ACA is quite similar to the first hydrogen of H(2)CO(3). Using a new approach to indirectly calibrate the C(4)D, the kinetic constants and the equilibrium constants of formation were also obtained. The results suggest that the increase in the chain length makes the MACs less stable and more inert.
O transporte de massa por migração relativo à redução do proton em um ultramicroeletrodo de platina foi investigado. O efeito da migração sobre as correntes limite foi primeiramente estudado para uma só espécie eletroativa em solução através da comparação dos voltampérogramas obtidos na ausência de eletrólito suporte assim como na presença de um grande excesso do mesmo (efeito do eletrólito). O comportamento do proton na água e dos ácidos do tipo BH+ e HA- em acetonitrila foi estudado e uma expressão para quantificar o efeito do eletrólito é proposta. Ela considera as condutâncias equivalentes e as cargas das espécies iônicas em solução, o número de elétrons envolvido na reação eletroquímica e o tipo de eletrodo utilisado. Os fenômenos de exaltação da corrente de migração que podem se manifestar quando a redução de uma espécie eletroativa é precedida pela redução de uma segunda espécie presente simultâneamente na solução foram igualmente estudados. Observa-se que a exaltação da corrente de migração de uma espécie iônica ocorre mesmo quando sua transformação eletroquímica precede aquela da espécie molecular. Nêste caso, se as mobilidades iônicas são próximas, a altura da onda da espécie molecular é duas vezes maior que na ausência da espécie iônica.
No mundo, hoje, tudo está em movimento. Pessoas, objetos, valores, informação e imagens circulam cada dia mais intensa e extensamente em um ambiente social fluido, em rede e de riscos. Quando a mobilidade torna-se parte importante da experiência cotidiana e os deslocamentos físicos, geográficos, virtuais ou imaginativos tomam a frente nas relações e alteram radicalmente os modos de vida em todas as esferas - social, cultural, política e econômica -, nesse momento uma cultura da mobilidade se impõe e envolve a todos em novas possibilidades e experiências, assim como, em novos constrangimentos, riscos e discursos que devem ser estudados. O cada dia mais intenso imbricamento entre a cultura da mobilidade e o discurso publicitário constitui a base que sustenta a tese e que delineia as duas premissas fundamentais do estudo: a primeira, de que as coisas do mundo chegam até o sujeito apesar de sua imobilidade, por meio dos objetos, das informações e das imagens que circulam globalmente; e, a segunda premissa, de que a despeito de seu caráter comercial, persuasivo e de vendas, a publicidade também pode ser encarada como um bem cultural que expressa a cultura da qual faz parte. É na articulação destas duas premissas que reside o interesse primordial e o objeto de estudo da pesquisa: ao considerar o fazer publicitário como representação da sociedade, investigar, a partir da perspectiva do Paradigma das Novas Mobilidades, como o movimento é expresso discursivamente na publicidade das marcas globais. A interpretação do discurso publicitário global teve como objetivo validar a hipótese de que há um consumo de (i)mobilidade sendo feito quando o indivíduo sai em busca de objetos que, a partir de sua disponibilidade (ready-to-handness) e potencial de uso em relação ao ambiente (affordance), suportem sua (i)mobilidade cotidiana com certa estabilidade e menor risco. O locus da investigação é o Brasil e o estudo focou sua análise nos 32 anos relativos ao período de 1982 a 2014. Foram selecionados anúncios de marcas veiculados na revista Veja durante o período de três Copas do Mundo FIFA: de 1982, na Espanha; de 1998, na França; e de 2014, no Brasil, que cobrem o período proposto pela pesquisa.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Uma das utilizações da técnica de cultura de tecidos para o melhoramento vegetal é a identificação de linhas de células que apresentem tolerância ao estresse salino. Para se estudar os mecanismos bioquímicos envolvidos na expressão genética da tolerância a salinidade, calos oriundos de eixos embrionários de quatro cultivares de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.; cultivares IAC - carioca, IAPAR 14, JALO-EEP 558, BAT - 93), foram cultivados em meio sólido Murashige & Skoog (1962), suplementado com NaCl nas concentrações de 0, 20, 40, 60 e 80 mM. Após 14 dias de incubação, os calos foram coletados e analisados quanto aos padrões isoenzimáticos e de atividade das peroxidases. Os cultivares BAT e IAPAR apresentaram duas zonas de atividade em comum na região anódica e apenas uma zona enzimática específica a cada um deles (migração mais rápida).Possivelmente as duas zonas anódicas intermediárias sejam produtos do mesmo loco enzimático, porém com alelos diferentes, consequentemente diferentes mobilidades eletroforéticas. O cv. JALO apresentou duas zonas anódicas de atividade em comum com os cultivares IAC e IAPAR com uma zona anódica exclusiva de migração mais lenta, a qual apresentou atividade mais intensa de todos os cultivares analisados. Este cultivar revelou ainda uma zona catódica provavelmente dimérica e heterozigota nos indivíduos de todos os tratamentos aplicados. Provavelmente, esta é a mesma zona que ocorre em homozigose com fixação do alelo lento para os indivíduos de todos os tratamentos efetuados nos cultivares BAT e IAPAR. O cv. IAC apresentou duas bandas anódicas em comum com os cv. IAPAR e JALO. Apresentou também a banda anódica mais rápida em comum com o cv. IAPAR e uma banda anódica exclusiva de migração mais lenta. Curiosamente, os indivíduos deste cv. mantidos em meio suplementado com 20 mM de NaCl não apresentaram atividade nas três zonas anódicas mais lentas. Ocorreu no cv. IAC uma única zona de atividade catódica, dimérica e heterozigota para os indivíduos provenientes de todos os tratamentos, composta provavelmente de dois alelos diferentes da zona correspondente ao cv. JALO. Amostras provenientes dos tratamentos 40 e 60 mM de NaCl, desta zona catódica, apresentaram maior atividade enzimática. A análise da atividade da peroxidase no extrato bruto, revelou que os cultivares responderam diferentemente ao aumento da concentração salina no meio de cultura, com aumento pronunciado dessa atividade nos cultivares IAC e JALO.
Tunicamycin, which inhibits N-glycosylation of proteins, was used as a tool to determine the type of linkage which occurs in glycoprotein antigens of Aspergillus fumigatus. When A. fumigatus extracts were electrophoretically separated and blotted then probed with anti-Aspergillus patients' sera, differences in antigenic profiles were noted when tunicamycin-treated samples were compared with controls. Tunicamycin had no detectable effect on the cellular proteinases of A. fumigatus, most of which are glycosylated. Some enzymatic components were lacking when extracellular proteinases were compared with those of control samples. The major catalase component of A. fumigatus is a concanavalin A (Con A)-binding glycoprotein. In cultures grown in the presence of tunicamycin, partiallydeglycosylated catalase components were obtained which could be distinguished from the native catalase by their altered mobilities in polyacrylamide gels. The effect of deglycosylation on catalase antigens was monitored using an antiserum raised to a ConA-binding fraction of A fumigatus mycelium. These antibodies bound both to the native glycoprotein and the partially deglycosylated material. These latter two were largely unaffected when incubated with an antiserum raised to a non-ConA-binding fraction of A. fumigatus which is essentially carbohydrate free. The ability to produce partially-glycosylated antigens of A. fumigatus offers a model to study the effect of basic structural modifications on both the enzymatic and antigenic activities of these molecules.