908 resultados para misfolding and disease
The immune response to pathogens results in both host resistance and immunopathology. Cytokines and in particular those lymphokines produced by Th1 and Th2 cells play a key role in determining the balance between these two immunologic outcomes. Recent data suggest that interleukin-10, a product of both Th2 cells and macrophages, protects the host against excessive immunopathology. The cytokine environment generated by different pathogens may also influence the course and outcome of infections with unrelated organisms. This relationship may be particularly important in the case of HIV-1 where prior Th1 or Th2 biases established by helminth or intracellular infections may influence either initial viral susceptibility or drive progression to AIDS through immune activation
The role gap junction channels play in the normal and abnormal functioning of the vascular wall is the subject of much research. The biophysical properties of gap junctions are an essential component in understanding how gap junctions function to allow coordinated relaxation and contraction of vascular smooth muscle. This study reviews the properties thus far elucidated and relates those properties to tissue function. We ask how biophysical and structural properties such as gating, permselectivity, subconductive states and channel type (heteromeric vs homotypic vs heterotypic) might affect vascular smooth muscle tone.
At the present time, protein folding is an extremely active field of research including aspects of biology, chemistry, biochemistry, computer science and physics. The fundamental principles have practical applications in the exploitation of the advances in genome research, in the understanding of different pathologies and in the design of novel proteins with special functions. Although the detailed mechanisms of folding are not completely known, significant advances have been made in the understanding of this complex process through both experimental and theoretical approaches. In this review, the evolution of concepts from Anfinsen's postulate to the "new view" emphasizing the concept of the energy landscape of folding is presented. The main rules of protein folding have been established from in vitro experiments. It has been long accepted that the in vitro refolding process is a good model for understanding the mechanisms by which a nascent polypeptide chain reaches its native conformation in the cellular environment. Indeed, many denatured proteins, even those whose disulfide bridges have been disrupted, are able to refold spontaneously. Although this assumption was challenged by the discovery of molecular chaperones, from the amount of both structural and functional information now available, it has been clearly established that the main rules of protein folding deduced from in vitro experiments are also valid in the cellular environment. This modern view of protein folding permits a better understanding of the aggregation processes that play a role in several pathologies, including those induced by prions and Alzheimer's disease. Drug design and de novo protein design with the aim of creating proteins with novel functions by application of protein folding rules are making significant progress and offer perspectives for practical applications in the development of pharmaceuticals and medical diagnostics.
The CYP2D6 enzyme is crucial for the metabolism of tamoxifen. The CYP2D6 gene is highly polymorphic, and individuals can be extensive, intermediate, or poor tamoxifen metabolizers. The aim of this study was to determine the frequencies of the CYP2D6 *3, *4, and *10 alleles in women with breast cancer who were treated with tamoxifen and analyze the association of enzyme activity with prognostic factors and disease-free survival. We observed a high frequency of CYP2D6 *10, with an allelic frequency of 0.14 (14.4%). The *3 allele was not present in the studied population, and *4 had an allelic frequency of 0.13 (13.8%). We conclude that patients with reduced CYP2D6 activity did not present worse tumor characteristics or decreased disease-free survival than women with normal enzyme activity, as the difference was not statistically significant. We also observed a high frequency of CYP2D6 *10, which had not been previously described in this specific population. This study is the first in north-northeastern Brazil that aimed to contribute to the knowledge of the Brazilian regional profile for CYP2D6 polymorphisms and their phenotypes. These findings add to the knowledge of the distribution of different polymorphic CYP2D6 alleles and the potential role of CYP2D6 genotyping in clinical practice prior to choosing therapeutic protocols.
Intermediate filament keratins (K) play a pivotal role in protein targeting and epithelialcytoprotection from stress as evidenced by keratin mutations predisposing to human liver and skin diseases and possibly inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The K8-null (K8-/-) mice exhibit colonic phenotype similar to IBD and marked spontaneous colitis, epithelial hyperproliferation, decreased apoptosis, mistargeting of proteins leading to defective ion transport and diarrhea. The K8-heterozygote (K8+/-) mouse colon appears normal but displays a defective sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-) transport similar to, but milder than K8-/-. Characterization of K8+/- colon revealed ~50% less keratins (K7, K8, K19, K20) compared to K8 wild type (K8+/+). A similar ~50% decrease was seen in K8+/- mRNA levels as compared to K8+/+, while the mRNA levels for the other keratins were unaltered. K8+/- keratins were arranged in a normal colonic crypt expression pattern, except K7 which was expressed at the top of crypts in contrast to K8+/+. The K8+/- colon showed mild hyperplasia but no signs of inflammation and no resistance to apoptosis. Experimental colitis induced by using different concentrations of dextran sulphate sodium (DSS) showed that K8+/- mice are slightly more sensitive to induced colitis and showed a delayed recovery compared to K8+/+. Hence, the K8+/- mouse with less keratins and without inflammation, provided a novel model to study direct molecular mechanisms of keratins in intestinal homeostasis and ion transport. Different candidate ion transporters for a possible role in altered ion transport seen in the K8-/- and K8+/- mouse colon were evaluated. Besides normal levels of CFTR, PAT-1 and NHE-3, DRA mRNA levels were decreased 3-4-fold and DRA protein nearly entirely lost in K8-/- caecum, distal and proximal colon compared to K8+/+. In K8+/- mice, DRA mRNA levels were unaltered while decreased DRA protein level and patchy distribution was detected particularly in the proximal colon and as compared to K8+/+. DRA was similarly decreased when K8 was knocked-down in Caco-2 cells, confirming that K8 levels modulate DRA levels in an inflammation-independent manner. The dramatic loss of DRA in colon and caecum of K8-/- mice was responsible for the chloride transport defect. The milder ion transport in K8+/- colon might be related to DRA suggesting a role for K8 in regulation of DRA expression and targeting. The current study demonstrates the importance of keratins in stress protection and cell signaling. Furthermore, we have also successfully developed a novel, simple, fast, cost effective, non-invasive in vivo imaging method for the early diagnosis of murine colitis with specificity for both genetic and experimental colitis. The said modality provides continuous measurements of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) and minimizes the use of an increased number of experimental animals by using a luminal derivative chemiluminescent probe, L-012 which provides a cost-effective tool to study the level and longitudinal progression of colitis.
BACKGROUND: Capillaries function to provide a surface area for nutrient and waste exchange with cells. The capillary supply of skeletal muscle is highly organized, and therefore, represents an excellent choice to study factors regulating diffusion. Muscle is comprised of three specific fibre types, each with specific contractile and metabolic characteristics, which influence the capillary supply of a given muscle; in addition, both environmental and genetic factors influence the capillary supply, including aging, physical training, and various disease processes. OBJECTIVE: The present study was undertaken to develop and assess the functionality of a data base, from which virtual experiments can be conducted on the capillary supply of human muscle, and the adaptations of the capillary bed in muscle to various perturbations. METHODS: To create the database, an extensive search of the literature was conducted using various search engines, and the three key words - "capillary, muscle, and human". This search yielded 169 papers from which the data for the 46 variables on the capillary supply and fibre characteristics of muscle were extracted for inclusion in the database. A series of statistical analyses (ANOVA) were done on the capillary database to examine differences in skeletal muscle capillarization and fibre characteristics between young and old individuals, between healthy and diseased individuals, and between untrained, endurance trained, endurance welltrained, and resistance trained individuals, using SAS. RESULTS: There was a significantly higher capillarization in the young compared to the old individuals, in the healthy compared to the diseased individuals, and in the endurance-trained and endurance well-trained compared to the untrained individuals. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study support the conclusion that the capillary supply of skeletal muscle is closely regulated by factors aimed at optimizing oxygen and nutrient supply and/or waste removal in response to changes in muscle mass and/or metabolic activity.
Primary cilia are microtubule-rich hair-like extensions protruding from the surface of most post-mitotic cells. They act as sensory organelles that help interpret various environmental cues. Mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in ciliogenesis or protein transport to the primary cilia lead to a wide variety of diseases commonly referred to as ciliopathies,which include primary ciliary dyskinesia, situs invertus, hydrocephalus, kidney diseases, respiratory diseases, and retinal degenerations. In the retina, the photoreceptor cells have a highly specialized primary cilium called the outer segment (OS), which is essential for photosensation. Development of the photoreceptor OS shares key regulatory mechanisms with ciliogenesis in other cell types. Accumulating evidence indicates that mutations that affect OS development and/or protein transport to the OS generally lead to photoreceptor degeneration, which can be accompanied by a range of other clinical manifestations due to the dysfunction of primary cilia in different cell types. Here, we review the general mechanisms regulating ciliogenesis, and present different examples of mutations affecting OS ciliogenesis and protein transport that lead to photoreceptor degeneration. Overall, we conclude that the genetic and molecular evidence accumulated in recent years suggest a clear link between the development and function of the primary cilium and various clinical conditions. Future studies aimed at uncovering the cellular and molecular mechanisms implicated in ciliogenesis in a wide variety of animal models should greatly increase our understanding of the pathophysiology of many human diseases, including retinal degenerations.
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.
Este título forma parte de la serie Planeta bajo presión, examina el estado de salud y enfermedad en el mundo contemporáneo de los países ricos y pobres. La salud y la enfermedad de las personas a menudo dependen de donde viven. En el mundo desarrollado, la esperanza de vida es alta, pero el estilo de vida y la dieta causa problemas como la obesidad, la enfermedad de corazón, y las alergias. En el mundo en desarrollo, la gente sufre problemas de salud derivados de la pobreza. Aquí se analizan estas desigualdades y lo que se puede hacer en el futuro para mantenerse saludable. Estudios de casos y estadísticas ofrecen una visión general de los problemas que nosotros, como comunidad mundial, nos enfrentamos. Dirigido a lectores de edades a partir de 12 años. Incluye referencias bibliográficas.
This review evaluates evidence of the impact of uncomposted plant residues, composts, manures, and liquid preparations made from composts (compost extracts and teas) on pest and disease incidence and severity in agricultural and horticultural crop production. Most reports on pest control using such organic amendments relate to tropical or and climates. The majority of recent work on the use of organic amendments for prevention and control of diseases relates to container-produced plants, particularly ornamentals. However, there is growing interest in the potential for using composts to prevent and control diseases in temperate agricultural and horticultural field crops and information concerning their use and effectiveness is slowly increasing. The impact of uncomposted plant residues, composts, manures, and compost extracts/teas on pests and diseases is discussed in relation to sustainable temperate field and protected cropping systems. The factors affecting efficacy or such organic amendments in preventing and controlling pests and disease are examined and the mechanisms through which control is achieved are described.