994 resultados para minimum order observers


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We consider the local order estimation of nonlinear autoregressive systems with exogenous inputs (NARX), which may have different local dimensions at different points. By minimizing the kernel-based local information criterion introduced in this paper, the strongly consistent estimates for the local orders of the NARX system at points of interest are obtained. The modification of the criterion and a simple procedure of searching the minimum of the criterion, are also discussed. The theoretical results derived here are tested by simulation examples.


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Montado ecosystem in the Alentejo Region, south of Portugal, has enormous agro-ecological and economics heterogeneities. A definition of homogeneous sub-units among this heterogeneous ecosystem was made, but for them is disposal only partial statistical information about soil allocation agro-forestry activities. The paper proposal is to recover the unknown soil allocation at each homogeneous sub-unit, disaggregating a complete data set for the Montado ecosystem area using incomplete information at sub-units level. The methodological framework is based on a Generalized Maximum Entropy approach, which is developed in thee steps concerning the specification of a r order Markov process, the estimates of aggregate transition probabilities and the disaggregation data to recover the unknown soil allocation at each homogeneous sub-units. The results quality is evaluated using the predicted absolute deviation (PAD) and the "Disagegation Information Gain" (DIG) and shows very acceptable estimation errors.


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In 2009, the Sheffield Alcohol Research Group (SARG) at Sheffield University developed the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model version 2.0 (SAPM) to appraise the potential impact of alcohol policies, including different levels of MUP, for the population of England. In 2013, SARG were commissioned by the DHSSPS and the Department for Social Development to adapt the Sheffield Model to NI in order to appraise the potential impact of a range of alcohol pricing policies. The present report represents the results of this work. Estimates from the Northern Ireland (NI) adaptation of the Sheffield Alcohol Policy Model - version 3 - (SAPM3) suggest: 1. Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) policies would be effective in reducing alcohol consumption, alcohol related harms (including alcohol-related deaths, hospitalisations, crimes and workplace absences) and the costs associated with those harms. 2. A ban on below-cost selling (implemented as a ban on selling alcohol for below the cost of duty plus the VAT payable on that duty) would have a negligible impact on alcohol consumption or related harms. 3. A ban on price-based promotions in the off-trade, either alone or in tandem with an MUP policy would be effective in reducing alcohol consumption, related harms and associated costs. 4. MUP and promotion ban policies would only have a small impact on moderate drinkers at all levels of income. Somewhat larger impacts would be experienced by increasing risk drinkers, with the most substantial effects being experienced by high risk drinkers. 5. MUP and promotion ban policies would have larger impacts on those in poverty, particularly high risk drinkers, than those not in poverty. However, those in poverty also experience larger relative gains in health and are estimated to marginally reduce their spending due to their reduced drinking under the majority of policies åÊ


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Un réseau de seize détecteurs ATLAS-MPX a été mis en opération dans le détecteur ATLAS au LHC du CERN. Les détecteurs ATLAS-MPX sont sensibles au champ mixte de radiation de photons et d’électrons dans la caverne d’ATLAS et sont recouverts de convertisseurs de fluorure de lithium et de polyéthylène pour augmenter l’efficacité de détection des neutrons thermiques et des neutrons rapides respectivement. Les collisions à haute énergie sont dominées par des interactions partoniques avec petit moment transverse pT , associés à des événements de “minimum bias”. Dans notre cas la collision proton-proton se produit avec une énergie de 7 TeV dans le centre de masse avec une luminosité de 10³⁴cm⁻²s⁻¹ telle que fixée dans les simulations. On utilise la simulation des événements de "minimum bias" générés par PYTHIA en utilisant le cadre Athena qui fait une simulation GEANT4 complète du détecteur ATLAS pour mesurer le nombre de photons, d’électrons, des muons qui peuvent atteindre les détecteurs ATLASMPX dont les positions de chaque détecteur sont incluses dans les algorithmes d’Athena. Nous mesurons les flux de neutrons thermiques et rapides, générés par GCALOR, dans les régions de fluorure de lithium et de polyéthylène respectivement. Les résultats des événements de “minimum bias” et les flux de neutrons thermiques et rapides obtenus des simulations sont comparés aux mesures réelles des détecteurs ATLAS-MPX.


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One of the most effective techniques offering QoS routing is minimum interference routing. However, it is complex in terms of computation time and is not oriented toward improving the network protection level. In order to include better levels of protection, new minimum interference routing algorithms are necessary. Minimizing the failure recovery time is also a complex process involving different failure recovery phases. Some of these phases depend completely on correct routing selection, such as minimizing the failure notification time. The level of protection also involves other aspects, such as the amount of resources used. In this case shared backup techniques should be considered. Therefore, minimum interference techniques should also be modified in order to include sharing resources for protection in their objectives. These aspects are reviewed and analyzed in this article, and a new proposal combining minimum interference with fast protection using shared segment backups is introduced. Results show that our proposed method improves both minimization of the request rejection ratio and the percentage of bandwidth allocated to backup paths in networks with low and medium protection requirements


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We present a method for analyzing the curvature (second derivatives) of the conical intersection hyperline at an optimized critical point. Our method uses the projected Hessians of the degenerate states after elimination of the two branching space coordinates, and is equivalent to a frequency calculation on a single Born-Oppenheimer potential-energy surface. Based on the projected Hessians, we develop an equation for the energy as a function of a set of curvilinear coordinates where the degeneracy is preserved to second order (i.e., the conical intersection hyperline). The curvature of the potential-energy surface in these coordinates is the curvature of the conical intersection hyperline itself, and thus determines whether one has a minimum or saddle point on the hyperline. The equation used to classify optimized conical intersection points depends in a simple way on the first- and second-order degeneracy splittings calculated at these points. As an example, for fulvene, we show that the two optimized conical intersection points of C2v symmetry are saddle points on the intersection hyperline. Accordingly, there are further intersection points of lower energy, and one of C2 symmetry - presented here for the first time - is found to be the global minimum in the intersection space


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Dense deployments of wireless local area networks (WLANs) are becoming a norm in many cities around the world. However, increased interference and traffic demands can severely limit the aggregate throughput achievable unless an effective channel assignment scheme is used. In this work, a simple and effective distributed channel assignment (DCA) scheme is proposed. It is shown that in order to maximise throughput, each access point (AP) simply chooses the channel with the minimum number of active neighbour nodes (i.e. nodes associated with neighbouring APs that have packets to send). However, application of such a scheme to practice depends critically on its ability to estimate the number of neighbour nodes in each channel, for which no practical estimator has been proposed before. In view of this, an extended Kalman filter (EKF) estimator and an estimate of the number of nodes by AP are proposed. These not only provide fast and accurate estimates but can also exploit channel switching information of neighbouring APs. Extensive packet level simulation results show that the proposed minimum neighbour and EKF estimator (MINEK) scheme is highly scalable and can provide significant throughput improvement over other channel assignment schemes.


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A polynomial-based ARMA model, when posed in a state-space framework can be regarded in many different ways. In this paper two particular state-space forms of the ARMA model are considered, and although both are canonical in structure they differ in respect of the mode in which disturbances are fed into the state and output equations. For both forms a solution is found to the optimal discrete-time observer problem and algebraic connections between the two optimal observers are shown. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the fact that the optimal observer obtained from the first state-space form, commonly known as the innovations form, is not that employed in an optimal controller, in the minimum-output variance sense, whereas the optimal observer obtained from the second form is. Hence the second form is a much more appropriate state-space description to use for controller design, particularly when employed in self-tuning control schemes.


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We develop a new sparse kernel density estimator using a forward constrained regression framework, within which the nonnegative and summing-to-unity constraints of the mixing weights can easily be satisfied. Our main contribution is to derive a recursive algorithm to select significant kernels one at time based on the minimum integrated square error (MISE) criterion for both the selection of kernels and the estimation of mixing weights. The proposed approach is simple to implement and the associated computational cost is very low. Specifically, the complexity of our algorithm is in the order of the number of training data N, which is much lower than the order of N2 offered by the best existing sparse kernel density estimators. Numerical examples are employed to demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective in constructing sparse kernel density estimators with comparable accuracy to those of the classical Parzen window estimate and other existing sparse kernel density estimators.


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This paper presents necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a reduced-order linear functional state observer for linear stochastic systems. The order of the observer is the same as the dimension of the vectors to be estimated. A simple design algorithm is given together with a numerical example to illustrate the simplicity of the design procedure.


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While recognition of most facial variations, such as identity, expression, and gender, has been extensively studied, automatic age estimation has rarely been explored. In contrast to other facial variations, aging variation presents several unique characteristics which make age estimation a challenging task. This paper proposes an automatic age estimation method named AGES (AGing pattErn Subspace). The basic idea is to model the aging pattern, which is defined as the sequence of a particular individual's face images sorted in time order, by constructing a representative subspace. The proper aging pattern for a previously unseen face image is determined by the projection in the subspace that can reconstruct the face image with minimum reconstruction error, while the position of the face image in that aging pattern will then indicate its age. In the experiments, AGES and its variants are compared with the limited existing age estimation methods (WAS and AAS) and some well-established classification methods (kNN, BP, C4.5, and SVM). Moreover, a comparison with human perception ability on age is conducted. It is interesting to note that the performance of AGES is not only significantly better than that of all the other algorithms, but also comparable to that of the human observers.


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Darouach [1] recently derived necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and stability of functional observers with an order, p, equals to the dimension m of the vectors to be estimated. In general, these conditions are difficult to satisfy and when they are not, the only available option is to increase the order of the functional observers. This note presents new conditions for the existence of a general pth-order functional observer. Systematic procedures for the synthesis of reduced-order functional observers are given. A numerical example is given to illustrate the design procedures.


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This paper presents the design of reduced-order linear functional observers for a class of linear time-delay systems of the neutral-type. The type of the observer proposed in this paper is without internal delay and its order is the same as the number of linear functions to be estimated. First, conditions for the existence of the reduced-order functional observers that are capable of asymptotically estimating any given function of the state vector are derived. Then, based on the newly derived existence conditions, a procedure is given for the determination of the observer parameters. The results derived in this paper include a range of linear systems and extend some existing results of linear functional observers to linear neutral delay systems. A numerical example is given to illustrate the design procedure.


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A reduced dynamics stabiliser for multi-machine power systems is presented in this paper. The design of the stabiliser is based on the theory of linear functional observers and the solution of a simple parameter optimisation problem. The order of the stabiliser could be as low as the number of machines in the system. The design is applied to an open-loop unstable multi-machine power system.


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This paper presents an efficient technique to design low order state function observers for linear time-delay systems. Assuming the existence of a linear state feedback controller to achieve stability or some control performance criteria of the time-delay system, a design procedure is proposed for
reconstruction of the state feedback control action. The procedure involves solving an optimisation problem with the objective to generate a matrix that is as close as possible to the given feedback gain of the required feedback controller. A condition for robust stability of the time-delay system using the observer-based control scheme is given. The attractive features of the proposed design procedure are that the resulted linear functional state observer is of a very low order and it requires information of a small number of outputs. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the design procedure and its merits.