993 resultados para micromechanical damage theory
The design of nuclear power plant has to follow a number of regulations aimed at limiting the risks inherent in this type of installation. The goal is to prevent and to limit the consequences of any possible incident that might threaten the public or the environment. To verify that the safety requirements are met a safety assessment process is followed. Safety analysis is as key component of a safety assessment, which incorporates both probabilistic and deterministic approaches. The deterministic approach attempts to ensure that the various situations, and in particular accidents, that are considered to be plausible, have been taken into account, and that the monitoring systems and engineered safety and safeguard systems will be capable of ensuring the safety goals. On the other hand, probabilistic safety analysis tries to demonstrate that the safety requirements are met for potential accidents both within and beyond the design basis, thus identifying vulnerabilities not necessarily accessible through deterministic safety analysis alone. Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) methodology is widely used in the nuclear industry and is especially effective in comprehensive assessment of the measures needed to prevent accidents with small probability but severe consequences. Still, the trend towards a risk informed regulation (RIR) demanded a more extended use of risk assessment techniques with a significant need to further extend PSA’s scope and quality. Here is where the theory of stimulated dynamics (TSD) intervenes, as it is the mathematical foundation of the integrated safety assessment (ISA) methodology developed by the CSN(Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear) branch of Modelling and Simulation (MOSI). Such methodology attempts to extend classical PSA including accident dynamic analysis, an assessment of the damage associated to the transients and a computation of the damage frequency. The application of this ISA methodology requires a computational framework called SCAIS (Simulation Code System for Integrated Safety Assessment). SCAIS provides accident dynamic analysis support through simulation of nuclear accident sequences and operating procedures. Furthermore, it includes probabilistic quantification of fault trees and sequences; and integration and statistic treatment of risk metrics. SCAIS comprehensively implies an intensive use of code coupling techniques to join typical thermal hydraulic analysis, severe accident and probability calculation codes. The integration of accident simulation in the risk assessment process and thus requiring the use of complex nuclear plant models is what makes it so powerful, yet at the cost of an enormous increase in complexity. As the complexity of the process is primarily focused on such accident simulation codes, the question of whether it is possible to reduce the number of required simulation arises, which will be the focus of the present work. This document presents the work done on the investigation of more efficient techniques applied to the process of risk assessment inside the mentioned ISA methodology. Therefore such techniques will have the primary goal of decreasing the number of simulation needed for an adequate estimation of the damage probability. As the methodology and tools are relatively recent, there is not much work done inside this line of investigation, making it a quite difficult but necessary task, and because of time limitations the scope of the work had to be reduced. Therefore, some assumptions were made to work in simplified scenarios best suited for an initial approximation to the problem. The following section tries to explain in detail the process followed to design and test the developed techniques. Then, the next section introduces the general concepts and formulae of the TSD theory which are at the core of the risk assessment process. Afterwards a description of the simulation framework requirements and design is given. Followed by an introduction to the developed techniques, giving full detail of its mathematical background and its procedures. Later, the test case used is described and result from the application of the techniques is shown. Finally the conclusions are presented and future lines of work are exposed.
In this work, we introduce the Object Kinetic Monte Carlo (OKMC) simulator MMonCa and simulate the defect evolution in three different materials. We start by explaining the theory of OKMC and showing some details of how such theory is implemented by creating generic structures and algorithms in the objects that we want to simulate. Then we successfully reproduce simulated results for defect evolution in iron, silicon and tungsten using our simulator and compare with available experimental data and similar simulations. The comparisons validate MMonCa showing that it is powerful and flexible enough to be customized and used to study the damage evolution of defects in a wide range of solid materials.
Although progressive functional brain network disruption has been one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer?s Dis- ease, little is known about the origin of this functional impairment that underlies cognitive symptoms. We in- vestigated how the loss of white matter (WM) integrity disrupts the organization of the functional networks at different frequency bands. The analyses were performed in a sample of healthy elders and mild cognitive im- pairment (MCI) subjects. Spontaneous brain magnetic activity (measured with magnetoencephalography) was characterized with phase synchronization analysis, and graph theory was applied to the functional networks. We identified WM areas (using diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging) that showed a statistical de- pendence between the fractional anisotropy and the graph metrics. These regions are part of an episodic mem- ory network and were also related to cognitive functions. Our data support the hypothesis that disruption of the anatomical networks influences the organization at the functional level resulting in the prodromal dementia syndrome of MCI.
This paper presents an assessment analysis of damage domains of the 30 MWth prototype High-Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) operated by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). For this purpose, an in-house deterministic risk assessment computational tool was developed based on the Theory of Stimulated Dynamics (TSD). To illustrate the methodology and applicability of the developed modelling approach, assessment results of a control rod (CR) withdrawal accident during subcritical conditions are presented and compared with those obtained by the JAEA.
We model experience-dependent plasticity in the cortical representation of whiskers (the barrel cortex) in normal adult rats, and in adult rats that were prenatally exposed to alcohol. Prenatal exposure to alcohol (PAE) caused marked deficits in experience-dependent plasticity in a cortical barrel-column. Cortical plasticity was induced by trimming all whiskers on one side of the face except two. This manipulation produces high activity from the intact whiskers that contrasts with low activity from the cut whiskers while avoiding any nerve damage. By a computational model, we show that the evolution of neuronal responses in a single barrel-column after this sensory bias is consistent with the synaptic modifications that follow the rules of the Bienenstock, Cooper, and Munro (BCM) theory. The BCM theory postulates that a neuron possesses a moving synaptic modification threshold, θM, that dictates whether the neuron's activity at any given instant will lead to strengthening or weakening of its input synapses. The current value of θM changes proportionally to the square of the neuron's activity averaged over some recent past. In the model of alcohol impaired cortex, the effective θM has been set to a level unattainable by the depressed levels of cortical activity leading to “impaired” synaptic plasticity that is consistent with experimental findings. Based on experimental and computational results, we discuss how elevated θM may be related to (i) reduced levels of neurotransmitters modulating plasticity, (ii) abnormally low expression of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs), and (iii) the membrane translocation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in adult rat cortex subjected to prenatal alcohol exposure.
This thesis reports a detailed investigation of the micromechanics of agglomerate behaviour under free-fall impact, double (punch) impact and diametrical compression tests using the simulation software TRUBAL. The software is based on the discrete element method (DEM) which incorporates the Newtonian equations of motion and contact mechanics theory to model the interparticle interactions. Four agglomerates have been used: three dense (differing in interface energy and contact density) and one loose. Although the simulated agglomerates are relatively coarse-grained, the results obtained are in good agreement with laboratory test results reported in the literature. The computer simulation results show that, in all three types of test, the loose agglomerate cannot fracture as it is unable to store sufficient elastic energy. Instead, it becomes flattened for low loading-rates and shattered or crushed at higher loading-rates. In impact tests, the dense agglomerates experience only local damage at low impact velocities. Semi-brittle fracture and fragmentation are produced over a range of higher impact velocities and at very high impact velocities shattering occurs. The dense agglomerates fracture in two or three large fragments in the diametrical compression tests. Local damage at the agglomerate-platen interface always occurs prior to fracture and consists of local bond breakage (microcrack formation) and local dislocations (compaction). The fracture process is dynamic and much more complex than that suggested by continuum fracture mechanics theory. Cracks are always initiated from the contact zones and propagate towards the agglomerate centre. Fracture occurs a short time after the start of unloading when a fracture crack "selection" process takes place. The detailed investigation of the agglomerate damage processes includes an examination of the evolution of the fracture surface. Detailed comparisons of the behaviour of the same agglomerate in all three types of test are presented. The particle size distribution curves of the debris are also examined, for both free-fall and double impact tests.
In this project, I defend a restorative theory of criminal justice. I argue that the response to criminal wrongdoing in a just society should take the form of an attempt to heal the damage done to the community resulting from crime. I argue that the moral responsibilities of wrongdoers as wrongdoers ought to provide the framework for how a just society should respond to crime. Following the work of R.A. Duff, I argue that wrongdoers incur second-order duties of moral recognition. Wrongdoers owe it to others to recognize their wrongdoing for what it is, i.e. wrongdoing, and to shoulder certain burdens in order to express their repentant recognition to others via a meaningful apology. In short, wrongdoers owe it to their victims and others in the community to make amends. What I will deny, however, is the now familiar claim in the restorative justice literature that restoring the normative relationships in the community damaged by criminal forms of wrongdoing requires retributive punishment. In my view, how we choose to express the judgement that wrongdoers are blameworthy should flow from an all things considered judgment that is neither reducible to the judgement that the wrongdoer is culpably responsible for wronging others, nor the judgement that the wrongdoer in some basic sense “deserves to suffer” (or “deserves punishment,” etc.).
Le dimensionnement basé sur la performance (DBP), dans une approche déterministe, caractérise les objectifs de performance par rapport aux niveaux de performance souhaités. Les objectifs de performance sont alors associés à l'état d'endommagement et au niveau de risque sismique établis. Malgré cette approche rationnelle, son application est encore difficile. De ce fait, des outils fiables pour la capture de l'évolution, de la distribution et de la quantification de l'endommagement sont nécessaires. De plus, tous les phénomènes liés à la non-linéarité (matériaux et déformations) doivent également être pris en considération. Ainsi, cette recherche montre comment la mécanique de l'endommagement pourrait contribuer à résoudre cette problématique avec une adaptation de la théorie du champ de compression modifiée et d'autres théories complémentaires. La formulation proposée adaptée pour des charges monotones, cycliques et de type pushover permet de considérer les effets non linéaires liés au cisaillement couplé avec les mécanismes de flexion et de charge axiale. Cette formulation est spécialement appliquée à l'analyse non linéaire des éléments structuraux en béton soumis aux effets de cisaillement non égligeables. Cette nouvelle approche mise en œuvre dans EfiCoS (programme d'éléments finis basé sur la mécanique de l'endommagement), y compris les critères de modélisation, sont également présentés ici. Des calibrations de cette nouvelle approche en comparant les prédictions avec des données expérimentales ont été réalisées pour les murs de refend en béton armé ainsi que pour des poutres et des piliers de pont où les effets de cisaillement doivent être pris en considération. Cette nouvelle version améliorée du logiciel EFiCoS a démontrée être capable d'évaluer avec précision les paramètres associés à la performance globale tels que les déplacements, la résistance du système, les effets liés à la réponse cyclique et la quantification, l'évolution et la distribution de l'endommagement. Des résultats remarquables ont également été obtenus en référence à la détection appropriée des états limites d'ingénierie tels que la fissuration, les déformations unitaires, l'éclatement de l'enrobage, l'écrasement du noyau, la plastification locale des barres d'armature et la dégradation du système, entre autres. Comme un outil pratique d'application du DBP, des relations entre les indices d'endommagement prédits et les niveaux de performance ont été obtenus et exprimés sous forme de graphiques et de tableaux. Ces graphiques ont été développés en fonction du déplacement relatif et de la ductilité de déplacement. Un tableau particulier a été développé pour relier les états limites d'ingénierie, l'endommagement, le déplacement relatif et les niveaux de performance traditionnels. Les résultats ont démontré une excellente correspondance avec les données expérimentales, faisant de la formulation proposée et de la nouvelle version d'EfiCoS des outils puissants pour l'application de la méthodologie du DBP, dans une approche déterministe.
The analysis of system calls is one method employed by anomaly detection systems to recognise malicious code execution. Similarities can be drawn between this process and the behaviour of certain cells belonging to the human immune system, and can be applied to construct an artificial immune system. A recently developed hypothesis in immunology, the Danger Theory, states that our immune system responds to the presence of intruders through sensing molecules belonging to those invaders, plus signals generated by the host indicating danger and damage. We propose the incorporation of this concept into a responsive intrusion detection system, where behavioural information of the system and running processes is combined with information regarding individual system calls.
The analysis of system calls is one method employed by anomaly detection systems to recognise malicious code execution. Similarities can be drawn between this process and the behaviour of certain cells belonging to the human immune system, and can be applied to construct an artificial immune system. A recently developed hypothesis in immunology, the Danger Theory, states that our immune system responds to the presence of intruders through sensing molecules belonging to those invaders, plus signals generated by the host indicating danger and damage. We propose the incorporation of this concept into a responsive intrusion detection system, where behavioural information of the system and running processes is combined with information regarding individual system calls.
Women with a disability continue to experience social oppression and domestic violence as a consequence of gender and disability dimensions. Current explanations of domestic violence and disability inadequately explain several features that lead women who have a disability to experience violent situations. This article incorporates both disability and material feminist theory as an alternative explanation to the dominant approaches (psychological and sociological traditions) of conceptualising domestic violence. This paper is informed by a study which was concerned with examining the nature and perceptions of violence against women with a physical impairment. The emerging analytical framework integrating material feminist interpretations and disability theory provided a basis for exploring gender and disability dimensions. Insight was also provided by the women who identified as having a disability in the study and who explained domestic violence in terms of a gendered and disabling experience. The article argues that material feminist interpretations and disability theory, with their emphasis on gender relations, disablism and poverty, should be used as an alternative tool for exploring the nature and consequences of violence against women with a disability.