81 resultados para metalloproteases


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Thrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction occur in patients bitten by Bothrops sp snakes in Latin America. An experimental model was developed in mice to study the effects of B. asper venom in platelet numbers and function. Intravenous administration of this venom induces rapid and prominent thrombocytopenia and ex vivo platelet hypoaggregation. The drop in platelet numbers was primarily due to aspercetin, a protein of the C-type lectin family which induces von Willebrand factor-mediated platelet aggregation/agglutination. In addition, the effect of class P-III hemorrhagic metalloproteinases on the microvessel wall also contributes to thrombocytopenia since jararhagin, a P-III metalloproteinase, reduced platelet counts. Hypoaggregation was associated with the action of procoagulant and defibrin(ogen)ating proteinases jararacussin-1 (a thrombin-like serine proteinase) and basparin A (a prothrombin activating metalloproteinase). At the doses which induced hypoaggregation, these enzymes caused defibrin(ogen)ation, increments in fibrin(ogen) degradation products and D-dimer and prolongation of the bleeding time. Incubation of B. asper venom with batimastat and α 2-macroglobulin abrogated the hypoaggregating activity, confirming the role of venom proteinases in this effect. Neither aspercetin nor the defibrin(ogen)ating and hypoaggregating components induced hemorrhage upon intravenous injection. However, aspercetin, but not the thrombin-like or the prothrombin-activating proteinases, potentiated the hemorrhagic activity of two hemorrhagic metalloproteinases in the lungs. © 2005 Schattauer GmbH, Stuttgart.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The hosts for Antricola delacruzi ticks are insectivorous, cave-dwelling bats on which only larvae are found. The mouthparts of nymphal and adult A. delacruzi are compatible with scavenging feeding because the hypostome is small and toothless. How a single blood meal of a larva provides energy for several molts as well as for oviposition by females is not known. Adults of A. delacruzi possibly feed upon an unknown food source in bat guano, a substrate on which nymphal and adult stages are always found. Guano produced by insectivorous bats contains twice the amount of protein and 60 times the amount of iron as beef. In addition, bacteria and chitin-rich fungi proliferate on guano. Comparative data on the transcriptome of the salivary glands of A. delacruzi is nonexistent and would help to understand the physiological adaptations of salivary glands that accompany different sources of food as well as the steps taken by the Acari toward haematophagy, believed to have evolved from scavenging dead animals. Annotation of the transcriptome of salivary glands from female instars of A. delacruzi collected on guano categorized 5.7% of the clusters of expressed genes as putative secreted proteins. They included abundantly expressed TIL-domain-containing proteins (possible anti-microbials), an abundantly expressed protein similar to a serum amyloid found in the sialotranscriptomes of Ornithodoros spp., a savignygrin, a family of mucin/peritrophin/cuticle-like proteins, anti-microbials and an HIV envelope-like glycoprotein also found in soft ticks. When comparing the transcriptome of A. delacruzi with those of blood-feeding female soft and hard ticks some notable differences were observed; they consisted of the following transcripts over- or under-represented or absent in the sialotranscriptome of A. delacruzi that may reflect its source of food: ferritin, mucins with chitin-binding domains and TIL-domain-containing proteins versus lipocalins, basic tail proteins, metalloproteases, glycine-rich proteins and Kunitz protease inhibitors, respectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background ADAMTS-1 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin motifs) is a member of the ADAMTS family of metalloproteases. Here, we investigated mRNA and protein levels of ADAMTS-1 in normal and neoplastic tissues using qPCR, immunohistochemistry and immunoblot analyses, and we addressed the role of ADAMTS-1 in regulating migration, invasion and invadopodia formation in breast tumor cell lines. Results In a series of primary breast tumors, we observed variable levels of ADAMTS-1 mRNA expression but lower levels of ADAMTS-1 protein expression in human breast cancers as compared to normal tissue, with a striking decrease observed in high-malignancy cases (triple-negative for estrogen, progesterone and Her-2). This result prompted us to analyze the effect of ADAMTS-1 knockdown in breast cancer cells in vitro. MDA-MB-231 cells with depleted ADAMTS-1 expression demonstrated increased migration, invasion and invadopodia formation. The regulatory mechanisms underlying the effects of ADAMTS-1 may be related to VEGF, a growth factor involved in migration and invasion. MDA-MB-231 cells with depleted ADAMTS-1 showed increased VEGF concentrations in conditioned medium capable of inducing human endothelial cells (HUVEC) tubulogenesis. Furthermore, expression of the VEGF receptor (VEGFR2) was increased in MDA-MB-231 cells as compared to MCF7 cells. To further determine the relationship between ADAMTS-1 and VEGF regulating breast cancer cells, MDA-MB-231 cells with reduced expression of ADAMTS-1 were pretreated with a function-blocking antibody against VEGF and then tested in migration and invasion assays; both were partially rescued to control levels. Conclusions ADAMTS-1 expression was decreased in human breast tumors, and ADAMTS-1 knockdown stimulated migration, invasion and invadopodia formation in breast cancer cells in vitro. Therefore, this series of experiments suggests that VEGF is involved in the effects mediated by ADAMTS-1 in breast cancer cells.


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Die Metalloproteasen Meprin α und β übernehmen Schlüsselfunktionen in vielen (patho-) physiologischenrnProzessen. So sind sie beteiligt an der Umstrukturierung der extrazellulären Matrix, an immunologischenrnReaktionen oder an entzündlichen Gewebserkrankungen. Die beiden Enzyme kommenrnhauptsächlich in den Bürstensaummembranen von Niere und Darm sowie in der Haut von Vertebratenrnvor. Für die Erforschung der biologischen Aktivität der Meprine wurde in dieser Arbeit der ModellorganismusrnDanio rerio verwendet, der vor allem durch die Möglichkeit der gentechnischen Manipulationrnprädestiniert ist. Im Fisch konnten drei homologe Enzyme (Meprin α1, α2 und β) nachgewiesenrnwerden. Während mRNA-Analysen eine nahezu ubiquitäre Verteilung der Meprine offenbarten,rnkonnte ich mittels spezifischer Antikörper die Expression auf Proteinebene nachweisen. WährendrnMeprin α1 und β verstärkt im Darmepithel und in der Epidermis lokalisiert sind, konnte Meprinrnα2 ausschließlich in der Lamina propria des Darms identifiziert werden.rnDer Hauptteil der vorliegenden Arbeit zielt auf die spezifische Reduzierung des Expressionslevels derrnMeprine in Embryonen des Zebrabärblings. Dies wurde durch die Mikroinjektion von sogenanntenrnMorpholinos in die Zygote erzielt. Morpholinos sind RNA-Moleküle, die spezifisch an die mRNA desrnZielproteins binden können und die Translation verhindern. Die auftretenden Effekte durch das Fehlenrnder Meprine lassen so Rückschlüsse auf ihre physiologische Funktion zu. Nach der Injektion vonrnMorpholinos gegen Meprin α1 zeigten sich lediglich leichte epidermale Deformationen. Bei Meprin βrnhingegen kam es zu einer massiven Fehlbildung von Organen im Rumpf- und Schwanzbereich. Diesesrnführte zu erheblichen Defekten; die Embryonen starben innerhalb der ersten 24 Stunden nach derrnBefruchtung. Demzufolge müssen Meprin α1 und Meprin β insbesondere an der Gewebsdifferenzierungrnbeteiligt sein. Dies korreliert mit verschiedenen Experimenten, u.a. an knockout Mäusen, ausrndenen hervorgeht, dass die Prozessierung und Aktivierung der Cytokine Interleukin-1β oder Interleukin-rn18 durch Meprin β erfolgen kann.rnDie Injektion von Meprin α2-Morpholinos erbrachte ein weiteres, eindrucksvolles Ergebnis: Das Blutgefäßsystemrnvon injizierten Embryonen war vollständig unterbrochen und es sammelten sich Erythrozytenrnim Bereich der Caudalvene an. Diese Phänotypen gleichen den knockdown-Experimenten mitrndem vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF-A, dem entscheidenden Wachstumsfaktor in der Angiogenesern(Blutgefäßbildung). Eine Inkubation des humanen VEGF-A mit (humanem) rekombinantemrnMeprin α bzw. β führte zu einer differenzierten Prozessierung des Moleküls. Diese Ergebnisse legenrnnahe, dass Meprin α pro-angiogenetisch wirkt, indem es VEGF-A prozessiert und damit die Gefäßbildungrnaktiviert. Aus den Daten dieser Arbeit wird die hohe Signifikanz der Meprine für die Proliferationrnund Differenzierung spezieller Gewebe deutlich, welche somit eine wichtige Grundlage für Studienrnan höheren Vertebraten darstellt.


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The Eph receptor tyrosine kinases mediate juxtacrine signals by interacting “in trans” with ligands anchored to the surface of neighboring cells via a GPI-anchor (ephrin-As) or a transmembrane segment (ephrin-Bs), which leads to receptor clustering and increased kinase activity. Additionally, soluble forms of the ephrin-A ligands released from the cell surface by matrix metalloproteases can also activate EphA receptor signaling. Besides these trans interactions, recent studies have revealed that Eph receptors and ephrins coexpressed in neurons can also engage in lateral “cis” associations that attenuate receptor activation by ephrins in trans with critical functional consequences. Despite the importance of the Eph/ephrin system in tumorigenesis, Eph receptor-ephrin cis interactions have not been previously investigated in cancer cells. Here we show that in cancer cells, coexpressed ephrin-A3 can inhibit the ability of EphA2 and EphA3 to bind ephrins in trans and become activated, while ephrin-B2 can inhibit not only EphB4 but also EphA3. The cis-inhibition of EphA3 by ephrin-B2 implies that in some cases ephrins that cannot activate a particular Eph receptor in trans can nevertheless inhibit its signaling ability through cis association. We also found that an EphA3 mutation identified in lung cancer enhances cis interaction with ephrin-A3. These results suggest a novel mechanism that may contribute to cancer pathogenesis by attenuating the tumor suppressing effects of Eph receptor signaling pathways activated by ephrins in trans (Falivelli et al. 2013).


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Die Metalloproteasen Meprin α und Meprin β sind an essentiellen (patho)physiologischen Prozessen beteiligt. Um die Funktion dieser Proteasen zu verstehen, ist es von Bedeutung, sie nicht isoliert, sondern im gesamten proteolytischen Netzwerk zu betrachten.rnDie Meprine werden in einer Vielzahl von Geweben, in Leukozyten, aber auch in Krebszellen exprimiert. In der Haut konnten die beiden Enzyme in unterschiedlichen dermalen Schichten detektiert werden, wo sie u.a. an der Kollagenassemblierung durch Abspaltung der Propeptide beteiligt sind. rnIm Zuge von Proteomics Analysen konnten mehr als 3000 proteolytische Schnittstellen von fünf Astacin-Metalloproteasen (Meprin α, Meprin β, Astacin, LAST und LAST_MAM) in Peptiden und nativen Substraten identifiziert werden und somit eine Aussage über die Spaltspezifität getroffen werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten diese Spaltspezifitäten mit Hilfe von fluorogenen Substraten in vitro verifiziert werden. Bemerkenswert hierbei ist die starke Präferenz der beiden Meprine und LAST_MAM für die Aminosäuren Aspartat und Glutamat in der P1‘ Position. rnMeprine werden als Zymogene exprimiert und müssen durch proteolytische Prozessierung einer tryptischen Protease aktiviert werden. Ein Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit waren Aktivitätsbestimmungen beider Meprine unter Berücksichtigung potentieller Aktivatoren und Substrate. Es konnten die kallikrein-related peptidases (KLK) 4, 5 und 8 als spezifische Aktivatoren identifiziert werden, wobei nur KLK5 beide Proteasen aktiviert. Sowohl KLK4 als auch KLK8 sind lediglich in der Lage, das Propeptid von Meprin β abzuspalten. Außerdem konnte biochemisch und mittels Proteomics gezeigt werden, dass proKLK7 von Meprin β prozessiert wird. Durch N-terminale Sequenzierung wurde eine Schnittstelle zwei Aminosäuren N-terminal der eigentlichen Aktivierungsstelle identifiziert. Dieser Schritt beschleunigt die Aktivierung von KLK7, wenn durch Trypsin noch das verbliebene Dipeptid abgespalten wird. rnDa einige Vertreter der humanen kallikrein-related peptidases (KLK) als Meprin-Aktivatoren identifiziert werden konnten, sollten diese im Zuge dieser Arbeit im Modellorganismus Danio rerio untersucht werden. Durch in silico und RT-PCR Analysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass keine funktionellen KLK-Homologe im Zebrafisch codiert sind. Da somit andere tryptische Proteasen an der Aktivierung der Meprine beteiligt sein müssen, wurde die Transmembran-Serinprotease TMPRSS4 analysiert. In der Tat zeigte die Reduktion des Expressionslevels von TMPRSS4 durch Morpholino-Injektion drastische Störungen in der embryonalen Entwicklung von Zebrabärblingen. Mittels Licht- und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie ließ sich eine Fehlbildung der epidermalen Haut bis zu einem Ablösen der Keratinozyten von dem darunter liegenden Gewebe feststellen. rn


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Definition of acute renal allograft rejection (AR) markers remains clinically relevant. Features of T-cell-mediated AR are tubulointerstitial and vascular inflammation associated with excessive extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling, regulated by metzincins, including matrix metalloproteases (MMP). Our study focused on expression of metzincins (METS), and metzincins and related genes (MARGS) in renal allograft biopsies using four independent microarray data sets. Our own cases included normal histology (N, n = 20), borderline changes (BL, n = 4), AR (n = 10) and AR + IF/TA (n = 7). MARGS enriched in all data sets were further examined on mRNA and/or protein level in additional patients. METS and MARGS differentiated AR from BL, AR + IF/TA and N in a principal component analysis. Their expression changes correlated to Banff t- and i-scores. Two AR classifiers, based on METS (including MMP7, TIMP1), or on MARGS were established in our own and validated in the three additional data sets. Thirteen MARGS were significantly enriched in AR patients of all data sets comprising MMP7, -9, TIMP1, -2, thrombospondin2 (THBS2) and fibrillin1. RT-PCR using microdissected glomeruli/tubuli confirmed MMP7, -9 and THBS2 microarray results; immunohistochemistry showed augmentation of MMP2, -9 and TIMP1 in AR. TIMP1 and THBS2 were enriched in AR patient serum. Therefore, differentially expressed METS and MARGS especially TIMP1, MMP7/-9 represent potential molecular AR markers.


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Homeostasis within the central nervous system (CNS) is a prerequisite to elicit proper neuronal function. The CNS is tightly sealed from the changeable milieu of the blood stream by the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) barrier (BCSFB). Whereas the BBB is established by specialized endothelial cells of CNS microvessels, the BCSFB is formed by the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus. Both constitute physical barriers by a complex network of tight junctions (TJs) between adjacent cells. During many CNS inflammatory disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, human immunodeficiency virus infection, or Alzheimer's disease, production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, matrix metalloproteases, and reactive oxygen species are responsible for alterations of CNS barriers. Barrier dysfunction can contribute to neurological disorders in a passive way by vascular leakage of blood-borne molecules into the CNS and in an active way by guiding the migration of inflammatory cells into the CNS. Both ways may directly be linked to alterations in molecular composition, function, and dynamics of the TJ proteins. This review summarizes current knowledge on the cellular and molecular aspects of the functional and dysfunctional TJ complexes at the BBB and the BCSFB, with a particular emphasis on CNS inflammation and the role of reactive oxygen species.


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INTRODUCTION: HOE-140/ Icatibant is a selective, competitive antagonist to bradykinin (BK) against its binding to the kinin B2 receptor. Substitution of five non-proteogeneic amino acid analogues makes icatibant resistant to degradation by metalloproteases of kinin catabolism. Icatibant has clinical applications in inflammatory and vascular leakage conditions caused by an acute (non-controlled) production of kinins and their accumulation at the endothelium B2 receptor. The clinical manifestation of vascular leakage, called angioedema (AE), is characterized by edematous attacks of subcutaneous and submucosal tissues, which can cause painful intestinal consequences, and life-threatening complications if affecting the larynx. Icatibant is registered for the treatment of acute attacks of the hereditary BK-mediated AE, i.e., AE due to C1 inhibitor deficiency. AREAS COVERED: This review discusses emerging knowledge on the kinin system: kinin pharmacological properties, biochemical characteristics of the contact phase and kinin catabolism proteases. It underlines the responsibility of the kinins in AE initiation and the potency of icatibant to inhibit AE formation by kinin-receptor interactions. EXPERT OPINION: Icatibant antagonist properties protect BK-mediated AE patients against severe attacks, and could be developed for use in inflammatory conditions. More studies are required to confirm whether or not prolonged and frequent applications of icatibant could result in the impairment of the cardioprotective effect of BK.


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Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus metacestode infections in humans cause alveolar echinococcosis and cystic echinococcosis, respectively, in which metacestode development in visceral organs often results in particular organ failure. Further, cystic hydatidosis in farm animals causes severe economic losses. Although benzimidazole derivatives such as mebendazole and albendazole are being used as therapeutic agents, there is often no complete recovery after treatment. Hence, in searching for novel treatment options, we examined the in vitro efficacies of a number of isoflavones against Echinococcus metacestodes and protoscoleces. The most prominent isoflavone, genistein, exhibits significant metacestodicidal activity in vitro. However, genistein binds to the estrogen receptor and can thus induce estrogenic effects, which is a major concern during long-term chemotherapy. We have therefore investigated the activities of a number of synthetic genistein derivatives carrying a modified estrogen receptor binding site. One of these, Rm6423, induced dramatic breakdown of the structural integrity of the metacestode germinal layer of both species within 5 to 7 days of in vitro treatment. Further, examination of the culture medium revealed increased leakage of parasite proteins into the medium during treatment, but zymography demonstrated a decrease in the activity of metalloproteases. Moreover, two of the genistein derivatives, Rm6423 and Rm6426, induced considerable damage in E. granulosus protoscoleces, rendering them nonviable. These findings demonstrate that synthetic isoflavones exhibit distinct in vitro effects on Echinococcus metacestodes and protoscoleces, which could potentially be exploited further for the development of novel chemotherapeutical tools against larval-stage Echinococcus infection.


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Meprins are members of the astacin family of metalloproteases expressed in epithelial tissues, intestinal leukocytes and certain cancer cells. In mammals, there are two homologous subunits, which form complex glycosylated disulfide-bonded homo- and heterooligomers. Both human meprin alpha and meprin beta cleave several basement membrane components, suggesting a role in epithelial differentiation and cell migration. There is also evidence that meprin beta is involved in immune defence owing to its capability of activating interleukin-1beta and the diminished mobility of intestinal leukocytes in meprin beta-knockout mice. Here we show for the first time by reverse transcription PCR, immunoblotting and immunofluorescence analyses that meprins are expressed not only in mammals, but also in the zebrafish Danio rerio. In contrast to the human, mouse and rat enzymes, zebrafish meprins are encoded by three genes, corresponding to two homologous alpha subunits and one beta subunit. Observations at both the mRNA and protein level indicate a broad distribution of meprins in zebrafish. However, there are strikingly different expression patterns of the three subunits, which is consistent with meprin expression in mammals. Hence, D. rerio appears to be a suitable model to gain insight into the basic physiological functions of meprin metalloproteases.


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Metzincins, such as matrix metalloproteases (MMP), and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins are differentially regulated in inflammation. We hypothesised that metzincins are also dysregulated in experimental acute cardiac allograft rejection. We investigated the Dark Agouti-to-Lewis (DA-to-Lew) rat model of acute cardiac allograft rejection. Cyclosporine (CsA) (7.5 mg/kg/d) was given from transplantation to sacrifice (day +5). At that time, mRNA levels were analysed by Affymetrix genechip and quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRTPCR). MMP protein and activities were analysed by immunohistology, fluorometry, zymography and Western blots. In untreated rejected DA allografts, mRNA levels of MMP-2/-7/-9/-/12-/14, a disintegrin and metalloprotease (ADAM)-17, tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease (TIMP)-1/-3 were increased, whereas MMP-11/-16/-24 and TIMP-2/-4 were lowered compared to native DA hearts. With respect to these untreated allografts, CsA lowered mRNA levels of MMP-7, TIMP-1/-3 (TIMP-2/-4 remained relatively low) and ADAM17, but augmented mRNA levels of MMP-11/-16/-23 and of many ECM genes. Immunohistology showed increased staining of MMP-2 in acute rejection (AR). Overall MMP activity was augmented in both transplanted groups, but CsA reduced MMP-9 activity and MMP-14 production. Taken together, MMP and TIMP were upregulated during acute AR. CsA ameliorated histology of rejection but showed potential pro-fibrotic effects. Thus, MMP and TIMP may play a role in acute cardiac allograft rejection, and beneficial modification of the MMP-ECM balance requires interventions beyond CsA.


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Introduction Previous studies on the influence of torsion and combined torsion-compression loading revealed a positive effect on the cell viability when a repetitive short-term torsion was applied at a physiological magnitude to intervertebral disc organ culture.1 However, after an extended period (8 hours) of combined torsion-compression loading, substantial cell death was detected in the nucleus pulposus (NP).2 In this follow-up study, we aimed to investigate the relationship, if any, between the duration of torsion applied to the intervertebral disc (IVD) and the level of NP cell viability. Materials and Methods Bovine caudal discs were harvested and cultured in a custom-built multiaxis dynamic loading bioreactor.2 Torsion (± 2 degrees) was applied to the samples at a frequency of 0.2 Hz. Torsion was applied for durations of 0, 1, 4, and 8 h/d, repeated over 7 days. After the last day of loading, disc tissue was dissected for analysis of cell viability and gene expression. Results Disc NP cell viability remained above 85% after torsional loading for 0, 1, or 4 h/d. Viability was statistical significantly reduced to below 70% when torsion was applied for 8 h/d (p = 0.03) (Table 1). The daily duration of torsional loading did not affect the AF cell viability (> 80% for all loading durations). The trend of collagen 2 gene upregulation and matrix metalloproteases 13 downregulation with an increasing duration of torsion was observed in both NP and AF (Fig. 1).Conclusion We have demonstrated that an extended duration of torsion could inhibit the survival of NP cells within the IVD in organ culture. Acknowledgments Funds from the Orthopedic Department of the Insel University Hospital of Bern and a private donation from Prof. Dr. Paul Heini, Spine Surgeon, Sonnenhof Clinic Bern were received to support this work. Disclosure of Interest None declared References References 1 Chan SC, Ferguson SJ, Wuertz K, Gantenbein-Ritter B. Biological response of the intervertebral disc to repetitive short-term cyclic torsion. Spine 2011;36(24):2021–2030 2 Chan SC, Walser J, Käppeli P, Shamsollahi MJ, Ferguson SJ, Gantenbein-Ritter B. Region specific response of intervertebral disc cells to complex dynamic loading: an organ culture study using a dynamic torsion-compression bioreactor. PLoS ONE 2013;8(8):e72489


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Enterococci are one of the leading causes of nosocomial infections, and Enterococcus faecalis causes the majority of enterococcal infections. However, the mechanisms of enterococcal pathogenesis are still not yet understood. In our initial screening of E. faecalis strain OG1RF genomic libraries, autolysin and a homolog of a protein of Enterococcus faecium previously designated P54 were found to be two major antigens that reacted with human patient sera, and an antigen designated MH-1 antigen that reacted with serum from a endocarditis patient was also identified. To explore a possible role for these antigens in enterococcal infections, the genes encoding these three antigens were disrupted in Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF. ^ To explore a possible role of an E. faecalis gelatinase (encoded by gelE), which belongs to a family of Zn-metalloproteases that have been shown to be virulence factors in other organisms, in enterococcal infections, an insertion mutant was constructed in OG1RF and tested in the mouse peritonitis model. The mice infected with the gelE mutant showed a significantly prolonged survival compared to the wild type strain. To study the expression of gelE, the regions flanking gelE were sequenced. Sequence analysis of the gelE flanking regions revealed three genes (fsrA, fsrB and fsrC) upstream of gelE that show homology to the genes in a locus (agr) that globally regulates the expression of virulence factors in Staphylococcus aureus and one open reading frame (sprE) with homology to bacterial serine protease downstream of gelE. ^ In conclusion, in this study of identification of possible virulence factors in E. faecalis surface and secreted proteins, of three genes encoding antigens detected by human patient sera, none could be shown to effect virulence in the mouse peritonitis model. Inactivation of one of these antigens (autolysin) was shown to slightly increase the tolerance of E. faecalis to penicillin. A serine protease and a locus (fsr) that regulates the expression of gelE and sprE were shown to be important for enterococcal infection in the mouse peritonitis model. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^