995 resultados para material handling


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La crioconservación se ha descrito como una técnica de conservación ex situ a largo plazo que ha sido aplicada con éxito a numerosas especies, y resulta especialmente importante en aquellas con propagación vegetativa, infértiles o amenazadas, en las que sistemas de conservación ex situ más sencillos, como los bancos de semillas, no son posibles. También presenta ventajas frente a la conservación in vitro, ya que logra disminuir o eliminar problemas como la excesiva manipulación del material, evitando los subcultivos periódicos y disminuyendo así el riesgo de contaminaciones y de aparición de variación somaclonal. Sin embargo, someter al material vegetal a los procedimientos que implica la crioconservación provoca distintos estreses. Entre ellos, el estrés oxidativo puede potencialmente producir daños en membranas, proteínas, carbohidratos y en el ADN. En este trabajo se han evaluado diversos sistemas de crioconservación en ápices de Mentha × piperita L., híbrido estéril entre Mentha aquatica L. y Mentha spicata L. Se han utilizado ápices de dos genotipos (‘MEN 186’y ‘MEN 198’) en los cuales se compararon dos técnicas de crioconservación, encapsulación-deshidratación y vitrificación-droplet. El análisis de la supervivencia y capacidad de regeneración del material sometido a los tratamientos de crioconservación, junto con el análisis de la estabilidad genética de dicho material mediante marcadores moleculares (RAPD y AFLP) han permitido comparar los distintos protocolos y tratamientos establecidos. El estudio sobre el tipo de protocolo empleado reveló una mayor variabilidad genética en la técnica de encapsulación-deshidratación, especialmente en el genotipo ‘MEN 186’, ya que ‘MEN 198’ resultó ser más estable en todos los análisis. La inestabilidad encontrada en esta técnica no fue exclusiva de aquellos explantos crioconservados, sino que los pasos previos a la inmersión en nitrógeno líquido (NL) también provocaron variaciones en el ADN. Según el tipo de muestra analizada se encontraron diferencias en la estabilidad: muestras provenientes de callos presentaron una mayor inestabilidad que aquellas de hojas (brotes). Se utilizaron tres medios para la recuperación de los ápices tras la crioconservación con el uso de diferentes combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento: “Reed” (0,5 mgL-1 6-bencilaminopurina, BAP), “Senula” (0,5 mgL-1 6-dimetilalilamino-purina, 2-iP + 0,1 mgL-1 ácido α-naftalen-acético, ANA) y “Nudos” (0,5 mgL-1 BAP + 0,1 mgL-1ANA). El medio “Reed” produjo un aumento en la supervivencia y recuperación de los ápices en ambos genotipos y técnicas, y disminuyó la formación de callo. Sin embargo, no tuvo un efecto significativo en la estabilidad genética. El medio “Senula” provocó una mayor estabilidad genética en el genotipo más inestable, ‘MEN 186’. Para reducir el daño oxidativo producido durante la encapsulación-deshidratación, e incrementar la recuperación de los ápices manteniendo su estabilidad genética, se comparó el efecto de añadir sustancias antioxidantes en el precultivo de los ápices (ácido ascórbico, vitamina E y glutatión). No se obtuvo la respuesta esperada y estos tratamientos no presentaron efectos significativos tanto en la estabilidad como en la recuperación. Para entender mejor qué sucede durante todo el proceso de encapsulación-deshidratación, se evaluó cada paso del protocolo por separado y su efecto en la estabilidad y la recuperación. Además, se determinó el estado de oxidación en cada etapa mediante la cuantificación de malondialdehído y la detección de la formación de radicales libres (mediante el ensayo del ácido tiobarbitúrico, y sondas fluorescentes específicas, respectivamente). Se determinó que a partir de los primeros pasos se genera estrés oxidativo, el cual aumenta a medida que se avanza por el protocolo hasta la inmersión en nitrógeno líquido. Esto se ve reflejado en la disminución progresiva tanto de la recuperación como de la estabilidad genética. Con el uso de antioxidantes en el precultivo (ácido ascórbico y vitamina E) no se obtuvo un efecto positivo en el mantenimiento de la estabilidad genética, y tan sólo con el uso de vitamina E se observó una recuperación mayor en uno de los pasos estudiados (después de la desecación). Sin embargo, cuando se utilizó ácido ascórbico durante el precultivo o la deshidratación osmótica se consiguió disminuir de forma significativa la formación de MDA y la acumulación del radical superóxido (O2•-) en la mayoría los pasos analizados, aunque esta reducción no parece tener un efecto directo en la estabilidad genética del material recuperado. ABSTRACT Cryopreservation has been described as an effective technique for the long term of ex situ conservation that has been successfully applied to numerous species, and is of especial relevance for those with vegetative propagation, infertile or endangered, in which simpler systems of ex situ conservation, such as seed banking, are not feasible. It also has advantages over in vitro conservation, as it reduces or eliminates excessive material handling, avoids periodic subcultures and thus limits the risk of contamination and the appearance of somaclonal variation. However, plant material is subjected to different treatments involved in the cryopreservation procedures, which impose several stresses. Among them, oxidative stress can potentially cause damage to membranes, proteins, carbohydrates and DNA. In this work, two cryopreservation techniques have been evaluated in Mentha × piperita L. shoot tips, sterile hybrid between Mentha aquatica L. and Mentha spicata L. Two genotypes ('MEN 186' and 'MEN 198') were used to compare two techniques: encapsulation-dehydration and droplet-vitrification. The analysis of survival and recovery capacity of the material after the cryopreservation treatments, and the analysis of the genetic stability by molecular markers (RAPD and AFLP) have enabled the comparison between protocols and treatments. The study of the two cryopreservation procedures revealed a higher genetic variability in the encapsulation-dehydration technique, especially in genotype 'MEN 186', as 'MEN 198' was more stable in all analyses. The instability generated in this technique was not exclusive of cryopreserved explants, pretreatments prior to immersion in NL also caused DNA variations. The type of sampled plant material revealed also differences in the stability: callus samples showed greater instability than shoots. Three different culture media were used for the recovery of shoot tips after cryopreservation, using different combinations of growth regulators: "Reed" (0.5 mgL-1 6-benzylaminopurine, BAP), "Senula" (0.5 mgL-1 6-dimetilalilamino-purine, 2-iP + 0.1 mgL-1 α-naphthalene acetic acid, ANA) and "Nodes" (0.5 mgL-1 BAP + 0.1 mgL-1 ANA). "Reed" medium increased survival and recovery of shoot tips in both genotypes and techniques and decreased callus formation. However, it didn`t have a significant effect on genetic stability. "Senula" medium caused a higher genetic stability in the most unstable genotype, 'MEN 186'. To reduce oxidative damage during encapsulation-dehydration, and increase shoot tip recovery and maintain genetic stability, the effect of added antioxidants (ascorbic acid, vitamin E and glutathione) in the shoot tip preculture medium was studied. These treatments had no significant effect on both stability and recovery. To better understand the events during the encapsulation-dehydration process, the effect of each step of the protocol on stability and recovery was evaluated separately. Moreover, the oxidation level was determined by quantifying malondialdehyde (MDA) formation and detecting free radical accumulation (using the thiobarbituric acid assay, and specific fluorescent probes, respectively). The oxidative stress was detected from the first steps and increased throughout the protocol until the immersion in liquid nitrogen. This was also reflected in the gradual decline of recovery and genetic stability. The use of antioxidants (ascorbic acid and vitamin E) in the shoot tip preculture medium had no effect in maintaining genetic stability; only vitamin E increased recovery in one of the steps studied (after desiccation). However, when ascorbic acid was used during the preculture or during the osmotic dehydration, a significantly decrease was observed in MDA formation and superoxide radical accumulation in most of the steps analyzed, although this reduction did not seem to have a direct effect on the genetic stability of recovered material.


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L'elaborato è il risultato del progetto di tesi svolto presso l’azienda Lift Truck Equipment L.T.E. di Ostellato (Ferrara) che opera nell’ambito della progettazione e produzione di gruppi di sollevamento ed attrezzature per carrelli elevatori all’interno del gruppo Toyota Material Handling. Il progetto è stato svolto nel periodo da gennaio a marzo 2016 in collaborazione con l’ufficio di Ingegneria di processo di L.T.E. e riguarda l’applicazione del metodo MAGEC (Modi e Analisi dei Guasti e delle Criticità) per l’analisi dei guasti di una linea produttiva dell’azienda, la Rail Line. Nel primo capitolo viene inquadrato il sistema produttivo dell’azienda in aderenza con la filosofia del TPS (Toyota Production System) per chiarire l’ambito in cui è nato il progetto, le motivazioni che hanno portato al suo sviluppo e l’ottica secondo cui è stato svolto. Nel secondo capitolo è fornita una descrizione dell’approccio utilizzato, che consiste in una variante della FMECA, il metodo più utilizzato per le analisi in ambito affidabilistico. Inoltre sono riportate le attività di pianificazione che sono state svolte preliminarmente all’inizio del progetto. Successivamente nel terzo capitolo sono illustrati in modo dettagliato i vari step dell’implementazione del metodo, dalla raccolta dati, effettuata presso l’azienda, all’elaborazione. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato ai risultati dell’analisi e a una breve descrizione di come tali risultati sono stati utilizzati nelle attività di manutenzione preventiva.


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Warehouse is an essential component in the supply chain, linking the chain partners and providing them with functions of product storage, inbound and outbound operations along with value-added processes. Allocation of warehouse resources should be efficient and effective to achieve optimum productivity and reduce operational costs. Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a technology capable of providing real-time information about supply chain operations. It has been used by warehousing and logistic enterprises to achieve reduced shrinkage, improved material handling and tracking as well as increased accuracy of data collection. However, both academics and practitioners express concerns about challenges to RFID adoption in the supply chain. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the problems encountered in RFID implementation at warehouses, discussing the theoretical and practical adoption barriers and causes of not achieving full potential of the technology. Lack of foreseeable return on investment (ROI) and high costs are the most commonly reported obstacles. Variety of standards and radio wave frequencies are identified as source of concern for decision makers. Inaccurate performance of the RFID within the warehouse environment is examined. Description of integration challenges between warehouse management system and RFID technology is given. The paper discusses the existing solutions to technological, investment and performance RFID adoption barriers. Factors to consider when implementing the RFID technology are given to help alleviate implementation problems. By illustrating the challenges of RFID in the warehouse environment and discussing possible solutions the paper aims to help both academics and practitioners to focus on key areas constituting an obstacle to the technology growth. As more studies will address these challenges, the realisation of RFID benefits for warehouses and supply chain will become a reality.


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In recent years the increased interest in introducing radio frequency technology (RFID) in warehousing was observed. First adopters of RFID reported numerous benefits, which included: reduced shrinkage, real-time tracking and better accuracy of data collection. Along with the academic and industrial discussion on benefits which can be achieved in RFID enabled warehouses there are reports on issues related to adoption of RFID technology in warehousing. This paper reviews results of scientific reports of RFID implementation in warehouses and discusses the adoption barriers and causes of not achieving full potential of the technology. Following adoption barriers are identified and set in warehousing context: lack of forseeable return on investment (ROI), unreliable performance of RFID systems, standarisation, integration with legacy systems and privacy/security concerns. As more studies will address these challenges, the realisation of RFID benefits for warehouses will become reality.


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Flexible Assembly Systems (FASs) are normally associated with the automatic, or robotic, assembly of products, supported by automated material handling systems. However, manual assembly operations are still prevalent within many industries, where the complexity and variety of products prohibit the development of suitable automated assembly equipment. This article presents a generic model for incorporating flexibility into the design and control of assembly operations concerned with high variety/low volume manufacture, drawing on the principles for Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) and Just-in-Time (JIT) delivery. It is based on work being undertaken in an electronics company where the assembly operations have been overhauled and restructured in response to a need for greater flexibility, shorter cycle times and reduced inventory levels. The principles employed are in themselves not original. However, the way they have been combined and tailored has created a total manufacturing control system which represents a new concept for responding to demands placed on market driven firms operating in an uncertain environment.


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A man-machine system called teleoperator system has been developed to work in hazardous environments such as nuclear reactor plants. Force reflection is a type of force feedback in which forces experienced by the remote manipulator are fed back to the manual controller. In a force-reflecting teleoperation system, the operator uses the manual controller to direct the remote manipulator and receives visual information from a video image and/or graphical animation on the computer screen. This thesis presents the design of a portable Force-Reflecting Manual Controller (FRMC) for the teleoperation of tasks such as hazardous material handling, waste cleanup, and space-related operations. The work consists of the design and construction of a prototype 1-Degree-of-Freedom (DOF) FRMC, the development of the Graphical User Interface (GUI), and system integration. Two control strategies - PID and fuzzy logic controllers are developed and experimentally tested. The system response of each is analyzed and evaluated. In addition, the concept of a telesensation system is introduced, and a variety of design alternatives of a 3-DOF FRMC are proposed for future development.


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Die Wahrung der Reproduzierbarkeit empirisch erhobener Messdaten fordert eine konsequente Anwendung einer einheitlichen und standardisierten Methode. Am IFL des KIT wurde deshalb eine Prozessbeschreibung entworfen, die speziell für die Messung von Fördermitteln der Intralogistik angewandt werden kann. Neben der Vorbereitung und Durchführung der Messungen müssen die erhobenen Daten anschließend statistisch ausgewertet und interpretiert werden. Die Methode wird in diesem Beitrag vorgestellt und am Beispiel von Leistungs- und Energiemessungen angewandt.


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Der GridSorter ist ein neuartiges Fördersystem zur effizienten und platzsparenden Sortierung von Gütern. Durch seine dezentrale Steuerung und den modularen Aufbau aus baugleichen rechteckigen Fördermodulen lässt er sich leicht an sich verändernde Anforderungen anpassen. In diesem Artikel wird ein neuer Reservierungsalgorithmus vorgestellt, welcher den Transport von Ladungsträgern erlaubt, die größer sind als ein Fördermodul. Dadurch wird nicht nur die Menge an möglichen Transportgütern erweitert, sondern es kann, wie in einer Simulation gezeigt wird, auch eine Effizienzsteigerung durch eine Verringerung der Modulgröße erreicht werden.


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The purpose of this report is to present the Crossdock Door Assignment Problem, which involves assigning destinations to outbound dock doors of Crossdock centres such that travel distance by material handling equipment is minimized. We propose a two fold solution; simulation and optimization of the simulation model - simulation optimization. The novel aspect of our solution approach is that we intend to use simulation to derive a more realistic objective function and use Memetic algorithms to find an optimal solution. The main advantage of using Memetic algorithms is that it combines a local search with Genetic Algorithms. The Crossdock Door Assignment Problem is a new domain application to Memetic Algorithms and it is yet unknown how it will perform.


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The purpose of this report is to present the Crossdock Door Assignment Problem, which involves assigning destinations to outbound dock doors of Crossdock centres such that travel distance by material handling equipment is minimized. We propose a two fold solution; simulation and optimization of the simulation model - simulation optimization. The novel aspect of our solution approach is that we intend to use simulation to derive a more realistic objective function and use Memetic algorithms to find an optimal solution. The main advantage of using Memetic algorithms is that it combines a local search with Genetic Algorithms. The Crossdock Door Assignment Problem is a new domain application to Memetic Algorithms and it is yet unknown how it will perform.


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The Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response (MINER) Act of 2006 implemented new regulations in the underground coal mining industry that allow for the certification of non-compressed gas equipment for respiratory protection in underground coal mines. NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Biomedical Research and Engineering Laboratory (BRL) is investigating the potential to expand cryogenic air supply systems into the mining and general industries. These investigations have, so far, resulted in four separate comparison and hardware development programs. The Propellant Handlers Ensemble (PHE) and Level “A” Ensemble Comparison (LAE): This study compared worker thermal stress while using the industry standard Level A hazardous material handling ensemble as opposed to using the similarly protective Propellant Handler’s Ensemble (PHE) that utilizes a cryogenic air supply pack, known as an Environmental Control Unit (ECU) as opposed to the compressed air Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) used in the LAE. The research found that, in a 102°F environment, test subjects experienced significantly decreased body temperature increases, significantly decreased heart rate increases, and decreased sweat loss while performing a standard work routine while using the PHE, compared to the same test subjects performing the same routine while using the LAE. The Cryogenic Refuge Alternative Supply System (CryoRASS) project: The MINER Act of 2006 requires the operators of underground coal mines to provide refuge alternatives that can provide a safe atmosphere for workers for up to 96 hours in the event of a mine emergency. The CryoRASS project retrofitted an existing refuge chamber with a liquid air supply instead of the standard compressed air supply system and performed a 96 hour test. The CryoRASS system demonstrated that it provided a larger air supply in a significantly smaller footprint area, provided humidity and temperature control, and maintained acceptable oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the chamber for the required amount of time. SCBA and Mine Rescue System (CryoBA/CryoASFS) Another requirement of the MINER Act is that additional emergency breathing equipment must be staged along evacuation routes to supplement the Self Contained/Self Rescue (SCSR) devices that are now required. The BRL has developed an SCBA known as the Cryogenic Breathing Apparatus (CryoBA), that has the ability to provide 2 hours of breathing air, a refill capability, and some cooling for the user. Cryogenic Air Storage and Filling Stations (CryoASFS) would be positioned in critical areas to extend evacuation time. The CryoASFS stations have a significantly smaller footprint and larger air storage capacity to similar compressed air systems. The CryoBA pack is currently undergoing NIOSH certification testing. Technical challenges associated with liquid breathing air systems: Research done by the BRL has also addressed three major technical challenges involved with the widespread use of liquid breathing air. The BRL developed a storage Dewar fitted with a Cryorefrigerator that has stored liquid air for four months with no appreciable oxygen enrichment due to differential evaporation. Testing of liquid breathing air was material and time intensive. A BRL contract developed a system that only required 1 liter of air and five minutes of time compared to the 10 liters of air and 75 minutes of time required by the old method. The BRL also developed a simple and cost effective method of manufacturing liquid air that joins a liquid oxygen tanker with a liquid nitrogen tanker through an orifice controlled “Y” fitting, mixing the two components, and depositing the mixed breathing air in a separate tanker.


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Elaborate presents automated guided vehicle state-of-art, describing AGVs' types and employed technologies. AGVs' applications is going to be exposed by means of performed work during Toyota's internship. It will be presented the acquired experience on automatic forklifts' implementation and tools employed in a realization of an AGV system. Morover, it will be presented the development of a python program able to retrieve data, stored in a database, and elaborate them to produce heatmaps on vehicles' errors. The said program has been tested live on customer's sites and obtained result will be explained. Finally, it is going to be presented the analysis on natural navigation technology applied to Toyota's AGVs. Tests on natural navigation have been run in warehouses to estimate capabilities and possible application in logistic field.


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I vantaggi dell’Industria 4.0 hanno stravolto il manufacturing. Ma cosa vuol dire "Industria 4.0"? Essa è la nuova frontiera del manufacturing, basata su princìpi che seguono i passi avanti dei sistemi IT e della tecnologia. Dunque, i suoi pilastri sono: integrazione, verticale e orizzontale, digitalizzazione e automazione. L’Industria 4.0 coinvolge molte aree della supply chain, dai flussi informativi alla logistica. In essa e nell’intralogistica, la priorità è sviluppare dei sistemi di material handling flessibili, automatizzati e con alta prontezza di risposta. Il modello ideale è autonomo, in cui i veicoli fanno parte di una flotta le cui decisioni sono rese decentralizzate grazie all'alta connettività e alla loro abilità di collezionare dati e scambiarli rapidamente nel cloud aziendale.Tutto ciò non sarebbe raggiungibile se ci si affidasse a un comune sistema di trasporto AGV, troppo rigido e centralizzato. La tesi si focalizza su un tipo di material handlers più flessibile e intelligente: gli Autonomous Mobile Robots. Grazie alla loro intelligenza artificiale e alla digitalizzazione degli scambi di informazioni, interagiscono con l’ambiente per evitare ostacoli e calcolare il percorso ottimale. Gli scenari dell’ambiente lavorativo determinano perdite di tempo nel tragitto dei robot e sono queste che dovremo studiare. Nella tesi, i vantaggi apportati dagli AMR, come la loro decentralizzazione delle decisioni, saranno introdotti mediante una literature review e poi l’attenzione verterà sull’analisi di ogni scenario di lavoro. Fondamentali sono state le esperienze nel Logistics 4.0 Lab di NTNU, per ricreare fisicamente alcuni scenari. Inoltre, il software AnyLogic sarà usato per riprodurre e simulare tutti gli scenari rilevanti. I risultati delle simulazioni verranno infine usati per creare un modello che associ ad ogni scenario rilevante una perdita di tempo, attraverso una funzione. Per questo saranno usati software di data analysis come Minitab e MatLab.


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Tra le finalità della logistica vi è la riduzione del Material Handling che ha come ambizione la consegna diretta del materiale dal fornitore alle linee di produzione. Il presente lavoro di tesi ha come obiettivo quello di attaccare determinate perdite messe in luce dal Cost Deployment Logistico, attraverso un progetto mirato, all’interno dello stabilimento produttivo di Whirlpool EMEA S.p.A. a Melano. Le perdite in questione riguardano l’inefficienza del flusso logistico interno relativo alle linee che producono piani cottura gas. In particolare, il Kaizen messo in atto va ad eliminare dal ciclo di lavoro dei repacker, alcune operazioni di riconfezionamento interno, che vengono riassegnate, in funzione della conformazione del packaging primario e secondario delle famiglie di componenti, rispettivamente agli operatori tuggeristi e carrellisti. In questo modo viene da un lato evitato il tocco superfluo di un operatore con conseguente riduzione del tempo di movimentazione totale di alcune famiglie di componenti, dall’altro vi è un maggior bilanciamento della saturazione di tutte le figure coinvolte nel processo di consegna materiale in senso lato. Il progetto ha portato dunque a una ridistribuzione delle attività tra gli operatori logistici coinvolti con conseguente necessità di un relayout delle aree picking gas. Grazie al progetto è stato diminuito il monte ore necessario all’attività di repackaging con corrispondente risparmio economico annuo. Il lavoro si è occupato anche dell’implementazione di un’automazione: due robot AMR. Gli AMR robot, oltre a permettere il raggiungimento degli obiettivi economici, hanno portato ad una migliore configurazione del ciclo dei tuggeristi, che risulta ridotto in termine di percentuale di operazioni a non valore aggiunto (NVAA).


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Il sistema logistico rappresenta una variabile fondamentale nel contesto organizzativo: se efficiente e ben strutturato può rivelarsi un vantaggio competitivo per le organizzazioni. Nel presente elaborato viene posta l’attenzione proprio su un particolare ambito del sistema logistico, ossia quello della logistica interna. L’obiettivo di questa tesi, svolta a margine di un tirocinio in Marchesini Group, azienda del bolognese leader nella fornitura di sistemi automatici per il packaging farmaceutico e cosmetico, è stato quello di ottimizzare i processi di gestione delle scorte e di picking di due categorie specifiche di prodotti: gli utensili, gestiti dal reparto attrezzeria ed i DPI, gestiti dal reparto sicurezza. Dopo una fase iniziale di osservazione diretta sul campo, finalizzata rilevare le principali criticità dei processi, lo studio si è concentrato sull'identificazione degli articoli principalmente consumati dai reparti e sulla definizione del loro consumo medio. In funzione delle esigenze dei diversi settori coinvolti, sono state, per entrambi i reparti, avanzate delle proposte di soluzione che riguardano sia l'introduzione di un nuovo modello di gestione delle scorte, accompagnato da un nuovo sistema di monitoraggio delle giacenze, che la riorganizzazione del flusso informativo relativo alla gestione degli ordini. Oltre che sul flusso informativo, il focus è stato posto anche sul flusso fisico degli articoli, con l’obiettivo di eliminare gli sprechi legati alle movimentazioni degli operatori tra i reparti. A tale scopo, dopo aver analizzato l'attuale processo di picking, è stata avanzata una proposta di soluzione che prevede l'introduzione di alcuni punti di prelievo direttamente all’interno dei reparti produttivi, appositamente collocati e dimensionati per minimizzare gli spostamenti degli operatori. Nella parte finale dell’elaborato vengono trattate le soluzioni proposte dal punto di vista economico e ne vengono illustrati i possibili sviluppi futuri.