993 resultados para lowermost Eocene
The muricate planktonic foraminiferal genera Morozovella and Acarinina were abundant and diverse during the upper Palaeocene to middle Eocene and dominated the tropical and subtropical assemblages. A significant biotic turnover in planktonic foraminifera occurred in the latest middle Eocene with a notable reduction in the acarininid lineage and the extinction of the morozovellids. These genera are extensively employed as palaeoclimatic and biostratigraphic markers and, therefore, this turnover episode is an important event in the record of the Cenozoic planktonic foraminifera. Sediments from the western North Atlantic (Ocean Drilling Program Site 1052) were examined in order to investigate these extinction events, in terms of both timing and mechanisms. Biostratigraphic events of the middle and late Eocene have been examined with a sampling resoluti on of approximately 3 kyr. These have been calibrated to the magneto- and astrochronology to accurately define the timing of key biostratigraphic events, particularly the extinction of Morozovella spinulosa which is a distinct biomarker for late middle Eocene sediments. High-resolution biostratigraphy reveals that the extinctions in the muricate group occurred in a stepwise form. The large acarininids (Acarinina praetopilensis) terminate 10 kyr prior to the extinction of M. spinulosa and small acarininids (Acarinina medizzai and Acarinina echinata) continue into the upper Eocene. High-resolution stable isotope analyses have been conducted on planktonic and benthic foraminifera from the western North Atlantic to reconstruct sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and deep water temperatures and the structure of the water column around this major biotic turnover. Whilst the extinctions of M. spinulosa and A. praetopilensis occur during a long-term cooling trend, the biotic turnover in the muricate group does not appear to be related to significant climatic change. Sea surface temperatures decrease slowly prior to the extinction events, and there is no evidence for a large-temperature shift associated with the faunal changes. The turnover event was therefore probably related to the increased surface water productivity and the deterioration of photosymbiotic partnerships with algae.
High-resolution stable carbon isotope records for upper Paleocene - lower Eocene sections at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1051 and 690 and Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 550 and 577 show numerous rapid (40 - 60 kyr duration) negative excursions of up to 1 per mill. We demonstrate that these transient decreases are the expected result of nonlinear insolation forcing of the carbon cycle in the context of a long carbon residence time. The transients occur at maxima in Earth's orbital eccentricity, which result in high-amplitude variations in insolation due to forcing by climatic precession. The construction of accurate orbital chronologies for geologic sections older than ~ 35 Ma relies on identifying a high-fidelity recorder of variations in Earth's orbital eccentricity. We use the carbon isotope records as such a recorder, establishing a robust orbitally tuned chronology for latest Paleocene-earliest Eocene events. Moreover, the transient decreases provide a means of precise correlation among the four sites that is independent of magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data at the <10^5-year scale. While the eccentricity-controlled transient decreases bear some resemblance to the much larger-amplitude carbon isotope excursion (CIE) that marks the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, the latter event is found to occur near a minimum in the ~400-kyr eccentricity cycle. Thus the CIE occurred during a time of minimal variability in insolation, the dominant mechanism for forcing climate change on 104-year scales. We argue that this is inconsistent with mechanisms that rely on a threshold climate event to trigger the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum since any threshold would more likely be crossed during a period of high-amplitude climate variations.
During the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), rapid release of isotopically light C to the ocean-atmosphere system elevated the greenhouse effect and warmed temperatures by 5-7 °C for 105 yr. The response of the planktic ecosystems and productivity to the dramatic climate changes of the PETM may represent a significant feedback to the carbon cycle changes, but has been difficult to document. We examine Sr/Ca ratios in calcareous nannofossils in sediments spanning the PETM in three open ocean sites as a new approach to examine productivity and ecological shifts in calcifying plankton. The large heterogeneity in Sr/Ca among different nannofossil genera indicates that nannofossil Sr/Ca reflects primary productivity-driven geochemical signals and not diagenetic overprinting. Elevated Sr/Ca ratios in several genera and constant ratios in other genera suggest increased overall productivity in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean during the PETM. Dominant nannofossil genera in tropical Atlantic and Pacific sites show Sr/Ca variations during the PETM which are comparable to background variability prior to the PETM. Despite acidification of the ocean there was not a productivity crisis among calcifying phytoplankton. We use the Pandora ocean box model to explore possible mechanisms for PETM productivity change. If independent proxy evidence for more stratified conditions in the Southern Ocean during the PETM is robust, then maintenance of stable or increased productivity there likely reflects increased nutrient inventories of the ocean. Increased nutrient inventories could have resulted from climatically enhanced weathering and would have important implications for burial rates of organic carbon and stabilization of climate and the carbon cycle.
Identifiable radiolarians of stratigraphic importance were recovered at eight of the sites drilled on Leg 115. The assemblages range in age from Holocene to middle Eocene (Dictyoprora mongolfieri Zone, about 48 Ma). Faunal preservation is particularly good in two stratigraphic intervals: the Holocene through upper Miocene (0-9 Ma), and the lowermost Oligocene to middle Eocene (35-48 Ma). Fluctuating rates of silica accumulation at these drill sites during the Cenozoic reflect changing tectonic and paleoceanographic conditions. In particular, the gradual closure of the Indonesian and Tethyan seaways and the northward migration of the Indian subcontinent severely restricted zonal circulation and silica accumulation in tropical latitudes during the late Oligocene through middle Miocene. By the late Miocene the Indian subcontinent had moved sufficiently north of the equator to allow trans-Indian zonal circulation patterns to become reestablished, and biosiliceous sedimentation resumed. The composition of the radiolarian assemblages in the tropical Indian Ocean is closely comparable with that of the 'stratotype' sequences in the equatorial Pacific. However, there are some notable exceptions in Indian Ocean assemblages: (1) the scarcity of the genera Pterocanium and Spongaster in the Neogene; (2) the absence of the stratigraphically important Podocyrtis lineage, P. diamesa -> P. phyxis -> P. ampla, in the middle Eocene; and (3) the scarcity of taxa of the genus Dorcadospyris, with the exception of D. ateuchus. The succession of radiolarian events was tabulated for those stratigraphic intervals where the assemblages were well preserved. We identified 55 events in the middle Eocene to earliest Oligocene, and 31 events in the late Miocene to Holocene. The succession of events is closely comparable with that of the tropical Pacific. However, there are exceptions that appear to be real, rather than artifacts of sample preservation, mixing, and core disturbance.
In the present study, proxy data concerning changes in atmospheric CO2 and climatic conditions from the Late Eocene to the Early Miocene were acquired by applying palaeobotanical methods. Fossil floras from 10 well-documented locations in Saxony, Germany, were investigated with respect to (1) stomatal density/index of fossil leaves from three different taxa (Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis, Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps and Laurophyllum acutimontanum), (2) the coexistence approach (CA) based on nearest living relatives (NLR) and (3) leaf margin analysis (LMA). Whereas the results of approach (1) indicate changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration, approaches (2) and (3) provide climate data. The results of the analysis of stomatal parameters indicate that the atmospheric CO2 concentration was higher during the Late Eocene than during the Early Oligocene and increased towards the Late Oligocene. A lower atmospheric pCO2 level after the Late Eocene is also suggested by an increase in marine palaeoproductivity at this time. From the Late Oligocene onwards, no changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration can be detected with the present data. For the considered sites, the results of the coexistence approach and of the leaf margin analysis document a significant cooling event from the Late Eocene to the Early Oligocene. The pCO2 decrease from the Late Eocene to the Early Oligocene indicated by the stomatal data raised in this study was thus coupled to a temperature decrease which is reflected by the present datasets. From the Early Oligocene onwards, however, no further fundamental climate change can be inferred for the considered locations. The pCO2 increase from the Early Oligocene to the Late Oligocene, which is indicated by the present data, is thus not accompanied by a climate change at the considered sites. A warming event during the Late Oligocene is, however, recorded by marine climate archives. According to the present data, no change in pCO2 occurred during the cooling event at the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, which is also indicated by marine data. The quality and validity of stomatal parameters as sensors for atmospheric CO2 concentration are discussed.
A middle Eocene to lower Oligocene sedimentary sequence was drilled at Site 841 in the Tonga forearc region during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135. A 56-m-thick sequence of volcanic sandstone, spanning from Cores 135-841B-4IR to -47R (549.1 to 605 mbsf), unconformably overlies rhyolitic volcanic basement. The middle Eocene planktonic foraminifer assemblages (P Zone?), which occur in association with larger benthic foraminifers, include spinose species of Acarinina, Morozovella, and Truncorotaloides, but their abundance is low. Late Eocene and early Oligocene faunas are abundant and show the highest diversity of the Paleogene sequence drilled at this site. They have been assigned to Zones P15-16 and P18, respectively. The Eocene/Oligocene boundary was not recognized because of a hiatus in which Zone P17 (37.2-36.6 Ma) was missing. Another hiatus is recorded in the interval between the middle and late Eocene, spanning at least 1.8 Ma. Paleogene assemblages of Site 841 contain equal numbers of warm- and cool-water species, an attribute of the warm middle-latitude Paleogene fauna of the Atlantic Ocean. In particular, common to high abundances of cool-water taxa, such as Globorotaloides, Catapsydrax, Tenuitella, and small globigerinids, may be related to the opening of a shallow seaway south of Tasmania permitting the influx of cool Indian Ocean waters into the South Pacific before the late Eocene (approximately 37 Ma).