973 resultados para low-dimensional system
Als Beispiele für die vielfältigen Phänomene der Physik der Elektronen in niedrigdimensionalen Systemen wurden in dieser Arbeit das Cu(110)(2x1)O-Adsorbatsystem und die violette Li0.9Mo6O17-Bronze untersucht. Das Adsorbatsystem bildet selbstorganisierte quasi-eindimensionale Nanostrukturen auf einer Kupferoberfläche. Die Li-Bronze ist ein Material, das aufgrund seiner Kristallstruktur quasi-eindimensionale elektronische Eigenschaften im Volumen aufweist. Auf der Cu(110)(2x1)O-Oberfläche kann durch Variation der Sauerstoffbedeckung die Größe der streifenartigen CuO-Domänen geändert werden und damit der Übergang von zwei Dimensionen auf eine Dimension untersucht werden. Der Einfluss der Dimensionalität wurde anhand eines unbesetzten elektronischen Oberflächenzustandes studiert. Dessen Energieposition (untere Bandkante) verschiebt mit zunehmender Einschränkung (schmalere CuO-Streifen) zu größeren Energien hin. Dies ist ein bekannter quantenmechanischer Effekt und relativ gut verstanden. Zusätzlich wurde die Lebensdauer des Zustandes auf der voll bedeckten Oberfläche (zwei Dimensionen) ermittelt und deren Veränderung mit der Breite der CuO-Streifen untersucht. Es zeigt sich, dass die Lebensdauer auf schmaleren CuO-Streifen drastisch abnimmt. Dieses Ergebnis ist neu. Es kann im Rahmen eines Fabry-Perot-Modells als Streuung in Zustände außerhalb der CuO-Streifen verstanden werden. Außer den gerade beschriebenen Effekten war es möglich die Ladungsdichte des diskutierten Zustandes orts- und energieabhängig auf den CuO-Streifen zu studieren. Die Li0.9Mo6O17-Bronze wurde im Hinblick auf das Verhalten der elektronischen Zustandsdichte an der Fermikante untersucht. Diese Fragestellung ist besonders wegen der Quasieindimensionalität des Materials interessant. Die Messungen von STS-Spektren in der Nähe der Fermienergie zeigen, dass die Elektronen in der Li0.9Mo6O17-Bronze eine sogenannte Luttingerflüssigkeit ausbilden, die anstatt einer Fermiflüssigkeit in eindimensionalen elektronischen Systemen erwartet wird. Bisher wurde Luttingerflüssigkeitsverhalten erst bei wenigen Materialien und Systemen experimentell nachgewiesen, obschon die theoretischen Voraussagen mehr als 30 Jahre zurückliegen. Ein Charakteristikum einer Luttingerflüssigkeit ist die Abnahme der Zustandsdichte an der Fermienergie mit einem Potenzgesetz. Dieses Verhalten wurde in STS-Spektren dieser Arbeit beobachtet und quantitativ im Rahmen eines Luttingerflüssigkeitsmodells beschrieben. Auch die Temperaturabhängigkeit des Phänomens im Bereich von 5K bis 55K ist konsistent mit der Beschreibung durch eine Luttingerflüssigkeit. Generell zeigen die Untersuchungen dieser Arbeit, dass die Dimensionalität, insbesondere deren Einschränkung, einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die elektronischen Eigenschaften von Systemen und Materialien haben kann.
Three new metal-organic polymeric complexes, [Fe(N-3)(2)(bPP)(2)] (1), [Fe(N-3)(2)(bpe)] (2), and [Fe(N-3)(2)(phen)] (3) [bpp = (1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)-propane), bpe = (1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)-ethane), phen = 1,10-phenanthroline], have been synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies and low-temperature magnetic measurements in the range 300-2 K. Complexes 1 and 2 crystallize in the monoclinic system, space group C2/c, with the following cell parameters: a = 19.355(4) Angstrom, b = 7.076(2) Angstrom, c = 22.549(4) Angstrom, beta = 119.50(3)degrees, Z = 4, and a = 10.007(14) Angstrom, b = 13.789(18) Angstrom, c = 10.377(14) Angstrom, beta = 103.50(1)degrees, Z = 4, respectively. Complex 3 crystallizes in the triclinic system, space group P (1) over bar, with a = 7.155(12) Angstrom, b = 10.066(14) Angstrom, c = 10.508(14) Angstrom, alpha = 109.57(1)degrees, beta = 104.57(1)degrees, gamma = 105.10(1)degrees, and Z = 2. All coordination polymers exhibit octahedral Fe(II) nodes. The structural determination of 1 reveals a parallel interpenetrated structure of 2D layers of (4,4) topology, formed by Fe(II) nodes linked through bpp ligands, while mono-coordinated azide anions are pendant from the corrugated sheet. Complex 2 has a 2D arrangement constructed through 1D double end-to-end azide bridged iron(11) chains interconnected through bpe ligands. Complex 3 shows a polymeric arrangement where the metal ions are interlinked through pairs of end-on and end-to-end azide ligands exhibiting a zigzag arrangement of metals (Fe-Fe-Fe angle of 111.18degrees) and an intermetallic separation of 3.347 Angstrom (through the EO azide) and of 5.229 Angstrom (EE azide). Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility data suggest that there is no magnetic interaction between the metal centers in 1, whereas in 2 there is an antiferromagnetic interaction through the end-to-end azide bridge. Complex 3 shows ferro- as well as anti-ferromagnetic interactions between the metal centers generated through the alternating end-on and end-to-end azide bridges. Complex I has been modeled using the D parameter (considering distorted octahedral Fe(II) geometry and with any possible J value equal to zero) and complex 2 has been modeled as a one-dimensional system with classical and/or quantum spin where we have used two possible full diagonalization processes: without and with the D parameter, considering the important distortions of the Fe(II) ions. For complex 3, the alternating coupling model impedes a mathematical solution for the modeling as classical spins. With quantum spin, the modeling has been made as in 2.
The hypothesis of a low dimensional martian climate attractor is investigated by the application of the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to a simulation of martian atmospheric circulation using the UK Mars general circulation model (UK-MGCM). In this article we focus on a time series of the interval between autumn and winter in the northern hemisphere, when baroclinic activity is intense. The POD is a statistical technique that allows the attribution of total energy (TE) to particular structures embedded in the UK-MGCM time-evolving circulation. These structures are called empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs). Ordering the EOFs according to their associated energy content, we were able to determine the necessary number to account for a chosen amount of atmospheric TE. We show that for Mars a large fraction of TE is explained by just a few EOFs (with 90% TE in 23 EOFs), which apparently support the initial hypothesis. We also show that the resulting EOFs represent classical types of atmospheric motion, such as thermal tides and transient waves. Thus, POD is shown to be an efficient method for the identification of different classes of atmospheric modes. It also provides insight into the non-linear interaction of these modes.
We investigate the error dynamics for cycled data assimilation systems, such that the inverse problem of state determination is solved at tk, k = 1, 2, 3, ..., with a first guess given by the state propagated via a dynamical system model from time tk − 1 to time tk. In particular, for nonlinear dynamical systems that are Lipschitz continuous with respect to their initial states, we provide deterministic estimates for the development of the error ||ek|| := ||x(a)k − x(t)k|| between the estimated state x(a) and the true state x(t) over time. Clearly, observation error of size δ > 0 leads to an estimation error in every assimilation step. These errors can accumulate, if they are not (a) controlled in the reconstruction and (b) damped by the dynamical system under consideration. A data assimilation method is called stable, if the error in the estimate is bounded in time by some constant C. The key task of this work is to provide estimates for the error ||ek||, depending on the size δ of the observation error, the reconstruction operator Rα, the observation operator H and the Lipschitz constants K(1) and K(2) on the lower and higher modes of controlling the damping behaviour of the dynamics. We show that systems can be stabilized by choosing α sufficiently small, but the bound C will then depend on the data error δ in the form c||Rα||δ with some constant c. Since ||Rα|| → ∞ for α → 0, the constant might be large. Numerical examples for this behaviour in the nonlinear case are provided using a (low-dimensional) Lorenz '63 system.
Magneto-capacitance was studied in narrow miniband GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices where quasi-two dimensional electrons revealed the integer quantum Hall effect. The interwell tunneling was shown to reduce the effect of the quantization of the density of states on the capacitance of the superlattices. In such case the minimum of the capacitance observed at the filling factor nu = 2 was attributed to the decrease of the electron compressibility due to the formation of the incompressible quantized Hall phase. In accord with the theory this phase was found strongly inhomogeneous. The incompressible fraction of the quantized Hall phase was demonstrated to rapidly disappear with the increasing temperature. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We consider climate networks constructed from observed and model simulated fields of three climate variables and investigate their community structure. We find that for all fields the number of effective communities is rather small (four to five). We are able to trace the origin of these communities to certain dynamical properties of climate. Our results suggest that the complete complexity of the climate system condenses beyond the `weather` time scales into a small number of low-dimensional interacting components and provide clues as to the nature of the climate subsystems underlying these components.
We study the properties of the lower bound on the exchange-correlation energy in two dimensions. First we review the derivation of the bound and show how it can be written in a simple density-functional form. This form allows an explicit determination of the prefactor of the bound and testing its tightness. Next we focus on finite two-dimensional systems and examine how their distance from the bound depends on the system geometry. The results for the high-density limit suggest that a finite system that comes as close as possible to the ultimate bound on the exchange-correlation energy has circular geometry and a weak confining potential with a negative curvature. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Em cenas naturais, ocorrem com certa freqüência classes espectralmente muito similares, isto é, os vetores média são muito próximos. Em situações como esta, dados de baixa dimensionalidade (LandSat-TM, Spot) não permitem uma classificação acurada da cena. Por outro lado, sabe-se que dados em alta dimensionalidade [FUK 90] tornam possível a separação destas classes, desde que as matrizes covariância sejam suficientemente distintas. Neste caso, o problema de natureza prática que surge é o da estimação dos parâmetros que caracterizam a distribuição de cada classe. Na medida em que a dimensionalidade dos dados cresce, aumenta o número de parâmetros a serem estimados, especialmente na matriz covariância. Contudo, é sabido que, no mundo real, a quantidade de amostras de treinamento disponíveis, é freqüentemente muito limitada, ocasionando problemas na estimação dos parâmetros necessários ao classificador, degradando portanto a acurácia do processo de classificação, na medida em que a dimensionalidade dos dados aumenta. O Efeito de Hughes, como é chamado este fenômeno, já é bem conhecido no meio científico, e estudos vêm sendo realizados com o objetivo de mitigar este efeito. Entre as alternativas propostas com a finalidade de mitigar o Efeito de Hughes, encontram-se as técnicas de regularização da matriz covariância. Deste modo, técnicas de regularização para a estimação da matriz covariância das classes, tornam-se um tópico interessante de estudo, bem como o comportamento destas técnicas em ambientes de dados de imagens digitais de alta dimensionalidade em sensoriamento remoto, como por exemplo, os dados fornecidos pelo sensor AVIRIS. Neste estudo, é feita uma contextualização em sensoriamento remoto, descrito o sistema sensor AVIRIS, os princípios da análise discriminante linear (LDA), quadrática (QDA) e regularizada (RDA) são apresentados, bem como os experimentos práticos dos métodos, usando dados reais do sensor. Os resultados mostram que, com um número limitado de amostras de treinamento, as técnicas de regularização da matriz covariância foram eficientes em reduzir o Efeito de Hughes. Quanto à acurácia, em alguns casos o modelo quadrático continua sendo o melhor, apesar do Efeito de Hughes, e em outros casos o método de regularização é superior, além de suavizar este efeito. Esta dissertação está organizada da seguinte maneira: No primeiro capítulo é feita uma introdução aos temas: sensoriamento remoto (radiação eletromagnética, espectro eletromagnético, bandas espectrais, assinatura espectral), são também descritos os conceitos, funcionamento do sensor hiperespectral AVIRIS, e os conceitos básicos de reconhecimento de padrões e da abordagem estatística. No segundo capítulo, é feita uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os problemas associados à dimensionalidade dos dados, à descrição das técnicas paramétricas citadas anteriormente, aos métodos de QDA, LDA e RDA, e testes realizados com outros tipos de dados e seus resultados.O terceiro capítulo versa sobre a metodologia que será utilizada nos dados hiperespectrais disponíveis. O quarto capítulo apresenta os testes e experimentos da Análise Discriminante Regularizada (RDA) em imagens hiperespectrais obtidos pelo sensor AVIRIS. No quinto capítulo são apresentados as conclusões e análise final. A contribuição científica deste estudo, relaciona-se à utilização de métodos de regularização da matriz covariância, originalmente propostos por Friedman [FRI 89] para classificação de dados em alta dimensionalidade (dados sintéticos, dados de enologia), para o caso especifico de dados de sensoriamento remoto em alta dimensionalidade (imagens hiperespectrais). A conclusão principal desta dissertação é que o método RDA é útil no processo de classificação de imagens com dados em alta dimensionalidade e classes com características espectrais muito próximas.
We have studied the universal conductance fluctuations (UCF) due to quantum interface in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) grown on the substrates with pre-patterned, sub-micron wires. The dependence of UCF on the angle between the direction of the magnetic field and the substrate has been investigated. We found, that magnetoresistance traces for different angles are completely uncorrelated. A non-planar character of electron motion is responsible for these angular conductance fluctuations. We compared the experimental results with a simple geometrical model.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Power performance evaluation of an electric home fan with triac-based automatic speed control system
In order to provide a low cost system of thermal comfort, a common model of home fan, 40 cm diameter size, had its manual four-button control system replaced by an automatic speed control. The new control system has a temperature sensor feeding a microcontroller that, by using an optic coupling, DIAC or TRIAC-based circuit, varies the RMS value of the fan motor input voltage and its speed, according to the room temperature. Over a wide range of velocity, the fan net power and the motor fan input power were measured working under both control system. The temperature of the motor stator and the voltage waveforms were observed too. Measured values analysis showed that the TRIAC-based control system makes the fan motor work at a very low power factor and efficiency values. The worst case is at low velocity range where the higher fan motor stator temperatures were registered. The poor power factor and efficiency and the harmonics signals inserted in the motor input voltage wave by the TRIAC commutation procedure are correlated.
The Gross-Pitaevskii equation for a Bose-Einstein condensate confined in an elongated cigar-shaped trap is reduced to an effective system of nonlinear equations depending on only one space coordinate along the trap axis. The radial distribution of the condensate density and its radial velocity are approximated by Gaussian functions with real and imaginary exponents, respectively, with parameters depending on the axial coordinate and time. The effective one-dimensional system is applied to a description of the ground state of the condensate, to dark and bright solitons, to the sound and radial compression waves propagating in a dense condensate, and to weakly nonlinear waves in repulsive condensate. In the low-density limit our results reproduce the known formulas. In the high-density case our description of solitons goes beyond the standard approach based on the nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The dispersion relations for the sound and radial compression waves are obtained in a wide region of values of the condensate density. The Korteweg-de Vries equation for weakly nonlinear waves is derived and the existence of bright solitons on a constant background is predicted for a dense enough condensate with a repulsive interaction between the atoms.
In this paper we prove that the spatial discretization of a one dimensional system of parabolic equations. with suitably small step size, contains exactly the same asymptotic dynamics as the continuous problem. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)