921 resultados para liver cell carcinoma
Part 1: The alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay was used to analyse the integrity and DNA content of exfoliated cells extracted from bladder washing specimens from 9 transitional cell carcinoma patients and 15 control patients. DNA damage, as expressed by % tail DNA and tail moment values, was observed to occur in cells from both control and bladder cancer samples. The extent of the damage was, however, found to be significantly greater in the cancer group than in the control group. Comet optical density values were also recorded for each cell analysed in the comet assay and although differences observed between tumour grades were not found to be statistically significant, the mean comet optical density value was observed to be greater in the cancer group than in the control population studied, These preliminary results suggest that the comet assay may have potential as a diagnostic tool and as a prognostic indicator in transitional cell carcinoma, Part 2: Baseline DNA damage in sperm cells from 13 normozoospermic fertile males, 17 normozoospermic infertile males and 11 asthenozoospermic infertile males were compared using a modified alkaline comet assay technique. No significant difference in the level of baseline DNA damage was observed between the 3 categories of sperm studied; however the untreated sperm cells were observed to display approximately 20% tail DNA. This is notably higher than the background DNA damage observed in somatic cells where the % tail DNA is normally less than 5%. Sperm from the 3 groups of men studied were also compared for sensitivity to DNA breakage, using the modified alkaline comet assay, following X-ray irradiations (5, 10 and 30 Gy) and hydrogen peroxide treatments (40, 100 and 200 mu M). Significant levels of X-ray-induced damage were found relative to untreated control sperm in the two infertile groups following 30 Gy irradiation. Significant damage in hydrogen peroxide-treated sperm was observed in sperm from fertile samples, at 200 mu M and in infertile samples at 100- and 200-mu M doses relative to controls. These results therefore indicate that fertile sperm samples are more resistant to X-ray- and hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA breakage than infertile samples. Further studies involving greater numbers of individuals are currently in progress to confirm these findings.
Renal cell carcinoma (RCC), also known as kidney cancer, renal adenocarcinoma or hypernephroma, and metastatic renal cell carcinoma is a global burden. This article aims to provide a brief overview of RCC. It outlines epidemiology and presentation; invesitgation and staging; treatments and prognosis. The article also includes a focus on currently available drug treatments, and serves as an introduction to the topic.
AIM: We investigated tissue biomarkers in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) to find indicators of brain metastasis and peritumoral brain edema.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fifty-two cases were studied out of which 26 had corresponding brain metastatic tissue. Clinicopathological characteristics of tumors were correlated with biomarkers of cell adhesion, cell growth, cell cycle and apoptosis regulation that were previously immunohistochemically studied but never analyzed separately according to histological subgroups, gender and smoking history.
RESULTS: Increased collagen XVII in adenocarcinoma (ADC) and increased caspase-9, CD44v6, and decreased cellular apoptosis susceptibility protein (CAS) and Ki-67 in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) correlated significantly with brain metastasis. Increased β-catenin, E-cadherin and decreased caspase-9 expression in primary SCC, and decreased CD44v6 expression in brain metastatic SCC tissues showed a significant correlation with the extent of peritumoral brain edema. Positive correlation between smoking and biomarker expression could be observed in metastatic ADCs with p16 and caspase-8, while-negative correlation was found in SCC without brain metastasis with caspase-3, and in SCC with brain metastasis with p27.
CONCLUSION: Our results highlight the importance of separate analysis of biomarker expression in histological subtypes of NSCLC.
Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), a tubular epithelial cell (TEC) malignancy, frequently secretes tumor necrosis factor (TNF). TNF signals via two distinct receptors (TNFRs). TNFR1, expressed in normal kidney primarily on endothelial cells, activates apoptotic signaling kinase 1 and nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) and induces cell death, whereas TNFR2, inducibly expressed on endothelial cells and on TECs by injury, activates endothelial/epithelial tyrosine kinase (Etk), which trans-activates vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) to promote cell proliferation. We investigated TNFR expression in clinical samples and function in short-term organ cultures of ccRCC tissue treated with wild-type TNF or specific muteins selective for TNFR1 (R1-TNF) or TNFR2 (R2-TNF). There is a significant increase in TNFR2 but not TNFR1 expression on malignant TECs that correlates with increasing malignant grade. In ccRCC organ cultures, R1-TNF increases TNFR1, activates apoptotic signaling kinase and NF-kappaB, and promotes apoptosis in malignant TECs. R2-TNF increases TNFR2, activates NF-kappaB, Etk, and VEGFR2 and increases entry into the cell cycle. Wild-type TNF induces both sets of responses. R2-TNF actions are blocked by pretreatment with a VEGFR2 kinase inhibitor. We conclude that TNF, acting through TNFR2, is an autocrine growth factor for ccRCC acting via Etk-VEGFR2 cross-talk, insights that may provide a more effective therapeutic approach to this disease.
Invasive urothelial cell carcinoma (UCC) is characterized by increased chromosomal instability and follows an aggressive clinical course in contrast to non-invasive disease. To identify molecular processes that confer and maintain an aggressive malignant phenotype, we used a high-throughput genome-wide approach to interrogate a cohort of high and low clinical risk UCC tumors. Differential expression analyses highlighted cohesive dysregulation of critical genes involved in the G(2)/M checkpoint in aggressive UCC. Hierarchical clustering based on DNA Damage Response (DDR) genes separated tumors according to a pre-defined clinical risk phenotype. Using array-comparative genomic hybridization, we confirmed that the DDR was disrupted in tumors displaying high genomic instability. We identified DNA copy number gains at 20q13.2-q13.3 (AURKA locus) and determined that overexpression of AURKA accompanied dysregulation of DDR genes in high risk tumors. We postulated that DDR-deficient UCC tumors are advantaged by a selective pressure for AURKA associated override of M phase barriers and confirmed this in an independent tissue microarray series. This mechanism that enables cancer cells to maintain an aggressive phenotype forms a rationale for targeting AURKA as a therapeutic strategy in advanced stage UCC.
Deregulated expression of histone deacetylases (HDACs) has been implicated in tumorigenesis. Herein, we investigated class I HDACs expression in bladder urothelial cell carcinoma (BUCC), its prognostic value and biological significance. Significantly increased transcript levels of all HDACs were found in BUCC compared to 20 normal mucosas, and these were higher in lower grade and stage tumors. Increased HDAC3 levels were associated with improved patient survival. SiRNA experiments showed decrease cell viability and motility, and increased apoptosis. We concluded that class I HDACs play an important role in bladder carcinogenesis through deregulation of proliferation, migration and apoptosis, constituting putative therapeutic targets
Transitional-cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis or ureter is a relatively rare disease. Several risk factors are smoking, occupational carcinogens, analgesic abuse or Balkan nephropathy. The grade and stage of the disease have the most significant impact on the outcome. The treatment of renal pelvis and ureter tumours is open or laparoscopic surgery varying from conservative to more extensive surgical procedures, i.e. radical nephroureterectomy including removal of the contents of Gerota's fascia with ipsilateral ureter and a cuff of bladder at its distal extent. Most available data are from retrospective studies and surgery is the mainstay of treatment. Chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy are possible adjuvant or primary treatment for selected patients; however, prospective studies are needed to confirm their use.
Introduction: Le gène O6-méthylguanine-ADN méthyltransferase (MGMT) code pour une enzyme spécifique réparatrice de l’ADN qui protège les cellules de la toxicité des agents alkylants. Ainsi, l’activité du MGMT est un mécanisme majeur de résistance aux agents alkylants. Il a été démontré qu’une diminution de l’expression du gène MGMT par une hyperméthylation du promoteur résulte en une amélioration de la survie chez les patients avec certains types de tumeurs qui sont traitées avec des agents chimiothérapeuthique alkylants. Objectifs: Déterminer la prévalence de la méthylation du gène MGMT chez des patients avec des cancers épidermoïdes localement avancés de la sphère ORL traités avec chimioradiothérapie et évaluer l’impact de cette méthylation sur la survie. Méthodes: Sur 428 patients consécutifs, traités avec chimioradiothérapie à notre institution et suivis pour un période médiane de 37 mois, 199 spécimens chirurgicaux paraffinés ont été récupérés. L’ADN était extrait et modifié par le traitement au bisulfite. Une réaction en chaîne de la polymérase, spécifique à la méthylation était entreprise pour évaluer l’état de méthylation du promoteur du gène du MGMT. Les résultats de laboratoire étaient corrélés avec la réponse clinique. L’analyse statistique était exécutée à l’aide du test de Fisher pour les données catégoriques et à l’aide des courbes de Kaplan-Meier pour les échecs au traitement. Résultats : Des 199 extraits d’ADN initiaux, 173 (87%) étaient modifiés au bisulfite avec succès. Des ces spécimens modifiés, 71 (41%) ont démontré une hyperméthylation du MGMT. Pour les cas de méthylation et nonméthylation du MGMT, les caractéristiques des patients n’étaient pas significativement différentes. Les taux de réponse étaient 71 et 73% (p=NS) respectivement. Le contrôle locorégional était respectivement 87 et 77% (p=0.26), la survie sans maladie était 80 et 60% (p=0.38), la survie sans métastase à distance était 92 et 78% (p=0.08) et la survie globale était 64 et 62% (p=0.99) à 3 ans. Conclusions : L’état de méthylation du MGMT est fortement prévalent (41%) et semble avoir un possible impact bénéfique sur la survie quand la chimioradiothérapie est administrée aux patients avec des stades avancés de cancers tête et cou.
GABAergic alterations in hypothalamus during compensatory hyperplasia after partial hepatectomy (PH), lead nitrate (LN) induced direct hyperplasia and N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA) induced neoplasia in liver were investigated. Serum GABA levels were increased in all 3 experimental groups compared with the control. GABA content decreased in hypothalamus of PH and NDEA treated rats, while it increased in LN treated rats. GABAA receptor number and affinity in hypothalamic membrane preparations of rats showed a significant decrease in PH and NDEA treated rats, while in LN treated rats the affinity increased without any change in the receptor number. The GABAB receptor number increased in PH and NDEA treated rats, while it decreased in LN treated rats. The affinity of the receptor also increased in NDEA treated rats. Plasma NE levels showed significant increase in PH and NDEA rats compared with the control while it decreased in LN treated rats. The results of the present study suggests that liver cell proliferation is influencing the hypothalamic GABAergic neurotransmission and these changes regulate the hepatic proliferation through the sympathetic stimulation.
Gamma aminohutyric acid (GAB A.) receptor tunctionaI status was artaIV se(l in pa It ial hcpatcctoIn ised.II'II). lead nitrate (LN) induced hyperplastic and N-nifrosodiethylantinc INDEAI treated nctplastic rat Iivers during peak DNA synthesis. The high-affinity I'HJGALA binding significantly decreased in PII and NDEi\ rats and the receptor affinity decreased in NDEA and increased in LN rats compared with control . in NDEA. displacement analysis of I'I IIGABA with muscimol showed loss of low-allinity site and a shill of high-allinity cite towards low-allinity . ' 1 he affinity sites shifted towards high-affinity in LN rats. 'file number of low-allinity 1'I Ilhicuc)lline receptors decreased cignilic:uttly in NDEA and I'll whereas it increased in LN rats. (ir\Bi\t receptor :gunist. unrscinrul. disc dependcnllyinhihilcd epidermal growth factor IEGI--) induced DNA synthesis :uul enhanced the tr:utsfnrnting grmvth )actor (Il I I'(il (tlI mediated DNA synthesis suppression in prim:uy hepalucvte cultures . Our results suggest that GABA,t reccjhtor act as an inhibitory signal fur hepatic cell prolifctatiun.
The present thesis is an attempt to understand the role of GABA, GABAA and GABAB receptors in the regulation of liver cell proliferation using in vivo and in vitro models. The work also focuses on the brain GABAergic changes associated with normal and neoplastic cell growth in liver and to delineate its regulatory function. The investigation of mechanisms involving mitogenic models without cell necrosis may contribute our knowledge about both on cell growth, carcinogenesis, liver pathology and treatment. Objectives of the present study are, to induce controlled liver cell proliferation by partial hepatectomy and lead nitrate administration and uncontrolled cell proliferation by N-nitrosodiethylamine treatment in male Wistar rats, the changes in the content of GABA, GABAA,GABAB in various rat brain regions. To study the GABAA and GABAB receptor changes in brain stem, hypothalamus, cerebellum and cerebral cortex during the active cortex during the period of active DNA synthesis in liver of different experimental groups. The changes in GABAA and GABAB receptor function of the brain stem, hypothalamus and cerebellum play an important role sympathetic regulation of cell proliferation and neoplastic growth in liver. The decrease in GABA content in brain stem, hypothalamus and cerebellum during regeneration and neoplasia in liver. The time course of brain GABAergic changes was closely correlated with that of heptic DNA synthesis. The functional significance of these changes was further explored by studying the changes in GABAA and GABAB receptors in brain.
Nanoparticulate drug delivery systems provide wide opportunities for solving problems associated with drug stability or disease states and create great expectations in the area of drug delivery (Bosselmann & Williams, 2012). Nanotechnology, in a simple way, explains the technology that deals with one billionth of a meter scale (Ochekpe, et al., 2009). Fewer side effects, poor bioavailability, absorption at intestine, solubility, specific delivery to site of action with good pharmacological efficiency, slow release, degradation of drug and effective therapeutic outcome, are the major challenges faced by most of the drug delivery systems. To a great extent, biopolymer coated drug delivery systems coupled with nanotechnology alleviate the major drawbacks of the common delivery methods. Chitosan, deacetylated chitin, is a copolymer of β-(1, 4) linked glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and N- acetyl glucosamine (acetylated unit) (Radhakumary et al., 2005). Chitosan is biodegradable, non-toxic and bio compatible. Owing to the removal of acetyl moieties that are present in the amine functional groups of chitin, chitosan is readily soluble in aqueous acidic solution. The solubilisation occurs through the protonation of amino groups on the C-2 position of D-glucosamine residues whereby polysaccharide is converted into polycation in acidic media. Chitosan interacts with many active compounds due to the presence of amine group in it. The presence of this active amine group in chitosan was exploited for the interaction with the active molecules in the present study. Nanoparticles of chitosan coupled drugs are utilized for drug delivery in eye, brain, liver, cancer tissues, treatment of spinal cord injury and infections (Sharma et al., 2007; Li, et a., 2009; Paolicelli et al., 2009; Cho et al., 2010). To deliver drugs directly to the intended site of action and to improve pharmacological efficiency by minimizing undesired side effects elsewhere in the body and decrease the long-term use of many drugs, polymeric drug delivery systems can be used (Thatte et al., 2005).
MS-based proteomic methods were utilised for the first time in the discovery of novel penile cancer biomarkers. MALDI MS imaging was used to obtain the in situ biomolecular MS profile of squamous cell carcinoma of the penis which was then compared to benign epithelial MS profiles. Spectra from cancerous and benign tissue areas were examined to identify MS peaks that best distinguished normal epithelial cells from invasive squamous epithelial cells, providing crucial evidence to suggest S100A4 to be differentially expressed. Verification by immunohistochemistry resulted in positive staining for S100A4 in a sub-population of invasive but not benign epithelial cells.