748 resultados para lithium-ion
New hybrid composites based on mesostructured V(2)O(5) containing intercalated poly(ethylene oxide), poly-o-methoxyaniline and poly(ethylene oxide)/poly-o-methoxyaniline were prepared. The results suggest that the polymers were intercalated into the layers of the mesostructured V(2)O(5). Electrochemical studies showed that the presence of both polymers in the mesostructured V(2)O(5) (ternary hybrid) leads to an increase in total charge and stability after several cycles compared with binary hybrid composites. This fact makes this material a potential component as cathode for lithium ion intercalation and further, a promising candidate for applications in batteries.
In this work, an investigation of the electrical and electrochemical properties responsible for the energy storage capability of nanocomposites has been carried out. We demonstrate that, in the case of the V2O5 xerogel and the nanocomposites polypyrrole (Ppy)/V2O5 and polyaniline (PANI)/V2O5, the quadratic logistic equation (QLE) can be used to fit the inverse of the resistance values as a function of the injected charge in non-steady-state conditions. This contributes to a phenomenological understanding of the lithium ion and electron transport. The departure of the experimental curve from the fitting observed for the V2O5 xerogel can be attributed to the trapping sites formed during the lithium electroinsertion, which was observed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The amount of trapping sites was obtained on the basis of the QLE. Similar values used to fit the inverse of the resistance were also used to fit the absorbance changes, which is also associated with the small polaron hopping from the V(IV) to the V(V) sites. On the other hand, there was good agreement between the experimental and the theoretical data when the profile of the inverse of the resistance as a function of the amount of inserted lithium ions of the nanocomposites Ppy/V2O5 and PANI/ V2O5 was concerned. We suggest that the presence of the conducting polymers is responsible for the different electrical profile of the V2O5 xerogel compared with those of the nanocomposites. In the latter case, interactions between the lithium ions and oxygen atoms from V2O5 are shielded, thus decreasing the trapping effect of lithium ions in the V2O5 sites. The different values of the lithium ion diffusion coefficient into these intercalation materials are in agreement with this hypothesis.
Battery separators based on electrospun membranes of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) have been prepared in order to study the effect of fiber alignment on the performance and characteristics of the membrane. The prepared membranes show an average fiber diameter of 272 nm and a degree of porosity of 87 %. The gel polymer electrolytes are prepared by soaking the membranes in the electrolyte solution. The alignment of the fibers improves the mechanical properties for the electrospun membranes. Further, the microstructure of the membrane also plays an important role in the ionic conductivity, being higher for the random electrospun membrane due to the lower tortuosity value. Independently of the microstructure, both membranes show good electrochemical stability up to 5.0 V versus Li/Li+. These results show that electrospun membranes based on PVDF are appropriate for battery separators in lithium-ion battery applications, the random membranes showing a better overall performance.
A mobilidade é considerada um dos factores chave na sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento de qualquer economia. Em Portugal essa realidade não é diferente. Em 2011 verifica-se que 41% do consumo global de combustíveis pertence ao sector rodoviário [1] o que evidencia a sua relevância na economia do país. No que concerne aos veículos de tracção eléctrica, começaram a surgir nos finais do séc. XIX, e no início do séc. XX nos Estados Unidos da América representavam 38% dos veículos [2]. Diversos factores económicos e tecnológicos conduziram a um crescente desinteresse por parte da indústria em investir na produção deste tipo de veículos. Contudo com a introdução de baterias de iões de lítio em veículos de tracção eléctrica, torna-os viáveis e competitivos. Neste trabalho é proposto o desenvolvimento de um sistema de gestão de baterias de iões de lítio do tipo LiFePO4 para aplicação em veículos eléctricos. O sistema deverá assegurar a protecção das baterias e indicar o estado de carga das mesmas. Este sistema permitirá uma optimização no uso deste género de baterias, proporcionará uma melhor utilização, aumentando a sua vida útil. O sistema irá ser aplicado e testado experimentalmente no veículo eléctrico ecológico (Veeco). No âmbito do projecto Veeco foi projectado e construído um banco de ensaios utilizado na análise do comportamento das baterias, e determinar quais os requisitos necessários para o sistema de gestão desenvolvido. Foi também projectado e realizado um sistema de aquisição e processamento de dados que permite obter informações acerca da bateria, dados que estarão disponíveis no interface Homem-máquina do Veeco.
There is an increasing interest in thin and flexible energy storage devices to meet modern society needs for applications such as, radio frequency sensing, interactive packaging and other consumer products. Printed batteries comply these requirements and are an excellent alternative to conventional batteries for many applications. Flexible and micro-batteries are also included in the area of printed batteries whenever fabricated by printing technologies. The main characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, developments, and printing techniques of printed batteries are presented and discussed in this review. The state-of-art takes into account both the research and industrial levels. In the academic one, the research progress of printed batteries is summarized divided in lithium-ion battery (Li-ion), zinc-manganese dioxide (Zn-MnO2), and other battery types with emphasis on the different materials for anode, cathode and separator as well as in the battery design. With respect to the industrial state-of-art, materials, device formulations and manufacturing techniques are presented. Finally, the prospects and challenges of printed batteries are discussed.
Polymer composites and blends for battery separators: State of the art, challenges and future trends
In lithium ion battery systems, the separator plays a key role with respect to device performance. Polymer composites and polymer blends have been frequently used as battery separators due to their suitable properties. This review presents the main issues, developments and characteristics of these polymer composites and blends for battery separator membrane applications. This review is divided into two sections regarding the composition of the materials: polymer composite materials, subdivided according to filler type, and polymer blend materials. For each category the electrolyte solutions, ionic conductivity and other relevant physical-chemical characteristics are described. This review shows the recent advances and opportunities in this area and identifies future trends and challenges.
Polymer blend membranes have been obtained consisting of a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic polymers distributed in co-continuous phases. In order to obtain stable membranes in aqueous environments, the hydrophilic phase is formed by a poly(hydrohyethyl acrylate), PHEA, network while the hydrophobic phase is formed by poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) P(VDF-TrFE). To obtain the composites, in a first stage, P(VDF-TrFE) is blended with poly(ethylene oxyde) (PEO), the latter used as sacrificial porogen. P(VDF-TrFE)/PEO blend membranes were prepared by solvent casting at 70° followed by cooling to room temperature. Then PEO is removed from the membrane by immersion in water obtaining a P(VDF-TrFE) porous membrane. After removing of the PEO polymer, a P(VDF-TrFE) membrane results in which pores are collapsed. Nevertheless the pores reopen when a mixture of hydroxethyl acrylate (HEA) monomer, ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (as crosslinker) and ethanol (as diluent) is absorbed in the membrane and subsequent polymerization yields hybrid hydrophilic/hydrophobic membranes with controlled porosity. The membranes are thus suitable for lithium-ion battery separator membranes and/or biostable supports for cell culture in biomedical applications.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
This work describes the influence of a high annealing temperature of about 700C on the Si(substrate)/Si3N4/TiOx/Pt/LiCoO2 multilayer system for the fabrication of all-solid-state lithium ion thin film microbatteries. Such microbatteries typically utilize lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) as cathode material with a platinum (Pt) current collector. Silicon nitride (Si3N4) is used to act as a barrier against Li diffusion into the substrate. For a good adherence between Si3N4 and Pt, commonly titanium (Ti) is used as intermediate layer. However, to achieve crystalline LiCoO2 the multilayer system has to be annealed at high temperature. This post-treatment initiates Ti diffusion into the Pt-collector and an oxidation to TiOx, leading to volume expansion and adhesion failures. To solve this adhesion problem, we introduce titanium oxide (TiOx) as an adhesion layer, avoiding the diffusion during the annealing process. LiCoO2, Pt and Si3N4 layers were deposited by magnetron sputtering and the TiOx layer by thermal oxidation of Ti layers deposited by e-beam technique. Asdeposited and annealed multilayer systems using various TiOx layer thicknesses were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The results revealed that an annealing process at temperature of 700C leads to different interactions of Ti atoms between the layers, for various TiOx layer thicknesses (25–45 nm).
In this work, composites formed from a mixture of V2O5 and polyaniline (PANI) were investigated, for applications as cathode materials for secondary lithium batteries. Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) data show that charge compensation in the [PANI]0.3V2O5 nanocomposite is achieved predominantly by Li+ migration. However, the charge compensation in the [PANI]V2O5 microcomposite occurs by Li+ and ClO4- transport. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements reveal several benefits of nanohybrid formation, including the achievement of shorter ionic diffusion pathways, the higher diffusion rate of the lithium ion and also the higher electronic conductivity, which are responsible for a synergetic effect of the energy storage properties.
Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) without external pumps or other ancillary devices for fuel and oxidant supply are known as passive DMFCs and are potential candidates to replace lithium-ion batteries in powering portable electronic devices. This paper presents the results obtained from a membrane electrode assembly (MEA) specifically designed for passive DMFCs. Appropriated electrocatalysts were prepared and the effect of their loadings was investigated. Two types of gas diffusion layers (GDL) were also tested. The influence of the methanol concentration was analyzed in each case. The best MEA performance presented a maximum power density of 11.94 mW cm-2.
Ajoneuvojen tiukentuneet päästörajoitukset, sekä ajoneuvojen kokonaishyötysuhteen parantamisen tarve ohjaavat ajoneuvovalmistajia kehittämään uusia ratkaisuja. Energiavarastojen käyttö ajoneuvoissa on yleistynyt ja niiden käytöllä voidaan saada huomattava energiasäästö. Tässä kandidaatintyössä on esitelty erilaisia energiavarastoja ja niiden verkkoon liittämistä. Pääpaino työssä on akkujen ja superkondensaattorien rinnankytkennässä. Energiavarastot pyritään kytkemään mahdollisimman vähällä tehoelektroniikalla verkkoon. Esimerkkitapaukseksi on otettu litium-ioni akkujen ja superkondensaattorien rinnankytkentä vaihtojännitteeseen pelkällä invertterillä.
Nykyaikaisen liikkuvan sähkökäytön energianlähteenä voi toimia jopa sadoista yksittäisistä sarjaankytketyistä litium-ionikennoista muodostuva akusto. Luotettaviin mittauksiin perustuva valvonta ja käytönohjaus on erityisen tärkeää litium-ioniakuissa, jotka ovat herkkiä yli- ja alijännitteille sekä korkeille lämpötiloille. Monipuolinen hallintajärjestelmä auttaa hyödyntämään akun koko kapasiteetin sekä säilyttämään akun suorituskyvyn estämällä väärinkäytön. Tässä työssä keskitytään tarkastelemaan monikennoisten litium-ioniakkujen sovelluksissa ilmeneviä haasteita sekä eri julkaisuissa esitettyjä ratkaisumalleja akun tasapainon hallitsemiseksi.
Akkuteknologia on kehittynyt viime vuosina erityyppisten litium-ioniakkujen hallitessa markkinoita. Uutta teknologiaa kaupallisissa litium-pohjaisissa akuissa edustavat litium-polymeeri- ja litium-rautafosfaattiakut. Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää soveltuvatko litium-polymeeri- ja litium-rautafosfaattiakut kannettavaan audiolaitteeseen ja verrata näitä Ni-Cd- ja Ni-Mh-akkuihin sekä LiCoO2- ja LiMnO4-kemian litium-ioniakkuihin. Kyseisten akkutyyppien soveltuvuutta kannettavaan audiolaitteeseen ei kirjallisuudessa ole juuri tutkittu. Työ toteutettiin kirjallisuustutkimuksena.
Penetration of Trypanosoma cruzi into mammalian cells depends on the activation of the parasite's protein tyrosine kinase and on the increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. We used metacyclic trypomastigotes, the T. cruzi developmental forms that initiate infection in mammalian hosts, to investigate the association of these two events and to identify the various components of the parasite signal transduction pathway involved in host cell invasion. We have found that i) both the protein tyrosine kinase activation, as measured by phosphorylation of a 175-kDa protein (p175), and Ca2+ mobilization were induced in the metacyclic forms by the HeLa cell extract but not by the extract of T. cruzi-resistant K562 cells; ii) treatment of parasites with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein blocked both p175 phosphorylation and the increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration; iii) the recombinant protein J18, which contains the full-length sequence of gp82, a metacyclic stage surface glycoprotein involved in target cell invasion, interfered with tyrosine kinase and Ca2+ responses, whereas the monoclonal antibody 3F6 directed at gp82 induced parasite p175 phosphorylation and Ca2+ mobilization; iv) treatment of metacyclic forms with phospholipase C inhibitor U73122 blocked Ca2+ signaling and impaired the ability of the parasites to enter HeLa cells, and v) drugs such as heparin, a competitive IP3-receptor blocker, caffeine, which affects Ca2+ release from IP3-sensitive stores, in addition to thapsigargin, which depletes intracellular Ca2+ compartments and lithium ion, reduced the parasite infectivity. Taken together, these data suggest that protein tyrosine kinase, phospholipase C and IP3 are involved in the signaling cascade that is initiated on the parasite cell surface by gp82 and leads to Ca2+ mobilization required for target cell invasion.