985 resultados para lithium niobate crystals


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We present a practical approach to the numerical optimisation of the guiding properties of buried microstructured waveguides, which can be fabricated in a z-cut lithium niobate (LiNbO3) crystal by the method of direct femtosecond laser inscription. We demonstrate the possibility to extend the spectral range of low-loss operation of the waveguide into the mid-infrared region beyond 3um.


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Electrochromic phenomena accompanying the ferroelectric domain inversion in congruent RuO2-doped z-cut LiNbO3 crystals at room temperature are observed in experiments. During the electric poling process, the electrochromism accompanies the ferroelectric domain inversion simultaneously in the same poled area. The electrochromism is completely reversible when the domain is inverted from the reverse direction. The influences of electric field and annealing conditions on domain inversion and electrochromism are also discussed. We propose the reasonable assumption that charge redistribution within the crystal structure caused by domain inversion is the source for electrochemically oxidation and reduction of Ru ion to produce the electrochromic effect. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Based on a modified coupled wave theory, the pulse shaping properties of volume holographic gratings (VHGs) in anisotropic media VHGs are studied systematically. Taking photorefractive LiNbO3 crystals as an example, the combined effect that the grating parameters, the dispersion and optical anisotropy of the crystal, the pulse width, and the polarization state of the input ultrashort pulsed beam (UPB) have on the pulse shaping properties are considered when the input UPB with arbitrary polarization state propagates through the VHG. Under the combined effect, the diffraction bandwidth, pulse profiles of the diffracted and transmitted pulsed beams, and the total diffraction efficiency are shown. The studies indicate that the properties of the shaping of the o and e components of the input UPB in the crystal are greatly different; this difference can be used for pulse shaping applications. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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The diffraction properties of volume holographic gratings are studied when the gratings are illuminated by an ultrashort pulsed beam with different polarization states. The developed coupled wave theory of Kogelnik is used. Considering the dispersion effect of the grating media, solutions for the diffracted and transmitted intensities, diffraction efficiencies and the bandwidths of the gratings are given in transmission volume holographic gratings and reflection volume holographic gratings. The bandwidths of the gratings are reduced by the dispersion effect of the grating media. They also have different influences on the diffraction of an ultrashort pulsed beam with different polarization states. For different values of the ratio of the spectral bandwidth of the input pulse to that of the grating, the changes of the spectral and temporal distributions of the diffracted intensities, as well as the diffraction efficiencies of the gratings are shown.


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The quantitative phase-mapping of the domain nucleation in MgO:LiNbO3 crystals is presented by using the digital holographic interferometry. An unexpected peak phase at the beginning of the domain nucleation is observed and it is lowered as the spreading of the domain nucleus. The existence of the nucleus changes the moving speed of the domain wall by pinning it for 3s. Such in-situ quantitative analysis of the domain nucleation process is a key to optimizing domain structure fabrication.


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We report the observation of intense spontaneous emission of green light from LiF:F-2:F-3(+) centers in active channel waveguides generated in lithium fluoride crystals by near-infrared femtosecond laser radiation. While irradiating the crystal at room temperature with 405 nm light from a laser diode, yellow and green emission was seen by the naked eye. Stripe waveguides were fabricated by translating the crystal along the irradiated laser pulse, and their guiding properties and fluorescence spectra at 540 nm demonstrated. This single-step process inducing a waveguide structure offers a good prospect for the development of a waveguide laser in bulk LiF crystals.


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We report on differential etching behavior of the different orientations of the polarization in BiFeO3 (BFO), similar to other ferroelectrics, such as LiNbO3. We show how this effect can be used to fabricate epitaxial BiFeO3 nanostructures. By means of piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) domains of arbitrary shape and size can be poled in an epitaxial BiFeO3 film, which are then reproduced in the film morphology by differential etching. Structures with a lateral size smaller than 200 nm were fabricated and very good retention properties as well as a highly increased piezoelectric response were detected by PFM. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3630027]


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The application of photonic crystal technology on metal-oxide film is a very promising field for future optical telecommunication systems. Band gap and polarization effects in lithium niobate (LiNbO3) photonic crystals and bismuth-substituted iron garnets (BiYIG) photonic crystals are investigated in this work reported here. The design and fabrication process are similar for these two materials while the applications are different, involving Bragg filtering in lithium niobate and polarization rotation in nonreciprocal iron garnets. The research of photonic structures in LiNbO3 is of high interest for integrated device application due to its remarkable electro-optical characteristics. This work investigated the photonic band gap in high quality LiNbO3 single crystalline thin film by ion implantation to realize high efficiency narrow bandwidth filters. LiNbO3 thin film detachment by bonding is also demonstrated for optical device integration. One-dimensional Bragg BiYIG waveguides in gyrotropic system are found to have multiple stopbands and evince enhancement of polarization rotation efficiency. Previous photon trapping theory cannot explain the phenomena because of the presence of linear birefringence. This work is aimed at investigating the mechanism with the support of experiments. The results we obtained show that selective suppression of Bloch states in gyrotropic bandgaps is the key mechanism for the observed phenomena. Finally, the research of ferroelectric single crystal PMN-PT with ultra high piezoelectric coefficient as a biosensor is also reported. This work presents an investigation and results on higher sensitivity effects than conventional materials such as quartz and lithium niobate.


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Compact CW lasers in the visible spectral region are of great importance for vast number of applications including biophotonics, photomedicine, spectroscopy and confocal microscopy. Currently, commercially available lasers of this spectral region are bulky, expensive and inconvenient in use. Also, there is a lack of diode lasers emitting in the visible spectral range, particularly in the yellow region, where a range of important fluorescent probes are optimally excited. An attractive way to realize a compact yellow laser source is second harmonic generation (SHG) in a periodically poled nonlinear crystal containing a waveguide which allows high-efficient frequency conversion even at moderate power level. In this respect, periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguided crystal is one of the best candidates for efficient SHG. In recent years, the progress made with the fabrication of good quality waveguides in PPLN crystals in combination with availability of low-cost, good quality semiconductor diode lasers, offering the coverage of a broad spectral range between 1 µm and 1.3 µm, allows compact CW laser sources in the visible spectral region to be realized.


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This paper reports on buried waveguides fabricated in lithium niobate (LN) by the method of direct femtosecond (fs) laser inscription. 5% MgO doped LiNbO3 was chosen as the host material because of its high quality and damage threshold, as well as relatively low cost. Direct fs inscription by astigmatically shaped beam in crystals usually produces multiple 'smooth' tracks (with reduced refractive index), which encircle the light guiding 'core', thus creating a depressed cladding WG. A high-repetition rate fs laser system was used for inscription at a depth of approximately 500 μm. Using numerical modelling, it was demonstrated that the properties of fs-written WGs can be controlled by the WG geometry. Buried, depressed-cladding WGs in LN host with circular cross-section were also demonstrated. Combining control over the WG dispersion with quasi-phase matching will allow various ultralow-pump-power, highly-efficient, nonlinear light-guiding devices - all in an integrated optics format.


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An ethylenediamine-assisted route has been designed for one-step synthesis of lithium niobate particles with a novel rodlike structure in an aqueous solution system. The morphological evolution for these lithium niobate rods was monitored via SEM: The raw materials form large lozenges first. These lozenges are a metastable intermediate of this reaction, and they subsequently crack into small rods after sufficiently long time. These small rods recrystallize and finally grow into individual lithium niobate rods. Interestingly, shape-controlled fabrication of lithium niobate powders was achieved through using different amine ligands. For instance, the ethylenediamine or ethanolamine ligan can induce the formation of rods, while n-butylamine prefers to construct hollow spheres. These as-obtained lithium niobate rods and hollow spheres may exhibit enhanced performance in an optical application field due to their distinctive structures. This effective ligand-tuned-morphology route can provide a new strategy to facilely achieve the shape-controlled synthesis of other niobates.


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Residual amplitude modulation (RAM) is an unwanted noise source in electro-optic phase modulators. The analysis presented shows that while the magnitude of the RAM produced by a MgO:LiNbO3 modulator increases with intensity, its associated phase becomes less well defined. This combination results in temporal fluctuations in RAM that increase with intensity. This behaviour is explained by the presented phenomenological model based on gradually evolving photorefractive scattering centres randomly distributed throughout the optically thick medium. This understanding is exploited to show that RAM can be reduced to below the 10-5 level by introducing an intense optical beam to erase the photorefractive scatter.


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We present a method for optical encryption of information, based on the time-dependent dynamics of writing and erasure of refractive index changes in a bulk lithium niobate medium. Information is written into the photorefractive crystal with a spatially amplitude modulated laser beam which when overexposed significantly degrades the stored data making it unrecognizable. We show that the degradation can be reversed and that a one-to-one relationship exists between the degradation and recovery rates. It is shown that this simple relationship can be used to determine the erasure time required for decrypting the scrambled index patterns. In addition, this method could be used as a straightforward general technique for determining characteristic writing and erasure rates in photorefractive media.