977 resultados para liquid nitrogen temperature


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The temperature is a key factor for the quality of the SiGe alloy grown by D-UHV/CVD. In conventional conditions,the lowest temperature for SiGe growth is about 550℃. Generally, the pressure of the growth chamber is about 10~(-5) Pa when liquid nitrogen is introduced into the wall of the growth chamber with the flux of 6sccm of the disilane gas. We have succeeded in depositing SiGe films at much lower temperature using a novel method. It is about 10.2 Pa without liquid nitrogen, about 3 magnitudes higher than the traditional method,leading to much faster deposition rate. Without liquid nitrogen,the SiGe film and SiGe/Si superlattice are grown at 485℃. The DCXRD curves and TEM image show that the quality of the film is good. The experiments show that this method is efficient to deposit SiGe at low temperature.


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N-acetyl-L-glutamic acid, crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit cell parameters a = 4.747(3), b = 12.852(7), c = 13.906(7) Å, V = 848.5(8) Å3, Z = 4, density (calculated) = 1.481 mg/m3, linear absorption coefficient 0.127 mm−1. The crystal structure determination was carried out with MoKalpha X-ray data measured with liquid nitrogen cooling at 100(2) K temperature. In the final refinement cycle the data/restraints/parameter ratios were 1,691/0/131; goodness-of-fit on F(2) = 1.122. Final R indices for [I > 2sigma(I)] were R1 = 0.0430, wR2 = 0.0878 and R indices (all data) R1 = 0.0473, wR2 = 0.0894. The largest electron density difference peak and hole were 0.207 and −0.154 eÅ(−3). Details of the molecular geometry are discussed and compared with a model DFT structure calculated using Gaussian 98.


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Low temperature (77K) linear dichroism spectroscopy was used to characterize pigment orientation changes accompanying the light state transition in the cyanobacterium, Synechococcus sp. pee 6301, and cold-hardening in winter rye (Secale cereale L. cv. Puma). Samples were oriented for spectroscopy using the gel squeezing method (Abdourakhmanov et aI., 1979) and brought to 77K in liquid nitrogen. The linear dichroism (LD) spectra of Synechococcus 6301 phycobilisome/thylakoid membrane fragments cross-linked in light state 1 and light state 2 with glutaraldehyde showed differences in both chlorophyll a and phycobilin orientation. A decrease in the relative amplitude of the 681nm chlorophyll a positive LD peak was observed in membrane fragments in state 2. Reorientation of the phycobilisome (PBS) during the transition to state 2 resulted in an increase in core allophycocyanin absorption parallel to the membrane, and a decrease in rod phycocyanin parallel absorption. This result supports the "spillover" and "PBS detachment" models of the light state transition in PBS-containing organisms, but not the "mobile PBS" model. A model was proposed for PBS reorientation upon transition to state 2, consisting of a tilt in the antenna complex with respect to the membrane plane. Linear dichroism spectra of PBS/thylakoid fragments from the red alga, Porphyridium cruentum, grown in green light (containing relatively more PSI) and red light (containing relatively more PSll) were compared to identify chlorophyll a absorption bands associated with each photosystem. Spectra from red light - grown samples had a larger positive LD signal on the short wavelength side of the 686nm chlorophyll a peak than those from green light - grown fragments. These results support the identification of the difference in linear dichroism seen at 681nm in Synechococcus spectra as a reorientation of PSll chromophores. Linear dichroism spectra were taken of thylakoid membranes isolated from winter rye grown at 20°C (non-hardened) and 5°C (cold-hardened). Differences were seen in the orientation of chlorophyll b relative to chlorophyll a. An increase in parallel absorption was identified at the long-wavelength chlorophyll a absorption peak, along with a decrease in parallel absorption from chlorophyll b chromophores. The same changes in relative pigment orientation were seen in the LD of isolated hardened and non-hardened light-harvesting antenna complexes (LHCII). It was concluded that orientational differences in LHCII pigments were responsible for thylakoid LD differences. Changes in pigment orientation, along with differences observed in long-wavelength absorption and in the overall magnitude of LD in hardened and non-hardened complexes, could be explained by the higher LHCII monomer:oligomer ratio in hardened rye (Huner et ai., 1987) if differences in this ratio affect differential light scattering properties, or fluctuation of chromophore orientation in the isolated LHCII sample.


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The addition of lithium salts to ionic liquids causes an increase in viscosity and a decrease in ionic mobility that hinders their possible application as an alternative solvent in lithium ion batteries. Optically heterodyne-detected optical Kerr effect spectroscopy was used to study the change in dynamics, principally orientational relaxation, caused by the addition of lithium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide to the ionic liquid 1-buty1-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide. Over the time scales studied (1 ps-16 ns) for the pure ionic liquid, two temperature-independent power laws were observed: the intermediate power law (1 ps to similar to 1 ns), followed by the von Schweidler power law. The von Schweidler power law is followed by the final complete exponential relaxation, which is highly sensitive to temperature. The lithium salt concentration, however, was found to affect both power laws, and a discontinuity could be found in the trend observed for the intermediate power law when the concentration (mole fraction) of lithium salt is close to chi(LiTf(2)N) = 0.2. A mode coupling theory (MCT) schematic model was also used to fit the data for both the pure ionic liquid and the different salt concentration mixtures. It was found that dynamics in both types of liquids are described very well by MCT.


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This study describes the influence of incubation temperature during initial development phase on the morphology and muscle growth characteristics in the pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). Pacu eggs were incubated at 25, 27, and 29 degreesC until hatching. After day 5, fish from each temperature were transferred to 5001 tanks. At hatching and after 5, 25, and 60 days, muscle samples were collected, some were frozen in liquid nitrogen and others fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde or 2.5% glutaraldehyde. These samples were used for morphological, histochemical, immunohistochemical, and morphometric analysis. At hatching, we observed a superficial monolayer of small diameter fibers, lying just beneath the skin surrounding several round cells. From day 5, we observed two distinct populations of muscle fibers distributed in two layers: (1) red-in a superficial region with aerobic activity, and following acid preincubation, high mATPase activity, and 2) white-with anaerobic activity, and following alkaline preincubation, high mATPase activity. Twenty-five days after hatching, an intermediate layer and cell proliferating zones could be seen in the dorsal fin muscle region, with intermediate characteristics. Throughout the experimental period, there was an increase in muscle mass due to new fiber recruitment in the cell proliferating zones and between the more differentiated fibers in red, intermediate, and white muscles. This was more obvious from day 25, and at 29 degreesC than at 25 and 27 degreesC. Fiber hypertrophy occurred from hatching to 60 days and was more evident from 5 to 25 days. The number of proliferating nuclei (PCNA-labelling) increased from hatching to 60 days, and was more obvious in the 29 degreesC group at 60 days. Our results show that at incubation temperatures of 25, 27 and 29 degreesC, hypertrophy was predominantly from hatching to 25 days, after that muscle growth by hyperplastic mechanism increased. The interaction of muscle hypertrophic and hyperplastic growth processes in the 29 degreesC group produced the largest fish at the end of the experiment. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A broadband primary standard for thermal noise measurements is presented and its thermal and electromagnetic behaviour is analysed by means of a novel hybrid analytical?numerical simulation methodology. The standard consists of a broadband termination connected to a 3.5mm coaxial airline partially immersed in liquid nitrogen and is designed in order to obtain a low reflectivity and a low uncertainty in the noise temperature. A detailed sensitivity analysis is made in order to highlight the critical characteristics that mostly affect the uncertainty in the noise temperature, and also to determine the manufacturing and operation tolerances for a proper performance in the range 10MHz to 26.5 GHz. Aspects such as the thermal bead design, the level of liquid nitrogen or the uncertainties associated with the temperatures, the physical properties of the materials in the standard and the simulation techniques are discussed.


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The mechanical behavior of three tungsten (W) alloys with vanadium (V) and lanthana (La2O3) additions (W–4%V, W–1%La2O3, W–4%V–1%La2O3) processed by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) have been compared with pure-W to analyze the influence of the dopants. Mechanical characterization was performed by three point bending (TPB) tests in an oxidizing air atmosphere and temperature range between 77 (immersion tests in liquid nitrogen) and 1273 K, through which the fracture toughness, flexural strength, and yield strength as function of temperature were obtained. Results show that the V and La2O3 additions improve the mechanical properties and oxidation behavior, respectively. Furthermore, a synergistic effect of both dopants results in an extraordinary increase of the flexure strength, fracture toughness and resistance to oxidation compared to pure-W, especially at higher temperatures. In addition, a new experimental method was developed to obtain a very small notch tip radius (around 5–7 μm) and much more similar to a crack through the use of a new machined notch. The fracture toughness results were lower than those obtained with traditional machining of the notch, which can be explained with electron microscopy, observations of deformation in the rear part of the notch tip. Finally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) examination of the microstructure and fracture surfaces was used to determine and analyze the relationship between the macroscopic mechanical properties and the micromechanisms of failure involved, depending on the temperature and the dispersion of the alloy.


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This study evaluates the mechanical behaviour of an Y2O3-dispersed tungsten (W) alloy and compares it to a pure W reference material. Both materials were processed via mechanical alloying (MA) and subsequent hot isostatic pressing (HIP). We performed non-standard three-point bending (TPB) tests in both an oxidising atmosphere and vacuum across a temperature range from 77 K, obtained via immersion in liquid nitrogen, to 1473 K to determine the mechanical strength, yield strength and fracture toughness. This research aims to evaluate how the mechanical behaviour of the alloy is affected by oxides formed within the material at high temperatures, primarily from 873 K, when the materials undergo a massive thermal degradation. The results indicate that the alloy is brittle to a high temperature (1473 K) under both atmospheres and that the mechanical properties degrade significantly above 873 K. We also used Vickers microhardness tests and the dynamic modulus by impulse excitation technique (IET) to determine the elastic modulus at room temperature. Moreover, we performed nanoindentation tests to determine the effect of size on the hardness and elastic modulus; however, no significant differences were found. Additionally, we calculated the relative density of the samples to assess the porosity of the alloy. Finally, we analysed the microstructure and fracture surfaces of the tested materials via field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In this way, the relationship between the macroscopic mechanical properties and micromechanisms of failure could be determined based on the temperature and oxides formed


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Application of cell-–biomaterial systems in regenerative medicine can be facilitated by their successful low temperature preservation. Vitrification, which avoids ice crystal formation by amorphous solidification, is an emerging approach to cryopreservation. Developing vitrification strategy, effective cryopreservation of alginate–fibrin beads with porcine mesenchymal stromal cells has been achieved in this study. The cell–biomaterial constructs were pre-cultured for 20 days before cryopreservation, allowing for cell proliferation and construct stabilization. Ethylene glycol (EG) was employed as the basic cryoprotectant for two equilibration solutions. Successful cryopreservation of the constructs was achieved using vitrification solution composed of penetrating (EG MW 62 Da) and non-penetrating (sucrose MW 342 Da) cryoprotectants. Stepwise procedure of introduction to and removal of cryoprotectants was brief; direct plunging into liquid nitrogen was applied. Cell viability, evaluated by combining live/death staining and confocal laser microscopy, was similar for both control and vitrified cells in the beads. No detectable damage of microstructure of cryopreserved beads was found as shown by scanning electron microscopy. Both osteogenically induced control and vitrified cells in the constructs were equally capable of mineral production and deposition. There was no statistically significant difference in metabolic activity and proliferation between both groups during the entire culture period. Our study leads to the conclusion that the developed cryopreservation protocol allowed to maintain the integrity of the beads while preserving the ability of the pig bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cells to proliferate and subsequently differentiate; demonstrating that vitrification is a promising approach for cryopreser-vation of “ready-to-use” cell–biomaterial constructs.


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We present a comparative study of the low temperature electrical transport properties of the carbon matrix containing iron nanoparticles and the films. The conductivity of the nanoparticles located just below the metal-insulator transition exhibits metallic behavior with a logarithmic temperature dependence over a large temperature interval. The zero-field conductivity and the negative magnetoresistance, showing a characteristic upturn at liquid helium temperature, are consistently explained by incorporating the Kondo relation and the two dimensional electron-electron interaction. The films, in contrast, exhibit a crossover of the conductivity from power-law dependence at high temperatures to an activated hopping law dependence in the low temperature region. The transition is attributed to changes in the energy dependence of the density of states near the Fermi level. The observed magnetoresistance is discussed in terms of quantum interference effect on a three-dimensional variable range hopping mechanism.


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The elastic constants of single crystal galena have been determined from the measured ultrasonic velocities down to liquid helium temperature. A cryostat incorporating an arrangement to inject the liquid bonding material at low temperature is described. At 5 K, the values of elastic constants are C11=14.90, C12=3.51 and C44=2.92×1010 N/m2.


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The dc electrical conductivity of TlInX2 (X = Se, Te) single crystals, parallel and perpendicular to the (001) c-axis is studied under high quasi-hydrostatic pressure up to 7.0 GPa, at room temperature. Conductivity measurements parallel to the c-axis are carried out at high pressures and down to liquid nitrogen temperatures. These materials show continuous metallization under pressure. Both compounds have almost the same pressure coefficient of the electrical activation energy parallel to the c-axis, d(ΔE∥)/dP = −2.9 × 10−10 eV/Pa, which results from the narrowing of the band gap under pressure. The results are discussed in the light of the band structure of these compounds.


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Critical exponent of the electrical conductivity in the paracoherence region (gamma) of the high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) has been estimated for high quality thin film on ZrO2 substrate prepared by high pressure oxygen sputtering. High energy ion irradiation was carried out using 100 MeV O-16(7+) ions at liquid nitrogen to see the effects of disorder on the value of the exponent. The critical exponent from a value of about 2 to 1.62 upon irradiation. Studies were also carried film to see the effect of ageing and annealing.


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Several variants of hydrated sodium cadmium bisulfate, Na(2)Cd(2)(SO(4))(3) center dot 3H(2)O, Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) center dot 2H(2)O, and Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) center dot 4H(2)O have been synthesized, and their thermal properties followed by phase transitions have been invesigated. The formation of these phases depends on the stochiometry and the time taken for crystallization from water. Na(2)Cd(2)(SO(4))(3)center dot 3H(2)O, which crystallizes in the trigonal system, space group P3c, is grown from the aqueous solution in about four weeks. The krohnkite type mineral Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) center dot 2H(2)O and the mineral astrakhanite, also known as blodite, Na(2)Cd (SO(4))(2)center dot 4H(2)O, crystallize concomittantly in about 24 weeks. Both these minerals belong to the monoclinic system(space group P2(1)/c). Na(2)Cd(2)(SO(4))(3)center dot 3H(2)O loses water completely when heated to 250 degrees C and transforms to a dehydrated phase (cubic system, space group I (4) over bar 3d) whose structure has been established using ab initio powder diffration techniques. Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2)center dot 2H(2)O transforms to alpha-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) (space group C2/c) on heating to 150 degrees C which is a known high ionic conductor and remains intact over prolonged periods of exposure to moisture (over six months). However, when alpha-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) is heated to 570 degrees C followed by sudden quenching in liquid nitrogen beta-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) (P2(1)/c) is formed. beta-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) takes up water from the atmosphere and gets converted completely to the krohnkite type mineral in about four weeks. Further, beta-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) has a conductivity behavior comparable to the a-form up to 280 degrees C, the temperature required for the transformation of the beta- to alpha-form. These experiments demonstrate the possibility of utilizing the abundantly available mineral sources as precursors to design materials with special properties.


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The variation of equilibrium oxygen potential with oxygen concentration inYBa 2Cu3O7-δhas been measured in the temperature range of 773 to 1223 K. For temperatures up to 1073 K, the oxygen content of theYBa 2Cu3O7-δsample, held in a stabilized-zirconia crucible, was altered by coulometric titration. The compound was in contact with the electrolyte, permitting direct exchange of oxygen ions. For measurements above 1073 K, the oxide was contained in a magnesia crucible placed inside a closed silica tube. The oxygen potential in the gas phase above the 123 compound was controlled and measured by a solid-state cell based on yttria-stabilized zirconia, which served both as a pump and sensor. Pure oxygen at a pressure of 1.01 × 105 Pa was used as the reference electrode. The oxygen pressure over the sample was varied from 10-1 to 105 Pa. The oxygen concentrations of the sample equilibrated with pure oxygen at 1.01 × 105 Pa at different temperatures were determined after quenching in liquid nitrogen by hydrogen reduction at 1223 K. The plot of chemical potential of oxygen as a function of oxygen non-stoichiometry shows an inflexion at δ ∼ 0.375 at 873 K. Data at 773 K indicate tendency for phase separation at lower temperatures. The partial enthalpy and entropy of oxygen derived from the temperature dependence of electromotive force (emf ) exhibit variation with composition. The partial enthalpy for °= 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 also appears to be temperature dependent. The results are discussed in comparison with the data reported in the literature. An expression for the integral free energy of formation of YBa2Cu3O6.5 is evaluated based on measurements reported in the literature. By integration of the partial Gibbs’ energy of oxygen obtained in this study, the variation of integral property with oxygen concentration is obtained at 873 K.