980 resultados para leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF)


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L’interleukine 6 (IL-6) est une cytokine qui joue un rôle essentiel dans l’inflammation. Son récepteur (IL-6R) est composé de la chaîne non signalétique IL-6Rα et de la chaîne transductrice du signal gp130, commune aux cytokines de la famille IL-6. La liaison de l’IL-6 à son récepteur permet l’activation de plusieurs voies de signalisation, notamment des voies Jak/STAT1 et préférentiellement Jak/STAT3. De façon complémentaire, nous avons démontré que l’IL-6 est capable d’activer la voie Jak/STAT5 dans les lymphocytes T CD4. L’activation de cette voie de signalisation pourrait être impliquée dans le rétrocontrôle des effets pro-inflammatoires de l’IL-6 sur les cellules T CD4. Le facteur neurotrophique ciliaire (CNTF) et la « cardiotrophin-like cytokine/cytokine-like factor 1 » (CLC/CLF) sont deux cytokines de la famille de l’IL-6 qui signalent à travers un récepteur commun, le récepteur au CNTF (CNTFR), composé du CNTFRα, « leukaemia inhibitory factor receptor β » (LIFRβ) et gp130. Toutes deux exercent des actions au niveau du système immunitaire, or la chaîne CNTFRα de leur récepteur n’y est pas exprimée. Il a été montré que le CNTFR humain peut également activer un récepteur formé des sous-unités IL-6Rα, LIFRβ et gp130. Nous avons comparé les effets du CNTF et du CLC/CLF de souris sur des transfectants exprimant LIFRβ et gp130 et les chaines α connues de la famille IL-6 (IL-6Rα, IL-11Rβ et CNTFRα). Nos résultats indiquent que le CNTF de souris, comme le CNTF humain est capable d’activer un récepteur formé de l’IL-6Rα, LIFRβ et gp130. Toutefois cette propriété n’est pas partagée par CLC/CLF et le récepteur impliqué dans les effets de cette cytokine sur le système immunitaire reste donc à identifier. L’IL-27 appartient à la famille de l’IL-6 composée d’une sous-unité cytokinique, p28, associée à un récepteur soluble « l’Epstein-Barr virus-induced gene 3» (EBI3). La sous-unité p28 peut s’associer avec le récepteur soluble CLF pour former une cytokine capable d’activer les lymphocytes T. Dans le but de caractériser cette cytokine, nous avons montré que p28/CLF agit aussi sur les lymphocytes B et permet leur différenciation en plasmocytes. Le partage de l’IL-6R par l’IL-6 et p28/CLF semble être à l’origine de la similarité des effets de ces deux cytokines. De plus, nous avons observé des effets semblables à ceux de l’IL-6 suite à l’association de la sous-unité p28 seule avec la chaîne IL-6Rα. En effet, afin de mieux caractériser la cytokine p28/CLF, nous avons étudié les effets dus au recrutement de la chaîne IL-6Rα par la sous-unité p28. Les cytokines de la famille de l’IL-6 sont composées de quatre hélices α disposées de façon anti-parallèle deux à deux. La sous-unité p28 possède, au niveau d’une boucle reliant deux hélices α, un motif de plusieurs acides glutamiques consécutifs (motif polyE) qui n’est retrouvé dans aucune autre cytokine de cette famille. Nous avons démontré que ce motif est impliqué dans la liaison de cette sous-unité avec l’hydroxyapatite et l’os. Cette caractéristique de p28 pourrait permettre un ciblage de l’IL-27 (p28/EBI3) et de p28/CLF préférentiellement vers la niche endostéale des cellules souches et des cellules immunitaires.


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Bovine milk contains biologically active peptides that may modulate growth and development within humans. In this study, targeted bovine-derived proteins were evaluated for their effects on signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3) phosphorylation in human skeletal muscle cells. Following an acute exposure, bovine-derived acidic fibroblast growth factor-1 (FGF) and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) activated STAT3 in differentiating myotubes. Chronic exposure to FGF and LIF during the proliferative phase reduced myoblast proliferation and elevated MyoD and creatine kinase (CKM) mRNA expression without altering apoptotic genes. In mature myotubes, neither FGF nor LIF elicited any action. Together, these data indicate that a reduction in proliferation in the presence of bovine-derived FGF or LIF may stimulate early maturation of myoblasts.


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Background: Embryonic stem cells are cells derived from early-stage embryos that are characterized by pluripotency and self-renewal capacity. The in vitro cultured murine embryonic stem cells can indefinitely propagate in an undifferentiated state in the presence of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). However, when stimulated, these cells can differentiate into cell lines derived from all three embryonic germ layers. The trichostatin A (TSA) is an epigenetic modifier agent and several studies have used the TSA to stimulate cellular differentiation. However, most of these studies only assessed one TSA concentration. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of different TSA concentrations on histone hyperacetylation during in vitro cell differentiation of murine pluripotent embryonic stem cells, cultured with or without LIF, in the quest of to standardize their application on early cultures of embryonic stem cells.Materials, Methods & Results: Undifferentiated murine embryonic stem cells were plated in the presence of different TSA concentrations (0 nM, 15 nm, 50 nM and 100 nM) in the presence or absence of LIF. Thus, the treatments were evaluated in undifferentiated embryonic stem cells cultured in the presence of LIF (Control group: 0 nM LIF(+); Group 15 nM LIF+; Group 50 nM LIF+ and Group 100 nM LIF+), and in embryonic stem cells cultured in the absence of LIF (Control group: 0 nM LIF; Group 15 nM LIF(-); Group 50 nM LIF(-) and Group 100 nM LIF-). Treatment with TSA was performed for 24 h. After that the medium was replaced with fresh medium without TSA. Samples were collected at 0, 12, 24, 36 and 48 h after the beginning of the experiment. Three replicates were performed in each experimental group. The relative amount of Histone H3 lysine 9 acetylation was analyzed in all groups, as well as the cell proliferation in the embryonic stem cells cultured in the presence of LIF. In the control group (0 nM), the absence of LIF resulted in higher levels (P < 0.05) of H3lys9ac compared to the cultures supplemented with LIF. In the embryonic stem cells cultured in the presence of LIF, the 50 nM and 100 nM treatments resulted in higher levels (P < 0.05) of H3lys9ac when compared with 0 nM and 15 nM treatments. Evaluating the Hoechst area in the 0 nM group, it was observed that the number of cells increased (P < 0.05) according to the time of culture. Treatment with 15 nM also reflected a similar distribution, but the Hoechst area in 15 nM group was lower (P < 0.05) at 24 and 48h when compared to the observed in the control group. In the 100 nM treatment, was observed that the area of Hoechst was lower (P < 0.05) to that obtained in the control group at 12, 24 and 48h. In addition, it was observed that treatment with TSA induces greater cellular differentiation when compared to control groups in stem cells cultured in the presence of LIF as well as in the absence of LIF.Discussion: In the present study it was observed that TSA treatment increased the levels of histone acetylation in murine embryonic stem cells at a 50 nM concentration, making it possible to reduce the concentration recommended in the literature (100 nM). In addtion, it was concluded that the lower TSA concentrations utilized (15 nm and 50 nM) was less harmful to cellular proliferation than the 100 nM TSA concentration.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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PURPOSE: To characterize chemoattractants expressed by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) after sodium iodate (NaIO3)-induced damage and to investigate whether ocular-committed stem cells preexist in the bone marrow (BM) and migrate in response to the chemoattractive signals expressed by the damaged RPE. METHODS: C57/BL6 mice were treated with a single intravenous injection of NaIO3 (50 mg/kg) to create RPE damage. At different time points real-time RT-PCR, ELISA, and immunohistochemistry were used to identify chemoattractants secreted in the subretinal space. Conditioned medium from NaIO3-treated mouse RPE was used in an in vitro assay to assess chemotaxis of stem cell antigen-1 positive (Sca-1+) BM mononuclear cells (MNCs). The expression of early ocular markers (MITF, Pax-6, Six-3, Otx) in migrated cells and in MNCs isolated from granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and Flt3 ligand (FL)-mobilized and nonmobilized peripheral blood (PB) was analyzed by real-time RT-PCR. RESULTS: mRNA for stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1), C3, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) was significantly increased, and higher SDF-1 and C3 protein secretion from the RPE was found after NaIO3 treatment. A higher number of BMMNCs expressing early ocular markers migrated to conditioned medium from damaged retina. There was also increased expression of early ocular markers in PBMNCs after mobilization. CONCLUSIONS: Damaged RPE secretes cytokines that have been shown to serve as chemoattractants for BM-derived stem cells (BMSCs). Retina-committed stem cells appear to reside in the BM and can be mobilized into the PB by G-CSF and FL. These stem cells may have the potential to serve as an endogenous source for tissue regeneration after RPE damage.


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Estradiol and progesterone are crucial for the acquisition of receptivity and the change in transcriptional activity of target genes in the implantation window. The aim of this study was to differentiate the regulation of genes in the endometrium of patients with recurrent implantation failure (IF) versus those who became pregnant after in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. Moreover, the effect of embryo-derived factors on endometrial transcriptional activity was studied. Nine women with known IVF outcome (IF, M, miscarriage, OP, ongoing pregnancy) and undergoing hysteroscopy with endometrial biopsy were enrolled. Biopsies were taken during the midluteal phase. After culture in the presence of embryo-conditioned IVF media, total RNA was extracted and submitted to reverse transcription, target cDNA synthesis, biotin labelling, fragmentation and hybridization using the Affymetrix Human Genome U133A 2.0 Chip. Differential expression of selected genes was re-analysed by quantitative PCR, in which the results were calculated as threshold cycle differences between the groups and normalized to Glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase and beta-actin. Differences were seen for several genes from endometrial tissue between the IF and the pregnancy groups, and when comparing OP with M, 1875 up- and 1807 down-regulated genes were returned. Real-time PCR analysis confirmed up-regulation for somatostatin, PLAP-2, mucin 4 and CD163, and down-regulation of glycodelin, IL-24, CD69, leukaemia inhibitory factor and prolactin receptor between Op and M. When the different embryo-conditioned media were compared, no significant differential regulation could be demonstrated. Although microarray profiling may currently not be sensitive enough for studying the effects of embryo-derived factors on the endometrium, the observed differences in gene expression between M and OP suggest that it will become an interesting tool for the identification of fertility-relevant markers produced by the endometrium.


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The stimulation by Flk2-ligand (FL) of blast colony formation by murine bone marrow cells was selectively potentiated by the addition of regulators sharing in common the gp130 signaling receptor–leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), oncostatin M, interleukin 11, or interleukin 6. Recloning of blast colony cells indicated that the majority were progenitor cells committed exclusively to macrophage formation and responding selectively to proliferative stimulation by macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Reculture of blast colony cells initiated by FL plus LIF in cultures containing granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor plus tumor necrosis factor α indicated that at least some of the cells were capable of maturation to dendritic cells. The cells forming blast colonies in response to FL plus LIF were unrelated to those forming blast colonies in response to stimulation by stem cell factor and appear to be a distinct subset of mature hematopoietic stem cells.


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Myeloid leukemia M1 cells can be induced for growth arrest and terminal differentiation into macrophages in response to interleukin 6 (IL-6) or leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). Recently, a large number of cytokines and growth factors have been shown to activate the Janus kinase (JAK)-signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) signaling pathway. In the case of IL-6 and LIF, which share a signal transducing receptor gp130, STAT3 is specifically tyrosine-phosphorylated and activated by stimulation with each cytokine in various cell types. To know the role of JAK-STAT pathway in M1 differentiation, we have constructed dominant negative forms of STAT3 and established M1 cell lines that constitutively express them. These M1 cells that overexpressed dominant negative forms showed no induction of differentiation-associated markers including Fc gamma receptors, ferritin light chain, and lysozyme after treatment with IL-6. Expression of either c-myb or c-myc was not downregulated. Furthermore, IL-6- and LIF-mediated growth arrest and apoptosis were completely blocked. Thus these findings demonstrate that STAT3 activation is the critical step in a cascade of events that leads to terminal differentiation of M1 cells.


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Myocardial cell transplantation can compensate for the loss of necrotic cardiomyocytes. The objective of this research study was to reformulate the hydrogel with concentrations of growth factors, such as Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF), and Interleukin-6 (IL-6). A controlled delivery system of PEO-PPO-PEO was formulated for release of a single growth factor and of multiple growth factors. Cytotoxicity and proliferation assay for single growth factors starting with 4000 skeletal myoblasts yielded their highest proliferation at 4 days with HGF (25,500 cells) and LIF (42,000 cells), while IL-6 (115,000 cells) generated its highest proliferation at 5 days. Combination of LIF and IL-6 resulted in highest proliferation at day 2 (220,000 cells), HGF and LIF (108,000 cells), and HGF and IL-6 (80,000 cells) both at 5 days. Viability at 37°C was maintained during the five days at 98-99%. The formulation was successful in myotube formation while maintaining a high purity of myoblasts in culture. The new formulation induced controlled release of growth factors and skeletal myoblasts delivery under favorable conditions while increasing the proliferation of myoblasts.


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RNAi (RNA interference) is a powerful technology for sequence-specific targeting of mRNAs. This thesis was aimed at establishing conditions for conditional RNAi-mediated silencing first in vitro and subsequently also in transgenic mice. As a target the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor encoding gene SCL (stem cell leukaemia also known as Tal-1 or TCL5) was used. SCL is a key regulator for haematopoietic development and ectopic expression of SCL is correlated with acute T-lymphoblastic leukaemias. Loss of SCL function studies demonstrated that ab initio deletion of SCL resulted in embryonic lethality around day E9 in gestation. To be able to conditionally inactivate SCL, RNAi technology was combined with the tetracycline-dependent regulatory system. This strategy allowed to exogenously control the induction of RNAi in a reversible fashion and consequently the generation of a completely switchable RNAi knockdown. First a suitable vector allowing for co-expression of tetracycline-controlled shRNAs (small hairpin RNAs) and constitutively active EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) was generated. This novel vector, pRNAi-EGFP, was then evaluated for EGFP expression and tetracycline-mediated expression of shRNAs. Four sequences targeting different regions within the SCL mRNA were tested for their efficiency to specifically knockdown SCL. These experiments were performed in M1 murine leukaemia cells and subsequently in the HEK 293 cell line, expressing an engineered HA-tagged SCL protein. The second assay provided a solid experimental method for determining the efficiency of different SCL-siRNA knockdown constructs in tissue culture. Western blotting analyses revealed a down regulation of SCL protein for all four tested SCL-specific target sequences albeit with different knockdown efficiencies (between 25% and 100%). Furthermore, stringent tetracycline-dependent switchability of shRNA expression was confirmed by co-transfecting the SCL-specific pRNAi-EGFP vector (SCL-siRNA) together with the HA-tagged SCL expression plasmid into the HEK 293TR /T-REx cell line constitutively expressing the tetracycline repressor (TetR). These series of experiments demonstrated tight regulation of siRNA expression without background activity. To be able to control the SCL knockdown in vivo and especially to circumvent any possible embryonic lethality a transgenic mouse line with general expression of a tetracycline repressor was needed. Two alternative methods were used to generate TetR mice. The first approach was to co-inject the tetracycline-regulated RNAi vector together with a commercially available and here specifically modified T-REx expression vector (SCL-siRNA T-REx FRT LoxP mouse line). The second method involved the generation of a TetR expressor mouse line, which was then used for donating TetR-positive oocytes for pronuclear injection of the RNAi vector (SCL-siRNA T-REx mouse line). As expected, and in agreement with data from conditional Cre-controlled adult SCL knockout mice, post-transcriptional silencing of SCL by RNAi caused a shift in the maturation of red blood cell populations. This was shown in the bone marrow and peripheral blood by FACS analysis with the red blood cell-specific TER119 and CD71 markers which can be used to define erythrocyte differentiation (Lodish plot technique). In conclusion this study established conditions for effective SCL RNAi-mediated silencing in vitro and in vivo providing an important tool for further investigations into the role of SCL and, more generally, of its in vivo function in haematopoiesis and leukaemia. Most importantly, the here acquired knowledge will now allow the establishment of other completely conditional and reversible knockdown phenotypes in mice.


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TNFalpha is known to stimulate the development and activity of osteoclasts and of bone resorption. The cytokine was found to mediate bone loss in conjunction with inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or chronic aseptic inflammation induced by wear particles from implants and was suggested to be a prerequisite for the loss of bone mass under estrogen deficiency. In the present study, the regulation of osteoclastogenesis by TNFalpha was investigated in co-cultures of osteoblasts and bone marrow or spleen cells and in cultures of bone marrow and spleen cells grown with CSF-1 and RANKL. Low concentrations of TNFalpha (1 ng/ml) caused a >90% decrease in the number of osteoclasts in co-cultures, but did not affect the development of osteoclasts from bone marrow cells. In cultures with p55TNFR(-/-) osteoblasts and wt BMC, the inhibitory effect was abrogated and TNFalpha induced an increase in the number of osteoclasts in a dose-dependent manner. Osteoblasts were found to release the inhibitory factor(s) into the culture supernatant after simultaneous treatment with 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) and TNFalpha, this activity, but not its release, being resistant to treatment with anti-TNFalpha antibodies. Dexamethasone blocked the secretion of the TNFalpha-dependent inhibitor by osteoblasts, while stimulating the development of osteoclasts. The data suggest that the effects of TNFalpha on the differentiation of osteoclast lineage cells and on bone metabolism may be more complex than hitherto assumed and that these effects may play a role in vivo during therapies for inflammatory diseases.


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Glycosylation inhibiting factor (GIF) and macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) share an identical structure gene. Here we unravel two steps of posttranslational modifications in GIF/MIF molecules in human suppressor T (Ts) cell hybridomas. Peptide mapping and MS analysis of the affinity-purified GIF from the Ts cells revealed that one modification is cysteinylation at Cys-60, and the other is phosphorylation at Ser-91. Cysteinylated GIF, but not the wild-type GIF/MIF, possessed immunosuppressive effects on the in vitro IgE antibody response and had high affinity for GIF receptors on the T helper hybridoma cells. In vitro treatment of wild-type recombinant human GIF/MIF with cystine resulted in preferential cysteinylation of Cys-60 in the molecules. The cysteinylated recombinant human GIF and the Ts hybridoma-derived cysteinylated GIF were comparable both in the affinity for the receptors and in the immunosuppressive activity. Polyclonal antibodies specific for a stretch of the amino acid sequence in α2-helix of GIF bound bioactive cysteinylated GIF but failed to bind wild-type GIF/MIF. These results strongly suggest that cysteinylation of Cys-60 and consequent conformational changes in the GIF/MIF molecules are responsible for the generation of GIF bioactivity.


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Transforming growth factor type beta (TGF-beta) is a multifunctional factor that regulates proliferation and differentiation of many cell types. TGF-beta mediates its effects by binding to and activating cell surface receptors that possess serine/threonine kinase activity. However, the intracellular signaling pathways through which TGF-beta receptors act remain largely unknown. Here we show that TGF-beta activates a 78-kDa protein (p78) serine/threonine kinase as evidenced by an in-gel kinase assay. Ligand-induced activation of the kinase was near-maximal 5 min after TGF-beta addition to the cells and occurred exclusively on serine and threonine residues. This kinase is distinct from TGF-beta receptor type II, as well as several cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinases of similar size, including protein kinase C, Raf, mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase, and ribosomal S6 kinase. Indeed, these kinases can be separated almost completely from p78 kinase by immunoprecipitation with specific antibodies. Furthermore, using different cell lines, we demonstrate that p78 kinase is activated only in cells for which TGF-beta can act as a growth inhibitory factor. These data raise the interesting possibility that protein serine/threonine kinases contribute to the intracellular relay of biological signals originating from receptor serine/threonine kinases such as the TGF-beta receptors.