988 resultados para lending electronic materials


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Active matrix liquid crystal displays (AMLCD) need to be protected in severe environments. This is achieved through a ruggedisation process, where the display is laminated with cover glasses to become a more robust structure. The ruggedisation process can in itself cause stresses in the display and this can lead to delamination failures during the lamination process, during qualification testing or in-service. Controlling the magnitude of stress in a display during the lamination process is of course very important and this depends highly on the materials used. This paper discusses the use of finite element analysis to investigate the use of different materials in the lamination process and how such materials can affect the stress magnitude in the display.


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Flexible Circuit Boards (FPCs) are now being widely used in the electronic industries especially in the areas of electronic packages. Due to European lead-free legislation which has been implemented since July 2006, electronic packaging industries have to switch to use in the lead-free soldering technology. This change has posed a number of challenges in terms of development of lead-free solders and compatible substrates. An increase of at least 20-50 degrees in the reflow temperature is a concern and substantial research is required to investigate a sustainable design of flexible circuit boards as carrier substrates. This paper investigates a number of design variables such as copper conductor width, type of substrate materials, effect of insulating materials, etc. Computer modeling has been used to investigate thermo-mechanical behavior, and reliability, of flexible substrates after they have been subjected to a lead- free solder processing. Results will show particular designs that behave better for a particular rise in peak reflow temperature. Also presented will be the types of failures that can occur in these substrates and what particular materials are more reliable.


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There are increasing demands on the power density and efficiency of DC-DC power converters due to the soaring functionality and operational longevity required for today's electronic products. In addition, DC-DC converters are required to operate at new elevated frequencies in the MHz frequency regime. Typical ferrite cores, whose useable flux density falls drastically at these frequencies, have to be replaced and a method of producing compact component windings developed. In this study, two types of microinductors, pot-core and solenoid, for DC-DC converter applications have been analyzed for their performance in the MHz frequency range. The inductors were manufactured using an adapted UV-LIGA process and included electrodeposited nickel-iron and the commercial alloy Vitrovac 6025 as core materials. Using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and a Hewlett Packard 4192A LF- impedance analyzer, the inductor characteristics such as power density, efficiency, inductance and Q-factor were recorded. Experimental, finite element and analytical results were used to assess the suitability of the magnetic materials and component geometries for low MHz operation.


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Light has the greatest information carrying potential of all the perceivable interconnect mediums; consequently, optical fiber interconnects rapidly replaced copper in telecommunications networks, providing bandwidth capacity far in excess of its predecessors. As a result the modern telecommunications infrastructure has evolved into a global mesh of optical networks with VCSEL’s (Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers) dominating the short-link markets, predominately due to their low-cost. This cost benefit of VCSELs has allowed optical interconnects to again replace bandwidth limited copper as bottlenecks appear on VSR (Very Short Reach) interconnects between co-located equipment inside the CO (Central-Office). Spurred by the successful deployment in the VSR domain and in response to both intra-board backplane applications and inter-board requirements to extend the bandwidth between IC’s (Integrated Circuits), current research is migrating optical links toward board level USR (Ultra Short Reach) interconnects. Whilst reconfigurable Free Space Optical Interconnect (FSOI) are an option, they are complicated by precise line-of-sight alignment conditions hence benefits exist in developing guided wave technologies, which have been classified into three generations. First and second generation technologies are based upon optical fibers and are both capable of providing a suitable platform for intra-board applications. However, to allow component assembly, an integral requirement for inter-board applications, 3rd generation Opto-Electrical Circuit Boards (OECB’s) containing embedded waveguides are desirable. Currently, the greatest challenge preventing the deployment of OECB’s is achieving the out-of-plane coupling to SMT devices. With the most suitable low-cost platform being to integrate the optics into the OECB manufacturing process, several research avenues are being explored although none to date have demonstrated sufficient coupling performance. Once in place, the OECB assemblies will generate new reliability issues such as assembly configurations, manufacturing tolerances, and hermetic requirements that will also require development before total off-chip photonic interconnection can truly be achieved


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Heterojunction diodes of n-type ZnO/p-type silicon (100) were fabricated by 12 pulsed laser deposition of ZnO films on p-Si substrates in oxygen ambient at 13 different pressures. These heterojunctions were found to be rectifying with a 14 maximum forward-to-reverse current ratio of about 1,000 in the applied 15 voltage range of -5 V to +5 V. The turn-on voltage of the heterojunctions was 16 found to depend on the ambient oxygen pressure during the growth of the ZnO 17 film. The current density–voltage characteristics and the variation of the 18 series resistance of the n-ZnO/p-Si heterojunctions were found to be in line 19 with the Anderson model and Burstein-Moss (BM) shift.


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Over the past years there has been considerable interest in the growth of single crystals both from the point of view of basic research and technological application. With the revolutionary emergence of solid state electronics which is based on single crystal technolo8Ys basic and applied studies on crystal growth and characterization _have gained a-more significant role in material science. These studies are being carried out for single crystals not only of semiconductor and other electronic materials but also of metals and insulators. Many organic crystals belonging to the orthorhombic class exhibit ferroelectric, electrooptic, triboluminescent and piezoelectric properties. Diammonium Hydrogen Citrate (DAHC) crystals are reported to be piezoelectric and triboluminescent /1/. Koptsik et al. /2/ have reported the piezoelectric nature of Citric Acid Monohydrate (CA) crystals. And since not much work has been done on these crystals, it has been thought useful to grow and characterize these crystals. This thesis presents a study of the growth of these crystals from solution and their defect structures. The results of the microindentation and thermal analysis are presented. Dielectric, fractographic, infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) studies of DAHC crystals are also reported


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