998 resultados para leito de jorro bidimensional


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OBJETIVO: Comparar e quantificar os volumes pulmonares irradiados utilizando planejamentos bidimensional (2D) e tridimensional (3D) conformado na radioterapia de tumores de pulmão. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Em 27 pacientes portadores de câncer de pulmão foi feito planejamento 3D e outro correspondente em 2D. As doses prescritas variaram de 45 a 66 Gy. Foram avaliadas as doses no volume alvo planejado (PTV), volume tumoral macroscópico (GTV) e pulmões (volume de pulmão que recebe 20 Gy ou 30 Gy - V20 e V30, respectivamente, e dose média). Os órgãos de risco adjacentes (medula espinhal, esôfago e coração) receberam doses abaixo dos limites de tolerância. RESULTADOS: O GTV variou de 10,5 a 1.290,0 cm³ (média de 189,65 cm³). Nos planejamentos 2D foi utilizado, em média, um total de 59,33 campos, e nos planejamentos 3D, 75,65 campos. Em todas as situações analisadas houve significante (p < 0,05) preservação dos volumes pulmonares com o planejamento 3D, com diminuição de cerca de 15% dos volumes irradiados. O pulmão sem tumor foi mais beneficiado. CONCLUSÃO: A radioterapia 3D permitiu maior preservação dos pulmões, tanto para tumores iniciais quanto avançados. A radioterapia 3D deve ser utilizada nos pacientes com tumores de pulmão, mesmo que volumosos.


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Objetivo:Determinar intervalos de referência para o volume da cisterna magna fetal por meio do método bidimensional (2D) usando o modo multiplanar da ultrassonografia tridimensional.Materiais e Métodos:Estudo de corte transversal com 224 gestantes normais entre a 17ª e 29ª semanas. O volume foi obtido automaticamente pela multiplicação dos três maiores eixos nos planos axial e sagital pela constante 0,52. Regressão polinomial foi realizada para obter correlação entre o volume 2D da cisterna magna e a idade gestacional, sendo os ajustes realizados pelo coeficiente de determinação (R2). Confiabilidade e concordância foram obtidas pelo coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) e limites de concordância.Resultados:A média do volume da cisterna magna 2D variou de 0,71 ± 0,19 cm3 para 4,18 ± 0,75 cm3 entre a 17ª e 29ª semanas, respectivamente. Observou-se boa correlação do volume da cisterna magna fetal 2D e a idade gestacional (R2 = 0,67). Observou-se excelente confiabilidade e concordância intraobservador com CCI = 0,89 e limites de concordância 95% (-52,0; 51,8), respectivamente. Observou-se baixa confiabilidade e concordância interobservador com CCI = 0,64 e limites de concordância 95% (-110,1; 84,6), respectivamente.Conclusão:Intervalos de referência para o volume 2D da cisterna magna fetal usando o modo multiplanar da ultrassonografia tridimensional foram determinados e apresentaram excelente confiabilidade e concordância intraobservador.


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This paper presents the basic theory of generalized two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy. This method is applicable to various types of spectroscopy, including Infrared, Near Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy and it emphasizes spectral features not readily observable in conventional one-dimensional spectra. Some applications are cited, including work developed in Brazil.


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Acaba d"aparèixer març de 2010 de la mà d"Henrique Leitão, la primera traducció realitzada a Portugal del Sidereus Nuncius. O Mensageiro das Estrelas , de Galileo Galilei, editat per la Fundació Calouste Gulbenkian, en la seva col·lecció de clàssics. El volum és molt més que una traducció: en tapa dura amb sobre-coberta però lleuger i manejable, conté una nota d"obertura de Sven Dupré; un prefaci, estudi introductori, breu cronologia, traducció i notes, tot a càrrec d"Henrique Leitão; i, a més, el facsímil de l"edició original, publicada a Venècia, per Tommaso Baglioni, el 1610 ...


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The goal of this article is to discuss the application of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) to petrochemical samples. The use of GCxGC for petroleum and petroleum derivatives characterization, through group type analysis, or BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes), total aromatic hydrocarbons, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, sulfur-containing, oxygen-containing, and nitrogen-containing compounds is presented. The capability of GCxGC to provide additional specific chemical information regarding petroleum processing steps, such as dehydrogenation of linear alkanes, the Fischer-Tropsch process, hydrogenation and oligomerization is also described. In addition, GCxGC analyses of petrochemical biomarkers and environmental pollutants derived from petrochemicals are reported.


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There is great interest nowadays in the use of preparative liquid chromatography as an effective tool for the production of enantiomerically pure, or enriched, compounds for the pharmaceutical industry. To make the chromatographic process economically attractive, attention is now focused on the choice of the chromatographic operating mode to minimize eluent consumption and to maximize productivity. Among the alternatives to the traditional batch chromatography, attention is now shifting towards simulated moving bed (SMB) technologies and a review covering the latest developments in this area seems timely. Several aspects of this important analytical technique are presented and details concerning the SMB technology for process optimization are outlined.


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This paper presents the fundamental principles, instrumentation and selected applications of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC × GC). In this technique, introduced in 1991, two capillary columns are coupled and proper modulating interfaces continuously collect the eluate from the first column, transferring it to the second column. The result is a geometric increment in the chromatographic resolution, ensuring separation of extremely complex mixtures in time periods shorter or comparable to those of analysis using conventional gas chromatography and with better detectabilities and sensitivities.


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The rice husk combustion in a bubbling and atmospheric fluidized bed reactor was investigated. This paper presents the rice husk ash characterization employing the techniques of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) among others. After combustion, a rice husk ash containing 93% amorphous silica and <3% unburned char was produced. Methods usually applied to fixed bed considering external sources of energy and high reaction times were employed. Thus, the potential of this type of reactors with respect to speed, continuity and self-sufficiency energy of the process was shown.


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The development of analytical methods for determination of eight pesticides of different chemical classes (trichlorfon, propanil, fipronil, propiconazole, trifloxystrobin, permethrin, difenoconazole and azoxystrobin) in sediments with gas chromatography-micro-electron capture detector (GC/µECD) and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with micro-electron capture detector (GCxGC/µECD) is described. These methods were applied to real sediment samples, and the best results were obtained using a 5% diphenyl-methylpolysiloxane column for 1D-GC. For GCxGC the same column was employed in the first dimension and a 50%-phenyl-methylpolysiloxane stationary phase was placed in the second dimension. Due to the superior peak capacity and selectivity of GCxGC, interfering matrix peaks were separated from analytes, showing a better performance of GCxGC.


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Analysis of seven pesticides in sediments was successfully achieved using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with micro-electron capture detection, as it provided higher sensitivity and less matrix interference. Repeatability and intermediate precision of peak areas and heights were less than 4% and the recovery percentage for the analytes ranged from 52 to 115%. Instrumental LOD and LOQ were in the range of 0.60 to 2.31 μg L-1 and 1.83 to 5.62 μg L-1, respectively. Concentrations of 3.34 μg kg-1 (dry basis) for trifloxystrobin and azoxystrobin (below the LOQ) were found in a sediment sample.


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The growth of biodiesel market and the implementation of regulations related to biodiesel production and biodiesel/diesel blending has encouraged the development of appropriate analytical methods to control the composition of this type of mixture. In this study, an evaluation of the potential of GC×GC for the characterization of samples of beef tallow biodiesel and the composition of blends of biodiesel/diesel is presented. The methodology was applied to beef tallow biodiesel and its mixtures with petrodiesel, ranging from B2 to B50. Results allowed not only the identification and quantification of the biodiesel esters, but also the biodiesel percentage in biodiesel/diesel blends.


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The immobilization of laccase on chitosan by cross-linking and application of the immobilized laccase in the bioconversion of phenolic compounds in batch and fixed bed reactors were studied. The process for immobilization of enzyme was optimized using a rotational central composite design. The optimized conditions to generate immobilized laccase with maximal activity were determined to be a glutaraldehyde concentration of 1.0% (v/v), a pH of 6.0, an immobilization time of 5.0 hours and an enzyme concentration of 5.2 g L-1. In packed bed reactors, the activity of the immobilized enzyme is maintained for a longer time in the bioconversion of 2,6-dimethoxyphenol than in the bioconversion of syringaldazine.


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The constant evolution of science and the growing demand for new technologies have led to new techniques in instrumentation that can improve detection, separation, resolution, and peak capacity. Comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography (LC×LC) is presented as a powerful tool in complex sample analyses. During an analysis, a sample is subjected to two independent separation mechanisms that are combined, resulting in increased resolving power. For appropriate application of LC×LC, understanding the influence of parameters that require optimization is necessary. The main purpose of optimization is to predict the combination of stationary phases, separation conditions, and instrumental requirements to obtain the best separation performance. This review discusses theoretical, intrumental, and chemometric aspects of LC×LC and focuses on its applications in foods. It aims to provide a clear understanding of the aspects that can be used as strategies in the optimization of this analytical method.