104 resultados para laparotomia


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Em decorrência da alteração presente nas rupturas diafragmáticas ser de natureza anatômica, o tratamento cirúrgico é o único indicado. As abordagens cirúrgicas mais utilizadas são a laparotomia pela linha média e a toracotomia intercostal, porém, a correção cirúrgica pode ser dificultada, principalmente quando houver perda de tecido, evolução crônica, ou quando a lesão no músculo diafragma for extensa, necessitando de procedimentos cirúrgicos mais apropriados, tal como a utilização de implantes biológicos ou sintéticos. Os vários tipos de implantes e enxertos testados para reparar os defeitos no músculo diafragma obtiveram bons resultados e baixas taxas de mortalidade, sugerindo uma nova alternativa no reparo de defeitos diafragmáticos


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The acceptance of biotechnology for the most equine breeders association had a significant effect in the horse industry, gaining popularity around the world, because the increasing on the genetic gain, allowing the use of sub fertile mares and stallions with high genetics value on reproduction. The embryos in vitro production of human and cattle has been used with success, however in vitro embryo production is not efficient in the horse, as oocyte transfer (OT) and intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI). The oocyte transfer has been used especially in subfertile old mares presenting reproductive pathologies as: endometrite, cervical and uterine adhesions, blocked oviduct, perineal laceration and ovulation failures. During oocyte recovery process, the oocytes must be collected from immature follicles that need be matured in vitro or in vivo matured oocytes from pre-ovulatory follicles through the transvaginal aspiration guided by ultrasound. The recovered oocyte is transferred to a previously inseminated recipient mare, through the flank laparotomy. The intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI) is a procedure of in vitro fertilization that needs only one sperm that is aspirated and injected inside the oocyte. The oocytes used, can be from mature and immature follicles. Fresh, cooled and frozen semen can be used, because the procedure not requires a functional sperm. The use of Piezo drill resulted in a breakthrough the pellucid zone, allowing the vibration per minute provided in the sperm injection pipette, a major result of cleaved oocytes, due to a better sperm injection in the oocyte. The embryo transfer can be straight inside the oviduct, as also transcervical transferred after embryo culture produced in vitro. In conclusion both procedures (OT and ICSI) are effective to be used on equine assisted reproduction, getting results even lower than expected, but satisfactory from animal genetically superior


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Several hormonal and physiological changes that occur during pregnancy directly affect gastrointestinal motility (GI), however, very little is known about the relationship between the electrical and mechanical activities of the stomach and its implications. The aim of this study was to compare the female sex hormones, with profiles of gastrointestinal motility using AC biosusceptometry (BAC) in pregnant rats. Seven female Wistar rats (weighing 250-350 g) were used and all procedures were approved by the local Ethics Committee of animal. Laparotomy was performed on anesthetized rats and a magnetic marker (3.5 mm in diameter and 3.0 mm height) was implanted in the distal stomach. After 10 days of recuperation, the mice were put to mate until confirmation of pregnancy. Fed animals were anesthetized (mg pentobarbital 30 / kg) and kept supine for recording the signal with a sensor 30 min BAC placed on the abdominal surface on days 0, 7, 14 and 20 of gestation. Statistical analysis was performed by Student's t test statistical Newman-Keuls and a P value of .05 was considered statistically significant. The frequency of contraction of the stomach was 74 mHz ± 3, 67 ± 7 mHz, 59 mHz ± 6 (p <0.05 vs day -1) and 71 ± 5 mHz on days -0, -7, -14, and -20, respectively. The values of 44 ± 15 pg / mL and 31 ± 9 pg / ml 25 ± 6 pg / ml, 22 ± 9 pg / ml on days -0, -7, -14 and -20, respectively, obtained by 17ß- estradiol were not statistically significant. The values of progesterone were 13 ± 6 pg / ml at 54 ± 15 pg / ml, 127 ± 42 pg / ml (p <0.05 vs day-1), 22 ± 13 pg / mL on day -0, - 7, -14 and -20, respectively. A linear correlation (Pearson's test) between the lower frequency gastric and increased levels of progesterone was 80% (p <0.0000001). Until then, the relationship between changes in motility and hormone were not described in detail, but with the work that we were able to demonstrate the high correlation between progesterone concentration ...


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The platinosomiase is a disease the hepatobiliary system of domestic felines being caused by trematode Platynosomum fastosum. The life cycle of the parasite includes the presence of three intermediate hosts (snails, terrestrial isopodes, lizards or frogs). The cat is considered definitive host of the parasite and acquires the infection eating a vertebrate intermediate host containing metacercariae. The adult parasites generally inhabit the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts of cats. The severity of clinical manifestations depends mainly on the number of flukes in the biliary tract. Many animals are asymptomatic or exhibit nonspecific clinical manifestations such as anorexia, lethargy, weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea. In large infestations can occur biliary obstruction resulting in jaundice, cirrhosis, hepatitis cholangiohepatitis and even death. The definitive diagnosis is accomplished through by the detection of fluke eggs in feces or through laparotomy and liver biopsy. Treatment should be based on the use of anthelmintic for the elimination of the parasite and supportive therapy for the animal. Prevention is difficult due to predatory nature of the cat. The control can be accomplished through periodic fecal examinations


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Objetivo: Considerando o uso indiscriminado de diversas plantas para o tratamento de doenças, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos da Azadirachta indica (Neem) sobre a glicemia e performance reprodutiva materna de ratas normoglicêmicas e com diabete moderado. Material e Método: O diabete foi induzido em ratas fêmeas no dia do nascimento com streptozotocin (100mg/kg de peso corpóreo, via subcutânea). O grupo não-diabético (controle) recebeu como veículo o tampão citrato com dose e via similares ao grupo diabético. Na fase adulta, ratas não-diabéticas e diabéticas foram acasaladas com machos normoglicêmicos. Durante todo o período de prenhez, as ratas foram tratadas com o princípio ativo (Azadirachtina) ou óleo da semente de Azadirachta indica (Neem). As glicemias foram mensuradas nos dias 0, 7, 14 e 20 de prenhez e o teste oral de tolerância à glicose no 17º dia. Ao final da prenhez, foi realizada laparotomia para contagem de fetos vivos e mortos, corpos lúteos, implantações e de reabsorções (mortes embrionárias). Os descendentes foram analisados quanto à presença de anomalias externas e internas (esqueléticas e viscerais). Para limite de significância estatística foi considerado p<0,05. Resultados: Os tratamentos com o óleo e princípio ativo causaram maior intolerância à glicose em ratas diabéticas, prejuízos no desempenho reprodutivo materno e anormalidades esqueléticas e viscerais fetais. Conclusão: Os diferentes tratamentos não apresentaram efeito antidiabético e causaram efeitos adversos no desempenho reprodutivo materno e no desenvolvimento dos fetos. Sendo assim, este estudo mostrou que o uso indiscriminado de plantas medicinais, principalmente por mulheres grávidas, pode ser prejudicial para o desenvolvimento intrauterino


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Anestesiologia - FMB