120 resultados para lamination


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Depósitos siliciclásticos da Formação Raizama de idade ediacarana-cambriana são expostos descontinuamente ao longo da margem sul do Cráton Amazônico e Faixa Paraguai Norte, centro-oeste do Brasil. Estes depósitos são interpretados por sucessões costeiras progradacionais, sobrepondo em conformidade os depósitos carbonáticos do Grupo Araras. A análise faciológica e estratigráfica da seção aflorante na região de Nobres, Estado do Mato Grosso, permitiu a individualização de dezessete fácies sedimentares agrupadas em cinco associações de fácies (AF): AF1) shoreface inferior consiste de arenitos com laminação plano-paralela e truncada por onda (microhummocky), intercalados por pelitos laminados, e com níveis bioturbados por tubos verticais perfurantes; AF2) shoreface superior, formada por arenitos com estratificação plano-paralela e cruzada swaley; AF3) submaré, composta por arenitos com estratificações cruzadas tangenciais e acanaladas com recobrimentos de siltito/arenito muito fino interpretados como depósitos de canal e barras; AF4) planície de maré é caracterizada por arenitos com estratificação cruzada tangencial e sigmoidal, laminação plano-paralela a cruzada de baixo ângulo, gretas de contração, intercalados por siltititos/arenito muito finos com acamamento flaser, organizados em ciclos de raseamento ascendente; e AF5) fluvial entrelaçado distal é constituída por arenitos com estratificação cruzada acanalada com lags lateralmente descontínuos, estratificações plano-paralelas e cruzadas de baixo-ângulo, parcialmente retrabalhadas por onda. A sedimentação da Formação Raizama indica que o fornecimento de sedimentos siliciclásticos estariam relacionado a soerguimentos no Cráton à noroeste da área estudada, sucedendo os depósitos carbonáticos do Grupo Araras. Traços fósseis tubulares descritos na AF1 indicam, pela primeira vez, a presença de traços fósseis perfurantes sugerindo uma idade deposicional para Formação Raizama mais próxima ao limite Ediacarano-Cambriano.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Products derived from wood or engineered products are becoming interesting alternatives to the replacement of solid wood in various applications, from structural components to the furniture industry and packaging. Among these products, there are panels built by strands, particles and fibers, each one having their particular characteristics and potential of use. Since the different types of panels are produced, waste generation is part of the process, and that more technological it is, it still generates losses of raw materials. Based on the need for rational use of raw materials and using almost full of industrially processed wood, It arises the proposal of this work, which seeks to use waste from the lamination, like pieces of strands, broken strands, strands rough, cracked strands to produce panels with structural characteristics of the OSL panel (Oriented Strand Lumber), LSL (Laminated Strand Lumber) and OSB (Oriented Strand Lumber). Besides the use of waste, this paper seeks an alternative to the use of the adhesive, because the industry uses formaldehyde-based adhesives, which over the press, they emit large amounts of formaldehyde, which is very aggressive to humans and environment. The panels made with polyurethane resin based on castor oil and hot-pressed were characterized by physical and mechanical tests according to specifications of European Standard (EN). High values of tensile strength, elastic modulus and density were found in the results of tests. Adding to stable values of swelling and moisture content, the panel studied adds attractive features to the panel market, especially in the civil construction


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This study aims to assess the implementation of Lean Six Sigma in the preparation of plates and hot lamination process for a company of aluminum rolled products, to improve the quality, productivity and process efficiency. As a basis for achieving these goals, the DMAIC methodology and various quality tools such as Cause Effect Diagram, Process Flow, SIPOC, Pareto, FMEA and Control Chart were used, trying to propose improvements to processes and increase their efficiency. The results were significant and were the basis for the continuation of a continuous improvement project throughout the factory


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In our country, the majority of freight and people by road happens municipal, state and federal. Thus, the heavy vehicles like buses and trucks are the main means of transporting people and cargo. This graduate work aims to study the process of manufacturing wheels for trucks, because we can see the lack of literature on the manufacturing process of wheels and also the importance of the processes used to manufacture wheels, such as lamination, stamping, puckering, machining, welding and painting


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The objective of the present work was to evaluate Pinus’ glued laminated timber (glulam) beams and steel reinforced glulam beams, using PU mono-component adhesive in lamination step and epoxy adhesive to bond steel bars. The mechanical performance was verified through bending test, and the adopted method based on homogenized section, to considerate the differences between wood and steel mechanical properties. The homogenization section method proved itself effective in obtaining the stiffness of the parts in MLCA. The stiffness of reinforced beams increased 91% in comparison with glulam beams, differing only 5.5 % from value of stiffness calculated


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The focus of this research was to study the utilization of residues from bamboo (Dendrocalamus giganteus) lamination in the manufacturing of panels for structural purposes. Bamboo particleboards were produced under three conditions: pure boards, reinforced with bamboo laminas, and with treated particles. Castor oil-based polyurethane was the resin binder, in view of using lower toxicity materials. The mechanical tests were performed according to Brazilian Standard (NBR) 14810-3 (2006) and European Standard (EN) 310 (2000). The results were superior to those recommended by these and other standards for internal adhesion resistance, modulus of rupture, and elasticity in static bending, as well as to the results of other studies. Starch treatment was an unnecessary stage. According to the conditions of this process, the studied panels showed a good potential for construction use. Moreover, the bamboo particleboards are an economically viable, environmentally friendly, and sustainable alternative for the use of waste generated during the processing of Dendrocalamus giganteus bamboo species, allied with castor oil-based polyurethane resin. The reinforced particleboard and its production process are being licensed as an Innovation Patent in Brazil, (BR 1020130133919-1-2013).


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The Ti-15Mo-xNb system integrates a new class of titanium alloys without the presence of aluminum and vanadium, which exhibit cytotoxicity, and that have low elasticity modulus values (below 100 GPa). This occurs because these alloys have a beta structure, which is very attractive for use as biomaterials. In addition, Brazil has about 90% of the world’s resources of niobium, which is very important economically. It strategically invests in research on the development and processing of alloys containing this element. In this paper, a study of the influence of heat treatments on the structure and microstructure of the alloys of a Ti-15Mo-xNb system is presented. The results showed grain grown with heat treatment and elongated and irregular grains after lamination due to this processing. After quenching, there were no changes in the microstructure in relation to heat-treated and laminated conditions. These results corroborate the x-ray diffraction results, which showed the predominance of the β phase.


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The southwestern region of the São Luís-Grajaú Basin has a rare outcrop of the Codó Formation (upper Aptian) with seven outstanding microbialite bioherms along the left margin of the Tocantins river, near Imperatriz (MA). Resting on sandstones of the Grajaú Formation, the Codó Formation presents: 1) a 20 cm thick basal calcilutite with gypsite pseudomorphs and some fossil tree stems; 2) metric dark shales with carbonate nodules and thin intercalated carbonate layers, enclosing some microbial laminites; 3) a 2 cm thick upper breccia composed of microbialite fragments and other carbonate clasts, with halite hoppers on the top; 4) the carbonate bioherms, which partially overlie the extensive shales and interrupt them laterally, as well as the breccia. The bioherms in the northern part of the outcrop are thicker (<2 m) and have interbedded dark shales, whereas the southern are thinner and continuous in the vertical direction. In general, they are composed of irregular gently to strongly wavy microbial laminites, sometimes with pseudocolumnar to conical lamination. All microbialites with highest synoptic relief (<20 cm) look like columnar stromatolites on weathered lateral expositions. In plan view, the horizontal sections of these microbialites are circular to slightly elliptic, sometimes forming very small channels (N60W) filled with fine breccia. The highest bed of the northern bioherm has mixed microbial laminites and columnar stromatolites, where intercolumnar spaces were filled with microbialite clasts, fish bones, plant fragments and very small probable crustacean coprolites. Several fractures and deformation in this upper bed indicate an initial brecciation process probably caused by subaerial exposure. In microscopic scale, the lamination is smooth, diffuse, defined by subtle granulation differences of very fine granular calcite crystals within micrite, but oxide levels, dissolution surfaces or thin precipitated calcite veneers...


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Through a description of the productivity problems experienced by some enterprises, to optimize their respective production lines, results of poor performance or low quality, the following work aims to explain and demonstrate the practical application of the theory of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) on cold lamination machines in a steel industry . The project, to ensure your goal, is based on structuring a complete planning to increase levels of performance, availability and quality relating to rolling. On completion of the work, will be presented forecasts of future goals for the OEE, to search for continuous improvement and global standards of efficiency, taking into account, the sector the company operates, the history of the laminators, and financial aspects


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This paper purpose is to analyze one of the main problems faced by cold rolling industry of the current time, the mechanical vibration. Factors such as strips with high velocity in order to increase the productivity and thickness becoming thinner and thinner cause the vibrations to be present at all times during rolling. These market requirements also drive the industry for technology development and thus bring the challenges that the operation of a new modern equipment and more powerful. The initial purpose is to analyze the forces that cause vibration in a rolling mill type four high with two stands, where is desirable to identify the origins of these vibrational forces to make possible dismiss them or at least control its intensity, in order to prevent damage in the rolling mill and ensure product quality to the customer. For it, will be used instruments to record and store the vibrations that occur during the lamination process. With this data will be able to analyze the characteristics of the vibrations and act at your elimination. At the end of the work is expected to demonstrate how important the critical view of the engineer in the analysis of graphics combined with the calculations of the natural vibration frequency and engagement of key parts of the laminator. With these two tools at hand, will be possible to increase the productivity of the rolling mill and act preventively in maintenance, thereby reducing your downtime and increasing its performance and efficiency


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Through a description of the productivity problems experienced by some enterprises, to optimize their respective production lines, results of poor performance or low quality, the following work aims to explain and demonstrate the practical application of the theory of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) on cold lamination machines in a steel industry . The project, to ensure your goal, is based on structuring a complete planning to increase levels of performance, availability and quality relating to rolling. On completion of the work, will be presented forecasts of future goals for the OEE, to search for continuous improvement and global standards of efficiency, taking into account, the sector the company operates, the history of the laminators, and financial aspects


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This paper purpose is to analyze one of the main problems faced by cold rolling industry of the current time, the mechanical vibration. Factors such as strips with high velocity in order to increase the productivity and thickness becoming thinner and thinner cause the vibrations to be present at all times during rolling. These market requirements also drive the industry for technology development and thus bring the challenges that the operation of a new modern equipment and more powerful. The initial purpose is to analyze the forces that cause vibration in a rolling mill type four high with two stands, where is desirable to identify the origins of these vibrational forces to make possible dismiss them or at least control its intensity, in order to prevent damage in the rolling mill and ensure product quality to the customer. For it, will be used instruments to record and store the vibrations that occur during the lamination process. With this data will be able to analyze the characteristics of the vibrations and act at your elimination. At the end of the work is expected to demonstrate how important the critical view of the engineer in the analysis of graphics combined with the calculations of the natural vibration frequency and engagement of key parts of the laminator. With these two tools at hand, will be possible to increase the productivity of the rolling mill and act preventively in maintenance, thereby reducing your downtime and increasing its performance and efficiency


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We describe the occurrence of non-marine bivalves in exposures of the Middle Permian (Capitanian) Brenton Loch Formation on the southern shore of Choiseul Sound, East Falklands. The bivalves are associated with ichnofossils and were collected from a bed in the upper part of the formation, within a 25 cm thick interval of dark siltstones and mudstones with planar lamination, overlain by massive sandstones. The shells are articulated, with the valves either splayed open or closed. At the top of the succession, mudstone beds nearly 1.5 m above the bivalve-bearing layers yielded well-preserved Glossopteris sp. cf. G. communis leaf fossils. The closed articulated condition of some shells indicates preservation under high sedimentation rates with low residence time of bioclasts at the sediment/water interface. However, the presence of specimens with splayed shells is usually correlated to the slow decay of the shell ligament in oxygen-deficient bottom waters. The presence of complete carbonized leaves of Glossopteris associated with the bivalve-bearing levels also suggests a possibly dysoxic-anoxic bottom environment. Overall, our data suggest that the bivalves were preserved by abrupt burial, possibly by distal sediment flows into a Brenton Loch lake, and may represent autochthonous to parautochthonous fossil accumulations. The shells resemble those of anthracosiids and are herein assigned to Palaeanodonta sp. aff. P. dubia, a species also found in the Permian succession of the Karoo Basin, South Africa. Our results confirm that (a) the true distributions in space and time of all Permian non-marine (freshwater) bivalves are not yet well known, and (b) there is no evidence for marine conditions in the upper part of the Brenton Loch Formation.