220 resultados para jaws


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An automated laparoscopic instrument capable of non-invasivemeasurement of tip/tissue interaction forces for direct application in robotic assisted minimally invasive surgery systems is introduced in this chapter. It has the capability to measure normal grasping forces as well as lateral interaction forces without any sensor mounted on the tip jaws. Further to non-invasive actuation of the tip, the proposed instrument is also able to change the grasping direction during surgical operation. Modular design of the instrument allows conversion between surgical modalities (e.g., grasping, cutting, and dissecting). The main focus of thispaper is on evaluation of the grasping force capability of the proposed instrument. The mathematical formulation of fenestrated insert is presented and its non-linear behaviour is studied. In order to measure the stiffness of soft tissues, a device was developed that is also described in this chapter. Tissue characterisation experiments were conducted and results are presented and analysed here. The experimental results verify the capability of the proposed instrument in accurately measuring grasping forces and in characterising artificial tissue samples of varying stiffness.


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Este estudo configura-se como uma Investigação Qualitativa que se integra ao leque de pesquisas já desenvolvidas pelo NIEE (Núcleo de Informática na Educação Especial) da FACED (Faculdade de Educação) da UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul). Seu referencial teórico busca concatenar informações a respeito da Deficiência Visual, Inclusão e Recursos para o acesso à informação por invisuais. Para esse último, são elencadas as principais Tecnologias Assistivas utilizadas atualmente. E, a partir da utilização das TA's para invisuais: Dosvox e Jaws, é que nos propomos a acompanhar o progresso dos sujeitos durante a apropriação das mesmas e de outros software abertos, focalizando a atuação do facilitador-professor (FP) durante as trajetórias individuais, e a responder à seguinte indagação: Quais modalidades de mediação evidenciam-se como fundamentais no processo de apropriação das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC's) por invisuais? Para dar conta disso, através de observação direta, foi feito estudo de casos acompanhando a trajetória de três deficientes visuais (dois com perda total de visão e um com visão subnormal) interagindo em ambientes digitais, com vistas à apropriação de TIC's, tendo presente o processo de desenvolvimento na ZDP. Essa dissertação, portanto, procurou considerar as singularidades de cada sujeito, respeitando seus anseios, necessidades, vontades, e sentimentos externados, no período de um ano. Para a análise dos dados coletados, elegemos como aporte pedagógico a Teoria Socio-Histórica e, principalmente, as contribuições de Gallimore, Tharp e Santarosa. Após análise, observamos que, em momentos iniciais de apropriação das ferramentas, a utilização de modalidades fundamentais recaíram na Informação, Demonstração e Feedback Intensos e, que, gradativamente essas deram espaço a modalidades de Questionamentos, Feedbacks e Estratégias Cognitivas de formas mais moderadas e suaves, denotando maior autonomia dos sujeitos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Central giant cell lesion (CGCL) and peripheral giant cell lesion (PGCL) of the jaws have a distinct clinical behavior, although they share histopathologic features. It is still unclear whether these clinical differences are supported by a distinct pattern of immunoexpression of markers for multinucleated giant cells (GC) and mononuclear cells (MC). The purpose of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of VEGF, MMP-9 in CG and MC and measure the vascularization by vWF to check whether there are differences in expression of these biomarkers between CGCL and PGCL. Paraffin wax blocks of 20 cases of LCCG and 20 LPCG were retrieved. MMP-9 immunoreactivity was greater in the CM of PGCL compared to VEGF (p<0.05). VEGF expression was greater in the CM of CGCL compared to PGCL (p<0.05) and it was greater in the overall expression of CGCL compared to PGCL (p<0.05). Vascularity was quantified by microvascular counting (MVC). MVC was greater in the PGCL compared CGCL (p<0.05). MMP-9 showed a greater tendency of expression in CGCL, though was not significant (p>0.05). We tested correlation between the proteins studied in each group and found a significant negative correlation between VEGF and vWF in CGCL (p<0.05). These results suggest that there are differences in the expression of VEGF in CM and overall expression between the lesions, although no statistically significant difference in the overall expression of the MMP-9. Then, there was a trend in increased expression of MMP-9 and VEGF in CGCL, possibly by the involvement of both proteins in osteoclastogenesis. Additionally, the results of this study indicate a higher degree of vascularization in PGCL compared to CGCL, fact that can be directly linked to the reactive nature of the PGCL, where the inflammatory process with its rich angiogenesis contributes significantly to these findings.


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A tese se propôs a avaliar a relação entre saúde psíquica e condições de trabalho em dois hospitais da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, a saber: Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes e Hospital Universitário Ana Bezerra. Adotou como ponto de partida epistemológico a abordagem psicossociológica, considerando que a compreensão sócio-histórica do contexto é indispensável para entender os fenômenos em análise. As condições de trabalho e a saúde psíquica foram abordadas interdisciplinarmente, fundamentando a construção de um modelo compreensivo de saúde psíquica que orientou a investigação. O caminho metodológico utilizado foi a pesquisação. Essa foi desenvolvida, utilizando técnicas como análise documental, observação participante, entrevistas não estruturadas, grupo focal e aplicação de um protocolo de pesquisa composto pelo questionário de condições de trabalho, pelo Questionário de Saúde Geral (QSG-60), pela Escala de Bem-Estar Afetivo no Trabalho (JAWS-12) e por questões sociodemográficas. A análise dos resultados mostrou que os escores sintomáticos de saúde psíquica variam por hospitais e que a saúde psíquica sofre influência das condições de trabalho, sobretudo em aspectos referentes a três dimensões: condições físicas e materiais; processos e características do trabalho e o ambiente sociogerencial. Em referência à primeira dessas dimensões, destacaram-se a exposição aos riscos psicobiológicos e de acidentes, bem como as exigências de esforço físico. Na segunda dimensão, a complexidade das atividades e a responsabilidade implicada nas mesmas. E, na última, os fatores de organização da atividade, violência e ambiente conflitivo. Como a relação do indivíduo com seu contexto é dialética, os resultados encontrados corroboraram que quanto mais as condições de trabalho são desfavoráveis, maior a afetação da saúde psíquica e dos afetos com relação ao trabalho, repercutindo novamente no ambiente de trabalho. Portanto, ações de melhoria das condições de trabalho precisam ser estabelecidas para resultar, no efeito inverso, proporcionando o aumento dos afetos positivos e a redução dos sintomas psíquicos


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This study aimed to evaluate patients who underwent placement of zygomatic implants technique by Stella & Warner, considering the survival of conventional and zygomatic implants, sinus health and level of patient satisfaction in relation to oral rehabilitation. We evaluated 28 patients where 14 had received conventional and zygomatic implants, being rehabilitated with implant-fixed dentures (group 1) and 14 were rehabilitated only with conventional implants and implant-fixed dentures (group 2). The study had four phases, represented by radiographic evaluation of implants (stage I), clinical evaluation (stage II), assessing the health of the maxillary sinus (stage III) and a questionnaire to measure satisfaction of rehabilitation with fixed prosthesis implant Total -backed (stage IV). Group 2 underwent only stage IV, while group 1 participated in all stages. Descriptive analysis and statistics were performed, using the t test for independent samples in the evaluation of phase IV. The results demonstrated that the technique of Stella & Warner proved effective, allowing a high survival rate of conventional implants and zygomatic (100%), considering a minimum follow-up of 15 months and maximum 53 months after prosthetic rehabilitation. There were no pathological changes in tissues periimplants conventional and zygomatic implants analyzed. Radiographic findings showed satisfactory levels bone implants in the oral rehabilitation with conventional zygomatic implants and a good positioning of the apex of the zygomatic implants over the zygomatic bone. The presence of the zygomatic implant did not cause sinus and the t test showed a satisfaction index lower in group 1 compared with group 2. The zygomatic implant placement technique by Stella & Warner proved to be a predictable technique with high survival rate in patients with atrophic jaws, necessitating long-term follow-up to confirm the initial findings of the study


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O objetivo da presente investigação experimental foi avaliar o perfil mecânico de três tipos de técnicas de sutura entre tendões de dimensões diferentes. Foram utilizados 21 cães sem raça definida (11machos/10 fêmeas), dos quais foram obtidos os tendões flexor comum dos dedos - t.c. (maior dimensão) e tibial cranial - t.cr. (menor dimensão), de ambos os membros pélvicos. Logo após a obtenção das peças foi realizada sutura, segundo cada tipo de técnica, porém sempre com o mesmo número de pontos. Os tendões utilizados para sutura foram sempre do lado direito e o controle do lado esquerdo (t.cr.). Após a sutura, os corpos de prova foram fixados em garras especialmente desenvolvidas e submetidos a ensaio de tração axial à velocidade de 30mm/minuto. Após o ensaio o programa da máquina forneceu os valores da carga máxima ( na ruptura) e deformação absoluta (mm) e relativa (%), além do diagrama carga-deformação. Os resultados foram submetidos a estudo estatístico pela análise de medidas repetidas no nível de 5% de significância. Não foi constatada diferença estatisticamente significativa nos parâmetros mecânicos avaliados nos três grupos de técnicas de suturas. em relação ao controle (tendão de menos diâmetro contra-lateral), observou-se que a sutura apresenta resistência máxima a tração significativamente menor que o controle e maior deformação.


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Fibrous dysplasia is a benign fibro-osseous disease that affects 1 or more bones. Deformities leading to aesthetic and functional disorders are observed in almost all cases. Plastic surgery is often recommended when the jaws are involved. Monostotic fibrous dysplasia of the mandible is an unusual manifestation of the disease that is usually benign, occurs in young individuals, and is managed by conservative curettage or debridement, such as surgical sculpting. The authors report a case of a 15-year-old patient with a large monostotic fibrous dysplasia located in the right mandible, which was treated by contouring bone. The lesion did not recur on follow-up for 4 years after the surgical procedure.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of removable partial dentures (RPD) at the Aracatuba Dental School.Methods: The study was conducted by analysing 412 clinical history of patients attended at the RPD clinics in the period from 2000 to 2007.Results: 412 charts were analysed: 148 (35.9%) men and 264 (64.1%) women. The mean age was 53.8 years (men) and 52.4 years (women). A total of 556 dentures were made; of these, 233 (41.90%) were maxillary and 323 (58.09%) were mandibular dentures. The most frequent Kennedy classification found was Class III (maxilla) and Class I (mandible). In the maxilla, 55% (126) of the major connectors were of the anterior-posterior palatal bar, while in the mandible, 64% (202) were the lingual bar. As regards the claps, 401 were circumferential and 318 were bar claps.Conclusion: The mean age of the patients was 52.9 years with higher prevalence of female patients; the most frequent Kennedy's classification was Class I in mandible and Class III in maxilla; the most common major connector was anterior-posterior palatal bar for maxilla and lingual bar for mandible; the circumferential clasps were the most common retainer used in both jaws.


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Bisphosphonates are pharmacologic compounds characterized by high tropism to bone tissue. They affect bone metabolism by inhibition of osteoclast recruitment, proliferation, differentiation, and function. Because they can reduce bone resorption, bisphosphonates are used mainly for the treatment of osteometabolic conditions. However, the use of bisphosphonates has been associated with the onset of osteonecrosis of the jaws and indication of dental implants. As a result of this, the aim of this study was to present the risks and the care that health professionals should take in cases of surgical procedures such as placement of dental implants in patients who make use of bisphosphonates.


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Background and Objectives: Bone remodeling is characterized as a cyclic and lengthy process. It is currently accepted that not only this dynamics is triggered by a biological process, but also biochemical, electrical, and mechanical stimuli are key factors for the maintenance of bone tissue. The hypothesis that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) may favor bone repair has been suggested. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the bone repair in defects created in rat lower jaws after stimulation with infrared LLLT directly on the injured tissue.Study Design/Materials and Methods: Bone defects were prepared on the mandibles of 30 Holtzman rats allocated in two groups (n = 15), which were divided in three evaluation period (15, 45, and 60 days), with five animals each. control group-no treatment of the defect; laser group-single laser irradiation with a GaAlAs semiconductor diode laser device (lambda = 780 nm; P = 35 mW t = 40 s; circle minus = 1.0 mm; D = 178 J/cm(2); E = 1.4 J) directly on the defect area. The rats were sacrificed at the preestablished periods and the mandibles were removed and processed for staining with hematoxylin and eosin, Masson's Trichrome and picrosirius techniques.Results: the histological results showed bone formation in both groups. However, the laser group exhibited an advanced tissue response compared to the control group, abbreviating the initial inflammatory reaction and promoting rapid new bone matrix formation at 15 and 45 days (P < 0. 05). on the other hand, there were no significant differences between the groups at 60 days.Conclusion: the use of infrared LLLT directly to the injured tissue showed a biostimulating effect on bone remodeling by stimulating the modulation of the initial inflammatory response and anticipating the resolution to normal conditions at the earlier periods. However, there were no differences between the groups at 60 days.


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Aim To evaluate and compare the response of pulps of rats capped with resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (RMGIC) or self-etching adhesive system.Methodology Class I cavities were prepared on the occlusal surface of 54 maxillary first molars of 27 rats. Pulp exposure was performed on the cavity floor. The following resin-based materials were applied as pulp-capping agents: G1, Clearfil Liner Bond 2V (CLB 2V; Kuraray Co., Japan); G2, Vitrebond (VIT; 3M/ESPE, USA). In group 3 (control group), a calcium hydroxide/saline paste (CH; Labsynth, Brazil) was used. The cavities were restored with amalgam. After 7, 30 and 60 days, the animals were sacrificed and the jaws were processed for microscopic evaluation.Results Despite the inflammatory response caused by the experimental and the control materials at 7 days, pulpal healing associated with calcified barrier formation was observed at 60 days following the pulp therapy. Both resin-based materials promoted a large zone of cell-rich fibrodentine matrix deposition on the pulp horn related to the pulp exposure site, which was larger to VIT than to CLB 2V specimens. Tertiary dentine underneath the fibrodentine matrix was deposited by a layer of elongated pulpal cells. The remaining pulpal tissue exhibited normal histological characteristics. In the control group, healing and dentine-bridge formation was observed at 30 days. Pulpal breakdown occurred only when bacterial infection occurred.Conclusion Both experimental pulp-capping agents allowed pulpal healing characterized by cell-rich fibrodentine and tertiary dentine deposition as well as calcified barrier formation.


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A displasia cemento-óssea florida tem sido descrita como uma condição que afeta tipicamente os maxilares de mulheres negras de meia idade. Ela geralmente se manifesta como múltiplas massas radiopacas semelhantes ao cemento distribuídas nos maxilares. Esta condição também tem sido classificada por vários autores como cementoma gigantiforme, osteomielite esclerosante crônica, osteíte esclerosante e massas de cemento escleróticas. Os autores apresentam um caso de displasia cemento-óssea florida não complicada em uma mulher negra de 48 anos de idade. Múltiplas massas escleróticas com bordas radiolúcidas na mandíbula foram identificadas radiograficamente. Os achados histopatológicos revelaram formação de massas escleróticas densas calcificadas semelhantes ao cemento. Todos os aspectos clínicos, radiográficos, bioquímicos e histológicos foram sugestivos do diagnóstico de displasia cemento-óssea florida.


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Background: Atraumatic teeth extractions protocols are highly encouraged in patients taking bisphosphonates (Bps) to reduce surgical trauma and, consequently, the risk of jaws osteonecrosis development. In this way, this paper aims to report the findings of increased surgical difficulty during simple exodontias in animals treated with bisphosphonates.Methods: Sixty male Holtzman rats were randomly distributed into three groups of 20 animals and received daily subcutaneous administration of 1 mg/kg (AL1) or 3 mg/kg (AL3) of alendronate or saline solution (CTL). After 60 days of drug therapy all animals were submitted to first lower molars extractions under general anesthesia. Operatory surgical time and the frequency of teeth fractures were measured as principal outcomes and indicators of surgical difficulty degree.Results: Animals treated with alendronate (AL1 and AL3) were associated to higher operatory times and increased frequency of teeth fractures compared to match controls.Conclusions: The bisphosphonate therapy may be associated with an increased surgical difficulty and trauma following simple exodontias protocols, which is considered a critical issue when it comes to osteonecrosis development.


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Background: Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHLs) are a heterogeneous group of lymphoproliferative malignancies that may be associated with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). NHL can disseminate to extranodal sites; however, its dissemination to the jaws and mouth is not common. This report presents and discusses two unusual cases of gingival primary extranodal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (PE-NHL) as the first manifestation of AIDS.Methods: Two mates presented with asymptomatic gingival swelling. They were examined clinically. Biopsies of the gingival tissue were evaluated using routine histologic techniques and immunohistochemistry. The patients were tested for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.Results: The clinicopathological evaluation and the serological HIV examination of the patients led us to the final diagnosis of gingival PE-NHL as the first manifestation of AIDS. Both patients were referred to an oncologist and to an infectious disease specialist and were given antineoplastic chemotherapy and highly active antiretroviral therapy. Only one patient presented a favorable clinical evolution.Conclusion: The present case reports have important clinical implications; the two unusual presentations of gingival PE-NHL contribute to information about the differential diagnosis of rapidly progressing gingival swelling.