984 resultados para investigative interviewers


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L’agression sexuelle (AS) commise envers les enfants est un sujet complexe à enquêter et les allégations reposent souvent exclusivement sur le témoignage de l’enfant. Cependant, même quand l’enfant divulgue une AS, il peut être réticent à révéler certains détails personnels et gênants de l’AS à un étranger. Étant donné qu’il n'est pas toujours possible d'obtenir le consentement de filmer et qu’il est relativement difficile de mesurer l’attitude non verbale de l’enfant et celui de l’enquêteur au cours des entrevues d’investigations, cette recherche a été novatrice dans sa création d’échelles verbales de telles attitudes. Afin de déterminer la corrélation de l’attitude des enquêteurs et la collaboration des enfants, 90 entrevues d’enfants âgés de 4 à 13 ans ont été analysées. Les entrevues ont été enregistrées sur bande audio, transcrites et codifiées à l'aide des sous-échelles verbales d'attitudes soutenantes et non-soutenantes des enquêteurs ainsi que d’attitudes de résistance et de coopération de la part de l'enfant. La proportion des détails sur l’AS fournie par les enfants a également été calculée. Afin de comparer les entrevues avec et sans le protocole du National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), une MANCOVA, contrôlant pour l’âge de l’enfant et la proportion de questions ouvertes, démontre tel qu’attendu que les entrevues avec le protocole obtiennent plus de détails fournis à la suite des questions ouvertes que les entrevues sans le protocole. Cependant, aucune différence ne ressort quant aux attitudes de l’enfant et celle de l’enquêteur. Afin de trouver le meilleur prédicteur de la quantité de détails dévoilés par les enfants, une analyse de régression multiple hiérarchique a été faite. Après avoir contrôlé pour l'âge de l’enfant, l’utilisation du protocole et la proportion de questions ouvertes, la résistance de l’enfant et l’attitude non-soutenante de l’enquêteur expliquent 28 % supplémentaire de la variance, tandis que la variance totale expliquée par le modèle est de 58%. De plus, afin de déterminer si la collaboration de l’enfant et l’attitude de l’enquêteur varient en fonction de l’âge des enfants, une MANOVA démontre que les enquêteurs se comportent similairement, quel que soit l'âge des enfants. Ceci, malgré le fait que les jeunes enfants sont généralement plus réticents et coopèrent significativement moins bien que les préadolescents. Finalement, une régression multiple hiérarchique démontre que le soutien de l'enquêteur est le meilleur prédicteur de la collaboration des enfants, au-delà des caractéristiques de l'enfant et de l’AS. Bien que l’utilisation du protocole NICHD ait permis des progrès considérables dans la manière d’interroger les enfants, augmentant la proportion de détails obtenus par des questions ouvertes/rappel libre et amplifiant la crédibilité du témoignage, l’adhésion au protocole n’est pas en soi suffisante pour convaincre des jeunes enfants de parler en détail d’une AS à un inconnu. Les résultats de cette thèse ont une valeur scientifique et contribuent à enrichir les connaissances théoriques sur les attitudes de l'enfant et de l'enquêteur exprimées lors des entrevues. Même si les enquêteurs de cette étude offrent plus de soutien aux enfants résistants, indépendamment de leur âge, pour promouvoir la divulgation détaillée de l’AS, de meilleures façons de contrer les attitudes de résistance exprimées par les jeunes enfants et une minimisation des attitudes non-soutenantes lors des entrevues sont nécessaires.


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Para animar a los niños a practicar y consolidar la utilización y aplicación de las matemáticas. Las investigaciones desarrollan la capacidad para resolver problemas, otras habilidades y conceptos para que los niños puedan aplicar sus conocimientos matemáticos a otras áreas del currículo. Contiene aproximadamente sesenta investigaciones, cada una corresponde a un objetivo del currículo renovado que pueden ser integradas en la lección diaria de matemáticas. Ofrece orientación sobre la forma de evaluar el progreso del alumno. Viene con un CD-ROM de modo que el profesor pueda adaptar la investigaciones a las necesidades de su clase.


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Para animar a los niños a practicar y consolidar la utilización y aplicación de las matemáticas. Las investigaciones desarrollan la capacidad para resolver problemas, otras habilidades y conceptos para que los niños puedan aplicar sus conocimientos matemáticos a otras áreas del currículo. Contiene aproximadamente sesenta investigaciones, cada una corresponde a un objetivo del currículo renovado que pueden ser integradas en la lección diaria de matemáticas. Ofrece orientación sobre la forma de evaluar el progreso del alumno. Viene con un CD-ROM de modo que el profesor pueda adaptar la investigaciones a las necesidades de su clase.


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Todas las especificaciones de la geografía nivel A requiere que los estudiantes lleven a cabo actividades de investigación básica sobre la base de datos de fuentes primarias (incluyendo trabajo de campo) y fuentes secundarias. El libro está dirigido a todos los AS / A estudiantes de geografía .Se divide en dos secciones. La primera sección cubre en detalle los procesos por los cuales hay una investigación geográfica completa como una pieza independiente del trabajo, hay una presentación de los resultados, análisis e interpretación de datos. La segunda sección está compuesta por preguntas de examen y sobre como ellas deberían ser respondidas.


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The inability of professionals to maintain the use of open-ended questions in the free-narrative phase of investigative interviews with children has been a major problem around the globe. The current paper addresses this concern by describing the key principles underlying the elicitation of free-narrative accounts and practical suggestions for formulating questions. The paper focuses on interviewing children in the early- and middle-childhood years and commences with a definition of the term “free-narrative account” and a description of how such accounts typically develop in children. A description is then provided of the four key characteristics of a good question in the free-narrative interview phase. These include (a) simple language, (b) absence of specific details or coercive techniques, (c) flexibility on the part of the interviewee to choose what details will be reported, and (d) encouragement of an elaborate response. Finally, the process of eliciting a narrative account is briefly described, including examples of questions that adhere to the four characteristics listed above.


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This study used a mixed-methods approach to explore the perceptions of a heterogeneous sample of 75 police interviewers regarding their performance in a mock interview with a 5-7-year-old child. Each officer recruited for this study was authorised to conduct investigative interviews with children. Specifically, we explored how the officers' perception of what makes a good interview differs depending on their background experience and their (perceived and actual) ability to adhere to best-practice interview guidelines. Overall, the officers' perceptions of what constitutes an effective interview were not entirely consistent with those held by experts in forensic interviewing. The majority of the interviewers perceived that the locus of control in the interview rested primarily with the child and/or the environmental setting. In contrast, experts tend to place the central onus of responsibility for the outcome of an interview on the skill of the interviewer in using open-ended questions. Several possible explanations for, and the implications of, these findings are discussed.


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This study investigated the usefulness of a computer program designed to assess young children's understanding of words that may be relevant to an investigative interview about assault. Forty-one police officers conducted two interviews with five- to six-year-old children (one was conducted with the program and one without). The program's effectiveness was based on the interviewers' ratings of the usefulness of the program as well as three independent indices of interviewer-child rapport. Overall, the police officers perceived the program to be an extremely useful pre-interview assessment. However, the program had little impact on the officers' style of questioning and the nature of the children's responses. The implications of these findings are discussed.


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Despite the provision of 'best-practice' guidelines regarding conducting interviews with children, research indicates that most investigative interviews do not adhere to these guidelines. To date, there has been little discussion in the literature of the conditions that are needed to promote and sustain expertise in forensic interviewing. The current paper addresses this limitation by describing the main factors preventing the adoption of 'best-practice' interview guidelines. A description of these barriers (and the literature that supports them) forms the basis for the review component of this paper as well as the subsequent recommendations for change.


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Research on the topic of investigative interviewing of suspected sex offenders is still in its infancy, with the majority of work to date focusing on developing theories underlying confessions, and reflecting on the value of specific interview techniques that have been observed in the field. This paper provides a synthesis of the literature in order to produce a preliminary guide to best practice for the interviewing of this particular interviewee group. Specifically, this review is structured around five elements that should be considered when planning for and administering the interview. These elements include: (a) establishing rapport, (b) introducing the topic of concern, (c) eliciting narrative detail, (d) clarification/specific questions and (e) closure. The unique contribution of this paper is its practical focus, and its synthesis of findings across a variety of streams, including the general eyewitness memory literature, legislation and case law, therapeutic literature, and research specifically related to the interviewing of offenders (including confessions). At the conclusion of the review, recommendations are offered for further research.


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Investigative interviews with children about alleged abuse were analysed to determine the degree to which the child's responses adhered to a story grammar framework, and whether the presence of story grammar elements was associated with interviewers' adherence to best-practice (i.e. open-ended) questioning. The sample included 51 interviews with child witnesses from across Australia. The interviews were administered by a police officer with children (37 girls and 14 boys) aged 3-16 years (M age = 103.82 months, SD = 34.21 months). The interviewers' questions were categorised as open-ended or specific and the children's responses were classified as a story grammar element, context/background information, or 'don't know' responses. The majority of interviewer questions were specific in nature and the majority of children's responses were context/background details. Open-ended questions were more successful in eliciting story grammar from children. Of the story grammar elements, the interviewers' specific questions usually targeted setting and attempt details. These findings suggest that improvement in the narrative coherence of children's reports of abusive events can potentially be achieved by increasing interviewers' use of open-ended questions.


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This study provides one of the first objective evaluations of the performance of a group of Australian police officers when conducting interviews about child abuse. The interviews included 136 videotaped child witness statements, conducted between 2001 and 2007 by police officers from two jurisdictions of Australia. The results indicated many positive aspects of the interviewers' performance, including the use of ground rules at the outset of the interview, commencement of the free-narrative account by seeking the children's understanding of the purpose of the interview, and avoidance of suggestive questions. But the interviewers tended to raise issues of contention when the child did not provide an initial disclosure, and the proportion of open-ended questions was low relative to specific cued-recall and closed questions. Further many closed questions raised specific details not yet mentioned by the child. These behaviours were exhibited irrespective of the recency of interview or time since training. The implications of these findings are discussed.


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This study provided a critical examination of handwritten records (notes) of interviews contained in a sample of 89 police case files about alleged child abuse. Some of the notes examined related to initial disclosure (complaint) interviews which were not electronically recorded and were meant to be recorded verbatim. Notes of electronically recorded interviews, which merely constituted a convenient summary of the case details, were also examined. Collectively, the analyses focused on the accessibility, completeness and accuracy of the notes, and the degree to which the interviewers' questions and witnesses' answers were differentiated. In relation to the disclosure interviews, a substantial proportion of these were not accessible. Of those where the notes were obtained, the detail recorded was not a complete record of conversation, and there was often poor delineation of questions and responses. Analysis of the electronically recorded interviews showed that these were not an entirely accurate summary of event details even though the note takers' sole task was to document the interview. The implications of these findings are discussed.