886 resultados para intent
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
OBJETIVO: Conhecer a qualidade dos dados de internação por causas externas em São José dos Campos, São Paulo. MÉTODO: Foram estudadas as internações pelo Sistema Único de Saúde por lesões decorrentes de causas externas no primeiro semestre de 2003, no Hospital Municipal, referência para o atendimento ao trauma no Município, por meio da comparação dos dados registrados no Sistema de Informações Hospitalares com os prontuários de 990 internações. A concordância das variáveis relativas à vítima, à internação e ao agravo foi avaliada pela taxa bruta de concordância e pelo coeficiente Kappa. As lesões e as causas externas foram codificadas segundo a 10ª revisão da Classificação Internacional de Doenças, respectivamente, capítulos XIX e XX. RESULTADOS: A taxa de concordância bruta foi de boa qualidade para as variáveis relativas à vítima e à internação, variando de 89,0% a 99,2%. As lesões tiveram concordância ótima, exceto os traumatismos do pescoço (k=0,73), traumatismos múltiplos (k=0,67) e fraturas do tórax (k=0,49). As causas externas tiveram concordância ótima para acidentes de transporte (k=0,90) e quedas (k=0,83). A confiabilidade foi menor para agressões (k=0,50), causas indeterminadas (k=0,37), e complicações da assistência médica (k=0,03). Houve concordância ótima nos acidentes de transporte em pedestres, ciclistas e motociclistas. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria das variáveis de estudo teve boa qualidade no nível de agregação analisado. Algumas variáveis relativas à vítima e alguns tipos de causas externas necessitam de aperfeiçoamento da qualidade dos dados. O perfil da morbidade hospitalar encontrado confirmou os acidentes de transporte como importante causa externa de internação hospitalar no Município.
The industry has made available in the market a series of substances (nutraceuticals) which intent would be to optimize the use of nutrients in some metabolic paths, influencing positively reproductive performance in animals. However, the response to the use of nutraceuticals varies according to the animal. As the organism is highly complex and in order to achieve a perfect activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, an ideal interaction in molecular basis is needed, where the nutraceuticals can have their direct action. The aim of this study was to review the function and research results using the main nutraceuticals (β carotene, vitamin A, L-carnitine, omegas 3, 6 and 9 and Gamma-oryzanol) on reproductive characteristics of bulls and stallions.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade da suplementação universal profilática com sulfato ferroso, em administração diária ou semanal, na prevenção da anemia em lactentes. MÉTODOS: Ensaio de campo randomizado com crianças de seis a 12 meses de idade, atendidas em unidades básicas de saúde do município do Rio de Janeiro, em 2004-2005. Foram formadas três coortes concorrentes com suplementação universal com sulfato ferroso com grupos: diário (n=150; 12,5mgFe/dia), semanal (n=147; 25mgFe/semana) e controle (n=94). A intervenção durou 24 semanas e foi acompanhada por ações educativas promotoras de adesão. A concentração de hemoglobina sérica foi analisada segundo sua distribuição, média e prevalência de anemia (Hb<110,0g/L) aos 12 meses de idade. A avaliação da efetividade foi realizada segundo intenção de tratar e adesão ao protocolo, utilizando-se análises de regressão múltipla (linear e de Poisson). RESULTADOS: Os grupos mostraram-se homogêneos quanto às variáveis de caracterização. A intervenção foi operacionalizada com sucesso, com elevada adesão ao protocolo em ambos os grupos expostos a ela, sem diferença estatística entre eles. Após ajuste, somente o esquema diário apresentou efeito protetor. Na análise por adesão, o esquema diário apresentou evidente efeito dose-resposta para média de hemoglobina sérica e prevalência de anemia, não sendo observado nenhum efeito protetor do esquema semanal. CONCLUSÕES: Apenas o esquema diário de suplementação universal com sulfato ferroso dos seis aos 12 meses de idade foi efetivo em aumentar a concentração de hemoglobina sérica e em reduzir o risco de anemia
Incidentes com medicamentos geram problemas aos pacientes e custos adicionais ao sistema de saúde. A variedade de termos utilizada para comunicá-los propicia divergências nos resultados de pesquisas e confundem notificadores. Objetivou-se revisar os termos utilizados para descrever estes incidentes confrontando-os com as conceituações/definições oficiais disponíveis. Pesquisaram-se as bases PubMed, MEDLINE, IPA e LILACS para selecionar estudos publicados entre janeiro de 1990 e dezembro de 2005. Selecionaram-se 33 publicações. Verificou-se que a terminologia supranacional recomendada para descrever incidentes com medicamentos é insuficiente, mas que há consenso de uso das expressões em função do gênero do incidente. O termo Reação Adversa a Medicamento é mais utilizado quando não se verifica intencionalidade. A expressão Evento Adverso a Medicamento foi mais usada quando se descreviam incidentes durante a hospitalização; e Problema Relacionado a Medicamento foi mais utilizada em estudos que avaliaram atenção/cuidados farmacêuticos (uso/falta do medicamento). Ainda assim, a linha divisória entre essas três categorias não é clara e simples. Futuros estudos das relações entre as categorias e investigações multidisciplinares sobre erro humano podem subsidiar a proposição de novas conceituações
Background: Feature selection is a pattern recognition approach to choose important variables according to some criteria in order to distinguish or explain certain phenomena (i.e., for dimensionality reduction). There are many genomic and proteomic applications that rely on feature selection to answer questions such as selecting signature genes which are informative about some biological state, e. g., normal tissues and several types of cancer; or inferring a prediction network among elements such as genes, proteins and external stimuli. In these applications, a recurrent problem is the lack of samples to perform an adequate estimate of the joint probabilities between element states. A myriad of feature selection algorithms and criterion functions have been proposed, although it is difficult to point the best solution for each application. Results: The intent of this work is to provide an open-source multiplataform graphical environment for bioinformatics problems, which supports many feature selection algorithms, criterion functions and graphic visualization tools such as scatterplots, parallel coordinates and graphs. A feature selection approach for growing genetic networks from seed genes ( targets or predictors) is also implemented in the system. Conclusion: The proposed feature selection environment allows data analysis using several algorithms, criterion functions and graphic visualization tools. Our experiments have shown the software effectiveness in two distinct types of biological problems. Besides, the environment can be used in different pattern recognition applications, although the main concern regards bioinformatics tasks.
Background: This paper explores and analyses the experiences of school-age street children. It specifically addresses the relationship of the street children who live on the streets of Sao Paulo (a large Brazilian metropolis), in relation to their experiences, with the policemen. Methods: The paper is a secondary analysis of date previously collected in 1999. The data were collected through individual semi-structured interviews, with 14 school-age children frequenting two city public refuges, with their legal guardians` consent. The text from transcribed interviews was organized according to the validity norms of `thematic analysis`, a technique of contents analysis method. The decomposing and reconstructing process of that analysis gave rise to thematic categories (among which `the police category`) that represented the reconstruction of the difficulties faced by the children in their development. Results and discussion: The children portrayed the police as an enemy, a fearful figure and one of the most agonizing street experiences. Rarely did the police have a positive image to them. According to the children, police violence occurs in three forms: through systematic police persecution in an effort to remove the children from the streets against their will; actions that had the deliberate intent to humiliate them with verbal or physical aggression; and through alleged sexual abuse, revealed by the children in a veiled manner. The authority that is supposedly intended to protect them is portrayed as one of the most feared social agents. Conclusion: The reported hostile behaviour of the policemen shows the state of vulnerability of those children living on the street. This situation must be focused like a health problem because it causes injury to development of children. Nurses can help them through organizing assistance to children in situation of personal and social risk in the school nursing and health institution.
The aim of this work is to verify the possibility to correlating specific gravity and wood hardness parallel and perpendicular to the grain. The purpose is to offer one more tool to help in the decision about wood species choice for use in floors and sleepers. To reach this intent, we considered the results of standard tests (NBR 7190:1997, Timber Structures Design, Annex B, Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) to determine hardness parallel and normal to the grain in fourteen tropical high density wood species (over 850 kg/m(3), at 12% moisture content). For each species twelve determinations were made, based on the material obtained at Sao Carlos and its regional wood market. Statistical analysis led to some expressions to describe the cited properties relationships, with a determination coefficient about 0.8.
This study aimed at evaluating the acceptance of MP watermelon and pineapple exposed to 1.0 and 2.5kGy compared to non-irradiated samples. No significant differences were observed in liking between irradiated and non-irradiated samples, and also between doses of 1.0 and 2.5 kGy. significant differences in sourness (pineapple) or sweetness (watermelon) and between intention of purchase of irradiated and non-irradiated fruits were riot observed as well. Results showed that MP watermelon and pineapple could be irradiated with doses up to 2.5 kGy without significant changes in acceptability. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this paper was to produce controlled-release matrices with 120 mg of propranolol hydrochloride (PHCl) employing hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC, Methocel (R) K100) as the gel forming barrier. Although this class of polymers has been commonly used for direct compression, with the intent of use reduced polymer concentrations to achieve controlled drug release, in this study tablets were produced by the wet granulation process. HPMC percentages ranged from 15-34 % and both soluble and non soluble diluents were tested in the 10 proposed tablet compositions. Dissolution testing of matrices was performed over a 12 h period in 1.2 pH medium (the first 2 h) and in pH 6.8 (10 h). Dissolution kinetic analysis was performed by applying Zero-order, First-order and Higuchi models with the aim of elucidating the drug release mechanism. All physical-chemical characteristics such as average weight, friability, hardness, diameter, height, and drug content were in accordance to the pharmacopeial specifications. Taking into account that PHCl is a very soluble drug, low concentrations (15 %) of HPMC were sufficient to reduce the drug release and to promote controlled release of PHCl, presenting good dissolution efficiencies, between 50 % and 63 %. The Higuchi model has presented the best fit to the 15 % HPMC formulations, indicating that the main release mechanism was diffusion. It could be concluded that the application of the wet granulation method reduced matrices erosion and promoted controlled release of the drug at low HPMC percentages.
Background: The University of Queensland has through an Australian Government initiative, established a Rural Clinical Division (RCD) at four regional sites in the southern and central Queensland. Over the fi rst four years of the existence of the RCD, an integrated package of innovative medical education has been developed. Method: The integrated aspects of the RCD program include: The Rural Medical Rotation: Every medical student undertakes an eight week rural rotation in Year 3. Year 3 and 4 MBBS - 100 students are currently spending one to two years in the rural school and demand is increasing. Interprofessional Education - Medical and Allied Health students attend lectures, seminars and workshops together and often share the same rural clinical placement. Rural health projects - allow students to undertake a project of benefi t to the rural community. Information Technology (IT) - the Clinical Discussion Board (CDB) and Personal Digital Assistants (PDA) demonstrate the importance of IT to medical students in the 21st century. Changing the Model of Medical Education - The Leichhardt Community Attachment Placement (LCAP), is a pilot study that resulted in the addition of three interns to the rural workforce. All aspects of the RCD are evaluated with surveys using both qualitative and quantitative free response questions, completed by all students regularly throughout the academic year. Results: Measures of impact include: Student satisfaction and quality of teaching surveys – 86-91% of students improved their clinical skills and understanding across all rotations. Academic results and progress – RCD students out-perform their urban colleagues. Intent to work in rural areas – 90% of students reported a greater interest in rural medicine. Intern numbers – rural / regional intern placements are increasing. Conclusions: The RCD proves to be a site for innovations all designed to help reach our primary goal of fostering increased recruitment of a rural medical workforce.
Background: A combination of antihypertensive agents of different drug classes in a fixed-dose combination (FDC) may offer advantages in terms of efficacy, tolerability, and treatment compliance. Combination of a calcium channel blocker with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor may act synergistically to reduce blood pressure (BP). Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy and tolerability of an amlodipine/ramipril FDC with those of amlodipine monotherapy. Methods: This 18-week, prospective, randomized, double-blind study was conducted at 8 centers across Brazil. Patients with stage 1 or 2 essential hypertension were enrolled. After a 2-week placebo run-in phase, patients received amlodipine/ramipril 2.5/2.5 mg or amlodipine 2.5 mg, after which the doses were titrated, based on BP, to 515 then 10/10 mg (amlodipme/ramipril) and 5 then 10 mg (amiodipine). The primary end point was BP measured in the intent-to-treat (ITT) population. Hematology and serum biochemistry were assessed at baseline and study end. Tolerability was assessed using patient interview, laboratory analysis, and physical examination, including measurement of ankle circumference to assess peripheral edema. Results: A total of 222 patients completed the study (age range, 40-79 years; FDC group, 117 patients [mean dose, 7.60/7.60 mg]; monotherapy, 105 patients [mean dose, 7.97 mg]). The mean (SD) changes in systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP), as measured using 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and in the physician`s office, were significantly greater with combination therapy than monotherapy, with the exception of office DBP (ABPM, -20.76 [1.25] vs -15.80 [1.18] mm Hg and -11.71 [0.78] vs -8.61 [0.74] mm Hg, respectively [both, P = 0.004]; office, -27.51 [1.40] vs -22.84 [1.33] min Hg [P = 0.012] and -16.41 [0.79] vs -14.64 [0.75] mm Hg [P = NS], respectively). In the ITT analysis, the mean changes in ambulatory, but not office-based, BP were statistically significant (ABPM: SBP, -20.21 [1.14] vs -15.31 [1.12] mm Hg and DBP, -11.61 [0.72] vs -8.42 [0.70] mm Hg, respectively [both, P = 0.002]; office: SBP, -26.60 [1.34] vs -22.97 [1.30] mm Hg and DBP, -16.48 [0.78] vs -14.48 [0.75] mm Hg [both, P = NS]). Twenty-nine patients (22.1%) treated with combination therapy and 41 patients (30.6%) treated with monotherapy experienced >= 1 adverse event considered possibly related to study drug. The combmation-therapy group had lower prevalence of edema (7.6% vs 18.7%; P = 0.011) and a similar prevalence of dry cough (3.8% vs 0.8%; P = NS). No clinically significant changes in laboratory values were found in either group. Conclusions: In this population of patients with essential hypertension, the amlodipine/ramipril FDC was associated with significantly reduced ambulatory and office-measured BP compared with amlodipine monotherapy, with the exception of office DBP. Both treatments were well tolerated. (Clin Ther. 2008;30: 1618-1628) (C) 2008 Excerpta Medica Inc.
The aim of this study was to evaluate a prognostic score for aids-related lymphoma (ARL). A retrospective study of 104 patients with ARL treated between January 1999 and December 2007 was conducted. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBC) was the most observed histological type (79.8%). The median CD4 lymphocyte count at lymphoma diagnosis was 125 cells per microliter. Treatment response could be evaluated in 83 (79.8%) patients, and 38 (45.8%) reached complete remission (CR); overall response rate was 51.8% (95 CI = 38.5-65.1%). After a median follow-up of 48 months, the 4-year overall survival (OS) rate among all patients was 35.8%, with a median survival time of 9.7 months (95% CI = 5.5-13.9 months). The survival risk factors observed in multivariate analysis (previous AIDS and high-intermediate/high international prognostic index (IPI)) were combined to construct a risk score, which divided the whole patient population in three distinct groups as low, intermediate, and high risk. When this score was applied to DLBC patients, a clear distinction in response rates and in OS could be demonstrated. Median disease-free survival (DFS) for patients that achieved CR was not reached, and DFS in 4 years was 83.0%. Our results show that the reduced OS observed could be explained by poor immune status with advanced stage of disease seen in our population of HIV-positive patients. Further studies will be needed to clarify the role of different treatment approaches for ARL in the setting of marked immunosuppression and to identify a group of patients to whom intensive therapy could be performed with a curative intent.