973 resultados para infection rates


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Aim: To explore the current central venous dialysis catheter (CVDC) nursing care practices in Australia. Method: A survey of dialysis units in Australia. Results: 66% return rate (48/73) Internal jugular is the main insertion site (75%) and the majority are tunneled (85%). Insertion was performed most commonly by radiologists (34%) followed by intensivists (24%) with one center reporting insertion by nursing staff. CVDCs were most commonly inserted in radiology (54%), followed by theatre (33%). Dressings were attended weekly (55%) or on dialysis days (45%). Chlorhexidine was the antiseptic solution of choice (54%) followed by povidine-iodine (37%). In 21% of centres Mupirocin was routinely applied in addition to the antiseptic solution. Transparent dressings were overwhelmingly favoured however most centres recommended alternatives related to patient need. 21% of units reported enrolled nurses undertaking dressings. All units reported the use of sterile gloves and sterile dressing packs. 10% reported different routine care for tunneled and non-tunneled. 40% of the units collected data on infection rates per catheter days. General opinion (39%) was identified as the reason to base CVDC protocols while descriptive studies (25%), RCTs (23%) and guidelines (18%) were also reported. Conclusion: There are significant variations in the Australian nursing practice related to the care of CVDCs. Although there is still practice based on general opinion there is evidence that changes in practice in the past 8 years may be associated with knowledge derived from research.


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Highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses have caused major disease outbreaks in domestic and free-living birds with transmission to humans resulting in 59% mortality amongst 564 cases. The mutation of the amino acid at position 627 of the viral polymerase basic-2 protein (PB2) from glutamic acid (E) in avian isolates to lysine (K) in human isolates is frequently found, but it is not known if this change affects the fitness and pathogenicity of the virus in birds. We show here that horizontal transmission of A/Vietnam/1203/2004 H5N1 (VN/1203) virus in chickens and ducks was not affected by the change of K to E at PB2-627. All chickens died between 21 to 48 hours post infection (pi), while 70% of the ducks survived infection. Virus replication was detected in chickens within 12 hours pi and reached peak titers in spleen, lung and brain between 18 to 24 hours for both viruses. Viral antigen in chickens was predominantly in the endothelium, while in ducks it was present in multiple cell types, including neurons, myocardium, skeletal muscle and connective tissues. Virus replicated to a high titer in chicken thrombocytes and caused upregulation of TLR3 and several cell adhesion molecules, which may explain the rapid virus dissemination and location of viral antigen in endothelium. Virus replication in ducks reached peak values between 2 and 4 days pi in spleen, lung and brain tissues and in contrast to infection in chickens, thrombocytes were not involved. In addition, infection of chickens with low pathogenic VN/1203 caused neuropathology, with E at position PB2-627 causing significantly higher infection rates than K, indicating that it enhances virulence in chickens.


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Devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) is a fatal contagious cancer that has decimated Tasmanian devil populations. The tumour has spread without invoking immune responses, possibly due to low levels of Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) diversity in Tasmanian devils. Animals from a region in north-western Tasmania have lower infection rates than those in the east of the state. This area is a genetic transition zone between sub-populations, with individuals from north-western Tasmania displaying greater diversity than eastern devils at MHC genes, primarily through MHC class I gene copy number variation. Here we test the hypothesis that animals that remain healthy and tumour free show predictable differences at MHC loci compared to animals that develop the disease.


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Renal access coordinators contribute specifically to dialysis access care for people with chronic and end stage renal disease. Since the introduction of renal access coordinators into Australia in the early 2000s, there have been anecdotal examples of associated improvements in patient outcomes and service delivery; however scant published quantitative evidence exists. Thus, the impact of the implementation of renal access coordinators has not undergone a rigorous review to date.

The objective of this systematic review was to critically appraise and synthesize the best available evidence related to the impact of renal access coordinators on dialysis patient outcomes and associated service delivery.


Types of participants

This review considered studies that included renal access coordinators (noting variations of the titles) and adult hemodialysis patients (aged 18 years and over).

Types of intervention(s)
This review considered studies that evaluated the effectiveness of the renal access coordinator. This role typically consists of clinical and administration duties such as providing pre dialysis access coordination, access surveillance patient education and nurse education.

Types of studies
The types of studies considered within this review included experimental and epidemiological study designs. Thus randomized controlled trials (RCT), non-randomized controlled trials, and quasi-experimental, before and after studies, prospective and retrospective cohort studies were considered as were case control studies, analytical cross sectional studies and descriptive cross sectional studies.

Types of outcomes

Patient outcomes considered included: days to first vascular access complication (such as stenosis or thrombosis) and/or primary intervention (such as angioplasty or surgical intervention); percentage of central line insertions (negative); rate of arteriovenous fistula (AVF)/arteriovenous graft (AVG)/central venous catheter (CVC) at start of dialysis (incidence); prevalent rate of AVF/AVG/CVC; time to occlusion of AVF and time from referral to surgery. Service outcomes included: knowledge/up skilling of renal nurses; cannulation skills, ultrasound skills, knowledge of anatomy and physiology and other access related knowledge.

Search strategy
The search strategy aimed to locate published and unpublished studies, utilizing a three-step searching approach. Studies published in English from 1990 to October 2013 were considered for inclusion in this review.

Methodological quality
The studies were assessed by two independent reviewers using the appropriate standardized critical appraisal instruments from the Joanna Briggs Institute.

Data collection

Data were extracted from papers included in the review using the standardised data extraction tool from the Joanna Briggs Institute, namely JBI Meta-Analysis of Statistics Assessment and Review Instrument (JBI-MAStARI).

Data synthesis
This review aimed to conduct meta-analyses of the findings: however, because of the limitations of the data found, this was not possible and so the findings are presented in a narrative format.

Five studies were identified for inclusion in the review. No RCTs were found, therefore four of the five studies were pre-post intervention cohort studies and one was a prospective quality assurance report. Data were heterogeneous and thus did not allow for meta-analysis. All studies included multidisciplinary teams with variable emphasis on the renal access coordinator role. The pre post intervention cohort studies measured incident and/or prevalent AVF, AVG and CVC rates in the hemodialysis population and the quality assurance report measured the difference in patency rates between AVF and AVG. All discussed the role of central coordination as a contributor to the success of vascular access care.

This review found insufficient data to make firm conclusions about the impact that renal access coordinators have on patient outcomes. The results of this review suggest an association between renal access coordinators and improved patient outcomes. These improved patient outcomes were apparent in an increase in incident and prevalent AVFs, and a decrease in the incidence and prevalence of CVCs. Both associations are correlated with a reduction in infection rates, length of hospital stay and healthcare costs.


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Since the introduction of the renal access coordinator (RAC) role into Australia there have been only anecdotal examples of associated improvements in patient outcome and service delivery and scant published quantitative extant evidence exists.

To review the literature related to the impact of RACs on dialysis patient outcomes and associated service delivery, gauge the level of evidence available and identify gaps in the literature.

A three stage Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) systematic review process was used to collect and synthesise data. The review considered studies that explored and measured the RAC role in the adult haemodialysis context. All quantitative study designs were considered. Due to lack of homogeneity a narrative synthesis was undertaken.

Five studies met the inclusion criteria for the review. All studies included multidisciplinary teams with variable emphasis on the RAC role. Four pre post intervention cohort studies measured incident and/or prevalent AVF, AVG and CVC rates in the haemodialysis population and the quality assurance report measured differences in patency rates between AVF and AVG and associated hospital length of stay. All discussed the role of central coordination as a contributor to the success of vascular access care.

The available reports do suggest an association between RACs and improved patient outcomes. These improved patient outcomes were apparent in an increase in incident and prevalent AVFs, and a decrease in the incidence and prevalence of CVCs. Both associations are correlated with a reduction in infection rates, length of hospital stay and healthcare costs


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Objetivos Avaliamos a incidência de infecção hospitalar no CTI clínico-cirúrgico de um hospital escola no sul do Brasil. Foram utilizadas taxas ajustadas para o tempo de permanência dos pacientes e para o tempo de exposição aos procedimentos invasivos. Também investigamos a influência da causa básica de internação (trauma, neurológico e clínico-cirúrgico) nas taxas de infecções. Material e Métodos Os pacientes internados no CTI Clínico-cirúrgico de março a dezembro de 1999, foram prospectivamente seguidos para a detecção de infecção hospitalar. Para o diagnóstico de infecção hospitalar utilizou-se as definições do Centro de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças dos EUA (CDC) e as taxas foram calculadas de acordo com a metodologia NNIS (Sistema Nacional de Vigilância Epidemiológica). Resultados Foram acompanhados 686 pacientes (4201 pacientes-dia). Ocorreram 125 infecções hospitalares, sendo que a incidência global foi de 18,2% ou 29,8 infecções por 1000 pacientes-dia. Os sítios de infecção mais freqüente foram: pneumonia (40%), infecção urinária (24%) e septicemia primária (12,8%). As taxas de infecções hospitalares, associadas aos procedimentos invasivos, foram as seguintes: 32,2 pneumonias por 1000 ventiladores mecânico-dia, 9,7 infecções urinárias por 1000 sondas vesicais-dia e 7 septicemias por 1000 cateteres venosos centrais-dia. A incidência global de infecção nos pacientes com trauma (26,8) e neurológicos (20,7%) foi superior quando comparada com o grupo clínico-cirúrgico (12,2%), p < 0,001. Conclusões Encontramos altas taxas de infecções relacionadas com os procedimentos invasivos neste CTI. A causa básica de internação influenciou as taxas de infecção, sugerindo a necessidade de analisar-se estratificadamente os pacientes em CTI clínico-cirúrgico.


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A infecção por Helicobacter pylori (Hp) é uma das infecções bacterianas mais comuns em todo o mundo. As maiores prevalências da infecção foram encontradas nos países em desenvolvimento, onde, em geral são altas já na infância. O método diagnóstico considerado mais acurado para a infecção por Hp, em crianças, é o exame endoscópico com biópsias gástricas. Alguns autores referem que o único aspecto macroscópico que pode predizer a infecção é o da presença de nodosidades na mucosa gástrica. Este aspecto é denominado de gastrite endoscópica nodular. A especificidade da gastrite endoscópica nodular para a infecção por Hp, entretanto, recentemente foi questionada por outros autores. Realizamos um estudo transversal em uma amostra de crianças (um a 12 anos) com dor abdominal crônica, que preenchiam os critérios para a realização de endoscopia digestiva alta, no Hospital da Criança Conceição e no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, de setembro de 1997 a setembro de 1999. O objetivo principal foi verificar a associação entre a infecção por Hp e a gastrite endoscópica nodular nessas crianças. A amostra foi constituída de 185 crianças de ambos os sexos, com baixa renda familiar, cujos pais apresentavam baixo nível de escolaridade. Foi realizado estudo histológico das lâminas de biópsia gástrica (no mínimo cinco fragmentos, corados com H-E ou Giemsa), conforme o Sistema Sydney modificado. A infecção por Hp foi caracterizada pela presença de Hp na lâminas de biópsias gástricas dos pacientes e a gastrite folicular, pela presença de folículos linfóides bem formados, em mucosa gástrica inflamada. A prevalência da infecção por Hp nas crianças com dor abdominal crônica foi de 27% (IC 95%: 20,8-34,0). Foi demonstrada uma associação muito forte entre a infecção por Hp e a gastrite endoscópica nodular nessas crianças (P<0,001; RP = 29,7). Houve um aumento da prevalência tanto da infecção por Hp como da gastrite endoscópica nodular com a idade dos pacientes. A gastrite endoscópica nodular , embora tenha demostrado uma baixa sensibilidade (44,0%), apresentou um valor preditivo positivo de 91,7% para a infecção por Hp. Tanto o teste de urease, como a gastrite endoscópica nodular mostraram-se muito específicas, 94,5% e 98,5%, respectivamente, para o diagnóstico da infecção. Quando se combinou o teste de urease com o aspecto de gastrite endoscópica nodular, encontrou-se, uma sensibilidade muito baixa (34,7%), mas uma especificidade de 100% para a infecção por Hp. A sensibilidade do teste de urease, isolado, para a infecção foi de 60,4% e o seu valor preditivo positivo de 80,5%. O aspecto endoscópico (gastrite endoscópica nodular) teve associação com o microscópico (gastrite folicular) (P<0,001). Houve uma forte e significativa associação entre a infecção por Hp e a gastrite crônica ativa ( P<0,001; RP = 10,8). O mesmo foi demonstrado entre a gastrite nodular e a gastrite crônica ativa (P<0,001; RP = 8,6). Também foi verificado um nítido aumento das razões de prevalência da gastrite crônica ativa e da gastrite endoscópica nodular, com a acentuação dos graus de densidade de Hp. Finalmente, foi demonstrada a importante correlação entre o grau de intensidade da gastrite, verificado no exame histológico, e a gastrite endoscópica nodular (r = 0,97; P<0,001). A prevalência da infecção por Hp encontrada em Porto Alegre, nas crianças, foi menor do que a de outras cidades brasileiras e similar àquela registrada em algumas cidades do primeiro mundo. A presença de nodosidade na mucosa gástrica foi a alteração, à endoscopia, mais freqüentemente verificada nas crianças com infecção por Hp. Considerando a baixa prevalência da infecção encontrada na nossa amostra, a presença de gastrite endoscópica nodular significa uma elevada probabilidade de infecção por Hp, dado o alto valor preditivo verificado. O achado negativo para a gastrite endoscópica nodular, entretanto, não exclui a possibilidade da presença de infecção por Hp. Uma maior colonização bacteriana da mucosa gástrica estaria associada ao aparecimento da gastrite endoscópica nodular, já que a sua prevalência aumentou com os graus de densidade de Hp, assim como ocorreu com a gastrite crônica ativa. E quando ocorre, nas crianças, há maior probabilidade de se tratar de uma gastrite mais ativa e mais intensa.


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The shrimp farming industry is the most profitable area of the aquaculture at Rio Grande do Norte (RN) state, which is one of the largest producers in Brazil. However the infections that affect the shrimp cause major economic losses. The infection is a result of the interaction between the shrimp, the environment and pathogen. The change of these factors may lead to a condition of stress and susceptibility to opportunistic infections. One of these infections caused by Infectious Hypodermal and Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV) is widely distributed in several countries and affects a wide range of hosts. To optimize conditions for production of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, the more species cultivated in Brazil, it is necessary to understand the effects of environmental factors in the susceptibility of this species to infections. The aim of this study was to determine the IHHNV prevalence and to investigate the influence of environmental factors as salinity, temperature, stocking density, dissolved oxygen and rainfall in the IHHNV incidence in L. vannamei grown in farms, in the RN state. To determine the IHHNV prevalence were used 1089 samples of L. vannamei collected in seven farms. To perform the study about the influence of environmental factors, 525 samples of L. vannamei shrimp were collected in eight farms located in regions of low (0-1 ), medium (21-30 ) and high (38-57 ) salinity, using extensive (≤15 shrimp/m2 ), semi-intensive (18-33 shrimp/m2) or intensive (>36 shrimp/m2) stocking density systems. The IHHNV infection was determined in pleopod and hemolymph using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The environmental factors were recorded during the collection of animals, using a refractometer to measure the salinity and a multi-parameter meter to measure the temperature and concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water. The IHHNV prevalence in RN was 43% (468 infected shrimp out of 1089), varying on different farms. On the seven farms studied, IHHNV prevalence ranged from 18.6% to 54.8%. The infection rates in the shrimp cultured in low, medium and high salinity were respectively 43.10% (125/290), 31.2% (15/48) and 24.6% (46/187) and was significantly higher in shrimp grown in low salinity (P<0.001). The infection rates in ponds of extensive, semi-intensive and intensive systems were respectively, 28.7%, 28.28% and 47.84%, and was significantly higher in high stocking densities (P<0.001). This study indicated a high IHHNV prevalence and a significant effect of salinity and stocking density, but not of the temperature, rainfall and dissolved oxygen on the IHHNV infection rate in the L. vannamei shrimp cultured in the northeastern Brazil


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This study presented data on helminth fauna of two gecko lizards, Hemidactylus agrius and Lygodactylus klugei, from Caatinga biome in northeastern Brazil. It was found four helminth species parasitizing H. agrius, cistacanth of Centrorhynchidae (Acanthocephala) and the nematodes Physalopteridae (larvae), Parapharyngodon alvarengai (Pharyngodonidae) and Skrjabinelazia sp. (Seuratidade). The host Lygodactylus klugei presented two helminth species, one individual of Mesocoelium monas (Trematoda: Mesocoeliidae) in the small intestine and one encysted larvae of Physalopteridae (Nematoda: Physalopteridae) attached at stomach wall. The lizard species showed a low prevalence and low richness of helminths. Moreover, H. agrius presented a low intensity of infection. The foraging mode, arboreal habit and a restricted composition of diet could favoring the low prevalence, low infection rates and low richness of helminths found in these geckonid host species.


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This study started from the hypothesis of the existence of a relation between the type of the urban occupation concerning to the sustainability conditions at the proximity of Environment Protected Zones and the occurrence of vectors insects in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This research, which used data available by the City Administration Health and Urbanization Secretaries (respectively SMS and SEMURB), in the time period of 2006 to 2008, aimed to characterize the study site in terms of urban occupation, relating it to social environmental aspects of land occupation and the occurrence of vectors insects. This study is presented in two papers, the first one linking the occurrence of vectors insects and sustainable development indicators and the second relating the incidence of reported cases of Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and the occurrence of larvae infection indexes of Aedes aegypti, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte State. In the first paper, was made a correlation between Dengue Fever vectors and Visceral and Tegumentar Leishmaniasis vectors and sustainable development indicators, selected from IDS Brasil- 2008. Through factorial analysis a Sustainability Index (SI) was acquired for each region, the northern region of the municipality obtained lower numbers than southern region, which, in its turn, presented better sustainability conditions. Linking this index to vector infestation parameters shows a high significant correlation between the SI and the Breteau Index of Aedes aegypti (p=0,028) as well as with SI and sand flies infestation index (p=0,01). Higher rates in vectors infestation in regions with a lower Sustainable Development Index demonstrates that this index can be used to determine the increasing of probability of Aedes and sand flies occurrence in urban environment. The second paper analyzed the occurrence of the main vector of Dengue and DHF, the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and the relation between larvae infection indexes of this insect and reported cases of the diseases. This study revealed unexpected relation where areas with higher Breteau s Indexes showed lower infection rates of Dengue Fever, although showing high incidence of DHF


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The intestinal protozoan parasite Giardia duodenalis (syn. Giardia intestinalis and Giardia lamblia) is a widespread enteric pathogen in human and domestic animals. This organism is one of the most common parasites in domestic dogs in Brazil. In this study, we determined the occurrence and genetic characterization of G. duodenalis isolated from dogs from south-central São Paulo state, Brazil. A total of 300 fecal samples were collected. Fecal specimens were screened for the presence of G. duodenalis using microscopy (zinc sulfate solution flotation technique) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the small subunit ribosomal (SSU-rDNA) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) genes. Genetic characterization was performed using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) and sequencing analysis of the GDH gene. In addition, selected samples were further characterized by RFLP and sequencing of the beta-giardin gene. The overall occurrence of G. duodenalis was 17.3% (52/300). The occurrence was higher in stray dogs (28%) than in household dogs (6.25%). of the 36 PCR-positive samples that were selected for genotyping, only dog-specific genotype C (20 isolates), D (11 isolates) and mixed C+D (five isolates) isolates were detected in the study. This study provides current information on the infection rates of G. duodenalis genotypes in canine populations and describes for the first time the presence of mixed infections within host-specific C and D genotypes in dogs in Brazil. These genotypes were widespread and commonly found in domestic dogs living in urban and suburban environments of the studied area and confirmed the endemic status of Giardia in this region.


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Objective: To investigate the prevalence of infection, disease and eventual institutional outbreak of tuberculosis in a psychiatric hospital using the PPD test, as well as testing for mycobacteria in material collected from the respiratory tree and using molecular tracking technique based on insertion sequence 6110 (IS6110). Methods: Between February and August of 2002, PPD tests were given to 74 inpatients and 31 staff members at a psychiatric hospital in the city of Rio Verde, located in the state of Goiás, Brazil. In addition, respiratory tree material collected from the inpatients was submitted to testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Results: Among the patients analyzed, mycobacteria were isolated from five (6.8%): four identified as M. tuberculosis and one as M. chelonae. The M. tuberculosis isolates were sensitive to isoniazid and rifampicin, and, when submitted to the restriction fragment length polymorphism/IS6110 technique, presented unique genetic profiles, totally distinct from one another, suggesting that all of the tuberculosis cases were due to endogenous reactivation. It was not possible to characterize this group of cases as an institutional outbreak. Performing the two-step tuberculin test in the patients, the infection rates were 23% and 31%, compared with 42% among staff members, who were submitted to the one-step test. Conclusion: The results indicate a high incidence of tuberculosis infection among inpatients and hospital staff, as well as a high occurrence of the disease among inpatients.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Inappropriate treatments of frontal sinus fractures may lead to serious complications, such as mucopyocele, meningitis, and brain abscess. Assessment of nasofrontal duct injury is crucial, and nasofrontal duct injury requires sinus obliteration, which is often accomplished by autologous grafts such as fat, muscle, or bone. These avascular grafts have an increased risk of resorption and infection, as well as donor site morbidity. For these reasons, pericranial flap, which is vascular, should be used for frontal sinus obliteration. The pericranial flap presented with less morbidity procedure and has decreased infection rates, which justifies its use in frontal sinus obliteration. This paper aims to report a case of a comminuted frontal sinus fracture in a 29-year-old man who was successfully treated by frontal sinus obliteration, using pericranial local flap. The patient was followed up postoperatively for 16 months without infection. Copyright © 2013 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.