148 resultados para inaccuracy


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When applying biometric algorithms to forensic verification, false acceptance and false rejection can mean a failure to identify a criminal, or worse, lead to the prosecution of individuals for crimes they did not commit. It is therefore critical that biometric evaluations be performed as accurately as possible to determine their legitimacy as a forensic tool. This paper argues that, for forensic verification scenarios, traditional performance measures are insufficiently accurate. This inaccuracy occurs because existing verification evaluations implicitly assume that an imposter claiming a false identity would claim a random identity rather than consciously selecting a target to impersonate. In addition to describing this new vulnerability, the paper describes a novel Targeted.. FAR metric that combines the traditional False Acceptance Rate (FAR) measure with a term that indicates how performance degrades with the number of potential targets. The paper includes an evaluation of the effects of targeted impersonation on an existing academic face verification system. This evaluation reveals that even with a relatively small number of targets false acceptance rates can increase significantly, making the analysed biometric systems unreliable.


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Purpose. We assessed the prevalence and predictors of inaccurate refractive error among rural refractionists in western China. Methods. A subset of primary school children with visual acuity (VA) ≤6/12 in ≥1 eye, undergoing subjective refinement by local refractionists after cycloplegic autorefraction in an ongoing population-based study, received repeat refraction by university optometrists for quality control. Results. Among 502 children (mean age 10.5 years, 53.2% girls), independent predictors of poor (inaccurate by ≥1.0 diopter [D]) refraction by 21 rural practitioners (66.7% with high school or lower education) included hyperopia (odds ratio [OR], 4.2; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.4-7.3, P < 0.001), astigmatism (OR = 3.8; 95% CI, 2.5-5.6; P < 0.001) and VA uncorrectable to >6/12 by the rural refractionist (OR = 4.7; 95% CI, 3.1-7.3; P = < 0.001). Among 201 children whose vision was uncorrectable in ≥1 eye by the rural refractionists, vision could be improved to >6/12 by the university optometrist in 110 (54.7%). We estimate vision could be so improved in 9.1% of all children refracted by these rural refractionists. A reason for inaccuracy in this setting is the erroneous tendency of rural refractionists to adjust instrument values for accommodation, even under cycloplegia. Conclusions. Rural refractionists in western China have little formal training and frequently fail to optimize VA among children, even when autorefractors are used. Training is needed emphasizing better use of automated refraction, particularly in children with astigmatism and hyperopia. © 2014 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.


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PURPOSE: Inadequately corrected refractive error is the leading cause of visual disability among children in China; inaccurate spectacles are a potential cause. The prevalence and visual impact of spectacle inaccuracy were studied among rural, secondary-school children, to determine the optimal timing for updating of refraction. METHODS: A random sample of children from years 1 and 2 in all junior and senior high schools in Fuyang Township, Guangdong Province, underwent ocular examination. All children who reported wearing glasses received cycloplegic refraction, vision assessment, and measurement of current spectacles. RESULTS: Among 3226 examined children, 733 (22.7%) reported owning spectacles. Refractive error and spectacle power were assessed for 588 (80.2%) children. They had a mean age of 15.0 +/- 1.6 years; 70.2% were girls, 83.3% had more than -1.5 D of myopia, and 17.9% had presenting vision < or = 6/12 in the better eye. The glasses of 48.8% of children were inaccurate by > or = 1 D; inaccuracy was > or = 2 D in 17.7%. Children with inaccurate glasses (> or = 1 D) had presenting vision in the better eye significantly (P < 0.001) worse than that of children with accurate glasses, and 30.3% had presenting acuity < or = 6/12. In multivariate models, younger age (P = 0.004), more myopic refractive error (P < 0.001), and having glasses > or = 1 year old (P = 0.04) were associated with inaccurate spectacles. DISCUSSION: Inaccurate spectacles are common and are associated with significant visual impairment among children in rural China. Reducing outdated glasses could lessen the visual burden, although refractive services may have to be offered on an annual basis for optimal benefit.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare visual and refractive outcomes between self-refracting spectacles (Adaptive Eyecare, Ltd, Oxford, UK), noncycloplegic autorefraction, and cycloplegic subjective refraction. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. PARTICIPANTS: Chinese school-children aged 12 to 17 years. METHODS: Children with uncorrected visual acuity ≤ 6/12 in either eye underwent measurement of the logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution visual acuity, habitual correction, self-refraction without cycloplegia, autorefraction with and without cycloplegia, and subjective refraction with cycloplegia. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Proportion of children achieving corrected visual acuity ≥ 6/7.5 with each modality; difference in spherical equivalent refractive error between each of the modalities and cycloplegic subjective refractive error. RESULTS: Among 556 eligible children of consenting parents, 554 (99.6%) completed self-refraction (mean age, 13.8 years; 59.7% girls; 54.0% currently wearing glasses). The proportion of children with visual acuity ≥ 6/7.5 in the better eye with habitual correction, self-refraction, noncycloplegic autorefraction, and cycloplegic subjective refraction were 34.8%, 92.4%, 99.5% and 99.8%, respectively (self-refraction versus cycloplegic subjective refraction, P<0.001). The mean difference between cycloplegic subjective refraction and noncycloplegic autorefraction (which was more myopic) was significant (-0.328 diopter [D]; Wilcoxon signed-rank test P<0.001), whereas cycloplegic subjective refraction and self-refraction did not differ significantly (-0.009 D; Wilcoxon signed-rank test P = 0.33). Spherical equivalent differed by ≥ 1.0 D in either direction from cycloplegic subjective refraction more frequently among right eyes for self-refraction (11.2%) than noncycloplegic autorefraction (6.0%; P = 0.002). Self-refraction power that differed by ≥ 1.0 D from cycloplegic subjective refractive error (11.2%) was significantly associated with presenting without spectacles (P = 0.011) and with greater absolute power of both spherical (P = 0.025) and cylindrical (P = 0.022) refractive error. CONCLUSIONS: Self-refraction seems to be less prone to accommodative inaccuracy than noncycloplegic autorefraction, another modality appropriate for use in areas where access to eye care providers is limited. Visual results seem to be comparable. Greater cylindrical power is associated with less accurate results; the adjustable glasses used in this study cannot correct astigmatism. Further studies of the practical applications of this modality are warranted. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE(S): Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the references.


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Indices of post awakening cortisol secretion (PACS), include the rise in cortisol(cortisol awakening response: CAR) and overall cortisol concentrations (e.g. area under the curve with reference to ground: AUCg) in the first 30—45 min. Both are commonly investigated in relation to psychosocial variables. Although sampling within the domestic setting is ecologically valid, participant non-adherence to the required timing protocol results in erroneous measurement of PACS and this may explain discrepancies in the literature linking these measures to trait well-being (TWB). We have previously shown that delays of little over 5 min(between awakening and the start of sampling) to result in erroneous CAR estimates. In this study, we report for the first time on the negative impact of sample timing inaccuracy (verified by electronic-monitoring) on the efficacy to detect significant relationships between PACS and TWB when measured in the domestic setting.Healthy females (N = 49, 20.5 ± 2.8 years) selected for differences in TWB collected saliva samples (S1—4) on 4 days at 0, 15, 30, 45 min post awakening, to determine PACS. Adherence to the sampling protocol was objectively monitored using a combination of electronic estimates of awakening (actigraphy) and sampling times (track caps).Relationships between PACS and TWB were found to depend on sample timing accuracy. Lower TWB was associated with higher post awakening cortisol AUCg in proportion to the mean sample timing accuracy (p < .005). There was no association between TWB and the CAR even taking into account sample timing accuracy. These results highlight the importance of careful electronic monitoring of participant adherence for measurement of PACS in the domestic setting. Mean sample timing inaccuracy, mainly associated with delays of >5 min between awakening and collection of sample 1 (median = 8 min delay), negatively impacts on the sensitivity of analysis to detect associations between PACS and TWB.


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Le diabète de type 1 (DT1) est une maladie complexe qui requiert une implication importante des patients pour contrôler leur glycémie et ainsi prévenir les complications et comorbidités. L’activité physique (AP) régulière et une attention constante pour les glucides ingérés sont des adjuvants essentiels au traitement insulinique. Nous avons démontré que le questionnaire BAPAD-1, spécifiquement développé pour des adultes atteints de DT1, est un outil valide (validité prédictive, fiabilité interne et reproductibilité) pour définir des barrières associées à l’AP. Bien que le niveau de barrières envers l’AP soit faible, la crainte de l’hypoglycémie est la barrière la plus importante chez cette population. L’adoption d’un mode de vie actif est associée à un profil corporel favorable. Les adultes, avec un DT1 et non diabétique, qui maintiennent un bon niveau d’AP, soit un ratio entre la dépense énergétique totale et celle au repos ≥ 1.7, ont une masse grasse, un indice de masse corporelle et un tour de taille significativement inférieurs à ceux d’adultes moins actifs. Le niveau d’AP peut être estimé au moyen d’un moniteur d’AP comme le SenseWear Armband™. Afin de compléter les études de validation de cet outil, nous avons évalué et démontré la reproductibilité des mesures. Toutefois, la dépense énergétique est sous-estimée durant les 10 premières minutes d’une AP d’intensité modérée sur ergocycle. L’utilisation de cet appareil est donc justifiée pour une évaluation de la dépense énergétique sur de longues périodes. Le calcul des glucides est une méthode largement utilisée pour évaluer la quantité d’insuline à injecter lors des repas. Nous avons évalué dans un contexte de vie courante, sans révision de la technique, la précision des patients pour ce calcul. L’erreur moyenne est de 15,4 ± 7,8 g par repas, soit 20,9 ± 9,7 % du contenu glucidique. L’erreur moyenne est positivement associée à de plus grandes fluctuations glycémiques mesurées via un lecteur de glucose en continu. Une révision régulière du calcul des glucides est probablement nécessaire pour permettre un meilleur contrôle glycémique. Nous avons développé et testé lors d’un essai clinique randomisé contrôlé un programme de promotion de l’AP (PEP-1). Ce programme de 12 semaines inclut une séance hebdomadaire en groupe ayant pour but d’initier l’AP, d’établir des objectifs et d’outiller les adultes atteints de DT1 quant à la gestion de la glycémie à l’AP. Bien que n’ayant pas permis d’augmenter la dépense énergétique, le programme a permis un maintien du niveau d’AP et une amélioration de la condition cardio-respiratoire et de la pression artérielle. À la fin du programme, une plus grande proportion de patients connaissait la pharmacocinétique de l’insuline et une plus grande variété de méthodes pour contrer l’hypoglycémie associée à l’AP était utilisée. En conclusion, le diabète de type 1 engendre des défis quotidiens particuliers. D’une part, le calcul des glucides est une tâche complexe et son imprécision est associée aux fluctuations glycémiques quotidiennes. D’autre part, l’adoption d’un mode de vie actif, qui est associée à un meilleur profil de composition corporelle, est limitée par la crainte des hypoglycémies. Le programme PEP-1 offre un support pour intégrer l’AP dans les habitudes de vie des adultes avec un DT1 et ainsi améliorer certains facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaire.


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L’asthme et la maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique (MPOC) se classent au premier rang parmi les maladies respiratoires les plus fréquentes au Québec. Une mauvaise maîtrise de l’asthme et de la MPOC entraîne d’importantes répercussions sur la santé et la qualité de vie des patients et sur les coûts associés au système de santé canadien, dues à de fréquentes consultations médicales, des visites à l’urgence, des hospitalisations et des décès précoces. Il est donc très important d’évaluer l’usage optimal des médicaments dans le traitement de ces maladies afin de réduire la morbidité et la mortalité Cette thèse vise à comparer dans un premier temps l’efficacité des médicaments en situation réelle dans le traitement de la MPOC sur le taux d’exacerbations et la mortalité puisque les études observationnelles publiées à ce sujet comportaient des biais majeurs dus à une mauvaise mesure de l’exposition au traitement. Ainsi, dans le cadre de cette thèse, deux banques de données administratives québécoises ont été appariées pour créer une cohorte de 36 492 patients âgés de 50 ans ou plus atteints de MPOC (1995-1999) Dans cette cohorte, la théophylline diminuait davantage les exacerbations que les β2-agonistes à longue durée d’action (BALA, RR = 0,89; IC 95 % : 0,84-0,95), mais elle était moins efficace en situation réelle que les corticostéroïdes inhalés (CSI, RR = 1,07; IC 95 % : 1,04-1,10). Un devis cas-témoins niché dans cette cohorte a permis de vérifier que les CSI seuls ou combinés avec un BALA étaient plus efficients pour réduire la mortalité comparativement aux BALA seuls (RR = 0,69; IC 95 % : 0,53-0,88 et RR = 0,73; IC 95 % : 0,56-0,96, respectivement). L’efficacité des CSI dans le traitement de l’asthme pour réduire les exacerbations et la mortalité n’est plus à prouver, cependant la non-adhésion et la non-persistance aux CSI sont grandement problématiques. À notre connaissance, aucune étude n’a évalué l’impact du type d’assurance médicaments sur l'adhésion et la persistance des Québécois aux CSI en raison de l’absence des personnes qui ont une assurance médicaments privée dans la banque de données des services pharmaceutiques de la Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec. Afin de combler ce manque, une des parties intégrantes de cette thèse a été de développer le registre reMed. Par la suite, une cohorte d’utilisateurs de CSI âgés de 20 à 64 ans a été sélectionnée à partir de reMed (2008-2010) et ces sujets ont été appariés à des utilisateurs de CSI sélectionnés à partir de la banque de données des services pharmaceutiques de la Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ). Les résultats de cette dernière étude indiquent que même si l’adhésion était faible dans les deux cohortes, les patients ayant une assurance médicaments privée étaient moins adhérant que les patients couverts par l’assurance médicaments publique de la RAMQ (différence moyenne d’adhésion de -9,7 %; IC 95 % : -13,2 % à -6,5 %). De plus, ces patients couverts par une assurance médicaments privée étaient aussi 52 % plus susceptibles d'arrêter leur traitement de CSI au cours d’une année (HR = 1,52; IC 95 % : 1,16-2,00). En conclusion, selon les travaux de cette thèse, la théophylline peut être considérée comme une thérapie efficace en situation réelle pour prévenir les exacerbations aiguës de la MPOC d’autant plus qu’elle est moins dispendieuse que les traitements en inhalations et que sa formulation orale procurerait, selon la littérature, une meilleure adhésion que les médicaments en inhalation. Quant aux CSI, ils ont un rôle important dans le traitement de l’asthme, mais aussi dans le traitement de la MPOC, puisque selon les résultats de cette thèse, ils procureraient une plus grande diminution du risque d’exacerbations aiguës de la MPOC et de la mortalité par rapport aux autres traitements. Par contre, il a aussi été démontré que l'adhésion et la persistance aux CSI étaient très faibles, particulièrement dans le traitement de l’asthme. Le type d’assurance médicaments serait un facteur déterminant de l’adhésion et de la persistance aux CSI. D’autres études seront nécessaires pour évaluer si les différences d’adhésion et de persistance observées dans cette étude se traduisent par des différences sur l’utilisation et les coûts des soins de santé. De plus, il sera nécessaire d’étudier si les différences observées se limitent aux CSI ou si le type d’assurance médicaments a impact sur la prise d’autres médicaments indiqués dans le traitement des maladies chroniques.


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In this article, we study some relevant information divergence measures viz. Renyi divergence and Kerridge’s inaccuracy measures. These measures are extended to conditionally specifiedmodels and they are used to characterize some bivariate distributions using the concepts of weighted and proportional hazard rate models. Moreover, some bounds are obtained for these measures using the likelihood ratio order


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Este trabajo busca identificar y definir porque la tecnología RFID puede ser un buen negocio de oportunidad en el mercado Colombiano, cada vez esté, está más enfocado en generar procesos de mejora continua que produzcan eficiencia al interior de las organizaciones, actualmente el uso de la tecnología es una herramienta clave para que las organizaciones se mantengan a la vanguardia. Con base en el estudio vemos que la tecnología RFID, genera eficiencia en el flujo de la información, mejora el control de inventarios y genera seguridad en estos, además de la disminución en los procesos y operaciones, e incrementa la velocidad en la toma de decisiones, por otro lado existe un mercado a explotar que es el de los hoteles, en la medida en que estos pueden controlar sus inventarios de objetos como sabanas, cobijas, etc. Evitando perder estos productos por robos. Un problema de esta tecnología son los altos costos, que impiden que empresas medianas y pequeñas puedan invertir en estos procesos.


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There is much evidence that El Niño and La Niña lead to significant atmospheric seasonal predictability across much of the globe. However, despite successful predictions of tropical Pacific SSTs, atmospheric seasonal forecasts have had limited success. This study investigates model errors in the Hadley Centre Atmospheric Model version 3 (HadAM3) by analyzing composites of similar El Niño and La Niña events at their peak in December–January–February (DJF) and through their decay in March–April–May (MAM). The large-scale, tropical ENSO teleconnections are modeled accurately by HadAM3 during DJF but the strongest extratropical teleconnection, that in the North Pacific during winter, is modeled inaccurately. The Aleutian low is frequently observed to shift eastward during El Niño but the modeled response always consists of a deepening of the low without a shift. This is traced to small errors in the sensitivity of precipitation to SST in the tropical Pacific, which does not display enough variability so that the precipitation is always too high over the warmest SSTs. This error is reduced when vertical resolution is increased from 19 to 30 levels but enhanced horizontal resolution does not improve the simulation further. In MAM, following the peak of an El Niño or La Niña, atmospheric anomalies are observed to decay rapidly. The modeled ENSO response in DJF persists into MAM, making the extratropical anomalies in MAM too strong. This inaccuracy is again likely to be due to the high modeled sensitivity of tropical Pacific precipitation to SST, which is not significantly improved with enhanced vertical or horizontal resolution in MAM.


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The purpose of this study was to improve the prediction of the quantity and type of Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) produced from fermented substrate in the rumen of lactating cows. A model was formulated that describes the conversion of substrate (soluble carbohydrates, starch, hemi-cellulose, cellulose, and protein) into VFA (acetate, propionate, butyrate, and other VFA). Inputs to the model were observed rates of true rumen digestion of substrates, whereas outputs were observed molar proportions of VFA in rumen fluid. A literature survey generated data of 182 diets (96 roughage and 86 concentrate diets). Coefficient values that define the conversion of a specific substrate into VFA were estimated meta-analytically by regression of the model against observed VFA molar proportions using non-linear regression techniques. Coefficient estimates significantly differed for acetate and propionate production in particular, between different types of substrate and between roughage and concentrate diets. Deviations of fitted from observed VFA molar proportions could be attributed to random error for 100%. In addition to regression against observed data, simulation studies were performed to investigate the potential of the estimation method. Fitted coefficient estimates from simulated data sets appeared accurate, as well as fitted rates of VFA production, although the model accounted for only a small fraction (maximally 45%) of the variation in VFA molar proportions. The simulation results showed that the latter result was merely a consequence of the statistical analysis chosen and should not be interpreted as an indication of inaccuracy of coefficient estimates. Deviations between fitted and observed values corresponded to those obtained in simulations. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study a minimum variance neuro self-tuning proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller is designed for complex multiple input-multiple output (MIMO) dynamic systems. An approximation model is constructed, which consists of two functional blocks. The first block uses a linear submodel to approximate dominant system dynamics around a selected number of operating points. The second block is used as an error agent, implemented by a neural network, to accommodate the inaccuracy possibly introduced by the linear submodel approximation, various complexities/uncertainties, and complicated coupling effects frequently exhibited in non-linear MIMO dynamic systems. With the proposed model structure, controller design of an MIMO plant with n inputs and n outputs could be, for example, decomposed into n independent single input-single output (SISO) subsystem designs. The effectiveness of the controller design procedure is initially verified through simulations of industrial examples.


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Ten projects constructed in Ghana between 2003 and 2010 are examined and analysed to ascertain the reliability of estimated costs provided for the projects. Cost estimates for five of the projects were calculated by consultants and cost estimates for the five remaining projects were calculated by contractors. Cost estimates prepared by contractors seemed to be closer to actual costs than estimates calculated by consultants. Projects estimated by consultants experienced an average cost overrun of 40% and time overrun of 62% whereas projects priced by contractors experienced an average cost overrun of 6% and time overrun of 41%. It seemed that contractors had a better understanding of the actual construction processes and a clearer expectation of the needs of the client hence an ability to calculate estimates that were closer to reality. Construction clients in Ghana should rely on contractors for more realistic cost estimates as estimates by consultants may be inaccurate. Where consultants are employed, an allowance of up 40% should be added to the estimated costs as a margin for inaccuracy.


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A neural network enhanced proportional, integral and derivative (PID) controller is presented that combines the attributes of neural network learning with a generalized minimum-variance self-tuning control (STC) strategy. The neuro PID controller is structured with plant model identification and PID parameter tuning. The plants to be controlled are approximated by an equivalent model composed of a simple linear submodel to approximate plant dynamics around operating points, plus an error agent to accommodate the errors induced by linear submodel inaccuracy due to non-linearities and other complexities. A generalized recursive least-squares algorithm is used to identify the linear submodel, and a layered neural network is used to detect the error agent in which the weights are updated on the basis of the error between the plant output and the output from the linear submodel. The procedure for controller design is based on the equivalent model, and therefore the error agent is naturally functioned within the control law. In this way the controller can deal not only with a wide range of linear dynamic plants but also with those complex plants characterized by severe non-linearity, uncertainties and non-minimum phase behaviours. Two simulation studies are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the controller design procedure.


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The use of data reconciliation techniques can considerably reduce the inaccuracy of process data due to measurement errors. This in turn results in improved control system performance and process knowledge. Dynamic data reconciliation techniques are applied to a model-based predictive control scheme. It is shown through simulations on a chemical reactor system that the overall performance of the model-based predictive controller is enhanced considerably when data reconciliation is applied. The dynamic data reconciliation techniques used include a combined strategy for the simultaneous identification of outliers and systematic bias.