189 resultados para hidrologia
Con base en una selección de 145 datos pertenecientes a ríos de montaña de fuerte pendiente (³ 1%) se han desarrollado cinco expresiones para determinar el factor de fricción de Darcy-Weisbach. La primera expresión se fundamenta en la aplicación para flujo turbulento rugoso en lámina libre de la ley semilogarítmica de Prandtl-Kárman, que es función de la sumersión relativa (relación entre el calado medio y la rugosidad equivalente). La segunda y tercera corresponden a correciones de la primera para flujo macrorrugoso, propuestas por Thompson y Campbell (1979) y Aguirre-Pe y Fuentes (1990) respectivamente. La cuarta ecuación consiste una en potencia de la sumersión relativa, mientras que la quinta corrige la fórmula anterior incorporando una potencia de la pendiente, tal y como propugnan Meunier (1989) y Rickenmann (1990). Las expresiones derivadas presentan un ajuste significativo, si se tienen en cuenta las limitaciones hidrométricas existentes en ríos de material grueso y fuerte pendiente. Destaca el mayor ajuste conseguido con las ecuaciones con las ecuaciones del tipo potencial frente a las del tipo semilogarítmico. Se ha encontrado, asimismo, una capacidad de predicción ligeramente superior en aquellas expresiones que incluyen modificaciones respecto a la ecuación original, ecuaciones del tipo segundo, tercero y quinto anteriormente indicado.
El concepto de aspereza equivalente (ks) permite relacionar la resistencia al flujo de cauces de contorno granular con el tamaño de las partículas que lo conforman, mediante la ley logarítmica de distribución vertical de velocidad de la corriente. En este artículo se revisa el estado del conocimiento acerca de los criterios para la predicción de dicha relación con el objetivo de brindar una guía para la selección de los mismos. Pese a que el análisis de las experiencias compiladas desvela la dispersión de resultados, a efectos prácticos se recomienda para ríos de grava y de montaña: ks 3•d90; ks 3,4•d84 y ks 7•d50. Dicha dispersión y el hecho de que ks sea varias veces superior al diámetro medio del sedimento puede atribuirse en diferente grado: a la heterogeneidad del sedimento en lechos naturales, a las formas de fondo, al transporte sólido de fondo,así como a las limitaciones del modelo logarítmico de distribución de velocidad bajo ciertas condiciones de flujo. La predicción de ks en función de variables estadísticas del campo de elevaciones del lecho se ha revelado como una alternativa con una elevada capacidad explicativa, por lo que en la medida que avancen las técnicas microtopográficas se consolidará esta vía como el método del futuro.
La realización de un Plan de Ordenación de Recursos Naturales (PORN) requiere de la aplicación de una metodología específica para evaluar los intereses que confluyen, solucionar los problemas que se presentan, y sistematizar la propia elaboración del Plan. El presente trabajo muestra la metodología aplicada a la elaboración de un PORN en el entorno próximo de un embalse localizado en Alcañiz (Teruel), y que ha sido objeto de un Proyecto Final de Carrera en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agraria (ETSEA) de Lleida (BERGUA, 1995). El trabajo comprende dos fases diferenciadas: en una primera fase se realiza el encuadre territorial y definición de la base descriptiva, objetiva y permanente sobre la que se asienta el conjunto del sistema. La segunda fase corresponde al tratamiento de la información recogida y al proceso de valoración. La zonificación propuesta para el entorno estudiado y sus respectivas actividades son función del resultado de la superposición de los componentes intervinientes en la valoración del territorio, y de los criterios y prioridades que permiten su definición. Finalmente, mediante la utilización de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (S.I.G.) se establece la asignación de usos del Territorio.
En los países industrializados, la contaminación de suelos y aguas subterráneas por el vertido incontrolado de residuos industriales es uno de los problemas más preocupantes que se plantean, ya que su eliminación no es fácil ni barata de realizar, y sus efectos persisten durante muchos años. En España este problema es especialmente notorio a causa de una gestión inadecuada derivada de la descoordinación existente entre los diferentes sectores involucrados: administración, empresas, técnicos y científicos. La ausencia de instalaciones suficientes para su tratamiento, ha llevado a la práctica de vertidos en los cauces de ríos y en el subsuelo o a su almacenamiento en vertederos incontrolados...
The Mediterranean basin is a particularly vulnerable region to climate change, partly due to its quite unique character that results both from physiographic conditions and societal development. The region features indeed a near-closed sea surrounded by very urbanised littorals and mountains from which numerous rivers originate. This results in a lot of interactions and feedbacks between oceanic-atmospheric-hydrological processes that play a predominant role on climate and extreme events that frequently cause heavy dam- ages and human losses in the Mediterranean ...
This special issue of Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS) contains eight papers presented as oral or poster contributions in the Natural Hazards NH-1.2 session on"Extreme events induced by weather and climate change: evaluation, forecasting and proactive planning", held at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly in Vienna, Austria, on 13-18 April 2008. The aim of the session was to provide an international forum for presenting new results and for discussing innovative ideas and concepts on extreme hydro-meteorological events, including: (i) the assessment of the risk posed by the extreme events, (ii) the expected changes in the frequency and intensity of the events driven by a changing climate and by multiple human- induced causes, (iii) new modelling approaches and original forecasting methods to predict extreme events and their consequences, and (iv) strategies for hazard mitigation and risk reduction, and for a improved adaptation to extreme hydro-meteorological events ...
The EGU Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms was established in 1999 within the framework of the Interdisciplinary Working Group on Natural Hazards (IWG-NH) of the former European Geophysical Society (EGS)- since 2002,European Geosciences Union (EGU). Since its advent, the Plinius Conference series has provided a crucial interdisciplinary forum for improving our understanding of hazardous storms over the Mediterranean basin that are capable of producing strong winds, heavy rains, explosive landslides, devastating flash floods and other related extremes ...
This study analyses the infl uence of two diff erent land uses on the hydrology of the Vernegà experimental basin between the years 2005 and 2009. It is located in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula and is infl uenced by a Mediterranean climate, with an average annual rainfall of 646 mm. The study of rainfall distributi on in the 1982 to 2009 period shows that the majority occurs during autumn, winter, and spring representi ng 33.2%, 25.5%, and 25.7% respecti vely of the total annual rainfall. Surface runoff is concentrated from October to June. Between 2005 and 2009, total runoff was 242.38 mm at the"Bosc" gauging stati on, which drains an area of 1.60 km2, and 298.54 mm at the"Campàs" gauging stati on, which drains an area of 2.57 km2 and is located at the outlet of the basin. More than 80% of the total surface runoff yielded during the study period corresponds to the 2005-2006 hydrologic year. Finally, Campàs gauging stati on registers a higher total runoff than Bosc gauging stati on. Part of this phenomenon may be due to the intercepti on of rainfall and plant biomass in the forested area of the basin. In relati on to the sediment yield, an overall increase in the two basins has been detected. Recent forest management practi ces undertaken in the catchment area are considered to be one of the most important reasons for this change.
Flood simulation studies use spatial-temporal rainfall data input into distributed hydrological models. A correct description of rainfall in space and in time contributes to improvements on hydrological modelling and design. This work is focused on the analysis of 2-D convective structures (rain cells), whose contribution is especially significant in most flood events. The objective of this paper is to provide statistical descriptors and distribution functions for convective structure characteristics of precipitation systems producing floods in Catalonia (NE Spain). To achieve this purpose heavy rainfall events recorded between 1996 and 2000 have been analysed. By means of weather radar, and applying 2-D radar algorithms a distinction between convective and stratiform precipitation is made. These data are introduced and analyzed with a GIS. In a first step different groups of connected pixels with convective precipitation are identified. Only convective structures with an area greater than 32 km2 are selected. Then, geometric characteristics (area, perimeter, orientation and dimensions of the ellipse), and rainfall statistics (maximum, mean, minimum, range, standard deviation, and sum) of these structures are obtained and stored in a database. Finally, descriptive statistics for selected characteristics are calculated and statistical distributions are fitted to the observed frequency distributions. Statistical analyses reveal that the Generalized Pareto distribution for the area and the Generalized Extreme Value distribution for the perimeter, dimensions, orientation and mean areal precipitation are the statistical distributions that best fit the observed ones of these parameters. The statistical descriptors and the probability distribution functions obtained are of direct use as an input in spatial rainfall generators.
The performance of a hydrologic model depends on the rainfall input data, both spatially and temporally. As the spatial distribution of rainfall exerts a great influence on both runoff volumes and peak flows, the use of a distributed hydrologic model can improve the results in the case of convective rainfall in a basin where the storm area is smaller than the basin area. The aim of this study was to perform a sensitivity analysis of the rainfall time resolution on the results of a distributed hydrologic model in a flash-flood prone basin. Within such a catchment, floods are produced by heavy rainfall events with a large convective component. A second objective of the current paper is the proposal of a methodology that improves the radar rainfall estimation at a higher spatial and temporal resolution. Composite radar data from a network of three C-band radars with 6-min temporal and 2 × 2 km2 spatial resolution were used to feed the RIBS distributed hydrological model. A modification of the Window Probability Matching Method (gauge-adjustment method) was applied to four cases of heavy rainfall to improve the observed rainfall sub-estimation by computing new Z/R relationships for both convective and stratiform reflectivities. An advection correction technique based on the cross-correlation between two consecutive images was introduced to obtain several time resolutions from 1 min to 30 min. The RIBS hydrologic model was calibrated using a probabilistic approach based on a multiobjective methodology for each time resolution. A sensitivity analysis of rainfall time resolution was conducted to find the resolution that best represents the hydrological basin behaviour.
The international HyMeX (Hydrological Mediterranean Experiment) program aims to improve our understanding of the water cycle in the Mediterranean, using a multidisciplinary and multiscale approach and with emphasis on extreme events. This program will improve our understanding and our predictive ability of hydrometeorological hazards including their evolution within the next century. One of the most important results of the program will be its observational campaigns, which will greatly improve the data available, leading to significant scientific results. The interest of the program for the Spanish research groups is described, as the active participation of some of them in the design and execution of the observational activities. At the same time, due to its location, Spain is key to the program, being a good observation platform. HyMeX will enrich the work of the Spanish research groups, it will improve the predictive ability of the weather services, will help us to have a better understanding of the impacts of hydrometeorological extremes on our society and will lead to better strategies for adapting to climate change.
Temporary streams are those water courses that undergo the recurrent cessation of flow or the complete drying of their channel. The structure and composition of biological communities in temporary stream reaches are strongly dependent on the temporal changes of the aquatic habitats determined by the hydrological conditions. Therefore, the structural and functional characteristics of aquatic fauna to assess the ecological quality of a temporary stream reach cannot be used without taking into account the controls imposed by the hydrological regime. This paper develops methods for analysing temporary streams' aquatic regimes, based on the definition of six aquatic states that summarize the transient sets of mesohabitats occurring on a given reach at a particular moment, depending on the hydrological conditions: Hyperrheic, Eurheic, Oligorheic, Arheic, Hyporheic and Edaphic. When the hydrological conditions lead to a change in the aquatic state, the structure and composition of the aquatic community changes according to the new set of available habitats. We used the water discharge records from gauging stations or simulations with rainfall-runoff models to infer the temporal patterns of occurrence of these states in the Aquatic States Frequency Graph we developed. The visual analysis of this graph is complemented by the development of two metrics which describe the permanence of flow and the seasonal predictability of zero flow periods. Finally, a classification of temporary streams in four aquatic regimes in terms of their influence over the development of aquatic life is updated from the existing classifications, with stream aquatic regimes defined as Permanent, Temporary-pools, Temporary-dry and Episodic. While aquatic regimes describe the long-term overall variability of the hydrological conditions of the river section and have been used for many years by hydrologists and ecologists, aquatic states describe the availability of mesohabitats in given periods that determine the presence of different biotic assemblages. This novel concept links hydrological and ecological conditions in a unique way. All these methods were implemented with data from eight temporary streams around the Mediterranean within the MIRAGE project. Their application was a precondition to assessing the ecological quality of these streams.
As a result of climate change, streams are warming and their runoff has been decreasing in most temperate areas. These changes can affect consumers directly by increasing their metabolic rates and modifying their physiology and indirectly by changing the quality of the resources on which organisms depend. In this study, a common stream detritivore (Echinogammarus berilloni Catta) was reared at two temperatures (15 and 20°C) and fed Populus nigra L. leaves that had been conditioned either in an intermittent or permanent reach to evaluate the effects of resource quality and increased temperatures on detritivore performance, stoichiometry and nutrient cycling. The lower quality (i.e., lower protein, soluble carbohydrates and higher C:P and N:P ratios) of leaves conditioned in pools resulted in compensatory feeding and lower nutrient retention capacity by E. berilloni. This effect was especially marked for phosphorus, which was unexpected based on predictions of ecological stoichiometry. When individuals were fed pool-conditioned leaves at warmer temperatures, their growth rates were higher, but consumers exhibited less efficient assimilation and higher mortality. Furthermore, the shifts to lower C:P ratios and higher lipid concentrations in shredder body tissues suggest that structural molecules such as phospholipids are preserved over other energetic C-rich macromolecules such as carbohydrates. These effects on consumer physiology and metabolism were further translated into feces and excreta nutrient ratios. Overall, our results show that the effects of reduced leaf quality on detritivore nutrient retention were more severe at higher temperatures because the shredders were not able to offset their increased metabolism with increased consumption or more efficient digestion when fed pool-conditioned leaves. Consequently, the synergistic effects of impaired food quality and increased temperatures might not only affect the physiology and survival of detritivores but also extend to other trophic compartments through detritivore-mediated nutrient cycling.
Variations in water volume in small depressions in Mediterranean salt marshes in Girona (Spain) are described and the potential causes for these variations analysed. Although the basins appear to be endorrheic, groundwater circulation is intense, as estimated from the difference between water volume observed and that expected from the balance precipitation / evaporation. The rate of variation in volume (VR = AV / VAt) may be used to estimate groundwater supply ('circulation'), since direct measurements of this parameter are impossible. Volume.conductivity figures can also be used to estimate the quantity of circulation, and to investigate the origin of water supplied to the system. The relationships between variations in the volume of water in the basins and the main causes of flooding are also analysed. Sea storms, rainfall levels and strong, dry northerly winds are suggested as the main causes of the variations in the volumes of basins. The relative importance assigned to these factors has changed, following the recent regulation of freshwater flows entering the system
En aquest treball s'analitzen les característiques generals i particulars dels esfondraments per carstificació que esprodueixen al terme municipal de Besalú, i s'examinen les diferents dades que permeten establir una primera aproximació cartogràfica del perill existent