978 resultados para heterogeneous catalysis


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Abstract de congreso: Póster presentado en 12th International Conference on Materials Chemistry (MC12), 20 - 23 July 2015, York, United Kingdom


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A água é um bem essencial a todos os seres vivos. Porém, o homem não tem dado o valor e atenção necessários para a preservação dessa riqueza. Por mais que o ser humano não faça a água desaparecer do planeta, ele tem contribuído e muito para o decréscimo de sua qualidade. Dentre as várias atividades antropogênicas, que tem contribuído para a poluição das águas, destaca-se a atividade industrial. A indústria têxtil, por exemplo, libera enormes volumes de dejetos, destacando-se os corantes, além deles prejudicarem a ocorrência de fotossíntese, apresentam elevada toxicidade ao meio marinho. Com isso, este trabalho visa estudar a degradação do corante Alaranjado de Metila via catálise heterogênea. Neste estudo, foram realizadas a preparação e a caracterização de partículas metálicas estabilizadas em sílica, sendo essas partículas com diferentes teores de ferro (50 %wt, 25 %wt e 5 %wt) aderido ao suporte. Após o preparo dos catalisadores realizou-se o estudo de sua eficiência frente a diferentes parâmetros como: quantidade de catalisador, temperatura e pH. Por meio dos testes realizados foi possível observar que a quantidade do catalisador influência a reação de redução do corante Alaranjado de Metila. Porém, quando se atinge o ponto de saturação, mesmo que se adicione mais catalisador não é possível aumentar a degradação. Através da variação da temperatura, observou-se que quanto maior a temperatura maior a degradação do corante. Isso pode ser explicado devido o aumento do número de colisões entre os sítios ativos do catalisador e as moléculas do corante. E por meio da variação de pH, concluiu-se que pHs ácidos permitem que a reação de redução do corante ocorra mais rápido e pHs elevados tornam a reação de degradação do corante mais lenta, porém ainda assim ocorrem de forma satisfatória. O catalisador pôde ser reutilizado por até 3 vezes, sem nenhum tratamento prévio. Os catalisadores a 50 %wt, assim como, a 25 %wt foram capazes de degradar o corante de forma eficiente, porém o catalisador a 5 %wt não se mostrou ser eficaz. Foram realizados testes sob radiação microondas e a reação de redução ocorreu de forma muito eficaz, apresentando 100% de degradação em apenas 2 minutos. Além disso, realizou-se o estudo cinético, onde segundo dados experimentais, as reações foram classificadas como sendo de primeira ordem


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Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose was highly complex because of the unclear enzymatic mechanism and many factors that affect the heterogeneous system. Therefore, it is difficult to build a theoretical model to study cellulose hydrolysis by cellulase. Artificial neural network (ANN) was used to simulate and predict this enzymatic reaction and compared with the response surface model (RSM). The independent variables were cellulase amount X-1, substrate concentration X-2, and reaction time X-3, and the response variables were reducing sugar concentration Y-1 and transformation rate of the raw material Y-2. The experimental results showed that ANN was much more suitable for studying the kinetics of the enzymatic hydrolysis than RSM. During the simulation process, relative errors produced by the ANN model were apparently smaller than that by RSM except one and the central experimental points. During the prediction process, values produced by the ANN model were much closer to the experimental values than that produced by RSM. These showed that ANN is a persuasive tool that can be used for studying the kinetics of cellulose hydrolysis catalyzed by cellulase.


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We have analyzed the propagation rate of the chemical waves observed during the course of CO oxidation on a Ag/Pt(I 10) composite surface that were reported in our previous papers [Surf Interface Anal. 2001, 32, 179; J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106, 5645]. In all cases, the propagation rate v can be adequately fitted as v = v(0) + D-0/d, in which v(0) and D-0 are constants, and d is the distance between the reaction front of the chemical wave and the boundary from which the chemical wave originates. We propose that the surface species responsible for the formation of the chemical wave comes from two paths: the adsorption of molecules in the gas phase on the surface and the migration from the adjacent surface with different catalytic activity. v(0) corresponds to the contribution from the surface species due to the adsorption, and D-0/d to that of the surface species that migrates from the adjacent surface. The rate equation clearly suggests that the observed chemical wave results from the coupling between adjacent surfaces with different catalytic activities during the course of heterogeneous catalysis. These results, together with our previous reports, provide a good fundamental understanding of spillover, an important phenomenon in heterogeneous catalysis.


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Mass transfer resistance in the production of high impact polypropylene (hiPP) produced by a two-stage slurry/gas polymerization was investigated by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. It is found that the formation of ethylene-propylene copolymer (EPR) phases in polypropylene (iPP) particle produced in the first stage slurry polymerization exhibits a developing process from exterior to interior


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The potential of CO2-expanded liquid media for chemical reactions has been examined in this work, using cyclohexane as a solvent and Pd/C as a heterogeneous catalyst for hydrogenation of styrene, citral, and nitrobenzene with H-2. The rate of hydrogenation reactions is increased, and the product selectivity is altered in the CO2-expanded cyclohexane phase. In the hydrogenation of citral, the selectivity to citronellal decreases with CO2 pressure, which changes from similar to 80% in the neat cyclohexane to similar to 65% at 16 MPa.


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The selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde (CAL) was investigated using rice husk-based porous carbon (RHCs) supported platinum catalysts in supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2). The effects of surface chemistry treatment of the support and the reaction phase behavior have been examined. The Pt/H-RHCs (HNO3-pretreated) was more active for CAL hydrogenation compared with Pt/NH3 - RHCs (NH3 center dot H2O-pretreated). The Pt/RHCs catalyst exhibited a higher selectivity to cinnamyl alcohol (COL) compared with commercial catalyst of Pt/C, which is relative to the micro - mesoporosity structure of the RHCs.


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Hydrogenation of maleic anhydride (MAH) with Pd/C catalysts in supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)) was investigated. The selectivity for gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) reached 97.3% in scCO(2) at 100% conversion of MAH, which was notably higher than that of 77.4% obtained in organic solvent of ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (EGDME). The particle size of Pd exhibited large influence on the reaction rate and selectivity of GBL. Higher selectivity of GBL was obtained with Pd/C catalyst of smaller Pd particle size, and the rate of GBL selectivity increase as a function of CO2 pressure was found to be significantly correlated with Pd particle size.


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Ceria catalysts were found active and selective to the oxidehydrogenation of ethane (ODE) with CO2 and the actual contribution for C2H4 formation from heterogeneous catalysis was 75-55% in the range 953-993 K. The presence of calcium ions in solid solution in the ceria crystalline network increased significatively the selectivity to ethene and the efficiency of CO2 as oxidant in the heterogeneous reaction. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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To predict where a catalytic reaction should occur is a fundamental issue scientifically. Technologically, it is also important because it can facilitate the catalyst's design. However, to date, the understanding of this issue is rather limited. In this work, two types of reactions, CH4 CH3 + H and CO C + 0 on two transition metal surfaces, were chosen as model systems aiming to address in general where a catalytic reaction should occur. The dissociations of CH4 - CH3 + H and CO --> C + O and their reverse reactions on flat, stepped, and kinked Rh and Pd surfaces were studied in detail. We find the following: First, for the CH4 Ch(3) + H reaction, the dissociation barrier is reduced by similar to0.3 eV on steps and kinks as compared to that on flat surfaces. On the other hand, there is essentially no difference in barrier for the association reaction of CH3 + H on the flat surfaces and the defects. Second, for the CO C + 0 reaction, the dissociation barrier decreases dramatically (more than 0.8 eV on Rh and Pd) on steps and kinks as compared to that on flat surfaces. In contrast to the CH3 + H reaction, the C + 0 association reaction also preferentially occurs on steps and kinks. We also present a detailed analysis of the reaction barriers in which each barrier is decomposed quantitatively into a local electronic effect and a geometrical effect. Our DFT calculations show that surface defects such as steps and kinks can largely facilitate bond breaking, while whether the surface defects could promote bond formation depends on the individual reaction as well as the particular metal. The physical origin of these trends is identified and discussed. On the basis of our results, we arrive at some simple rules with respect to where a reaction should occur: (i) defects such as steps are always favored for dissociation reactions as compared to flat surfaces; and (ii) the reaction site of the association reactions is largely related to the magnitude of the bonding competition effect, which is determined by the reactant and metal valency. Reactions with high valency reactants are more likely to occur on defects (more structure-sensitive), as compared to reactions with low valency reactants. Moreover, the reactions on late transition metals are more likely to proceed on defects than those on the early transition metals.


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The important role of alkali additives in heterogeneous catalysis is, to a large extent, related to the high promotion effect they have on many fundamental reactions. The wide application of alkali additives in industry does not, however, reflect a thorough understanding of the mechanism of their promotional abilities. To investigate the physical origin of the alkali promotion effect, we have studied CO dissociation on clean Rh(111) and K-covered Rh(111) surfaces using density functional theory. By varying the position of potassium atoms relative to a dissociating CO, we have mapped out the importance of different K effects on the CO dissociation reactions. The K-induced changes in the reaction pathways and reaction barriers have been determined; in particular, a large reduction of the CO dissociation barrier has been identified. A thorough analysis of this promotion effect allows us to rationalize both the electronic and the geometrical factors that govern alkali promotion effect: (i) The extent of barrier reductions depends strongly on how close K is to the dissociating CO. (ii) Direct K-O bonding that is in a very short range plays a crucial role in reducing the barrier. (iii) K can have a rather long-range effect on the TS structure, which could reduce slightly the barriers.


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Extensive density function theory calculations are performed to study the mechanism of the formation of aldehyde and alcohol on Co surfaces in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, a challenging issue in heterogeneous catalysis. Three possible pathways for the production of formaldehyde and methanol on flat and stepped Co(0001) surfaces are investigated: (i) CO + 4H -> CHO + 3H -> CH2O + 2H -> CH3O + H -> CH3OH; (ii) CO + 4H -> COH + 3H -> CHOH + 2H -> CH2OH + H -> CH3OH; and (iii) the coupling reactions of CH2 + O -> CH2O and CH3 + OH -> CH3OH. It is found that these pathways are generally favored at step sites, and the preferred mechanism is pathway (i) via CHO. Furthermore, the three traditional chain growth mechanisms in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis are semi quantitatively compared and discussed. Our results suggest that the two mechanisms involving oxygenate intermediates (the CO-insertion and hydroxycarbene mechanisms) are less important than the carbene mechanism in the production of long chain hydrocarbons. However, the CO-insertion mechanism may be responsible for the production of long-chain oxygenates.


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Au catalysis has been one of the hottest topics in chemistry in the last 10 years or so. How O-2 is supplied and what role water plays in CO oxidation are the two challenging issues in the field at the moment. In this study, using density functional theory we show that these two issues are in fact related to each other. The following observations are revealed: (i) water that can dissociate readily into OH groups can facilitate O-2 adsorption on TiO2; (ii) the effect of OH group on the O-2 adsorption is surprisingly long-ranged; and (iii) O-2 can also diffuse along the channel of Ti (5c) atoms on TiO2(1 10), and this may well be the rate-limiting step for the CO oxidation. We provide direct evidence that O-2 is supplied by O-2 adsorption on TiO2 in the presence of OH and can diffuse to the interface of Au/TiO2 to participate in CO oxidation. Furthermore, the physical origin of the water effects on Au catalysis has been identified by electronic structure analyses: There is a charge transfer from TiO2 in the presence of OH to O-2, and the O-2 adsorption energy depends linearly on the 02 charge. These results are of importance to understand water effects in general in heterogeneous catalysis.


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Hydrogenation reaction, as one of the simplest association reactions on surfaces, is of great importance both scientifically and technologically. They are essential steps in many industrial processes in heterogeneous catalysis, such as ammonia synthesis (N-2+3H(2)-->2NH(3)). Many issues in hydrogenation reactions remain largely elusive. In this work, the NHx (x=0,1,2) hydrogenation reactions (N+H-->NH, NH+H-->NH2 and NH2+H-->NH3) on Rh(111) are used as a model system to study the hydrogenation reactions on metal surfaces in general using density-functional theory. In addition, C and O hydrogenation (C+H-->CH and O+H-->OH) and several oxygenation reactions, i.e., C+O, N+O, O+O reactions, are also calculated in order to provide a further understanding of the barrier of association reactions. The reaction pathways and the barriers of all these reactions are determined and reported. For the C, N, NH, and O hydrogenation reactions, it is found that there is a linear relationship between the barrier and the valency of R (R=C, N, NH, and O). Detailed analyses are carried out to rationalize the barriers of the reactions, which shows that: (i) The interaction energy between two reactants in the transition state plays an important role in determining the trend in the barriers; (ii) there are two major components in the interaction energy: The bonding competition and the direct Pauli repulsion; and (iii) the Pauli repulsion effect is responsible for the linear valency-barrier trend in the C, N, NH, and O hydrogenation reactions. For the NH2+H reaction, which is different from other hydrogenation reactions studied, the energy cost of the NH2 activation from the IS to the TS is the main part of the barrier. The potential energy surface of the NH2 on metal surfaces is thus crucial to the barrier of NH2+H reaction. Three important factors that can affect the barrier of association reactions are generalized: (i) The bonding competition effect; (ii) the local charge densities of the reactants along the reaction direction; and (iii) the potential energy surface of the reactants on the surface. The lowest energy pathway for a surface association reaction should correspond to the one with the best compromise of these three factors. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.