977 resultados para herpes simplex 2


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The complement system represents a cascade of serum proteins, which provide a major effector function in innate immunity. Recent studies have revealed that complement links innate and adaptive immunity via complement receptors CD21/CD35 in that it enhances the B cell memory response to noninfectious protein antigens introduced i.v. To examine the importance of complement for immune responses to virus infection in a peripheral tissue, we compared the B cell memory response of mice deficient in complement C3, C4, or CD21/CD35 with wild-type controls. We found that the deficient mice failed to generate a normal memory response, which is characterized by a reduction in IgG antibody and germinal centers. Thus, complement is important not only in the effector function of innate immunity but also in the stimulation of memory B cell responses to viral-infected cell antigens in both blood and peripheral tissues.


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The partially overlapping ORF P and ORF O are located within the domains of the herpes simplex virus 1 genome transcribed during latency. Earlier studies have shown that ORF P is repressed by infected cell protein 4 (ICP4), the major viral regulatory protein, binding to its cognate site at the transcription initiation site of ORF P. The ORF P protein binds to p32, a component of the ASF/SF2 alternate splicing factors; in cells infected with a recombinant virus in which ORF P was derepressed there was a significant decrease in the expression of products of key regulatory genes containing introns. We report that (i) the expression of ORF O is repressed during productive infection by the same mechanism as that determining the expression of ORF P; (ii) in cells infected at the nonpermissive temperature for ICP4, ORF O protein is made in significantly lower amounts than the ORF P protein; (iii) the results of insertion of a sequence encoding 20 amino acids between the putative initiator methionine codons of ORF O and ORF P suggest that ORF O initiates at the methionine codon of ORF P and that the synthesis of ORF O results from frameshift or editing of its RNA; and (iv) glutathione S-transferase–ORF O fusion protein bound specifically ICP4 and precluded its binding to its cognate site on DNA in vitro. These and earlier results indicate that ORF P and ORF O together have the capacity to reduce the synthesis or block the expression of regulatory proteins essential for viral replication in productive infection.


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During infection of a new host, the first surfaces encountered by herpes simplex viruses are the apical membranes of epithelial cells of mucosal surfaces. These cells are highly polarized, and the protein composition of their apical and basolateral membranes are very different, so that different viral entry pathways have evolved for each surface. To determine whether the viral glycoprotein G (gG) is specifically required for efficient infection of a particular surface of polarized cells, apical and basal surfaces were infected with wild-type virus or a gG deletion mutant. After infection of polarized cells in culture, the gG− virus was deficient in infection of apical surfaces but was able to infect cells through basal membranes, replicate, and spread into surrounding cells. The gG-dependent step in apical infection was a stage beyond attachment. After in vivo infection of apical surfaces of epithelial cells of nonscarified mouse corneas, infection by glycoprotein C− or gG− virus was considerably reduced as compared with that observed after infection with wild-type virus. In contrast, when corneas were scarified, allowing virus access to other cell surfaces, the gG and glycoprotein C deletion mutants infected eyes as efficiently as wild-type viruses. A secondary mutation allowing infection of apical surfaces by gG− virus arose readily during passage of the virus in nonpolarized cells, indicating that either the gG-dependent step of apical infection can be bypassed or that another viral protein can acquire the same function.


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We report successful electro-gene therapy (EGT) by using plasmid DNA for tumor-bearing mice. Subcutaneously inoculated CT26 tumor was subjected to EGT, which consists of intratumoral injection of a naked plasmid encoding a marker gene or a therapeutic gene, followed by in vivo electroporation (EP). When this treatment modality is carried out with the plasmid DNA for the green fluorescent protein gene, followed by in vivo EP with the optimized pulse parameters, numerous intensely bright green fluorescent signals appeared within the tumor. EGT, by using the “A” fragment of the diphtheria toxin gene significantly inhibited the growth of tumors, by about 30%, on the flank of mice. With the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene, followed by systemic injection of ganciclovir, EGT was far more effective in retarding tumor growth, varying between 50% and 90%, compared with the other controls. Based on these results, it appears that EGT can be used successfully for treating murine solid tumors.


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To pursue an earlier observation that the protein encoded by the UL34 gene binds to intermediate chain of dynein, we constructed a series of mutants from which sequences encoding the entire protein (ΔUL34) or amino-terminal [UL34Δ(3–119)] or carboxyl-terminal [UL34Δ(245–275)] domains were deleted. The mutant lacking the sequence encoding the carboxyl-terminal domain grew in all cell lines tested. The two other mutants replicated only in cell type-dependent manner and poorly. Rescue of ΔUL34 mutant with a fragment that does not encompass the UL31 ORF restored wild-type phenotype. UL34 protein interacts physically with UL31, and the UL31 deletion mutant appears to have a phenotype similar to that of UL34 deletion mutant. Experiments designed to determine whether the phenotypes of the deletion mutants have a common base revealed that cells infected with the ΔUL34 mutant accumulate UL31 RNA but not the corresponding protein. The UL31 protein accumulated, however, to near wild-type virus-infected cell levels in cells infected with ΔUL34 mutant and treated with the MG132 proteosomal inhibitor at 6 h after infection. This is evidence that the stability of an essential viral protein requires the presence of another protein. The observation raises the bar for identification of gene function on the basis of analyses of the phenotype of mutants in which the gene has been deleted or rendered inoperative.


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About 70% of hepatocellular carcinomas are known to express α-fetoprotein, which is normally expressed in fetal but not in adult livers. To induce herpes simplex virus-thymidine kinase expression in these cancer cells, we constructed an adeno-associated viral vector containing the HSV-TK gene under the control of the α-fetoprotein enhancer and albumin promoter. We previously demonstrated in vitro that although this vector can transduce a variety of human cells, only transduced AFP and albumin-expressing hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines were sensitive to killing by ganciclovir (GCV). In the present study, we explored the effect of this vector on hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vivo. Subcutaneous tumors generated in nude mice by implanting hepatocellular carcinoma cells previously transduced with this vector shrank dramatically after treatment with GCV. Bystander effect was also observed on the tumors generated by mixing transduced and untransduced cells. To test whether the tumor cells can be transduced by the virus in vivo, we injected the recombinant adeno-associated virus into tumors generated by untransduced hepatocarcinoma cell line. Tumor growth were retarded after treatment with GCV. These experiments demonstrate the feasibility of in vivo transduction of tumor cell with rAAV.


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The US9 gene of herpes simplex virus 1 encodes a virion tegument protein with a predicted Mr of 10,000. Earlier studies have shown that the gene is not essential for viral replication in cells in culture. We report that (i) US9 forms in denaturing polyacrylamide gels multiple overlapping bands ranging in Mr from 12,000 to 25,000; (ii) the protein recovered from infected cells or purified virions reacts with anti-ubiquitin antibodies; (iii) autoradiographic images of US9 protein immunoprecipitated from cells infected with [35S]methionine-labeled virus indicate that the protein is stable for at least 4 h after entry into cells (the protein was also stable for at least 4 h after a 1-h labeling interval 12 h after infection); (iv) antibody to subunit 12 of proteasomes pulls down US9 protein from herpes simplex virus-infected cell lysates; and (v) the US9 gene is highly conserved among the members of the alpha subfamily of herpes viruses, and the US9 gene product lacks lysines. We conclude that US9 is a lysine-less, ubiquitinated protein that interacts with the ubiquitin-dependent pathway for degradation of proteins and that this function may be initiated at the time of entry of the virus into the cell.


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The infected cell protein no. 0 (ICP0) of herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) is a promiscuous transactivator shown to enhance the expression of gene introduced into cells by infection or transfection. At the molecular level, ICP0 is a 775-aa ring finger protein localized initially in the nucleus and late in infection in the cytoplasm and mediates the degradation of several proteins and stabilization of others. None of the known functions at the molecular level account for the apparent activity of ICP0 as a transactivator. Here we report that ICP0 functionally interacts with cellular transcription factor BMAL1, a member of the basic helix–loop–helix PER-ARNT-SIM (PAS) super family of transcriptional regulators. Specifically, sequences mapped to the exon II of ICP0 interacted with BMAL1 in the yeast two-hybrid system and in reciprocal pull-down experiments in vitro. Moreover, the enhancement of transcription of a luciferase reporter construct whose promoter contained multiple BMAL1-binding sites by ICP0 and BMAL1 was significantly greater than that observed by ICP0 or BMAL1 alone. Although the level of BMAL1 present in nuclei of infected cells remained unchanged between 3 and 8 h after infection, the level of cytoplasmic BMAL1 was reduced at 8 h after infection. The reduction of cytoplasmic BMAL1 was significantly greater in cells infected with the ICP0-null mutant than in the wild-type virus-infected cells, suggesting that ICP0 mediates partial stabilization of the protein. These results indicate that ICP0 interacts physically and functionally with at least one cellular transcription-regulatory factor.


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Using a spectrophotometric assay that measures the hyperchromicity that accompanies the unwinding of a DNA duplex, we have identified an ATP-independent step in the unwinding of a herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) origin of replication, Oris, by a complex of the HSV-1 origin binding protein (UL9 protein) and the HSV-1 single-strand DNA binding protein (ICP8). The sequence unwound is the 18-bp A + T-rich segment that links the two high-affinity UL9 protein binding sites, boxes I and II of Oris. P1 nuclease sensitivity of Oris and single-strand DNA-dependent ATPase measurements of the UL9 protein indicate that, at 37°C, the A + T-rich segment is sufficiently single stranded to permit the binding of ICP8. Binding of the UL9 protein to boxes I and II then results in the formation of the UL9 protein–ICP8 complex, that can, in the absence of ATP, promote unwinding of the A + T-rich segment. On addition of ATP, the helicase activity of the UL9 protein–ICP8 complex can unwind boxes I and II, permitting access of the replication machinery to the Oris sequences.


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The product of the herpes simplex virus type 1 UL28 gene is essential for cleavage of concatemeric viral DNA into genome-length units and packaging of this DNA into viral procapsids. To address the role of UL28 in this process, purified UL28 protein was assayed for the ability to recognize conserved herpesvirus DNA packaging sequences. We report that DNA fragments containing the pac1 DNA packaging motif can be induced by heat treatment to adopt novel DNA conformations that migrate faster than the corresponding duplex in nondenaturing gels. Surprisingly, these novel DNA structures are high-affinity substrates for UL28 protein binding, whereas double-stranded DNA of identical sequence composition is not recognized by UL28 protein. We demonstrate that only one strand of the pac1 motif is responsible for the formation of novel DNA structures that are bound tightly and specifically by UL28 protein. To determine the relevance of the observed UL28 protein–pac1 interaction to the cleavage and packaging process, we have analyzed the binding affinity of UL28 protein for pac1 mutants previously shown to be deficient in cleavage and packaging in vivo. Each of the pac1 mutants exhibited a decrease in DNA binding by UL28 protein that correlated directly with the reported reduction in cleavage and packaging efficiency, thereby supporting a role for the UL28 protein–pac1 interaction in vivo. These data therefore suggest that the formation of novel DNA structures by the pac1 motif confers added specificity on recognition of DNA packaging sequences by the UL28-encoded component of the herpesvirus cleavage and packaging machinery.


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The herpes simplex virus type 1 origin of DNA replication, oriS, contains three copies of the recognition sequence for the viral initiator protein, origin binding protein (OBP), arranged in two palindromes. The central box I forms a short palindrome with box III and a long palindrome with box II. Single-stranded oriS adopts a conformation, oriS*, that is tightly bound by OBP. Here we demonstrate that OBP binds to a box III–box I hairpin with a 3′ single-stranded tail in oriS*. Mutations designed to destabilize the hairpin abolish the binding of OBP to oriS*. The same mutations also inhibit DNA replication. Second site complementary mutations restore binding of OBP to oriS* as well as the ability of mutated oriS to support DNA replication. OriS* is also an efficient activator of the hydrolysis of ATP by OBP. Sequence analyses show that a box III–box I palindrome is an evolutionarily conserved feature of origins of DNA replication from human, equine, bovine, and gallid alpha herpes viruses. We propose that oriS facilitates initiation of DNA synthesis in two steps and that OBP exhibits exquisite specificity for the different conformations oriS adopts at these stages. Our model suggests that distance-dependent cooperative binding of OBP to boxes I and II in duplex DNA is succeeded by specific recognition of a box III–box I hairpin in partially unwound DNA.


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Replication-competent, attenuated herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) derivatives that contain engineered mutations into the viral γ34.5 virulence gene have been used as oncolytic agents. However, as attenuated mutants often grow poorly, they may not completely destroy some tumors and surviving cancer cells simply regrow. Thus, although HSV-1 γ34.5 mutants can reduce the growth of human tumor xenografts in mice and have passed phase I safety studies, their efficacy is limited because they replicate poorly in many human tumor cells. Previously, we selected for a γ34.5 deletion mutant variant that regained the ability to replicate efficiently in tumor cells. Although this virus contains an extragenic suppressor mutation that confers enhanced growth in tumor cells, it remains attenuated. Here, we demonstrate that the suppressor virus replicates to greater levels in prostate carcinoma cells and, importantly, is a more potent inhibitor of tumor growth in an animal model of human prostate cancer than the γ34.5 parent virus. Thus, genetic selection in cancer cells can be used as a tool to enhance the antitumor activity of a replication-competent virus. The increased therapeutic potency of this oncolytic virus may be useful in the treatment of a wide variety of cancers.


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The infected cell protein no. 0 (ICP0), the product of the alpha 0 gene, and an important herpes simplex virus 1 regulatory protein is encoded by three exons. We report that intron 1 forms a family of four stable nonpolyadenylylated cytoplasmic RNAs sharing a common 5' end but differing in 3' ends. The 5' and 3' ends correspond to the accepted splice donor and four splice acceptor sites within the mapped intron domain. The most distant splice acceptor site yields the mRNA encoding the 775-aa protein known as ICP0. The mRNAs resulting from the use of alternative splice acceptor sites were also present in the cytoplasm of infected cells and would be predicted to encode proteins of 152 (ICP0-B), 87 (ICP0-C), and 90 (ICP0-D) amino acids, respectively. Both the stability of the alpha 0 mRNA and the utilization of at least one splice acceptor site was regulated by ICP22 and or US1.5 protein inasmuch as cells infected with a mutant from which these genes had been deleted accumulated smaller amounts of alpha 0 mRNA than would be predicted from the amounts of accumulated intron RNAs. In addition, one splice acceptor site was at best underutilized. These results indicate that both the splicing pattern and longevity of alpha 0 mRNA are regulated. These and other recent examples indicate that herpes simplex virus 1 regulates its own gene expression and that of the infected cells through control of mRNA splicing and longevity.


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Herpes simplex virus vectors are being developed for delivery and expression of human genes to the central nervous system, selective destruction of cancer cells, and as carriers for genes encoding antigens that induce protective immunity against infectious agents. Vectors constructed to meet these objectives must differ from wild-type virus with respect to host range, reactivation from latency, and expression of viral genes. The vectors currently being developed are (i) helper free amplicons, (ii) replication defective viruses, and (iii) genetically engineered replication competent viruses with restricted host range. Whereas the former two types of vectors require stable, continuous cell lines expressing viral genes for their replication, the replication competent viruses will replicate on approved primary human cell strains.