372 resultados para herbal appetizer


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Background. Acute diarrhea (AD) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among both children and adults. An ideal antidiarrheal treatment should be safe, effective, compatible with Oral Rehydration Solution, and inexpensive. Herbal medicines, if effective, should fit these criteria as well or better than standard treatment. ^ Objective. The objective of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of plant preparations in patients with AD in reports of randomized and non-randomized controlled trials. ^ Aims. The aims of the present study were to identify effective antidiarrheal herbs and to identify potential antidiarrheal herbs for future studies of efficacy through well designed clinical trials in human populations. ^ Methods. Nineteen published studies of herbal management of AD were examined to identify effective plant preparations. Ten plant preparations including Berberine (Berberis aristata), tormentil root ( Potentialla tormentilla), baohauhau (from the baobaosan plant), carob (Ceratonia siliqua), pectin (Malus domestica), wood creosote (Creosote bush), guava (Psidium guajava L.), belladonna (Atropa belladonna), white bean (Phaseolis vulgaris), and wheat (Triticum aestivum) were identified. ^ Results. Qualitative data analysis of nineteen clinical trials indicated berberine’s potentially valuable antisecretory effects against diarrhea caused by Vibrio cholerae and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Tormentil root showed significant efficacy against rotavirus-induced diarrhea; carob exhibited antidiarrheal properties not only by acting to detoxify and constipate but by providing a rich source of calories; guava and belladonna are antispasmodics and have been shown to relieve the symptoms of AD. Finally, white bean and wheat yielded favorable clinical and dietary outcomes in children with diarrhea. ^ Conclusion. The present study is the first to review the evidence for use of herbal compounds for treatment of AD. Future randomized controlled trials are needed to evaluate their efficacy and safety.^


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Extracts of Ginkgo biloba leaves are consumed as dietary supplements to counteract chronic, age-related neurological disorders. We have applied high-density oligonucleotide microarrays to define the transcriptional effects in the cortex and hippocampus of mice whose diets were supplemented with the herbal extract. Gene expression analysis focused on the mRNAs that showed a more than 3-fold change in their expression. In the cortex, mRNAs for neuronal tyrosine/threonine phosphatase 1, and microtubule-associated τ were significantly enhanced. Hyperphosphorylated τ is the major constituent of the neurofibrillary tangles in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients. The expression of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-2, calcium and chloride channels, prolactin, and growth hormone (GH), all of which are associated with brain function, were also up-regulated. In the hippocampus, only transthyretin mRNA was upregulated. Transthyretin plays a role in hormone transport in the brain and possibly a neuroprotective role by amyloid-β sequestration. This study reveals that diets supplemented with Ginkgo biloba extract have notable neuromodulatory effects in vivo and illustrates the utility of genome-wide expression monitoring to investigate the biological actions of complex extracts.


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Ethnopharmacological relevance and background: “Dictamnus” was a popular name for a group of medicinal herbaceous plant species of the Rutaceae and Lamiaceae, which since the 4th century have been used for gynaecological problems and other illnesses BCE and still appear in numerous ethnobotanical records. Aims: This research has as four overarching aims: Determining the historical evolution of medical preparations labelled “Dictamnus” and the different factors affecting this long-standing herbal tradition. Deciphering and differentiating those medicinal uses of “Dictamnus” which strictly correspond to Dictamnus (Rutaceae), from those of Origanum dictamnus and other Lamiaceae species. Quantitatively assessing the dependence from herbal books, and pharmaceutical tradition, of modern Dictamnus ethnobotanical records. Determining whether differences between Western and Eastern Europe exist with regards to the Dictamnus albus uses in ethnopharmacology and ethnomedicine. Methods: An exhaustive review of herbals, classical pharmacopoeias, ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological literature was conducted. Systematic analysis of uses reported which were standardized according to International Classification of Diseases – 10 and multivariate analysis using factorial, hierarchical and neighbour joining methods was undertaken. Results and discussion: The popular concept “Dictamnus” includes Origanum dictamnus L., Ballota pseudodictamnus (L.) Benth. and B. acetabulosa (L.) Benth. (Lamiaceae), as well as Dictamnus albus L. and D. hispanicus Webb ex Willk. (Rutaceae), with 86 different types of uses. Between 1000 and 1700 CE numerous complex preparations with “Dictamnus” were used in the treatment of 35 different pathologies. On biogeographical grounds the widespread D. albus is a far more likely prototypical “Dictamnus” than the Cretan endemic Origanum dictamnus. However both form integral parts of the “Dictamnus” complex. Evidence exists for a sufficiently long and coherent tradition for D. albus and D. hispanicus, use to treat 47 different categories of diseases. Conclusions: This approach is a model for understanding the cultural history of plants and their role as resources for health care. “Dictamnus” shows how transmission of traditional knowledge about materia medica, over 26 centuries, represents remarkable levels of development and innovation. All this lead us to call attention to D. albus and D. hispanicus which are highly promising as potential herbal drug leads. The next steps of research should be to systematically analyse phytochemical, pharmacological and clinical evidence and to develop safety, pharmacology and toxicology profiles of the traditional preparations.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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On cover: "New and enlarged edition."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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In recent years, an increasing percentage of people from industrialized countries have been using complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). This, combined with numerous warnings regarding the potential toxicity of these therapies, suggests the need for practitioners to keep abreast of the reported incidence of renal toxicity caused by the ingestion of medicinal herbs. The goal of the present two-part series, on the toxic or beneficial effects of medicinal herbs on renal health, is to provide practitioners with a summary of the most recent information as well as the means by which evidence for benefit or toxicity has been found. In this first article, we explore in vivo evidence of toxicity. Included are nephrotoxicity from aristolochic acid and other components within herbs, herb-drug interactions resulting in adverse renal effects, and renal toxicity from contaminants within the extracts. The review aims to provide a guide to encourage future toxicity studies and rigorous clinical trials.