914 resultados para heart left ventricle enddiastolic pressure
A grelina é um ligante endógeno do receptor secretagogo do hormônio do crescimento (GHSR), potente estimulador da liberação do hormônio de crescimento (GH), ingestão alimentar, e adiposidade. Além disso, sua ação hormonal inclui regulação do metabolismo energético cardíaco. Entretanto, a hipernutrição no início da vida leva ao desenvolvimento da obesidade, induz hipertrofia cardíaca, compromete a função cardíaca, e gera insuficiência cardíaca na vida adulta. Avaliar proteínas chaves no processo de sinalização da grelina no remodelamento cardíaco no coração de camundongos obesos após a hipernutrição na lactação. A obesidade foi induzida por redução de ninhada e camundongos adultos (180 dias) foram divididos em: grupo hiperalimentado, GH com obesidade decorrente de hipernutrição na lactação e controle, GC. Cardiomiócitos (cmi) do ventrículo esquerdo foram analisados por microscopia de luz e estereologia, o conteúdo e fosforilação de proteínas cardíacas: receptor de grelina (hormônio do crescimento secretagogo receptor 1a, GHSR-1a), proteína quinase-B (AKT e pAKT), phosphatidil inositol 3-quinase (PI3K), proteína quinase ativada por AMP (AMPK e pAMPK), m-TOR, pmTOR, Bax, Bcl2 e actina foram analizados por western blotting. A expressão gênica do GHSR-1a foi analisada por PCR em tempo real. A respirometria de alta resolução dos cardiomiócitos foi analisada por oxígrafo OROBOROS. Significância estatística (P< 0,05) determinada por teste t-Student não-pareado. Nossos dados demonstram que a hipernutrição na lactação induz aumento no peso corporal, iniciado aos 10 dias de idade, persistindo até os 180 dias de idade. A glicemia, peso do fígado, e da gordura visceral foram maiores no grupo GH. Além disso, o grupo GH também apresentou aumento no peso do coração e razão peso do coração/CT (comprimento da tíbia), indicando hipertrofia e remodelamento cardíaco, aumento na expressão e conteúdo de GHSR-1a no coração, associado ao maior conteúdo de PI3K e maior conteúdo e fosforilação de AKT, diminuição no conteúdo de Bcl2. Em contraste, o conteúdo e fosforilação da AMPK e mTOR no coração não foram diferentes entre os grupos. Os níveis de grelina plasmático no GH foram menores. A respiração do GH com grelina foi menor que no GC com grelina. A incubação das fibras cardíacas com grelina resultou em aumento do fluxo respiratório após adição de citocromo c nos grupos com grelina, indicando dano à membrana mitocondrial e extravazamento de citocromo c. Os grupos GC com grelina e GH sem grelina apresentaram RCR menor comparado ao GC sem grelina, indicando desacoplamento mitocondrial. Nossos resultados mostram que a hipernutrição na lactação induz diminuição do nível de grelina plasmática e aumento da expressão do GHS-R1a no cardiomiócito do animal quando adulto. Tal processo determina aumento da sensibilidade a grelina no coração, processo que ocorre independentemente de variações do AMPK e mTOR. Sugerimos uma redução no efeito protetor da ação da grelina na AMPK. Também, demonstramos que o remodelamento do miocárdio nestes animais adultos associa-se a GHSR-1a, PI3K, e fosforilação da AKT, mas não com AMPK e mTOR na vida adulta.
O consumo excessivo de gorduras tem sido implicado na gênese da obesidade e de diversas comorbidades relacionadas a esta doença. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito do treinamento resistido em ratos alimentados com dieta hiperlipídica nas seguintes variáveis: composição corporal, adiposidade, área de adipócitos, expressão do fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF) e dos receptores ativados por proliferadores de peroxissomo tipo gama (PPAR-γ) no tecido adiposo retroperitoneal, níveis pressóricos e atividade da metaloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) no ventrículo esquerdo. Foram avaliados 32 ratos machos Wistar divididos em quatro grupos experimentais (n=8/cada) de acordo com o tipo de dieta e o treinamento: sedentário (SED; dieta padrão), sedentário obeso [SED-OB; dieta hiperlipídica (30% de gordura)], treinamento resistido (TR; dieta padrão) e treinamento resistido obeso (TR-OB; dieta hiperlipídica). Após o desmame (dia 21), os animais foram submetidos à dieta experimental durante 24 semanas. Doze semanas após início da dieta, os grupos TR e TR-OB iniciaram o período de 12 semanas de treinamento resistido. Este era composto por escaladas em uma escada vertical de 1.1 metros com pesos atados a cauda num total de três sessões de treinamento por semana (Segundas, Quartas e Sextas-feiras) com 4 a 9 escaladas/sessão e 8 a 12 movimentos dinâmicos a cada subida. O treinamento resistido induziu reduções significativas na massa corporal, na massa gorda, no percentual de gordura, na área de adipócitos e nos níveis pressóricos e ainda promoveu aumento de massa magra e na expressão de VEGF e PPAR-γ em ambos os grupos treinados. Além disso, foi observada uma maior atividade da MMP-2 no ventrículo esquerdo nos grupos treinados (TR e TR-OB). Nossos achados demonstram que o treinamento resistido foi capaz de promover mudanças positivas na composição corporal, na atividade da MMP-2 no ventrículo esquerdo, nos níveis pressóricos e em mediadores enzimáticos do tecido adiposo retroperitoneal sugerindo que esta modalidade de exercício pode ser uma ferramenta útil para prevenir as alterações induzidos pelo consumo de uma dieta hiperlipídica.
Isolated papillary muscles have often been used in myocardial mechanical function studies. The objective of the present study was to compare the mechanical function of papillary muscle isolated from left ventricle between Wistar (W) and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats of different ages (1, 3, 6 and 12 months), in order to examine whether there is a difference in intrinsic mechanical properties of muscle between the two rat strains. Muscles were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit solution at 28°C and studied isometrically and isotonically at a stimulation rate of 0.2 Hz. The W and WKY showed statistically significant differences during both isometric and isotonic contractions. During isometric contraction? (l) the peak developed tension (DT) and + dT/dt were lower in WKY rats in the 1 mo groups, (2) the resting tension (RT) was greater in WKY at 3, 6 and 12 mo. (3) time to peak tension (TPT) was greater in WKY at 3 and 12 mo, (4) time for tension to fall from peak to 50% of peak tension (RT 1/2) was greater in WKY at 3 mo and (5) - dT/dt was lower in WKY at 1 and 3 mo. During isotonic contraction, (1) the peak shortening (PS) and -dL/dt were lower in WKY at 12 mo, (2) the time to peak shortening (TPS) was greater in WKY at 3 and 12 mo; (3) + dL/dt was lower in WKY at 3, 6, and 12 mo and (4) the relative variation of length (Lmax-PS)/Lmax was greater in WKY at 6 and 12 mo. These data showed a difference in mechanical behaviour of the papillary muscle between Wistar and Wistar-Kyoto rats of different age.
Purpose - To investigate the participation of contractile state and relaxation in cardiac muscle dysfunction during the transition from stable hypertrophy to cardiac decompensation in aging spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Methods - isolated left ventricular papillary muscle function was studied in SHR with heart failure (SHR-F), in age-matched SHR without evidence of heart failure (SHR-NF), and in nonhypertensive controls Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY). Muscles were analised in isometric and isotonic contractions in Krebs-Henseleit solution with calcium concentration of 1.25mM at 28°C. Results - Papillary muscles from SHR-F and SHR-NF demonstrated decreased active tension development and shortening velocity relative to normotensive WKY (p<0.05). SHR-F and SHR-NF did not differ. Compared with SHR-NF and WKY, muscle passive stiffness was increased in the failing SHR (p<0.05 versus WKY and SHR-NF). This parameter did not differ between SHR-NF and WKY (p> 0.05). Conclusion - These data suggest that the progression from stable hypertrophy to heart failure is associated with changes in the passive stiffness and is not related to depression of myocardial contractile function.
Caloric intake is higher than recommended in many populations. Therefore, enhancing olive oil intake alone may not be the most effective way to prevent cardiovascular diseases. The purpose of the present study was to analyse the association of olive oil and dietary restriction on lipid profile and myocardial antioxidant defences. Male Wistar rats (180-200 g, n = 6) were divided into 4 groups: control ad libitum diet (C), 50% restricted diet (DR), fed ad libitum and supplemented with olive oil (3 mL/(kg-day)) (OO), and 50% restricted diet and supplemented with olive oil (DROO). After 30 days of treatments, OO, DR, and DROO groups had increased total cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations. DR and DROO animals showed decreased low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. DROO had the lowest low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration. Total lipids and triacylglycerols were raised by dietary restriction and diminished by olive oil. OO rats had higher myocardial Superoxide dismutase and lower catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities than C rats. DR and DROO showed enhanced cardiac Superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase activities from the control. Olive oil supplementation alone improved the lipid profile but was more effective when coupled with dietary restriction. There was a synergistic beneficial action of dietary restriction and olive oil on serum lipids and myocardial antioxidant defences.
Objective: To assess the effect of growth hormone (GH) on myocardial remodeling in infarcted rats. Methods: This study comprised 24 Wistar rats divided into 3 groups as follows: 1) AMI-GH group - comprising 8 rats that underwent infarction and were treated with GH; 2) AMI group - comprising 8 rats that underwent infarction and received only the diluent of the GH solution; and 3) control group (C group) - comprising 8 rats that underwent simulated infarction. After 30 days, the animals underwent functional study through echocardiography, and the changes in myocardial contractility of the isolated left ventricular (LV) papillary muscle were studied. Results: The echocardiography identified an increase in the diastolic (C=7.32±0.49; AMI=8.50±0.73; AMI-GH=9.34±0.73; P<0.05) and systolic (C=3.38±0.47, AMI=5.16±1.24; AMI-GH=5.96±1.54; P<0.05) diameters (mm) in the LV of the infarcted animals. The AMI-GH group animals had a lower ejection fraction (%) (C=0.9±0.03; AMI=0.76±0.12; AMI-GH=0.72± 0.14; P<0.05 for C vs AMI-GH) compared with those in controls. The study of the isolated left ventricular papillary muscle showed that the AMI-GH group had changes (C=1.50±0.59; AMI= 1.28±0.38; AMI-GH=1.98±0.41; P<0.05 for C vs AMI-GH) only in the tension at rest (TR - g/mm2) and in the time delta for a 50% decrease in the tension developed (TR50, ms) after stimulation with calcium (C=23.75±9.16; AMI=-16.56±14.82; AMI-GH=-4.69±8.39; P<0.05 for C vs AMI-GH) and in the delta of tension developed (TD, g/mm2) after stimulation with isoproterenol (C=0.99±0.17; AMI=0.54±0.62; AMI-GH=0.08±0.75; P<0.05 for C vs AMI-GH) compared with those in control animals. Conclusion: The early administration of GH in the experimental infarction model in rats may result in adverse effects on the process of ventricular remodeling.
Doppler echocardiography has been used for the diagnosis of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity. However, few data are available that include asymptomatic children previously treated with a low cumulative dose of this drug and therefore have a low risk of cardiac dysfunction. The aim of this study was to evaluate after-exercise cardiac function in asymptomatic children previously treated with a low cumulative dose of anthracycline and no clinical or laboratory evidence of cardiotoxicity. Doppler echocardiography was performed before and immediately after physical exercise in 29 children aged 5 to 17 years (anthracycline [ADRIA] group). All had finished cancer treatment with anthracycline derivatives for ≥1 year (cumulative dose 100 mg/m2). Results were compared with those from age- and gender-matched healthy children (control group; n = 26) using the Mann-Whitney rank test. Exercise-induced cardiac function changes within groups were analyzed using Wilcoxon's signed-rank test. Exercise induced significant increases in left ventricular systolic function indexes in both groups. However, the ADRIA group had significantly lower changes in left ventricular ejection fraction (ADRIA group 0.71 ± 0.02 vs 0.80 ± 0.04 and control group 0.71 ± 0.02 vs 0.89 ± 0.05, p = 0.0017) and end-systolic stress-volume index (ADRIA group 4.59 ± 0.69 vs 6.4 ± 2.0 g.cm-2/ml.m-2 and control group 5.49 ± 0.98 vs 11.54 ± 2.86 g.cm-2/ml.m-2; p <0.0001), indicating decreased functional systolic reserve. In conclusion, asymptomatic children previously treated with low cumulative doses of anthracycline had decreased functional systolic reserve evidenced by exercise, suggesting a nonclinically manifested cardiotoxicity. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The myocardial protection allowed great advance in cardiac surgery, decreasing the mortality and making more feasible complex surgeries. Latterly, the patient population elected for cardiac procedures has been changing towards elderly patients with ventricular function depressed and myocardial hypertrophy. The myocardial hypertrophy condition represents a great challenge since the beginning of the cardiac surgery. Several techniques have been described to protect the myocardial hypertrophy, however with no satisfactory results. In this manuscript we present the state of the art technique of myocardial protection.
Background: This study compared the influence of fasting/refeeding cycles and food restriction on rat myocardial performance and morphology. Methods: Sixty-day-old male Wistar rats were submitted to food ad libitum (C), 50% food restriction (R50), and fasting/refeeding cycles (RF) for 12 weeks. Myocardial function was evaluated under baseline conditions and after progressive increase in calcium and isoproterenol. Myocardium ultrastructure was examined in the papillary muscle. Results: Fasting/refeeding cycles maintained rat body weight and left ventricle weight between control and food-restricted rats. Under baseline conditions, the time to peak tension (TPT) was more prolonged in R50 than in RF and C rats. Furthermore, the maximum tension decline rate (-dT/dt) increased less in R50 than in RF with calcium elevation. While the R50 group showed focal changes in many muscle fibers, such as the disorganization or loss of myofilaments, polymorphic mitochondria with disrupted cristae, and irregular appearance or infolding of the plasma membrane, the RF rats displayed few alterations such as loss or disorganization of myofibrils. Conclusion: Food restriction promotes myocardial dysfunction, not observed in RF rats, and higher morphological damage than with fasting/refeeding. The increase in TPT may be attributed possibly to the disorganization and loss of myofibrils; however, the mechanisms responsible for the alteration in -dT/dt in R50 needs to be further clarified. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: The pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension (PH) in hemodialysis is still unclear. The aim of thisstudy was to identify the risk factors associated with the presence of PH in chronic hemodialysis patients and toverify whether these factors might explain the highest mortality among them.Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of hemodialysis patients who started treatment from August 2001to October 2007 and were followed up until April 2011 in a Brazilian referral medical school. According to theresults of echocardiography examination, patients were allocated in two groups: those with PH and those withoutPH. Clinical parameters, site and type of vascular access, bioimpedance, and laboratorial findings were comparedbetween the groups and a logistic regression model was elaborated. Actuarial survival curves were constructed andhazard risk to death was evaluated by Cox regression analysis.Results: PH > 35 mmHg was found in 23 (30.6%) of the 75 patients studied. The groups differed in extracellularwater, ventricular thickness, left atrium diameter, and ventricular filling. In a univariate analysis, extracellular waterwas associated with PH (relative risk = 1.194; 95% CI of 1.006 1.416; p = 0.042); nevertheless, in a multiple model,only left atrium enlargement was independently associated with PH (relative risk =1.172; 95% CI of 1.010 1.359;p = 0.036). PH (hazard risk = 3.008; 95% CI of 1.285 7.043; p = 0.011) and age (hazard risk of 1.034 per year of age;95% CI of 1.000 7.068; p = 0.047) were significantly associated with mortality in a multiple Cox regression analysis.However, when albumin was taken in account the only statistically significant association was between albuminlevel and mortality (hazard risk = 0.342 per g/dL; 95% CI of 0.119 0.984; p = 0.047) while the presence of PH lost itsstatistical significance (p = 0.184). Mortality was higher in patients with PH (47.8% vs 25%) who also had astatistically worse survival after the sixth year of follow up.Conclusions: PH in hemodialysis patients is associated with parameters of volume overload that sheds light on itspathophysiology. Mortality is higher in hemodialysis patients with PH and the low albumin level can explain thisassociation.© 2012 Greenfield et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy (TIC) is an important cause of heart failure as it is potentially reversible after ventricular rate control. A 66-year-old hypertensive woman presented with a 15-day history of tachycardia, dyspnoea and oedema. ECG revealed atrial fibrillation with ventricular frequency of 130 beats per minute (bpm). Echocardiogram showed dilated left ventricle (LV) with 0.39 ejection fraction. Angiography revealed non-obstructed coronary arteries. Heart rate and cardiac failure were controlled with amiodarone, digoxine, captopril, metoprolol and furosemide. During follow-up, despite drug dose optimisation, the patient kept complaining of tachycardia and dyspnoea with a ventricular rate between 108 and 120 bpm. Medical staff suspected she was not taking her medicines properly. Two months later, the patient was asymptomatic and had converted to sinus rhythm (heart rate of 76 bpm). Echocardiogram showed normal LV size and function. Patient 's diagnosis was TIC. Although rare, TIC should be considered in all cases of systolic dysfunction associated with tachyarrhythmia. Copyright 2012 BMJ Publishing Group. All rights reserved.
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is characterized by chamber dilation and cardiac dysfunction. Because of the poor prognosis, models are needed for the investigation of and development of new therapeutic approaches, as well as stem cell therapy. Doxorubicin (DOX), used as chemotherapeutic agent, is reported to be cumulative cardiotoxic causing DCM. The aim of the study was to investigate the onset of systolic dysfunction using echocardiography in rabbits receiving two different doses of DOX (1. mg/kg twice a week and 2. mg/kg once a week). Twenty rabbits were treated with doxorubicin in two different doses for 6. weeks and compared with a control group treated with NaCl 0.9%. The effect of doxorubicin on the myocardium was investigated with histological analysis and scanning electron microscopy of left ventricle (LV), as well as in the interventricular septum (IVS) and right ventricle (RV). The results showed a high mortality rate for rabbits receiving 2. mg/kg once a week. A significant reduction in systolic function was present in animals treated with DOX after 6. weeks, with decreased ejection fraction and shortening fraction. Histology and electron microscopy revealed vacuolization, intracytoplasmic granulation, necrosis and interstitial fibrosis in LV, as well as in the IVS and RV. Doxorubicin induced changes are present in the LV, RV and IVS, and the administration at the dose of 1. mg/kg twice a week for only 6. weeks is safe and sufficient to induce DCM in rabbits. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Background: Currently, 13-cis-retinoic acid (13-cis-RA) is the most effective therapy for acne. Isotretinoin, a first-generation synthetic 13-cis-RA compound, is associated with numerous adverse effects. To investigate the cardiac effects of 13-cis-RA, acne patients receiving 13-cis-RA were studied. Methods: Twenty male patients with acne were enrolled in the study. Patients were treated with a dose of 0.5 mg/kg/d of isotretinoin. All participants were assessed prior to treatment and after 10 weeks of therapy with Doppler-echocardiogram. Results: Patients showed reductions in right atrium vertical diameter, left atrium longitudinal diameter, left atrium volume and left ventricular diastolic diameter over the course of treatment. Significant increases in interventricular septum diastolic thickness, posterior wall diastolic thickness, relative wall relative thickness and left ventricle (LV) mass were observed. The LV mass index showed an increase in ventricular mass and a decrease in the cavity size. Examining LV systolic function, a decrease was observed for the cardiac index. Conclusion: In this study, 10 weeks of 13-cis-RA therapy at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg/d was found to promote concentric-type heart remodeling due to the occurrence of two associated events: heart hypertrophy and hypovolemia. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study was aimed to evaluate the influence of vitamin D (VD) deficiency on cardiac metabolism, morphology, and function. Thus, we investigated the relationship of these changes with the length of the nutrient restriction. Male weanling Wistar rats were allocated into 4 groups: C2 (n=24), animals were fed an AIN-93G diet with 1000 IU VD/kg of chow and were kept under fluorescent light for 2 months; D2 (n=22), animals were fed a VD-deficient AIN-93G diet and were kept under incandescent light for 2 months; C4 (n=21) animals were kept in the same conditions of C2 for 4 months; and D4 (n=23) animals were kept in the same conditions of D2 for 4 months. Biochemical analyses showed lower β-hydroxyacyl coenzyme-A dehydrogenase activity and higher lactate dehydrogenase activity in VD-deficient animals. Furthermore, VD deficiency was related to increased cytokines release, oxidative stress, apoptosis, and fibrosis. Echocardiographic data showed left ventricular hypertrophy and lower fractional shortening and ejection fraction in VD-deficient animals. Difference became evident in the lactate dehydrogenase activity, left ventricular weight, right ventricle weight, and left ventricular mass after 4 months of VD deficiency. Our data indicate that VD deficiency is associated with energetic metabolic changes, cardiac inflammation, oxidative stress, fibrosis and apoptosis, cardiac hypertrophy, left chambers alterations, and systolic dysfunction. Furthermore, length of the restriction influenced these cardiac changes.