967 resultados para guided wave optics


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A relatively simple transform from an arbitrary solution of the paraxial wave equation to the corresponding exact solution of the Helmholtz wave equation is derived in the condition that the evanescent waves are ignored and is used to study the corrections to the paraxial approximation of an arbitrary free-propagation beam. Specifically, the general lowest-order correction field is given in a very simple form and is proved to be exactly consistent with the perturbation method developed by Lax et nl. [Phys. Rev. A 11, 1365 (1975)]. Some special examples, such as the lowest-order correction to the paraxial approximation of a fundamental Gaussian beam whose waist plane has a parallel shin from the z = 0 plane, are presented. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.


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We have shown that high energy ion implantation enhanced intermixing (HE-IIEI) technology for quantum well (QW) structures is a powerful technique which can be used to blue shift the band gap energy of a QW structure and therefore decrease its band gap absorption. Room temperature (RT) photoluminescence (PL) and guided-wave transmission measurements have been employed to investigate the amount of blue shift of the band gap energy of an intermixed QW structure and the reduction of band gap absorption, Record large blue shifts in PL peaks of 132 nm for a 4-QW InGaAs/InGaAsP/InP structure have been demonstrated in the intermixed regions of the QW wafers, on whose non-intermixed regions, a shift as small as 5 nm is observed. This feature makes this technology very attractive for selective intermixing in selected areas of an MQW structure. The dramatical reduction in band gap absorption for the InP based MQW structure has been investigated experimentally. It is found that the intensity attenuation for the blue shifted structure is decreased by 242.8 dB/cm for the TE mode and 119 dB/cm for the TM mode with respect to the control samples. Electro-absorption characteristics have also been clearly observed in the intermixed structure. Current-Voltage characteristics were employed to investigate the degradation of the p-n junction in the intermixed region. We have achieved a successful fabrication and operation of Y-junction optical switches (JOS) based on MQW semiconductor optical amplifiers using HE-IIEI technology to fabricate the low loss passive waveguide. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Design and development of a new feed -horn antenna with low sidelobe levels is reported . The E-walls of this antenna are fabricated with low -loss dielectric substrate , periodically loaded with thin conducting strips . The antenna is found to be simulating the radiation characteristics of metallic corrugated horns . This can be an ideal substitute for metallic corrugated horns with added advantages like light -weight and low production cost.


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Design and development of a new feed -horn antenna with low sidelobe levels is reported . The E-walls of this antenna are fabricated with low -loss dielectric substrate , periodically loaded with thin conducting strips . The antenna is found to be simulating the radiation characteristics of metallic corrugated horns . This can be an ideal substitute for metallic corrugated horns with added advantages like light -weight and low production cost.


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We consider a two-dimensional problem of scattering of a time-harmonic electromagnetic plane wave by an infinite inhomogeneous conducting or dielectric layer at the interface between semi-infinite homogeneous dielectric half-spaces. The magnetic permeability is assumed to be a fixed positive constant. The material properties of the media are characterized completely by an index of refraction, which is a bounded measurable function in the layer and takes positive constant values above and below the layer, corresponding to the homogeneous dielectric media. In this paper, we examine only the transverse magnetic (TM) polarization case. A radiation condition appropriate for scattering by infinite rough surfaces is introduced, a generalization of the Rayleigh expansion condition for diffraction gratings. With the help of the radiation condition the problem is reformulated as an equivalent mixed system of boundary and domain integral equations, consisting of second-kind integral equations over the layer and interfaces within the layer. Assumptions on the variation of the index of refraction in the layer are then imposed which prove to be sufficient, together with the radiation condition, to prove uniqueness of solution and nonexistence of guided wave modes. Recent, general results on the solvability of systems of second kind integral equations on unbounded domains establish existence of solution and continuous dependence in a weighted norm of the solution on the given data. The results obtained apply to the case of scattering by a rough interface between two dielectric media and to many other practical configurations.


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The problem of scattering of time-harmonic acoustic waves by an inhomogeneous fluid layer on a rigid plate in R2 is considered. The density is assumed to be unity in the media: within the layer the sound speed is assumed to be an arbitrary bounded measurable function. The problem is modelled by the reduced wave equation with variable wavenumber in the layer and a Neumann condition on the plate. To formulate the problem and prove uniqueness of solution a radiation condition appropriate for scattering by infinite rough surfaces is introduced, a generalization of the Rayleigh expansion condition for diffraction gratings. With the help of the radiation condition the problem is reformulated as a system of two second kind integral equations over the layer and the plate. Under additional assumptions on the wavenumber in the layer, uniqueness of solution is proved and the nonexistence of guided wave solutions of the homogeneous problem established. General results on the solvability of systems of integral equations on unbounded domains are used to establish existence and continuous dependence in a weighted norm of the solution on the given data.


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Civil infrastructures begin to deteriorate once they are built and used. Detecting the damages in a structure to maintain its safety is a topic that has received considerable attention in the literature in recent years. In vibration-based methods, the first few modes are used to assess the locations and the amount of damage. However, a small number of the global modes are not sufficient to reliably detect minor damage in the structure. Also, a common limitation of these techniques is that they require a high-fidelity model of the structure to start with, which is usually not available. Recently, guided waves (GW) have been found as an effective and efficient way to detect incipient damages due to its capacity of relatively long propagation range as well as its flexibility in selecting sensitive mode-frequency combinations. In this paper, an integrated structural health monitoring test scheme is developed to detect damages in reinforced concrete (RC) beams. Each beam is loaded at the middle span progressively to damage. During each loading step, acoustic emission (AE) method is used as a passive monitoring method to catch the AE signals caused by the crack opening and propagation. After each loading step, vibration tests and guided wave tests are conducted as a combined active monitoring measure. The modal parameters and wave propagation results are used to derive the damage information. Experimental results show that the integrated method is efficient to detect incipient damages in RC structures.


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Structural condition monitoring methods can be generally classified as local and global. While the global method needs only a small number of sensors to measure the low-frequency structural vibration properties, the acquired information is often not sufficiently sensitive to minor damages in a structure. Local methods, on the other hand, could be very sensitive to minor damages but their detection range is usually small. To overcome the drawbacks and take advantage of both methods, an integrated condition monitoring system has been recently developed for structural damage detection, which combines guided wave and structural vibration tests. This study aims at finding a viable damage identification method for steel structures by using this system. First, a spectral element modelling method is developed, which can simulate both wave propagation and structural vibration properties. Then the model is used in updating analysis to identify crack damage. Extensive numerical simulations and model updating works are conducted. The experimental and numerical results suggest that simply combining the objective functions cannot provide better structural damage identification. A two-stage damage identification scheme is more suitable for identifying damage in steel beams.


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A spectral element model updating procedure is presented to identify damage in a structure using Guided wave propagation results. Two damage spectral elements (DSE1 and DSE2) are developed to model the local (cracks in reinforcement bar) and global (debonding between reinforcement bar and concrete) damage in one-dimensional homogeneous and composite waveguide, respectively. Transfer matrix method is adopted to assemble the stiffness matrix of multiple spectral elements. In order to solve the inverse problem, clonal selection algorithm is used for the optimization calculations. Two displacement-based functions and two frequency-based functions are used as objective functions in this study. Numerical simulations of wave propagation in a bare steel bar and in a reinforcement bar without and with various assumed damage scenarios are carried out. Numerically simulated data are then used to identify local and global damage of the steel rebar and the concrete-steel interface using the proposed method. Results show that local damage is easy to be identified by using any considered objective function with the proposed method while only using the wavelet energy-based objective function gives reliable identification of global damage. The method is then extended to identify multiple damages in a structure. To further verify the proposed method, experiments of wave propagation in a rectangular steel bar before and after damage are conducted. The proposed method is used to update the structural model for damage identification. The results demonstrate the capability of the proposed method in identifying cracks in steel bars based on measured wave propagation data.


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By exploring the relationship between the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a gravitational field and the light propagation in a refractive medium, it is shown that, in the presence of a positive cosmological constant, the velocity of light will be smaller than its special relativity value. Then, restricting again to the domain of validity of geometrical optics, the same result is obtained in the context of wave optics. It is argued that this phenomenon and the anisotropy in the velocity of light in a gravitational field are produced by the same mechanism.


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This work presents a review of recent developments in phase-stepping real-time holographic interferometry with photorefractive sillenite crystals. Quantitative results are shown in micro-rotation, micro-displacement, and micro-deformation measurements, and in wave-optics and surface analysis as well. The phase stepping was carried out in a four-frame process and the resulting phase map was unwrapped by applying a sin/cos filter. The experimental results are in good agreement with the ones obtained through other means, showing the promising potentialities of phase-stepping real-time holographic interferometry for in situ visualisation, monitoring and analysis in non-destructive testing.


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Assessment of the integrity of structural components is of great importance for aerospace systems, land and marine transportation, civil infrastructures and other biological and mechanical applications. Guided waves (GWs) based inspections are an attractive mean for structural health monitoring. In this thesis, the study and development of techniques for GW ultrasound signal analysis and compression in the context of non-destructive testing of structures will be presented. In guided wave inspections, it is necessary to address the problem of the dispersion compensation. A signal processing approach based on frequency warping was adopted. Such operator maps the frequencies axis through a function derived by the group velocity of the test material and it is used to remove the dependence on the travelled distance from the acquired signals. Such processing strategy was fruitfully applied for impact location and damage localization tasks in composite and aluminum panels. It has been shown that, basing on this processing tool, low power embedded system for GW structural monitoring can be implemented. Finally, a new procedure based on Compressive Sensing has been developed and applied for data reduction. Such procedure has also a beneficial effect in enhancing the accuracy of structural defects localization. This algorithm uses the convolutive model of the propagation of ultrasonic guided waves which takes advantage of a sparse signal representation in the warped frequency domain. The recovery from the compressed samples is based on an alternating minimization procedure which achieves both an accurate reconstruction of the ultrasonic signal and a precise estimation of waves time of flight. Such information is used to feed hyperbolic or elliptic localization procedures, for accurate impact or damage localization.


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A free-space optical (FSO) laser communication system with perfect fast-tracking experiences random power fading due to atmospheric turbulence. For a FSO communication system without fast-tracking or with imperfect fast-tracking, the fading probability density function (pdf) is also affected by the pointing error. In this thesis, the overall fading pdfs of FSO communication system with pointing errors are calculated using an analytical method based on the fast-tracked on-axis and off-axis fading pdfs and the fast-tracked beam profile of a turbulence channel. The overall fading pdf is firstly studied for the FSO communication system with collimated laser beam. Large-scale numerical wave-optics simulations are performed to verify the analytically calculated fading pdf with collimated beam under various turbulence channels and pointing errors. The calculated overall fading pdfs are almost identical to the directly simulated fading pdfs. The calculated overall fading pdfs are also compared with the gamma-gamma (GG) and the log-normal (LN) fading pdf models. They fit better than both the GG and LN fading pdf models under different receiver aperture sizes in all the studied cases. Further, the analytical method is expanded to the FSO communication system with beam diverging angle case. It is shown that the gamma pdf model is still valid for the fast-tracked on-axis and off-axis fading pdfs with point-like receiver aperture when the laser beam is propagated with beam diverging angle. Large-scale numerical wave-optics simulations prove that the analytically calculated fading pdfs perfectly fit the overall fading pdfs for both focused and diverged beam cases. The influence of the fast-tracked on-axis and off-axis fading pdfs, the fast-tracked beam profile, and the pointing error on the overall fading pdf is also discussed. At last, the analytical method is compared with the previous heuristic fading pdf models proposed since 1970s. Although some of previously proposed fading pdf models provide close fit to the experiment and simulation data, these close fits only exist under particular conditions. Only analytical method shows accurate fit to the directly simulated fading pdfs under different turbulence strength, propagation distances, receiver aperture sizes and pointing errors.


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A fully integrated on-board electronic system that can perform in-situ structural health monitoring (SHM) of aircraft?s structures using specifically designed equipment for SHM based on guided wave ultrasonic method or Lamb waves? method is introduced. This equipment is called Phased Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment (PAMELA III) and is an essential part of overall PAMELA SHM? system. PAMELA III can generate any kind of excitation signals, acquire the response signals that propagate throughout the structure being tested, and perform the signal processing for damage detection directly on the structure without need to send the huge amount of raw signals but only the final SHM maps. It monitors the structure by means of an array of integrated Phased Array (PhA) transducers preferably bonded onto the host structure. The PAMELA III hardware for SHM mapping has been designed, built and subjected to laboratory tests, using aluminum and CFRP structures. The 12 channel system has been designed to be low weight (265 grams only), to have a small form factor, to be directly mounted above the integrated PhA transducers without need for cables and to be EMI protected so that the equipment can be taken on board an aircraft to perform required SHM analyses by use of embedded SHM algorithms. Moreover, the autonomous, automatic and on real-time working procedure makes it suitable for the avionic field, sending the corresponding alerts, maps and reports to external equipment.


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Spherical symmetric refractive index distributions also known as Gradient Index lenses such as the Maxwell-Fish-Eye (MFE), the Luneburg or the Eaton lenses have always played an important role in Optics. The recent development of the technique called Transformation Optics has renewed the interest in these gradient index lenses. For instance, Perfect Imaging within the Wave Optics framework has recently been proved using the MFE distribution. We review here the design problem of these lenses, classify them in two groups (Luneburg moveable-limits and fixed-limits type), and establish a new design techniques for each type of problem.