947 resultados para grego clássico
This study was developed based on Classical Greek Language classes, reading and translation of texts. There is also the presence of computer elements due to use of Alpheios digital platform. As an example of a larger proposal, this proposal aims at produce translation aligned with the Portuguese and syntactic annotation with the production of the Greek dependency trees. To achieve the goal, we chose Chapter 34, Volume 1 of The Histories from Herodotus. The methods adopted contain a list and description of the instruments and the morphological categories from the guide (manual rules of syntax tree). The procedures adopted are the description of the alignment process and of syntactic annotation. As study results, we have the production line translation and the syntactic annotation of the excerpt 1.34. It was concluded that the study of this text is relevant, because the lexical density of Herodotus it's interesting at future researchers and students that will use the digital platform Alpheios
This study aims at investigating the existence of a Greek terminological legacy in the Brazilian grammatical organization, taking into account that the initial Greek grammar is the source of our grammar, through the Latin grammar, and that the field defined by it is a reference point for studying the evolution of Western thought about language. The theoretical and methodological approach is based on Historical Linguistics along the lines that guided the extensive research on the emergence of grammar in the West, which is the source of the information organized here (NEVES, 2005). The reflections focus on the examination of nomenclature, considering that it conceptually maps the set of positions assumed, and in general maintained, that deserve consideration. Among other things, the survey compared both Greek terms inherited in the continuous current of the grammatical thinking with Greek terms introduced later, and terms transliterated from the Greek with terms modeled on the Latin translation. In addition, there have been cases of names that were changed while the concept was kept and cases of concepts that were changed while the name was kept. Anyway, the examination of the nomenclature reveals the undeniable existence of a Greek legacy in the organization of the Portuguese grammar.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A dança é uma das formas de expressão artística mais antiga da história da humanidade. O movimento da dança em foco no presente estudo foi a pirouette do ballet clássico. Tal movimento é caracterizado por um ou mais giros em torno do seu próprio eixo, executado sobre uma perna seja em meia ponta ou ponta completa, enquanto a outra está flexionada, com o pé abaixo do joelho da perna de apoio. O presente estudo consistiu em examinar o perfil cinético do movimento pirouette de bailarinas experientes e não experientes no Ballet Clássico. A hipótese é de que as variáveis relativas à força para produzir o giro influencie na realização do pirouette. As participantes do estudo foram convidadas a realizar o pirouette sobre uma plataforma de força. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram que as bailarinas experientes aplicam maior força para iniciar o giro em relação às participantes não experientes. Em conjunto, os resultados do presente estudo sugerem que a força vertical aplicada para iniciar o giro, a qual denominamos impulso inicial, parece ser determinante para a boa performance no movimento pirouette da bailarina. Os resultados do presente estudo oferece uma importante contribuição aos técnicos e professores de dança de forma a valorizar questões de controle motor e postural no processo ensino-aprendizagem do pirouette
This work analyzes the consequences of the intersection between the two spheres polis and oikos. It does so by examining themes present in three plays: Medea, Agamemnon and Lysistrata. The focus of the analysis is the way in which the feminine characters react to conflicts of interests in their respective situations. To fully comprehend which values correspond to which mentioned institution, the work also necessarily investigates the socialization and functions of both genders in fifth-century Athenian society. The analysis of the feminine condition in the creation myth implies the importance of the misogynistic sense of that time, which culminated in the silencing, discrediting, and systemic repression of females. The role of women in society, instilled in all girls starting in early childhood, is to succeed in marriage and domestic permanence. This lies opposite the masculine role, which was focused outside of the family center and to environments relating to war and public life. Matrimony and family, traditional female values, were threatened when overlapping with male interests, such as unavoidable war or social ascension through a different matrimonial bond. Therefore, it is possible to affirm that the opposition evident in the definitions male vs. female indicates that, in certain contexts, the interests of each element cause the conflicts present in the chosen plays
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work analyzes the consequences of the intersection between the two spheres polis and oikos. It does so by examining themes present in three plays: Medea, Agamemnon and Lysistrata. The focus of the analysis is the way in which the feminine characters react to conflicts of interests in their respective situations. To fully comprehend which values correspond to which mentioned institution, the work also necessarily investigates the socialization and functions of both genders in fifth-century Athenian society. The analysis of the feminine condition in the creation myth implies the importance of the misogynistic sense of that time, which culminated in the silencing, discrediting, and systemic repression of females. The role of women in society, instilled in all girls starting in early childhood, is to succeed in marriage and domestic permanence. This lies opposite the masculine role, which was focused outside of the family center and to environments relating to war and public life. Matrimony and family, traditional female values, were threatened when overlapping with male interests, such as unavoidable war or social ascension through a different matrimonial bond. Therefore, it is possible to affirm that the opposition evident in the definitions male vs. female indicates that, in certain contexts, the interests of each element cause the conflicts present in the chosen plays
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este artigo pretende realçar a importância desempenhada pela obra de Henry James Sumner Maine na formação da antropologia jurídica e da sociologia do direito. Mediante a recuperação da tese central de sua obra Ancient Law, procura ressaltar o papel por ela desempenhado no delineamento de uma nova forma de abordagem da relação entre direito e sociedade. Para tanto, recupera traços gerais das análises de Norbert Rouland e de Niklas Luhmann acerca da importância das ideias do autor.
Debato la permanencia de la cultura clásica en Italo Calvino, considerando la producción crítica del propio autor sobre el "clásico" (y los Clásicos) y la relación de su obra ficcional con la épica, la comedia y la tragedia griegas. Más específicamente, comento: 1) en relación con la crítica, las nociones de clásico utilizadas por el autor en el análisis tanto de obras Antiguas como de subsiguientes de estas (y a ellas relacionadas); 2) en relación con la ficción de Calvino, elementos persistentes en la literatura como I) el ideal heroico, II) el pastiche y la crítica mediante figuras fantasiosas e inusitadas y III) el uso de una cultura popular fabulosa como base para la formación de una literatura y para el debate de cuestiones contemporáneas al literato - como un teatrólogo griego. Acredito que la reflexión, aunque sea breve, colabora con el pensamiento de la modernidad no como disociada de una tradición, sino como lugar de debate y uso de esa tradición
Presentación de la metodología empleada en el montaje del glosario electrónico de los verbos griegos medios presentes en la obra Biblioteca de Apolodoro. Después de algunas reflexiones sobre el concepto de la voz media en griego y el reconocimiento de las apariciones en el corpus mencionado, presentamos una pequeña lista de palabras, con algunos lemas previamente seleccionados, con la clasificación de los verbos medios según la función semántica señalada por el sujeto oracional
Fil: Fernández Deagustini, María del Pilar. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Nápoli, Juan Tobías. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Buisel, María Delia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.