494 resultados para granitic intrusions


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U-Pb zircon ages from the exposed Sask craton are 2450-3100 Ma, from the Peter Lake Domain 2575-2640 Ma, and from rocks of the Trans-Hudson orogen 1840-1880 Ma. U-Pb monazite and zircon ages of post-orogenic pegmatites and aplites are 1770-1800 Ma. Common Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of post-orogenic intrusions, as probes of crust beneath the orogen, were compared to Sask craton rocks and ca. 1850 Ma orogenic rocks to infer the origin and subsurface distribution of the Sask craton within the internides of the Trans-Hudson orogen. Results show that post-orogenic intrusions within most of the Glennie Domain and Hanson Lake block were derived, at least in part, from Archean source materials, demonstrating that the Sask craton lies beneath Paleoproterozoic orogenic rocks present at the surface. In contrast, common Pb and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions from pegmatites and aplites of the La Ronge Domain are essentially identical with those of the Paleoproterozoic orogenic rocks into which they are intruded, indicating derivation by partial melting of similar rocks. Thus, if the Sask craton extended to the west beneath the La Ronge Domain, it was beneath the zone of melting that produced the post-orogenic intrusions, making it unlikely that the Sask craton is a detached part of the Hearne craton. Many samples from the Sask craton have elevated Pb-208/Pb-204 ratios, unlike Superior craton or Hearne craton rocks, suggesting that the Sask craton was derived from an exotic source, such as the Wyoming craton, which shares similar elevated Pb-208/Pb-204 ratios.


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Three metamorphic aureoles around intrusions of the Caledonian 'Newer Granite' suite are described. Each represents a different orogenic environment. The Strontian complex is intruded into sillimanite grade Moinian metasediments at the core of the orogen. The aureole comprises three zones; a transitional muscovite + sillimanite + K-feldspar zone, a sillimanite + K-feldspar zone and an inner cordierite + K-feldspar zone. Contact migmatization occurs in the inner part of the aureole. Zoning profiles from garnets in both regional and aureole assemblages show retrograde Mn-rich rims. Fe and Mg compositions are re-equilibrated to contact conditions. Apparent re-equilibration of Ca compositions results from increasingly ideal solid solution behaviour of Ca in plagioclase and garnet with increasing temperature. Temperatures of 690°C at 4.1 kbar (XH2O = 0.53) are estimated in the cordierite + K-feldspar zone, dropping to 630°C (XH2O = 0.69) at the sillimanite + K-feldspar isograd. The zones increase in width to the east, influenced by the regional thermal gradient at the time of intrusion. The timer-scale of the contact event, t2, relative to the regional, tl, - is estimated as t2/t1 = 101.1+ -0.7 and is consistent with Intrusion at an early stage of regional uplift and cooling. The Foyers complex intrudes Moinian rocks at a higher structural level. Regional assemblages range from garnet to sillimanite grade. Three contact zones are recognised; a sillimanite zone, a sillimanite + K-feldspar zone and an inner cordierite + K-feldspar zone. The limit of the aureole is marked by the breakdown of garnet which shows disequilibrium, both texturally, and in complex zoning profiles, within it. Temperatures of 660°C at 3.9 kbar (XH20 = 0.14) are estimated in the cordierite + K-feldspar zone? The Dalbeattie complex is at the margin of the orogen, intruded into low grade Silurian metasediments. Two zones are recognised; a biotite zone and an inner hornblende zone. Cordierite and diopside are present in the inner zone.


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The Criffell-Dalbeattie pluton from SW Scotland is one of a suite of late Caledonian granitoids which are associated with extensive, contemporaneous and compositionally diverse suits of minor intrusions. The minor intrusive suite associated with the Criffell-Dalbeattie pluton is dominantly composed of a series of porphyritic microdiorites, microgranodiorites and microgranites known collectively as the porphyrite-porphyry series. This series can be divided into two groups, the porphyrites and the quartz porphyries, on the basis of petrography and geochemistry although there is some compositional overlap between the two. Compositionally, the porphyrites and quartz porphyries appear to correspond to the granodiorites and granites, respectively, which comprise the Criffell-Dalbeattie pluton, suggesting that the porphyrite-porphyry series of dykes represent magmas which were tapped from the evolving granitic magma chamber. The most mafic component of the minor intrusive suite is represented by calc-alkaline hornblende- and mica bearing lamprophyres. Geochemical studies, including fractional crystallisation, combine assimilation-fractional crystallisation (AFC) show that these are mafic, LILE and LREE enriched melts derived by low degrees of partial melting of a subduction-modified mantle source. It is suggested that the source of the lamprophyres is "Lake District" lithosphere, metasomatised by Lower Palaeozoic subduction, and thrust under the southern part of the Southern Uplands. AFC modelling using chemical and isotopic data further suggest that there is a close genetic link between the lamprophyres and the Criffell-Dalbeattie granitoids and that lamprophyres represent the mantle derived precursors of the Criffell-Dalbeattie granitoids.


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Acknowledgements The Authors are indebted with Dr. Barbara Cerasetti, scientific coordinator of the Italian Archaeological Program in Turkmenistan (Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Civiltà – Università di Bologna – Ministero per gli Affari Esteri – MAE), for the logistical help before and during the field activities in Turkmenistan. Our thanks to the administration of the National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna, to the Turkmenistan Government and to Dr Aman Nigarov for the fruitful assistance in the field. We thank Prof. Marco Antonellini for the discussions on sandstone intrusions. The authors are indebted to the reviewers J. Peakall, P. Imbert, A. Hurst and an anonymous reviewer for the very helpful comments to the manuscript. Funding was provided by Prof. G. Gabbianelli for the field survey and by PRIN 2009 grants to Prof. Rossella Capozzi.