224 resultados para graben
Most existing models for the evolution of rift basins predict the development of deep-water depositional systems during the stage of greatest tectonic subsidence, when accommodation generation potentially outpaces sedimentation. Despite this, some rift basins do not present deep-water systems, instead being dominated by subaerial deposits. This paper focuses on one of these particular rift basins, the Cambrian Guaritas Rift, Southern Brazil, characterized by more than 1500 m of alluvial and aeolian strata deposited in a 50-km-wide basin. The deposits of the Guaritas Rift can be ascribed to four depositional systems: basin-border alluvial fans, bedload-dominated ephemeral rivers, mixed-load ephemeral rivers and aeolian dune fields. These four systems are in part coeval and in part succeed each other, forming three stages of basin evolution: (i) Rift Initiation to Early Rift Climax stage, (ii) Mid to Late Rift Climax stage, and (iii) Early Post-Rift stage. The first stage comprises most of the Guaritas Group and is characterized by homogeneous bed-load-dominated river deposits, which do not clearly record the evolution of subsidence rates. The onset of sedimentation of finer-grained deposits occurred as a consequence of a reactivation event that changed the outline of the basin and the distribution of the nearby highlands. This strongly suggests that the capture of the main river system to another depression decreased the sediment supply to the basin. The study of the Guaritas Rift indicates that rift basins in which the sediment supply exceeds the accommodation generation occur as a consequence of moderate subsidence combined with the capture of a major river system to the basin during the initial stages of basin evolution. In these basins, changes in the average discharge of the river system or tectonic modification of the drainage network may be the major control on the stratigraphic architecture. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Marajo Island is located in a passive continental margin that evolved from rifting associated with the opening of the Equatorial South Atlantic Ocean in the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous period. This study, based on remote sensing integrated with sedimentology, as well as subsurface and seismographic data available from the literature, allows discussion of the significance of tectonics during the Quaternary history of marginal basins. Results show that eastern Marajo Island contains channels with evidence of tectonic control. Mapping of straight channels defined four main groups of lineaments (i.e. NNE-SSW, NE-SW, NW-SE and E-W) that parallel main normal and strike-slip fault zones recorded for the Amazon region. Additionally, sedimentological studies of late Quaternary and Holocene deposits indicate numerous ductile and brittle structures within stratigraphic horizons bounded by undeformed strata, related to seismogenic deformation during or shortly after sediment deposition. This conclusion is consistent with subsurface Bouguer mapping suggestive of eastern Marajo Island being still part of the Marajo graben system, where important fault reactivation is recorded up to the Quaternary. Together with the recognition of several phases of fault reactivation, these data suggest that faults developed in association with rift basins might remain active in passive margins, imposing important control on development of depositional systems. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This thesis deals with the sedimentological/stratigraphic and structural evolution of the sedimentary rocks that occur in the NW continental border of the Potiguar Basin. These rocks are well exposed along coastal cliffs between the localities of Lagoa do Mato and Icapuí, Ceará State (NE Brazil). The sedimentological/stratigraphic study involved, at the outcrop scale, detailed facies descriptions, profile mapping of the vertical succession of different beds, and columnar sections displaying inferred lateral relationships. The approach was complemented by granulometric and petrographic analyses, including the characterization of heavy mineral assemblages. The data set allowed to recognize two kinds of lithological units, a carbonate one of very restricted occurrence at the base of the cliffs, and three younger, distinct siliciclastic units, that predominate along the cliffs, in vertical and lateral extent. The carbonate rocks were correlated to the late Cretaceous Jandaíra Formation, which is covered by the siliciclastic Barreiras Formation. The Barreiras Formation occurs in two distinct structural settings, the usual one with nondeformed, subhorizontal strata, or as tilted beds, affected by strong deformation. Two lithofacies were recognized, vertically arranged or in fault contacts. The lower facies is characterized by silty-argillaceous sandstones with low-angle cross bedding; the upper facies comprises medium to coarse grained sandstones, with conglomeratic layers. The Tibau Formation (medium to coarse-grained sandstones with argillite intercalations) occurs at the NW side of the studied area, laterally interlayered with the Barreiras Formation. Eolic sediments correlated to the Potengi Formation overly the former units, either displaying an angular unconformity, or simply an erosional contact (stratigraphic unconformity). Outstanding structural features, identified in the Barreiras Formation, led to characterize a neocenozoic stress field, which generated faults and folds and/or reactivated older structures in the subjacent late cretaceous (to paleogene, in the offshore basin) section. The structures recognized in the Barreiras Formation comprise two distinct assemblages, namely a main extensional deformation between the localities of Ponta Grossa and Redonda, and a contractional style (succeeded by oblique extensional structures) at Vila Nova. In the first case, the structural assemblage is dominated by N-S (N±20°Az) steep to gently-dipping extensional faults, displaying a domino-style or listric geometry with associated roll-over structures. This deformation pattern is explained by an E-W/WNW extension, contemporaneous with deposition of the upper facies of the Barreiras Formation, during the time interval Miocene to Pleistocene. Strong rotation of blocks and faults generated low-angle distensional faults and, locally, subvertical bedding, allowing to estimate very high strain states, with extension estimates varying between 40% up to 200%. Numerous detachment zones, parallel to bedding, help to acommodate this intense deformation. The detachment surfaces and a large number of faults display mesoscopic features analoguous to the ones of ductile shear zones, with development of S-C fabrics, shear bands, sigmoidal clasts and others, pointing to a hydroplastic deformation regime in these cases. Local occurrences of the Jandaíra limestone are controled by extensional faults that exhume the pre-Barreiras section, including an earlier event with N-S extension. Finally, WNWtrending extensional shear zones and faults are compatible with the Holocene stress field along the present continental margin. In the Vila Nova region, close to Icapuí, gentle normal folds with fold hinges shallowly pluging to SSW affect the lower facies of the Barreiras Formation, displaying an incipient dissolution cleavage associated with an extension lineation at high rake (a S>L fabric). Deposition of the upper facies siliciclastics is controlled by pull-apart graben structures, bordered by N-NE-trending sinistral-normal shear zones and faults, characterizing an structural inversion. Microstructures are compatible with tectonic deformation of the sedimentary pile, burried at shallow depths. The observed features point to high pore fluid pressures during deformation of the sediments, producing hydroplastic structures through mechanisms of granular flow. Such structures are overprinted by microfractures and microfaults (an essentially brittle regime), tracking the change to microfracturing and frictional shear mechanisms accompanying progressive dewatering and sediment lithification. Correlation of the structures observed at the surface with those present at depth was tested through geophysical data (Ground Penetrating Radar, seismics and a magnetic map). EW and NE-trending lineaments are observed in the magnetic map. The seismic sections display several examples of positive flower structures which affect the base of the cretaceous sediments; at higher stratigraphic levels, normal components/slips are compatible with the negative structural inversion characterized at the surface. Such correlations assisted in proposing a structural model compatible with the regional tectonic framework. The strong neogenepleistocene deformation is necessarily propagated in the subsurface, affecting the late cretaceous section (Açu and Jandaíra formations), wich host the hydrocarbon reservoirs in this portion of the Potiguar Basin. The proposed structural model is related to the dextral transcurrent/transform deformation along the Equatorial Margin, associated with transpressive terminations of E-W fault zones, or at their intersections with NE-trending lineaments, such as the Ponta Grossa-Fazenda Belém one (the LPGFB, itself controlled by a Brasiliano-age strike-slip shear zone). In a first step (and possibly during the late Cretaceous to Paleogene), this lineament was activated under a sinistral transpressional regime (antithetic to the main dextral deformation in the E-W zones), giving way to the folds in the lower facies of the Barreiras Formation, as well as the positive flower structures mapped through the seismic sections, at depth. This stage was succeeded (or was penecontemporaneous) by the extensional structures related to a (also sinistral) transtensional movement stage, associated to volcanism (Macau, Messejana) and thermal doming processes during the Neogene-Pleistocene time interval. This structural model has direct implications to hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation activities at this sector of the Potiguar Basin and its offshore continuation. The structure of the reservoirs at depth (Açu Formation sandstones of the post-rift section) may be controlled (or at least, strongly influenced) by the deformation geometry and kinematics characterized at the surface. In addition, the deformation event recognized in the Barreiras Formation has an age close to the one postulated for the oil maturation and migration in the basin, between the Oligocene to the Miocene. In this way, the described structural cenario represents a valid model to understand the conditions of hydrocarbon transport and acummulation through space openings, trap formation and destruction. This model is potentially applicable to the NW region of the Potiguar Basin and other sectors with a similar structural setting, along the brazilian Equatorial Atlantic Margin
Baixo Vermelho area, situated on the northern portion of Umbuzeiro Graben (onshore Potiguar Basin), represents a typical example of a rift basin, characterized, in subsurface, by the sedimentary rift sequence, correlated to Pendência Formation (Valanginian-Barremian), and by the Carnaubais fault system. In this context, two main goals, the stratigraphic and the structural analysis, had guided the research. For this purpose, it was used the 3D seismic volume and eight wells located in the study area and adjacencies. The stratigraphic analysis of the Valanginian-Barremian interval was carried through in two distinct phases, 1D and 2D, in which the basic concepts of the sequence stratigraphy had been adapted. In these phases, the individual analysis of each well and the correlation between them, allowed to recognize the main lithofacies, to interpret the effective depositional systems and to identify the genetic units and key-surfaces of chronostratigraphic character. The analyzed lithofacies are represented predominantly by conglomerates, sandstones, siltites and shales, with carbonate rocks and marls occurring subordinately. According to these lithofacies associations, it is possible to interpret the following depositional systems: alluvial fan, fluvio-deltaic and lacustrine depositional systems. The alluvial fan system is mainly composed by conglomerates deposits, which had developed, preferentially in the south portion of the area, being directly associated to Carnaubais fault system. The fluvial-deltaic system, in turn, was mainly developed in the northwest portion of the area, at the flexural edge, being characterized by coarse sandstones with shales and siltites intercalated. On the other hand, the lacustrine system, the most dominant one in the study area, is formed mainly by shales that could occur intercalated with thin layers of fine to very fine sandstones, interpreted as turbidite deposits. The recognized sequence stratigraphy units in the wells are represented by parasequence sets, systems tracts and depositional sequences. The parasequence sets, which are progradational or retrogradational, had been grouped and related to the systems tracts. The predominance of the progradation parasequence sets (general trend with coarsening-upward) characterizes the Regressive Systems Tract, while the occurrence, more frequently, of the retrogradation parasequence sets (general trend with finning-upward) represents the Transgressive System Tract. In the seismic stratigraphic analysis, the lithofacies described in the wells had been related to chaotic, progradational and parallel/subparallel seismic facies, which are associated, frequently, to the alluvial fans, fluvial-deltaic and lacustrine depositional systems, respectively. In this analysis, it was possible to recognize fifteen seismic horizons that correspond to sequence boundaries and to maximum flooding surfaces, which separates Transgressive to Regressive systems tracts. The recognition of transgressive-regressive cycles allowed to identify nine, possibly, 3a order deposicional sequences, related to the tectonic-sedimentary cycles. The structural analysis, in turn, was done at Baixo Vermelho seismic volume, which shows, clearly, the structural complexity printed in the area, mainly related to Carnaubais fault system, acting as an important fault system of the rift edge. This fault system is characterized by a main arrangement of normal faults with trend NE-SO, where Carnaubais Fault represents the maximum expression of these lineations. Carnaubais Fault corresponds to a fault with typically listric geometry, with general trend N70°E, dipping to northwest. It is observed, throughout all the seismic volume, with variations in its surface, which had conditioned, in its evolutive stages, the formation of innumerable structural features that normally are identified in Pendencia Formation. In this unit, part of these features is related to the formation of longitudinal foldings (rollover structures and distentional folding associated), originated by the displacement of the main fault plan, propitiating variations in geometry and thickness of the adjacent layers, which had been deposited at the same time. Other structural features are related to the secondary faultings, which could be synthetic or antithetic to Carnaubais Fault. In a general way, these faults have limited lateral continuity, with listric planar format and, apparently, they play the role of the accomodation of the distentional deformation printed in the area. Thus, the interaction between the stratigraphic and structural analysis, based on an excellent quality of the used data, allowed to get one better agreement on the tectonicsedimentary evolution of the Valanginian-Barremian interval (Pendência Formation) in the studied area
The segment of Carnaubais Fault located in the southeasthern portion of Guamaré Graben (Potiguar Basin) was studied. Several structures were detected and some of them strongly suggest that the last movements in Carnaubais Fault are of Neotectonic age. The study comprises an integrated interpretation of geologic, geomorphologic and geophysical data (gravimetry, magnetometry, resistivity, and self potential methods). According to the size of the studied areas, two approaches were used in this research. The first approach is of a regional nature and was conducted in an area, hereafter named Regional Area, having approximately 6,000 km2 and localized in the northern portion of Rio Grande do Norte state, around Macau city. The second approach comprises detailled studies of two small areas inside the Regional Area: the Camurupim and São Bento areas. Gravimetric and topographic data were used in the Regional Area. A separation into regional and residual components were conducted both on gravimetric and topographic data. The interpretation of the residual component of the gravimetric data allows a precise mapping of the borders of the Guamaré Graben. The regional component features of the topographic data are controlled by the pair of conjugate faults composed by the Carnaubais Fault (NE direction) and the Afonso Bezerra Fault (NW direction). On the other hand, the residual component of the topographic data shows that river valleis of NW direction are sharply interrupted where they intersect Carnaubais Fault. This fact is interpreted as an evidency that the last significant moviments occured in the Carnaubais Fault. Geologic, geomorphologic and geophysical data (magnetometry, resistivity, and self potential methods) were used in the Camurupim Area. The geologic mapping allows to identify five lithophacies unities. The first two unities (from base to top) were interpreted as composing a marine (or transitional) depositional sequency while the other were interpreted is composing a continental depositional sequence. The two sequences are clearly separated of an erosional discordance. The unities grouped in the marine sequence are composed by calcarenites (Unity A) and mudstones (Unity B). Unity A was deposited in a shalow plataform while Unity B, in a tidal flat. The unities grouped in the continental sequence are composed of conglomerate (Unity C) and sandstones (Unities D and E). Unities C and D are fluvial deposits while unity E is an eolian deposit. Unities A and B can be stratigraphycally correlated with Guamaré Formation. Unities C and D present three possible correlations. They may be correlated with Tibau Formation; or with Barreiras Formation; or with a clastic sediment deposit, commonly found in some rivers of Rio Grande do Norte state, and statigraphycally positioned above Barreiras Formation. Based on the decrease of the grain sizes from base to top both on unities C and D, it is proposed that these unities are correlated with the clastic sediment above mentioned. In this case, these unities would have, at least, Pleistocenic age. Finally, it is proposed that Unity E represent an eolian deposit that sufferred recent changes (at least in the Quaternary). The integrated interpretation of hydrographic, morphologic and geophysical data from Camurupim Area shows that Carnaubais Fault is locally composed by a system of several paralel subvertical faults. The fault presenting the larger vertical slip controls the valley of Camurupim river and separates the area in two blocks; in the nothern block the top of the Jandaira limestone is deeper than in the southern block. In addition, at least one of the faults in the northern block is cutting the whole sedimentary section. Because unities C , D, and/or E may be of Quaternary age, tectonic moviments possibly occured in Carnaubais Fault during this period. Detailled geologic mapping were conducted in beachrocks found in São Bento Area. This area is located at the intersection of the coast line with the Carnaubais Fault. The detected structures in the beachrocks are very similar to those caused by fragile deformations. The structures mapped in the beachrocks are consistent with a stress field with maximun compressional stress in E-W direction and extensional stress in the N-S direction. Since the Carnaubais Fault has a NE direction, it is optimally positioned to suffer tectonic movements under the action of such stress field. In addition, the shape of the coastal line appear to be controlled by the Carnaubais Fault. Furthemore, the observed structures in Camurupim Área are consistent with this stress field. These facts are interpreted as evidences that Carnaubais Fault and beachrocks suffered coupled tectonic movements. These moviments are of Neotectonic age because the beachrocks present ages less than 16,000 years
The study area is located in the NW portion of the Ceará state nearby the city of Santana do Acaraú. Geologically it lies along the Sobral-Pedro II lineament which limits the domains of Ceará Central and Noroeste do Ceará, both belonging to the Borborema Province.The object of study was a NE trending 30km long siliciclastic body (sandstone and conglomerate) bounded by transcurrent dextral faults. The sediments are correlated to the Ipú Formation (Serra Grande Group) from the Parnaiba basin, which age is thought to be Siluro-Devonian. Existing structural data shown that bedding has higher but variable dips (70-45) near the borders faults and much lower to subhorizontal inward the body. The brittle deformation was related to a reactivation, in lower crustal level, of the Sobral-Pedro II lineament (Destro (1987, 1999; Galvão, 2002).The study presented here was focused in applying geophysicals methods (gravimetry and seismic) to determine the geometry of the sandstone/conglomeratic body and together with the structural data, to propose a model to explain its deformation. The residual anomalies maps indicate the presence of two main graben-like structures. The sedimentary pile width was estimated from 2D gravimetric models to be about 500-600 meters. The 3D gravimetric model stressed the two maximum width regions where a good correlation is observed between the isopach geometry and the centripetal strike/dip pattern displayed by the sediments bedding. Two main directions (N-S and E-W) of block moving are interpreted from the distribution pattern of the maximum width regions of the sedimentary rock
The Rio do Peixe Basin is located in the border of Paraíba and Ceará states, immediately to the north of the Patos shear zone, encompassing an area of 1,315 km2. This is one of the main basins of eocretaceous age in Northeast Brazil, associated to the rifting event that shaped the present continental margin. The basin can be divided into four sub-basins, corresponding to Pombal, Sousa, Brejo das Freiras and Icozinho half-grabens. This dissertation was based on the analysis and interpretation of remote sensing products, field stratigraphic and structural data, and seismic sections and gravity data. Field work detailed the lithofacies characterization of the three formations previously recognised in the basin, Antenor Navarro, Sousa and Rio Piranhas. Unlike the classical vertical stacking, field relations and seismostratigraphic analysis highlighted the interdigitation and lateral equivalency between these units. On bio/chrono-stratigraphic and tectonic grounds, they correlate with the Rift Tectonosequence of neocomian age. The Antenor Navarro Formation rests overlies the crystalline basement in non conformity. It comprises lithofacies originated by a braided fluvial system system, dominated by immature, coarse and conglomeratic sandstones, and polymict conglomerates at the base. Its exposures occur in the different halfgrabens, along its flexural margins. Paleocurrent data indicate source areas in the basement to the north/NW, or input along strike ramps. The Sousa Formation is composed by fine-grained sandstones, siltites and reddish, locally grey-greenish to reddish laminated shales presenting wavy marks, mudcracks and, sometimes, carbonate beds. This formation shows major influence of a fluvial, floodplain system, with seismostratigraphic evidence of lacustrine facies at subsurface. Its distribution occupies the central part of the Sousa and Brejo das Freiras half-grabens, which constitute the main depocenters of the basin. Paleocurrent analysis shows that sediment transport was also from north/NW to south/SE
The Baixa grande fault is located on the edge of the S-SW Potiguar Rift. It limits the south part of Umbuzeiro Graben and the Apodi Graben. Although a number of studies have associated the complex deformation styles in the hanging wall of the Baixa Grande Fault with geometry and displacement variations, none have applied the modern computational techniques such as geometrical and kinematic validations to address this problem. This work proposes a geometric analysis of the Baixa Fault using seismic interpretation. The interpretation was made on 3D seismic data of the Baixa Grande fault using the software OpendTect (dGB Earth Sciences). It was also used direct structural modeling, such as Analog Direct Modeling know as Folding Vectors and, 2D and 3D Direct Computational Modeling. The Folding Vectors Modeling presented great similarity with the conventional structural seismic interpretations of the Baixa Grande Fault, thus, the conventional interpretation was validated geometrically. The 2D direct computational modeling was made on some sections of the 3D data of the Baixa Grande Fault on software Move (Midland Valley Ltd) using the horizon modeling tool. The modeling confirms the influence of fault geometry on the hanging wall. The Baixa Grande Fault ramp-flat-ramp geometry generates synform on the concave segments of the fault and antiform in the convex segments. On the fault region that does not have segments angle change, the beds are dislocated without deformation, and on the listric faults occur rollover. On the direct 3D computational modeling, structural attributes were obtained as horizons on the hanging wall of the main fault, after the simulation of several levels of deformation along the fault. The occurrence of structures that indicates shortening in this modeling, also indicates that the antiforms on the Baixa Grande Fault were influenced by fault geometry
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Diamonds obtained from small scale mining near Jequitai and surrounding villages are extracted from Tertiary conglomerates and Quaternary gravels of the Rio Jequitai. Eocretaceous conglomerates, which are locally poorly diamondiferous, cover parts of the Serra da Agua Fria and Serra do Cabral. They are of no economic importance. Analyses of neotectonic, post-Miocene features support a transpressive regime that gave rise to N-S to N25° E transcurrent faults, and WNW normal faults. The main evidence for neotectonic processes are inclined Tertiary sediments, drainage captures, striated laterites of Miocene age, and tilting of blocks that form the Rio Jequitai graben. Diamonds in the Tertiary terraces derived from the Eocretaceous conglomerates, which were affected by neotectonic processes, followed by erosion and concentration during redeposition of sediments.
The Medio Coreau domain of NE Brazil is located along the northwest margin of Borborema Province, the western branch of a Brasiliano/Pan-African collisional belt that formed during the assembly of Western Gondwana. The early Paleoproterozoic basement of the Medio Coreau domain is composed of migmatitic gneisses and juvenile granulites, overlain by late Paleoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic rocks intruded by syn- to post-tectonic Brasiliano granitoids. According to integrated structural and geochronological data (U-Pb zircon and monazite ages), the Neoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Medio Coreau is characterized by low-angle thrusting and transcurrent deformation. U-Pb geochronological data from plutons intruded during this compressional regime indicate the collisional evolution began at approximately 622 Ma and continued until about 591 Ma. The continuation of convergence until approximately 560 Ma resulted in the formation of NE-SW and E-W shear zones within the Borborema Province and adjoining West African provinces. The final stage of the ductile tectonism was characterized by uplift and high-angle fault generation between approximately 560 and 545 Ma. The last tectonic event was an extensional phase, resulting in the formation of the Jaibaras graben and intrusion of post-orogenic granites at around 532 Ma. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The extension of the Pangaea started in the Upper Triassic and evolved to uplifts, magmatism and development a triple junction during the Mesozoic, and opening the Central Atlantic Ocean. The Brazilian Equatorial Atlantic margin was formed in three Mesozoic extensional events. The first event is recorded by the Calçoene Graben of the Foz do Amazonas Basin. The second event started in the Valangian and is recognized by the enlargement of the Foz do Amazonas Basin, formation of the Marajó and Grajaú basins, and the Gurupi Graben System. The third event commenced in the Albian related to northwestward progression of the rift system, which enlarged the Foz do Amazonas and formed the Potiguar, Ceará, Barreirinhas and Pará-Maranhão basins. At the end of the Lower Cretaceous the movements attenuated in the Marajó Basin and Gurupi Graben System; the extension concentrated in the Foz do Amazonas, Pará-Maranhão and Barreirinhas basins, and evolved to continental rupture of northern South America and western Africa opening of the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean.
The basalts of the Formação Serra Geral in Parana Basin in the Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso states cover an area of 180,000 km2. They rest on the Botucatu sandstones and they are recovered by the sedimentary rocks of Bauru and Caiuá Groups. The mineralogical composition of these rocks are plagioclase (40%-55%), clinopyroxenes (19%-40%; augite and pigeonite), opaque minerals (2%-10%; magnetite and ilmenite) and olivine (1.5%). Geochemical data show two different types of basalts, named ATi-Pitanga (2.6% < TiO2 < 4.2%; 396 ppm < Sr < 438 ppm) and BTi-Ribeira (1.7% TiO2 <2.4%, 246 ppm < Sr < 286 ppm). In general, ATi-Pitanga have gently higher La/Yb(n) (6,1 ± 1,5ppm) than those BTi-Ribeira (5.6 ± 1,7ppm). The geochemical differences between ATi-Pitanga and BTi-Ribeira probably are related to different degrees of partial melt of a same mantle source, or to different mantle sources. The field relations show that BTi-Ribeira is displaced towards the north-western margin of the Paraná Basin and the thickness of lava flows increases towards the Paraná Graben, suggesting that ATi-Pitaga overlies BTi-Ribeira.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)