918 resultados para global positioning system


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Este estudo tem por objetivo verificar a influência do tempo de coleta de dados com receptores GPS nas determinações altimétricas. O levantamento altimétrico é realizado através do método de posicionamento relativo estático, utilizando dois receptores GPS de uma freqüência, em diferentes tempos de ocupação (30, 15, 10 e 5 minutos) com uma taxa de gravação de dois segundos. As altitudes obtidas com receptores GPS são comparadas com as altitudes determinadas por nivelamento trigonométrico com Estação Total. Os resultados mostraram que os tempos de ocupação menores que 30 minutos (15, 10 e 5 minutos) também são adequados para a obtenção de diferenças centimétricas nas altitudes analisadas. Mesmo considerando a precisão dos métodos topográficos convencionais, este estudo demonstra a possibilidade da utilização do Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS) de forma precisa nos levantamentos altimétricos, desde que se efetue a modelagem da ondulação geoidal.


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This paper presents the prototype of a low-cost terrestrial mobile mapping system (MMS) composed of a van, two digital video cameras, two GPS receivers, a notebook computer, and a sound frame synchronisation system. The imaging sensors are mounted as a stereo video camera on top of the vehicle together with the GPS antennae. The GPS receivers and the notebook computer are configured to record data referred to the vehicle position at a planned time interval. This position is subsequently transferred to the road images. This set of equipment and methods provide the opportunity to merge distinct techniques to make topographic maps and also to build georeferenced road image databases. Both vector maps and raster image databases, when integrated appropriately, can give spatial researchers and engineers a new technique whose application may realise better planning and analysis related to the road environment. The experimental results proved that the MMS developed at the São Paulo State University is an effective approach to inspecting road pavements, to map road marks and traffic signs, electric power poles, telephone booths, drain pipes, and many other applications important to people's safety and welfare. A small number of wad images have already been captured by the prototype as a consequence of its application in distinct projects. An efficient organisation of those images and the prompt access to them justify the need for building a georeferenced image database. By expanding it, both at the hardware and software levels, it is possible for engineers to analyse the entire road environment on their office computers.


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Systematic errors can have a significant effect on GPS observable. In medium and long baselines the major systematic error source are the ionosphere and troposphere refraction and the GPS satellites orbit errors. But, in short baselines, the multipath is more relevant. These errors degrade the accuracy of the positioning accomplished by GPS. So, this is a critical problem for high precision GPS positioning applications. Recently, a method has been suggested to mitigate these errors: the semiparametric model and the penalised least squares technique. It uses a natural cubic spline to model the errors as a function which varies smoothly in time. The systematic errors functions, ambiguities and station coordinates, are estimated simultaneously. As a result, the ambiguities and the station coordinates are estimated with better reliability and accuracy than the conventional least square method.


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The GPS observables are subject to several errors. Among them, the systematic ones have great impact, because they degrade the accuracy of the accomplished positioning. These errors are those related, mainly, to GPS satellites orbits, multipath and atmospheric effects. Lately, a method has been suggested to mitigate these errors: the semiparametric model and the penalised least squares technique (PLS). In this method, the errors are modeled as functions varying smoothly in time. It is like to change the stochastic model, in which the errors functions are incorporated, the results obtained are similar to those in which the functional model is changed. As a result, the ambiguities and the station coordinates are estimated with better reliability and accuracy than the conventional least square method (CLS). In general, the solution requires a shorter data interval, minimizing costs. The method performance was analyzed in two experiments, using data from single frequency receivers. The first one was accomplished with a short baseline, where the main error was the multipath. In the second experiment, a baseline of 102 km was used. In this case, the predominant errors were due to the ionosphere and troposphere refraction. In the first experiment, using 5 minutes of data collection, the largest coordinates discrepancies in relation to the ground truth reached 1.6 cm and 3.3 cm in h coordinate for PLS and the CLS, respectively, in the second one, also using 5 minutes of data, the discrepancies were 27 cm in h for the PLS and 175 cm in h for the CLS. In these tests, it was also possible to verify a considerable improvement in the ambiguities resolution using the PLS in relation to the CLS, with a reduced data collection time interval. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Spacecraft formation flying navigation continues to receive a great deal of interest. The research presented in this dissertation focuses on developing methods for estimating spacecraft absolute and relative positions, assuming measurements of only relative positions using wireless sensors. The implementation of the extended Kalman filter to the spacecraft formation navigation problem results in high estimation errors and instabilities in state estimation at times. This is due tp the high nonlinearities in the system dynamic model. Several approaches are attempted in this dissertation aiming at increasing the estimation stability and improving the estimation accuracy. A differential geometric filter is implemented for spacecraft positions estimation. The differential geometric filter avoids the linearization step (which is always carried out in the extended Kalman filter) through a mathematical transformation that converts the nonlinear system into a linear system. A linear estimator is designed in the linear domain, and then transformed back to the physical domain. This approach demonstrated better estimation stability for spacecraft formation positions estimation, as detailed in this dissertation. The constrained Kalman filter is also implemented for spacecraft formation flying absolute positions estimation. The orbital motion of a spacecraft is characterized by two range extrema (perigee and apogee). At the extremum, the rate of change of a spacecraft’s range vanishes. This motion constraint can be used to improve the position estimation accuracy. The application of the constrained Kalman filter at only two points in the orbit causes filter instability. Two variables are introduced into the constrained Kalman filter to maintain the stability and improve the estimation accuracy. An extended Kalman filter is implemented as a benchmark for comparison with the constrained Kalman filter. Simulation results show that the constrained Kalman filter provides better estimation accuracy as compared with the extended Kalman filter. A Weighted Measurement Fusion Kalman Filter (WMFKF) is proposed in this dissertation. In wireless localizing sensors, a measurement error is proportional to the distance of the signal travels and sensor noise. In this proposed Weighted Measurement Fusion Kalman Filter, the signal traveling time delay is not modeled; however, each measurement is weighted based on the measured signal travel distance. The obtained estimation performance is compared to the standard Kalman filter in two scenarios. The first scenario assumes using a wireless local positioning system in a GPS denied environment. The second scenario assumes the availability of both the wireless local positioning system and GPS measurements. The simulation results show that the WMFKF has similar accuracy performance as the standard Kalman Filter (KF) in the GPS denied environment. However, the WMFKF maintains the position estimation error within its expected error boundary when the WLPS detection range limit is above 30km. In addition, the WMFKF has a better accuracy and stability performance when GPS is available. Also, the computational cost analysis shows that the WMFKF has less computational cost than the standard KF, and the WMFKF has higher ellipsoid error probable percentage than the standard Measurement Fusion method. A method to determine the relative attitudes between three spacecraft is developed. The method requires four direction measurements between the three spacecraft. The simulation results and covariance analysis show that the method’s error falls within a three sigma boundary without exhibiting any singularity issues. A study of the accuracy of the proposed method with respect to the shape of the spacecraft formation is also presented.


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In the current market system, power systems are operated at higher loads for economic reasons. Power system stability becomes a genuine concern in such operating conditions. In case of failure of any larger component, the system may become stressed. These events may start cascading failures, which may lead to blackouts. One of the main reasons of the major recorded blackout events has been the unavailability of system-wide information. Synchrophasor technology has the capability to provide system-wide real time information. Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) are the basic building block of this technology, which provide the Global Positioning System (GPS) time-stamped voltage and current phasor values along with the frequency. It is being assumed that synchrophasor data of all the buses is available and thus the whole system is fully observable. This information can be used to initiate islanding or system separation to avoid blackouts. A system separation strategy using synchrophasor data has been developed to answer the three main aspects of system separation: (1) When to separate: One class support machines (OC-SVM) is primarily used for the anomaly detection. Here OC-SVM was used to detect wide area instability. OC-SVM has been tested on different stable and unstable cases and it is found that OC-SVM has the capability to detect the wide area instability and thus is capable to answer the question of “when the system should be separated”. (2) Where to separate: The agglomerative clustering technique was used to find the groups of coherent buses. The lines connecting different groups of coherent buses form the separation surface. The rate of change of the bus voltage phase angles has been used as the input to this technique. This technique has the potential to exactly identify the lines to be tripped for the system separation. (3) What to do after separation: Load shedding was performed approximately equal to the sum of power flows along the candidate system separation lines should be initiated before tripping these lines. Therefore it is recommended that load shedding should be initiated before tripping the lines for system separation.


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A three-level satellite to ground monitoring scheme for conservation easement monitoring has been implemented in which high-resolution imagery serves as an intermediate step for inspecting high priority sites. A digital vertical aerial camera system was developed to fulfill the need for an economical source of imagery for this intermediate step. A method for attaching the camera system to small aircraft was designed, and the camera system was calibrated and tested. To ensure that the images obtained were of suitable quality for use in Level 2 inspections, rectified imagery was required to provide positional accuracy of 5 meters or less to be comparable to current commercially available high-resolution satellite imagery. Focal length calibration was performed to discover the infinity focal length at two lens settings (24mm and 35mm) with a precision of O.1mm. Known focal length is required for creation of navigation points representing locations to be photographed (waypoints). Photographing an object of known size at distances on a test range allowed estimates of focal lengths of 25.lmm and 35.4mm for the 24mm and 35mm lens settings, respectively. Constants required for distortion removal procedures were obtained using analytical plumb-line calibration procedures for both lens settings, with mild distortion at the 24mm setting and virtually no distortion found at the 35mm setting. The system was designed to operate in a series of stages: mission planning, mission execution, and post-mission processing. During mission planning, waypoints were created using custom tools in geographic information system (GIs) software. During mission execution, the camera is connected to a laptop computer with a global positioning system (GPS) receiver attached. Customized mobile GIs software accepts position information from the GPS receiver, provides information for navigation, and automatically triggers the camera upon reaching the desired location. Post-mission processing (rectification) of imagery for removal of lens distortion effects, correction of imagery for horizontal displacement due to terrain variations (relief displacement), and relating the images to ground coordinates were performed with no more than a second-order polynomial warping function. Accuracy testing was performed to verify the positional accuracy capabilities of the system in an ideal-case scenario as well as a real-world case. Using many welldistributed and highly accurate control points on flat terrain, the rectified images yielded median positional accuracy of 0.3 meters. Imagery captured over commercial forestland with varying terrain in eastern Maine, rectified to digital orthophoto quadrangles, yielded median positional accuracies of 2.3 meters with accuracies of 3.1 meters or better in 75 percent of measurements made. These accuracies were well within performance requirements. The images from the digital camera system are of high quality, displaying significant detail at common flying heights. At common flying heights the ground resolution of the camera system ranges between 0.07 meters and 0.67 meters per pixel, satisfying the requirement that imagery be of comparable resolution to current highresolution satellite imagery. Due to the high resolution of the imagery, the positional accuracy attainable, and the convenience with which it is operated, the digital aerial camera system developed is a potentially cost-effective solution for use in the intermediate step of a satellite to ground conservation easement monitoring scheme.


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During two field campaigns (Austral springs 2011 and 2012) the sedimentary architecture of a polar gravel-spit system at the northern coast of Potter Peninsula (Area 4) was revealed using ground-penetrating radar (GPR, Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. SIR-3000). 47 profiles were collected using a mono-static 200 MHz antenna operated in common offset mode. Trace increment was set to 0.05 m. A differential global-positioning system (dGPS, Leica GS09) was used to obtain topographical information along the GPR lines. GPR data are provided in RADAN-Format, dGPS coordinates are provided in ascii format; projection is UTM (WGS 84, zone 21S).


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There is clear evidence that investment in intelligent transportation system technologies brings major social and economic benefits. Technological advances in the area of automatic systems in particular are becoming vital for the reduction of road deaths. We here describe our approach to automation of one the riskiest autonomous manœuvres involving vehicles – overtaking. The approach is based on a stereo vision system responsible for detecting any preceding vehicle and triggering the autonomous overtaking manœuvre. To this end, a fuzzy-logic based controller was developed to emulate how humans overtake. Its input is information from the vision system and from a positioning-based system consisting of a differential global positioning system (DGPS) and an inertial measurement unit (IMU). Its output is the generation of action on the vehicle’s actuators, i.e., the steering wheel and throttle and brake pedals. The system has been incorporated into a commercial Citroën car and tested on the private driving circuit at the facilities of our research center, CAR, with different preceding vehicles – a motorbike, car, and truck – with encouraging results.


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We propose an original method to geoposition an audio/video stream with multiple emitters that are at the same time receivers of the mixed signal. The achieved method is suitable for those comes where a list of positions within a designated area is encoded with a degree of precision adjusted to the visualization capabilities; and is also easily extensible to support new requirements. This method extends a previously proposed protocol, without incurring in any performance penalty.