997 resultados para germinal center reaction
Rad51 is a highly conserved eukaryotic homolog of the prokaryotic recombination protein RecA, which has been shown to function in both recombinational repair of DNA damage and meiotic recombination in yeast. In primary murine B cells cultured with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to stimulate heavy chain class switch recombination, Rad51 protein levels are dramatically induced. Immunofluorescent microscopy shows that anti-Rad51 antibodies stain foci that are localized within the nuclei of switching B cells. Immunohistochemical analysis of splenic sections shows that clusters of cells that stain brightly with anti-Rad51 antibodies are evident within several days after primary immunization and that Rad51 staining in vivo is confined to B cells that are switching from expression of IgM to IgG antibodies. Following switch recombination, B cells populate splenic germinal centers, where somatic hypermutation and clonal proliferation occur. Germinal center B cells are not stained by anti-Rad51 antibodies. Rad51 expression is therefore not coincident with somatic hypermutation, nor does Rad51 expression correlate simply with cell proliferation. These data suggest that Rad51, or a highly related member of the conserved RecA family, may function in class switch recombination.
Two genetic events contribute to the development of endemic Burkitt lymphoma (BL) infection of B lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and the activation of the protooncogene c-myc through chromosomal translocation. The viral genes EBV nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA2) and latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) are essential for transformation of primary human B cells by EBV in vitro; however, these genes are not expressed in BL cells in vivo. To address the question whether c-myc activation might abrogate the requirement of the EBNA2 and LMP1 function, we have introduced an activated c-myc gene into an EBV-transformed cell line in which EBNA2 was rendered estrogen-dependent through fusion with the hormone binding domain of the estrogen receptor. The c-myc gene was placed under the control of regulatory elements of the immunoglobulin kappa locus composed a matrix attachment region, the intron enhancer, and the 3' enhancer. We show here that transfection of a c-myc expression plasmid followed by selection for high MYC expression is capable of inducing continuous proliferation of these cells in the absence of functional EBNA2 and LMP1. c-myc-induced hormone-independent proliferation was associated with a dramatic change in the growth behavior as well as cell surface marker expression of these cells. The typical lymphoblastoid morphology and phenotype of EBV-transformed cells completely changed into that of BL cells in vivo. We conclude that the phenotype of BL cells reflects the expression pattern of viral and cellular genes rather than its germinal center origin.
CD4+ T cells play a crucial in the adaptive immune system. They function as the central hub to orchestrate the rest of immunity: CD4+ T cells are essential governing machinery in antibacterial and antiviral responses by facilitating B cell affinity maturation and coordinating the innate and adaptive immune systems to boost the overall immune outcome; on the contrary, hyperactivation of the inflammatory lineages of CD4+ T cells, as well as the impairments of suppressive CD4+ regulatory T cells, are the etiology of various autoimmunity and inflammatory diseases. The broad role of CD4+ T cells in both physiological and pathological contexts prompted me to explore the modulation of CD4+ T cells on the molecular level.
microRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNA molecules capable of regulating gene expression post-transcriptionally. miRNAs have been shown to exert substantial regulatory effects on CD4+ T cell activation, differentiation and helper function. Specifically, my lab has previously established the function of the miR-17-92 cluster in Th1 differentiation and anti-tumor responses. Here, I further analyzed the role of this miRNA cluster in Th17 differentiation, specifically, in the context of autoimmune diseases. Using both gain- and loss-of-function approaches, I demonstrated that miRNAs in miR-17-92, specifically, miR-17 and miR-19b in this cluster, is a crucial promoter of Th17 differentiation. Consequently, loss of miR-17-92 expression in T cells mitigated the progression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and T cell-induced colitis. In combination with my previous data, the molecular dissection of this cluster establishes that miR-19b and miR-17 play a comprehensive role in promoting multiple aspects of inflammatory T cell responses, which underscore them as potential targets for oligonucleotide-based therapy in treating autoimmune diseases.
To systematically study miRNA regulation in effector CD4+ T cells, I devised a large-scale miRNAome profiling to track in vivo miRNA changes in antigen-specific CD4+ T cells activated by Listeria challenge. From this screening, I identified that miR-23a expression tightly correlates with CD4+ effector expansion. Ectopic expression and genetic deletion strategies validated that miR-23a was required for antigen-stimulated effector CD4+ T cell survival in vitro and in vivo. I further determined that miR-23a targets Ppif, a gatekeeper of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) release that protects CD4+ T cells from necrosis. Necrosis is a type of cell death that provokes inflammation, and it is prominently triggered by ROS release and its consequent oxidative stress. My finding that miR-23a curbs ROS-mediated necrosis highlights the essential role of this miRNA in maintaining immune homeostasis.
A key feature of miRNAs is their ability to modulate different biological aspects in different cell populations. Previously, my lab found that miR-23a potently suppresses CD8+ T cell cytotoxicity by restricting BLIMP1 expression. Since BLIMP1 has been found to inhibit T follicular helper (Tfh) differentiation by antagonizing the master transcription factor BCL6, I investigated whether miR-23a is also involved in Tfh differentiation. However, I found that miR-23a does not target BLIMP1 in CD4+ T cells and loss of miR-23a even fostered Tfh differentiation. This data indicate that miR-23a may target other pathways in CD4+ T cells regarding the Tfh differentiation pathway.
Although the lineage identity and regulatory networks for Tfh cells have been defined, the differentiation path of Tfh cells remains elusive. Two models have been proposed to explain the differentiation process of Tfh cells: in the parallel differentiation model, the Tfh lineage is segregated from other effector lineages at the early stage of antigen activation; alternatively, the sequential differentiation model suggests that naïve CD4+ T cells first differentiate into various effector lineages, then further program into Tfh cells. To address this question, I developed a novel in vitro co-culture system that employed antigen-specific CD4+ T cells, naïve B cells presenting cognate T cell antigen and BAFF-producing feeder cells to mimic germinal center. Using this system, I were able to robustly generate GC-like B cells. Notably, well-differentiated Th1 or Th2 effector cells also quickly acquired Tfh phenotype and function during in vitro co-culture, which suggested a sequential differentiation path for Tfh cells. To examine this path in vivo, under conditions of classical Th1- or Th2-type immunizations, I employed a TCRβ repertoire sequencing technique to track the clonotype origin of Tfh cells. Under both Th1- and Th2- immunization conditions, I observed profound repertoire overlaps between the Teff and Tfh populations, which strongly supports the proposed sequential differentiation model. Therefore, my studies establish a new platform to conveniently study Tfh-GC B cell interactions and provide insights into Tfh differentiation processes.
The advent of next-generation sequencing, now nearing a decade in age, has enabled, among other capabilities, measurement of genome-wide sequence features at unprecedented scale and resolution.
In this dissertation, I describe work to understand the genetic underpinnings of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma through exploration of the epigenetics of its cell of origin, initial characterization and interpretation of driver mutations, and finally, a larger-scale, population-level study that incorporates mutation interpretation with clinical outcome.
In the first research chapter, I describe genomic characteristics of lymphomas through the lens of their cells of origin. Just as many other cancers, such as breast cancer or lung cancer, are categorized based on their cell of origin, lymphoma subtypes can be examined through the context of their normal B Cells of origin, Naïve, Germinal Center, and post-Germinal Center. By applying integrative analysis of the epigenetics of normal B Cells of origin through chromatin-immunoprecipitation sequencing, we find that differences in normal B Cell subtypes are reflected in the mutational landscapes of the cancers that arise from them, namely Mantle Cell, Burkitt, and Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma.
In the next research chapter, I describe our first endeavor into understanding the genetic heterogeneity of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, the most common form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, which affects 100,000 patients in the world. Through whole-genome sequencing of 1 case as well as whole-exome sequencing of 94 cases, we characterize the most recurrent genetic features of DLBCL and lay the groundwork for a larger study.
In the last research chapter, I describe work to characterize and interpret the whole exomes of 1001 cases of DLBCL in the largest single-cancer study to date. This highly-powered study enabled sub-gene, gene-level, and gene-network level understanding of driver mutations within DLBCL. Moreover, matched genomic and clinical data enabled the connection of these driver mutations to clinical features such as treatment response or overall survival. As sequencing costs continue to drop, whole-exome sequencing will become a routine clinical assay, and another diagnostic dimension in addition to existing methods such as histology. However, to unlock the full utility of sequencing data, we must be able to interpret it. This study undertakes a first step in developing the understanding necessary to uncover the genomic signals of DLBCL hidden within its exomes. However, beyond the scope of this one disease, the experimental and analytical methods can be readily applied to other cancer sequencing studies.
Thus, this dissertation leverages next-generation sequencing analysis to understand the genetic underpinnings of lymphoma, both by examining its normal cells of origin as well as through a large-scale study to sensitively identify recurrently mutated genes and their relationship to clinical outcome.
The pathogenesis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) remains partially unknown. The analysis of the B-cell receptor of the malignant cells could contribute to a better understanding of the DLBCL biology. We studied the molecular features of the immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) rearrangements in 165 patients diagnosed with DLBCL not otherwise specified. Clonal IGH rearrangements were amplified according to the BIOMED-2 protocol and PCR products were sequenced directly. We also analyzed the criteria for stereotyped patterns in all complete IGHV-IGHD-IGHJ (V-D-J) sequences. Complete V-D-J rearrangements were identified in 130 of 165 patients. Most cases (89%) were highly mutated, but 12 sequences were truly unmutated or minimally mutated. Three genes, IGHV4-34, IGHV3-23, and IGHV4-39, accounted for one third of the whole cohort, including an overrepresentation of IGHV4-34 (15.5% overall). Interestingly, all IGHV4-34 rearrangements and all unmutated sequences belonged to the nongerminal center B-cell-like (non-GCB) subtype. Overall, we found three cases following the current criteria for stereotyped heavy chain VH CDR3 sequences, two of them belonging to subsets previously described in CLL. IGHV gene repertoire is remarkably biased, implying an antigen-driven origin in DLBCL. The particular features in the sequence of the immunoglobulins suggest the existence of particular subgroups within the non-GCB subtype.
A large fraction of organ transplant recipients develop anti-donor antibodies (DSA), with accelerated graft loss and increased mortality. We tested the hypothesis that erythropoietin (EPO) reduces DSA formation by inhibiting T follicular helper (TFH) cells. We measured DSA levels, splenic TFH, TFR cells, germinal center (GC), and class switched B cells, in murine models of allogeneic sensitization, allogeneic transplantation and in parent-to-F1 models of graft versus host disease (GVHD). We quantified the same cell subsets and specific antibodies, upon EPO or vehicle treatment, in wild type mice and animals lacking EPO receptor selectively on T or B cells, immunized with T-independent or T-dependent stimuli. In vitro, we tested the EPO effect on TFH induction. We isolated TFH and TFR cells to perform in vitro assay and clarify their role. EPO reduced DSA levels, GC, class switched B cells, and increased the TFR/TFH ratio in the heart transplanted mice and in two GVHD models. EPO did also reduce TFH and GC B cells in SRBC-immunized mice, while had no effect in TNP-AECM-FICOLL-immunized animals, indicating that EPO inhibits GC B cells by targeting TFH cells. EPO effects were absent in T cells EPOR conditional KO mice, confirming that EPO affects TFH in vivo through EPOR. In vitro, EPO affected TFH induction through an EPO-EPOR-STAT5-dependent pathway. Suppression assay demonstrated that the reduction of IgG antibodies was dependent on TFH cells, sustaining the central role of the subset in this EPO-mediated mechanism. In conclusion, EPO prevents DSA formation in mice through a direct suppression of TFH. Development of DSA is associated with high risk of graft rejection, giving our data a strong rationale for studies testing the hypothesis that EPO administration prevents their formation in organ transplant recipients. Our findings provide a foundation for testing EPO as a treatment of antibody mediated disease processes.
Kinetics and mechanism of the induced redox reaction of [Ni(cyclam)](2+) promoted by SO5 center dot-
Oxidation of [Ni(cyclam)](2+), cyclam = 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane, accelerated by sulfur dioxide, was studied spectrophotometrically by following the formation of [Ni(cyclam)](3+) under the conditions: [Ni(cyclam)](2+) = 6.0 x 10(-3) M; initial [Ni(cyclam)](3+) = 8.0 x 10(-6) M; [cyclam] = 6.0 x 10(-3) M; [SO2] = (1.0-5.0) x 10(-4) M and 1.0 M perchloric acid in oxygen saturated solutions at 25.0 degrees C and ionic strength = 1.0 M. The oxidation reaction exhibits autocatalytic behavior in which the induction period depends on the initial Ni(III) concentration. A kinetic study of the reduction of Ni(III) by SO2 under anaerobic conditions, and the oxidation of Ni(II), showed that the rate-determining step involves reduction of Ni(III) by SO2 to produce the SO3.- radical, which rapidly reacts with dissolved oxygen to produce SO5.- and rapidly oxidizes Ni(II). The results clearly show a redox cycling process which depends on the balance of SO2 and oxygen concentrations in solution.
In this thesis we focussed on the characterization of the reaction center (RC) protein purified from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. In particular, we discussed the effects of native and artificial environment on the light-induced electron transfer processes. The native environment consist of the inner antenna LH1 complex that copurifies with the RC forming the so called core complex, and the lipid phase tightly associated with it. In parallel, we analyzed the role of saccharidic glassy matrices on the interplay between electron transfer processes and internal protein dynamics. As a different artificial matrix, we incorporated the RC protein in a layer-by-layer structure with a twofold aim: to check the behaviour of the protein in such an unusual environment and to test the response of the system to herbicides. By examining the RC in its native environment, we found that the light-induced charge separated state P+QB - is markedly stabilized (by about 40 meV) in the core complex as compared to the RC-only system over a physiological pH range. We also verified that, as compared to the average composition of the membrane, the core complex copurifies with a tightly bound lipid complement of about 90 phospholipid molecules per RC, which is strongly enriched in cardiolipin. In parallel, a large ubiquinone pool was found in association with the core complex, giving rise to a quinone concentration about ten times larger than the average one in the membrane. Moreover, this quinone pool is fully functional, i.e. it is promptly available at the QB site during multiple turnover excitation of the RC. The latter two observations suggest important heterogeneities and anisotropies in the native membranes which can in principle account for the stabilization of the charge separated state in the core complex. The thermodynamic and kinetic parameters obtained in the RC-LH1 complex are very close to those measured in intact membranes, indicating that the electron transfer properties of the RC in vivo are essentially determined by its local environment. The studies performed by incorporating the RC into saccharidic matrices evidenced the relevance of solvent-protein interactions and dynamical coupling in determining the kinetics of electron transfer processes. The usual approach when studying the interplay between internal motions and protein function consists in freezing the degrees of freedom of the protein at cryogenic temperature. We proved that the “trehalose approach” offers distinct advantages with respect to this traditional methodology. We showed, in fact, that the RC conformational dynamics, coupled to specific electron transfer processes, can be modulated by varying the hydration level of the trehalose matrix at room temperature, thus allowing to disentangle solvent from temperature effects. The comparison between different saccharidic matrices has revealed that the structural and dynamical protein-matrix coupling depends strongly upon the sugar. The analyses performed in RCs embedded in polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEM) structures have shown that the electron transfer from QA - to QB, a conformationally gated process extremely sensitive to the RC environment, can be strongly modulated by the hydration level of the matrix, confirming analogous results obtained for this electron transfer reaction in sugar matrices. We found that PEM-RCs are a very stable system, particularly suitable to study the thermodynamics and kinetics of herbicide binding to the QB site. These features make PEM-RC structures quite promising in the development of herbicide biosensors. The studies discussed in the present thesis have shown that, although the effects on electron transfer induced by the native and artificial environments tested are markedly different, they can be described on the basis of a common kinetic model which takes into account the static conformational heterogeneity of the RC and the interconversion between conformational substates. Interestingly, the same distribution of rate constants (i.e. a Gamma distribution function) can describe charge recombination processes in solutions of purified RC, in RC-LH1 complexes, in wet and dry RC-PEM structures and in glassy saccharidic matrices over a wide range of hydration levels. In conclusion, the results obtained for RCs in different physico-chemical environments emphasize the relevance of the structure/dynamics solvent/protein coupling in determining the energetics and the kinetics of electron transfer processes in a membrane protein complex.
OBJECTIVE To determine the diagnostic value of a serologic microagglutination test (MAT) and a PCR assay on urine and blood for the diagnosis of leptospirosis in dogs with acute kidney injury (AKI). DESIGN Cross-sectional study. Animals-76 dogs with AKI in a referral hospital (2008 to 2009). PROCEDURES Dogs' leptospirosis status was defined with a paired serologic MAT against a panel of 11 Leptospira serovars as leptospirosis-associated (n = 30) or nonleptospirosis-associated AKI (12). In 34 dogs, convalescent serologic testing was not possible, and leptospirosis status was classified as undetermined. The diagnostic value of the MAT single acute or convalescent blood sample was determined in dogs in which leptospirosis status could be classified. The diagnostic value of a commercially available genus-specific PCR assay was evaluated by use of 36 blood samples and 20 urine samples. RESULTS Serologic acute testing of an acute blood sample had a specificity of 100% (95% CI, 76% to 100%), a sensitivity of 50% (33% to 67%), and an accuracy of 64% (49% to 77%). Serologic testing of a convalescent blood sample had a specificity of 92% (65% to 99%), a sensitivity of 100% (87% to 100%), and an accuracy of 98% (88% to 100%). Results of the Leptospira PCR assay were negative for all samples from dogs for which leptospirosis status could be classified. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Serologic MAT results were highly accurate for diagnosis of leptospirosis in dogs, despite a low sensitivity for early diagnosis. In this referral setting of dogs pretreated with antimicrobials, testing of blood and urine samples with a commercially available genus-specific PCR assay did not improve early diagnosis.
During T cell dependent immune responses, the acquisition of B cell memory from naïve cells takes place within a highly specialized microenvironment: The germinal centers (GC) of the secondary lymphoid organs. The GC reaction is a tightly regulated process in which the balance between survival and death is mediated by signals transduced through ligation of critical costimulatory molecules such as CD40 and CD154. While most cognate receptor-ligand interactions occur between T-cells and antigen (Ag)-presenting cells (APC) such as B-cells, evidence of homotypic B cell interactions has emerged. Despite the progress in our understanding of the reaction, several questions remain: (1) What determines the concomitant expression of CD40 and its ligand CD154 by GC B-cells? (2) Which molecules are responsible for inducing GC-B cell survival? and (3) how can cognate T-cell help be recruited into the organized structure of GCs? ^ Because the expression of costimulatory and survival molecules is predominant at distinct Ag-dependent maturation stages, we hypothesized the existence of stage specific gene expression responsible for the regulation of the GC reaction. Our studies reveal several novel genes whose expression may be critical for the GC reaction. The discovery of AKNA reveals the mechanism behind homotypic B cell CD40 and CD40 ligand interactions, which can explain the costimulatory signaling to GC B cells in the absence of T cells. Additionally, the identification of the pro-survival molecule PRELI may provide a novel mechanism for the survival of Ag-selected B cells. We propose that PRELI and its phylogenic homologues represent a novel family of proteins responsible for the protection of cells against caspase-independent apoptosis. Furthermore, we show that GC B cells actively participate in the recruitment of T cells through the secretion of CC and CxC chemokines, thus supporting their mutual involvement in cognate interactions. ^
A far-red type of oxygenic photosynthesis was discovered in Acaryochloris marina, a recently found marine prokaryote that produces an atypical pigment chlorophyll d (Chl d). The purified photosystem I reaction center complex of A. marina contained 180 Chl d per 1 Chl a with PsaA–F, -L, -K, and two extra polypeptides. Laser excitation induced absorption changes of reaction center Chl d that was named P740 after its peak wavelength. A midpoint oxidation reduction potential of P740 was determined to be +335 mV. P740 uses light of significantly low quantum energy (740 nm = 1.68 eV) but generates a reducing power almost equivalent to that produced by a special pair of Chl a (P700) that absorbs red light at 700 nm (1.77 eV) in photosystem I of plants and cyanobacteria. The oxygenic photosynthesis based on Chl d might either be an acclimation to the far-red light environments or an evolutionary intermediate between the red-absorbing oxygenic and the far-red absorbing anoxygenic photosynthesis that uses bacteriochlorophylls.
The mechanism of proton transfer from the bulk into the membrane protein interior was studied. The light-induced reduction of a bound ubiquinone molecule QB by the photosynthetic reaction center is accompanied by proton trapping. We used kinetic spectroscopy to measure (i) the electron transfer to QB (at 450 nm), (ii) the electrogenic proton delivery from the surface to the QB site (by electrochromic carotenoid response at 524 nm), and (iii) the disappearance of protons from the bulk solution (by pH indicators). The electron transfer to QB− and the proton-related electrogenesis proceeded with the same time constant of ≈100 μs (at pH 6.2), whereas the alkalinization in the bulk was distinctly delayed (τ ≈ 400 μs). We investigated the latter reaction as a function of the pH indicator concentration, the added pH buffers, and the temperature. The results led us to the following conclusions: (i) proton transfer from the surface-located acidic groups into the QB site followed the reduction of QB without measurable delay; (ii) the reprotonation of these surface groups by pH indicators and hydronium ions was impeded, supposedly, because of their slow diffusion in the surface water layer; and (iii) as a result, the protons were slowly donated by neutral water to refill the proton vacancies at the surface. It is conceivable that the same mechanism accounts for the delayed relaxation of the surface pH changes into the bulk observed previously with bacteriorhodopsin membranes and thylakoids. Concerning the coupling between proton pumps in bioenergetic membranes, our results imply a tendency for the transient confinement of protons at the membrane surface.
Isolated subcomplexes of photosystem II from spinach (CP47RC), composed of D1, D2, cytochrome b559, CP47, and a number of hydrophobic small subunits but devoid of CP43 and the extrinsic proteins of the oxygen-evolving complex, were shown to reconstitute the Mn4Ca1Clx cluster of the water-splitting system and to evolve oxygen. The photoactivation process in CP47RC dimers proceeds by the same two-step mechanism as observed in PSII membranes and exhibits the same stoichiometry for Mn2+, but with a 10-fold lower affinity for Ca2+ and an increased susceptibility to photodamage. After the lower Ca2+ affinity and the 10-fold smaller absorption cross-section for photons in CP47 dimers is taken into account, the intrinsic rate constant for the rate-limiting calcium-dependent dark step is indistinguishable for the two systems. The monomeric form of CP47RC also showed capacity to photoactivate and catalyze water oxidation, but with lower activity than the dimeric form and increased susceptibility to photodamage. After optimization of the various parameters affecting the photoactivation process in dimeric CP47RC subcores, 18% of the complexes were functionally reconstituted and the quantum efficiency for oxygen production by reactivated centers approached 96% of that observed for reconstituted photosystem II-enriched membranes.
We have carried out an ab initio electronic structure calculations of electron transfer couplings between chromophores in the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center. The couplings agree remarkably well with parameters obtained from recent quantum dynamical modeling of experimental data assuming an explicit intermediate mechanism. We also have computed couplings on the M-side of the reaction center and have found that the interaction of the primary donor to the M-side intermediate bacteriochlorophyll is quite small because of destructive interference of the two localized coupling matrix elements. This may explain the slow rate of electron transfer down the M-side of the reaction center.
A pathway of electron transfer is described that operates in the wild-type reaction center (RC) of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The pathway does not involve the excited state of the special pair dimer of bacteriochlorophylls (P*), but instead is driven by the excited state of the monomeric bacteriochlorophyll (BA*) present in the active branch of pigments along which electron transfer occurs. Pump-probe experiments were performed at 77 K on membrane-bound RCs by using different excitation wavelengths, to investigate the formation of the charge separated state P+HA−. In experiments in which P or BA was selectively excited at 880 nm or 796 nm, respectively, the formation of P+HA− was associated with similar time constants of 1.5 ps and 1.7 ps. However, the spectral changes associated with the two time constants are very different. Global analysis of the transient spectra shows that a mixture of P+BA− and P* is formed in parallel from BA* on a subpicosecond time scale. In contrast, excitation of the inactive branch monomeric bacteriochlorophyll (BB) and the high exciton component of P (P+) resulted in electron transfer only after relaxation to P*. The multiple pathways for primary electron transfer in the bacterial RC are discussed with regard to the mechanism of charge separation in the RC of photosystem II from higher plants.