993 resultados para geographical patterns


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Background: Infection with multiple types of human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the main risk factors associated with the development of cervical lesions. In this study, cervical samples collected from 1,810 women with diverse sociocultural backgrounds, who attended to their cervical screening program in different geographical regions of Colombia, were examined for the presence of cervical lesions and HPV by Papanicolau testing and DNA PCR detection, respectively. Principal Findings: The negative binomial distribution model used in this study showed differences between the observed and expected values within some risk factor categories analyzed. Particularly in the case of single infection and coinfection with more than 4 HPV types, observed frequencies were smaller than expected, while the number of women infected with 2 to 4 viral types were higher than expected. Data analysis according to a negative binomial regression showed an increase in the risk of acquiring more HPV types in women who were of indigenous ethnicity (+37.8%), while this risk decreased in women who had given birth more than 4 times (-31.1%), or were of mestizo (-24.6%) or black (-40.9%) ethnicity. Conclusions: According to a theoretical probability distribution, the observed number of women having either a single infection or more than 4 viral types was smaller than expected, while for those infected with 2-4 HPV types it was larger than expected. Taking into account that this study showed a higher HPV coinfection rate in the indigenous ethnicity, the role of underlying factors should be assessed in detail in future studies.


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Evidence is presented of widespread changes in structure and species composition between the 1980s and 2003–2004 from surveys of 249 British broadleaved woodlands. Structural components examined include canopy cover, vertical vegetation profiles, field-layer cover and deadwood abundance. Woods were located in 13 geographical localities and the patterns of change were examined for each locality as well as across all woods. Changes were not uniform throughout the localities; overall, there were significant decreases in canopy cover and increases in sub-canopy (2–10 m) cover. Changes in 0.5–2 m vegetation cover showed strong geographic patterns, increasing in western localities, but declining or showing no change in eastern localities. There were significant increases in canopy ash Fraxinus excelsior and decreases in oak Quercus robur/petraea. Shrub layer ash and honeysuckle Lonicera periclymenum increased while birch Betula spp. hawthorn Crataegus monogyna and hazel Corylus avellana declined. Within the field layer, both bracken Pteridium aquilinum and herbs increased. Overall, deadwood generally increased. Changes were consistent with reductions in active woodland management and changes in grazing and browsing pressure. These findings have important implications for sustainable active management of British broadleaved woodlands to meet silvicultural and biodiversity objectives.


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The solar and longwave environmental irradiance geometry (SOLWEIG) model simulates spatial variations of 3-D radiation fluxes and mean radiant temperature (T mrt) as well as shadow patterns in complex urban settings. In this paper, a new vegetation scheme is included in SOLWEIG and evaluated. The new shadow casting algorithm for complex vegetation structures makes it possible to obtain continuous images of shadow patterns and sky view factors taking both buildings and vegetation into account. For the calculation of 3-D radiation fluxes and T mrt, SOLWEIG only requires a limited number of inputs, such as global shortwave radiation, air temperature, relative humidity, geographical information (latitude, longitude and elevation) and urban geometry represented by high-resolution ground and building digital elevation models (DEM). Trees and bushes are represented by separate DEMs. The model is evaluated using 5 days of integral radiation measurements at two sites within a square surrounded by low-rise buildings and vegetation in Göteborg, Sweden (57°N). There is good agreement between modelled and observed values of T mrt, with an overall correspondence of R 2 = 0.91 (p < 0.01, RMSE = 3.1 K). A small overestimation of T mrt is found at locations shadowed by vegetation. Given this good performance a number of suggestions for future development are identified for applications which include for human comfort, building design, planning and evaluation of instrument exposure.


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In the last decades, research on knowledge economies has taken central stage. Within this broader research field, research on the role of digital technologies and the creative industries has become increasingly important for researchers, academics and policy makers with particular focus on their development, supply-chains and models of production. Furthermore, many have recognised that, despite the important role played by digital technologies and innovation in the development of the creative industries, these dynamics are hard to capture and quantify. Digital technologies are embedded in the production and market structures of the creative industries and are also partially distinct and discernible from it. They also seem to play a key role in innovation of access and delivery of creative content. This chapter tries to assess the role played by digital technologies focusing on a key element of their implementation and application: human capital. Using student micro-data collected by the Higher Education Statistical Agency (HESA) in the United Kingdom, we explore the characteristics and location patterns of graduates who entered the creative industries, specifically comparing graduates in the creative arts and graduates from digital technology subjects. We highlight patterns of geographical specialisation but also how different context are able to better integrate creativity and innovation in their workforce. The chapter deals specifically with understanding whether these skills are uniformly embedded across the creative sector or are concentrated in specific sub-sectors of the creative industries. Furthermore, it explores the role that these graduates play in different sub-sector of the creative economy, their economic rewards and their geographical determinants.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aim To assess the geographical variation in the relative importance of vertebrates, and more specifically of birds and mammals, as seed dispersal agents in forest communities, and to evaluate the influence of geographical and climatic factors on the observed trends.Location One hundred and thirty-five forest communities in the Brazilian Atlantic forest.Methods We collected data on dispersal modes for 2292 woody species. By combining species x site with species x trait matrices, we obtained the percentages of endozoochory, ornithochory, mastozoochory and the mean fruit diameter for the local forest communities. We used Spearman's correlation to assess bivariate relationships between variables. Subsequently, we performed paired t-tests to verify if variations in frequency of dispersal modes and mean fruit diameter were influenced by altitude or temperature. Then, we applied multiple linear regressions to evaluate the effect of geographical and climatic variables on variation in the relative frequency of dispersal modes and mean fruit diameter across communities.Results We found no consistent latitudinal or longitudinal trend in the percentage of vertebrate-dispersed species, neither bird- nor mammal-dispersed species along the Atlantic forest. Endozoochory was affected chiefly by annual mean rainfall, increasing towards moister sites. Forest communities located at higher altitudes had a higher percentage of bird-dispersed species. Even when sites with identical values of annual mean temperature were compared, altitude had a positive effect on ornithochory. Conversely, we found a higher percentage of mammal-dispersed species in warmer forests, even when locations at the same altitudinal belts were contrasted. Fruit diameter was clearly related to altitude, decreasing towards higher elevations.Main conclusions This is the first analysis of a large data set on dispersal syndromes in tropical forest communities. Our findings support the hypotheses that: (1) geographical variation in the relative number of fleshy fruit species is mainly driven by moisture conditions and is relatively independent of geographical location, and (2) broad-scale trends in fruit size correspond to geographical variation in the relative importance of mammals and birds as seed dispersal agents at the community level.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The chromosomes of 173 specimens representing eleven species of the Tropidurus torquatus group, from 33 localities in Brazil, were analysed after Giemsa staining, C-banding, NORs, and replication banding techniques. A karyotype with 2n = 36, including 12 macrochromosomes and 24 microchromosomes (12 M + 24 m), and sex determination of the XY:XX type were found in Tropidurus cocorobensis, T. erythrocephalus, T. etheridgei, T. hispidus, T. hygomi, T. montanus, T. mucujensis, T. oreadicus, and T. torquatus. The two other species, T. itambere and T. psammonastes, presented 2n = 36 (12 M + 23 m) karyotype only in females while males had 2n = 35 (12 M + 23 m), due to the sex determination of the X(1)X(2)Y:X(1)X(1)X(2)X(2) type. Other interspecific differences as well as some intraspecific variation regarding the NORs and C-banding patterns have been observed, mainly in the microchromosome set. on the contrary, the macrochromosomes were highly conservative. Although consistent karyotypic diversity occurred in the torquatus group, the cytogenetic data obtained up to now did not allow us to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of the species. Nevertheless, the geographical distribution of the distinct cytotypes in T. hispidus and T. torquatus suggested that more than one species might be involved in each case.


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Spatial patterns of morphometric variation in Apis cerana indica were analysed. Factor and spatial autocorrelation analyses were applied to 29 characters, measured in 17 populations in India. Correlograms showed that 15 characters are patterned geographically, and 13 of them are related to overall size. These characters are distributed as a north-south cline, probably reflecting adaptations to environmental conditions. However, the great number of characteristics without geographical pattern suggests that part of the morphometric variability is due to local stochastic divergences.


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Macroecology evaluates the partitioning of physical space and resources among organisms through correlation among ecological variables, such as geographical range size and shape, body size, and population density, measured at large geographical and taxonomic scales. In this article, we analyzed the spatial patterns in worker body size and geographic range size for the 27 described species of honey ants, genus Myrmecocystus Wesmael, in the United States and Mexico, and especially the relationship between these 2 variables after statistically removing their spatial patterns. The 2 variables are correlated, but also displayed significant spatial patterns, as detected by trend surface and spatial autocorrelation analyses. After removing these spatial effects, worker body size and geographic range size were still positively correlated. The relationship, therefore, is not a consequence of spatial effects and it does follow Brown's model, which predicts that the geographic range size will have a positive slope on body size. In this model, the lower population densities caused by foraging activities and local territorial competition are associated with a large geographic range, avoiding stochastic extinction. Although this constraint in local population density does not necessarily hold for small organisms such as insects that could achieve high densities even in very small areas and patchy habitats, it may hold for social insects, especially ants, because of the local competition among colonies.


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Includes bibliography


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study evaluated the effect of environmental stimuli and selective pressures in different geographical areas along a latitudinal gradient, on the juvenile recruitment, population structure, and sex ratio of the speckled swimming crab Arenaeus cribrarius. Samples were collected monthly during 1 year in three locations along the Brazilian coast: Macaé, state of Rio de Janeiro (MAC, 22°47′ S, 41°45′ W); Ubatuba, São Paulo (UBA, 23°27′ S, 44°58′ W); and São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina (SFS, 26°08′ S, 48°34′ W). The specimens of A. cribrarius were identified, counted, sexed, and measured for maximum carapace width (CW). The largest juvenile found was in UBA (47.7 ± 1.36 mm); and the largest adult females and males in MAC (74.26 ± 0.93 and 77.04 ± 0.79 mm, respectively). Recruitment in MAC was continuous, whereas in UBA and SFS, recruitment showed seasonal characteristics. The sex ratio was skewed toward females only in UBA; in MAC and SFS, males and females were present in equal proportions. These results indicate that geographical variations can cause differences in the recruitment and population structure of A. cribrarius. These regional differences call attention to the necessity for improved management plans and control of shrimp fishing, which can affect population patterns such as juvenile recruitment, population structure and life history of the target species and species that are caught in bycatch from shrimping, such as the swimming crab A. cribrarius.


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Savanna woody plant communities are widespread in Brazil, where this vegetation type can be divided into core-central and marginal areas within its range of distribution. The study of diversity patterns of plant communities can provide insights into the distribution, biogeography, and diversity of plant species in widespread biomes. The objectives of this study were to measure standard and phylogenetic indices of diversity in woody plant communities of the savanna vegetation of Brazil (Cerrado) throughout its extensive range. Based on a metaanalysis, the diversity indexes were compared using traditional statistical methods, a phylogenetic approach, and by mapping. Similar patterns were found for phylogenetic and traditional indexes of diversity in core and marginal areas, suggesting that both lower and higher diversity sites can occur within the Cerrado geographical area. The only difference was found in low diversity, disjunct savanna sites within the Amazon basin, which are isolated by the Amazon River from the more continuous central-southern Cerrado area.