905 resultados para games as cultural environment


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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A presente dissertação discute a relação entre política e cultura na configuração de uma dada interpretação da realidade do homem e da natureza amazônica, no início da década de 1970. A análise parte das comemorações do Sesquicentenário da “Adesão” do Pará à Independência do Brasil, promovidas pelo Governo do Estado, através do Conselho Estadual de Cultura do Pará (CEC-PA), de 11 a 15 de agosto de 1973, que contou com o apoio do Conselho Federal de Cultura (CFC). Como órgãos oficiais de cultura, eles abrigaram um grupo de intelectuais de notório reconhecimento nos meios culturais nacionais e regionais, com o objetivo de levar a diante a “missão civilizadora” que os governos militares se arrogaram, no sentido de preparar o “povo” – ou parcela dele -, para o advento do “Brasil Grande Potência” que acreditavam estar em curso. No âmbito local, os intelectuais do CEC-PA deram sua parcela de contribuição a esse objetivo, que visava integrar culturalmente o país, paralelamente às integrações econômica e política. Como um “acontecimento monstro” - parafraseando o historiador francês Pierre Nora -, as comemorações do Sesquicentenário nos fornecem uma abertura para a compreensão desse passado recente da história local e nacional e do papel do CEC-PA na elaboração e divulgação autorizada de uma dada concepção da realidade amazônica.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Introduction: Given the repercussion of the important role of physical activity in the prevention of sickness and non-communicable diseases / loss, many works have been done in order to understand the association of sociodemographic characteristics with sedentarism. The elements which influence the physical activity practice are countless. Besides the intrapersonal element, environment elements (social environment, cultural environment, public politics, information environment, natural environment etc.) are also important in the life style. Yet, the way that the person understands the environment can be considered in the planning of the strategies to change the sedentary behavior. Objective: Verify the association of the environment perception with the practice of physical activity (FA) at leisure time in adults living in Rio Claro – SP. Methodology: The sample consists of 470 adults, all residente in rio Claro-SP, aged ≥ 18 years old. The chosen participants answered to the questionnaires: Neighborhood Environmental Walkability Scale (NEWS), International Physical Activity (IPAQ) and to a specific questionnaire with personal data (age, sex, educational level, economical level, weight, height and marital status). The analysis of the connection between the variables was done through the Logistic Regression with Confidence Interval of 95%, using the software SPSS 17.0. Those who reached the recommendation of 10 minutes or more of physical activity in leisure time for week were classified as active, and those who did not reach the recommendation were classified as underactive. Results: The proportion of subjects who practiced physical activity in leisure time was 38,7%, and the male subjects, as well as those classified as better social level showed higher chances to practice at least 10 minutes weekly of physical activity during leisure. Still, walking the dog, soccer fields and gardens near the house (less than 10 walking minutes), were...


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This work aims at understanding the intergenerational relationships between grandparents and grandchildren in contemporary society. To this end, we analyze two works of Children's Literature as a form of manifestation of the importance of symbolic exchanges between generations. Selected Menina Nina: duas razões para não chorar, Ziraldo (2002) and A menina, o cofrinho e a vovó by Cora Coralina (2009). We adopt a psychoanalytic reading as a reference for analysis, since it excels in psychic construction of the individual, his unconscious design and its interaction with the socio-cultural environment , which allows to explore and reflect on the links between generations , thus serving as a research method and interpretation of relationships within the family . We confirm our hypothesis with writers - grandparents, here represented by Ziraldo and Cora Coralina, which produced works that highlight the experience with their grandchildren. Thus, grandparents, grandchildren and readers are active in recovery and symbolic transmission characters.


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Prematurity and low birth weight are public health problems. This paper aims to relate the occurrence of premature labors and low birth weight with adolescent pregnancy. We performed a literature review about the socioeconomic and cultural conditions of adolescent pregnancy and perinatal results. Through bibliographical data, we identified observational and systematic review articles that deal with the subject. The literature analysis permits us to conclude that adolescent pregnancies as well as the socioeconomic and cultural environment in which the young mother is inserted are associated with the increased frequency of prematures and low birth weight babies. The development and the implementation of effective public policies directed to that population are necessary to a better approach of the problem.


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There is increasing recognition of the need to take into account the cultural environment and belief systems of psychotherapy patients because these values reflect basic assumptions about man's nature and the cognitive references used to cope with psychological difficulties. Currently accepted psychotherapeutic approaches take no account of the belief in life after death held by most of the world's population. The World Values Survey (http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org) showed that there are large numbers of reincarnationists around the world, and whatever the reasons for believing in reincarnation, psychotherapeutic approaches should not ignore this significant group of people. Respect for patient opinions and subjective realities is a therapeutic need and an ethical duty, even though therapists may not share the same beliefs. Guidelines are suggested for professionals to develop collaborative models that help patients mobilize their intrinsic intelligence to find solutions to their complaints.


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“Cartographic heritage” is different from “cartographic history”. The second term refers to the study of the development of surveying and drawing techniques related to maps, through time, i.e. through different types of cultural environment which were background for the creation of maps. The first term concerns the whole amount of ancient maps, together with these different types of cultural environment, which the history has brought us and which we perceive as cultural values to be preserved and made available to many users (public, institutions, experts). Unfortunately, ancient maps often suffer preservation problems of their analog support, mostly due to aging. Today, metric recovery in digital form and digital processing of historical cartography allow preserving map heritage. Moreover, modern geomatic techniques give us new chances of using historical information, which would be unachievable on analog supports. In this PhD thesis, the whole digital processing of recovery and elaboration of ancient cartography is reported, with a special emphasis on the use of digital tools in preservation and elaboration of cartographic heritage. It is possible to divide the workflow into three main steps, that reflect the chapter structure of the thesis itself: • map acquisition: conversion of the ancient map support from analog to digital, by means of high resolution scanning or 3D surveying (digital photogrammetry or laser scanning techniques); this process must be performed carefully, with special instruments, in order to reduce deformation as much as possible; • map georeferencing: reproducing in the digital image the native metric content of the map, or even improving it by selecting a large number of still existing ground control points; this way it is possible to understand the projection features of the historical map, as well as to evaluate and represent the degree of deformation induced by the old type of cartographic transformation (that can be unknown to us), by surveying errors or by support deformation, usually all errors of too high value with respect to our standards; • data elaboration and management in a digital environment, by means of modern software tools: vectorization, giving the map a new and more attractive graphic view (for instance, by creating a 3D model), superimposing it on current base maps, comparing it to other maps, and finally inserting it in GIS or WebGIS environment as a specific layer. The study is supported by some case histories, each of them interesting from the point of view of one digital cartographic elaboration step at least. The ancient maps taken into account are the following ones: • three maps of the Po river delta, made at the end of the XVI century by a famous land-surveyor, Ottavio Fabri (he is single author in the first map, co-author with Gerolamo Pontara in the second map, co-author with Bonajuto Lorini and others in the third map), who wrote a methodological textbook where he explains a new topographical instrument, the squadra mobile (mobile square) invented and used by himself; today all maps are preserved in the State Archive of Venice; • the Ichnoscenografia of Bologna by Filippo de’ Gnudi, made in the 1702 and today preserved in the Archiginnasio Library of Bologna; it is a scenographic view of the city, captured in a bird’s eye flight, but also with an icnographic value, as the author himself declares; • the map of Bologna by the periti Gregorio Monari and Antonio Laghi, the first map of the city derived from a systematic survey, even though it was made only ten years later (1711–1712) than the map by de’ Gnudi; in this map the scenographic view was abandoned, in favor of a more correct representation by means of orthogonal projection; today the map is preserved in the State Archive of Bologna; • the Gregorian Cadastre of Bologna, made in 1831 and updated until 1927, now preserved in the State Archive of Bologna; it is composed by 140 maps and 12 brogliardi (register volumes). In particular, the three maps of the Po river delta and the Cadastre were studied with respect to their acquisition procedure. Moreover, the first maps were analyzed from the georeferencing point of view, and the Cadastre was analyzed with respect to a possible GIS insertion. Finally, the Ichnoscenografia was used to illustrate a possible application of digital elaboration, such as 3D modeling. Last but not least, we must not forget that the study of an ancient map should start, whenever possible, from the consultation of the precious original analogical document; analysis by means of current digital techniques allow us new research opportunities in a rich and modern multidisciplinary context.


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Ökonomische Entscheidungen sind ebenso wie alltägliche Entscheidungen von der Aktivität von Hirnregionen abhängig, die zur Kontrolle verschiedener Teilschritte der Entscheidung beitragen. Aktivierung und Desaktivierung dieser Hirnregionen können mit Hilfe moderner bildgebender Verfahren, wie z.B. der funktionellen Magnet-Resonanz-Tomographie (fMRI) dargestellt werden. Die vorliegende Publikation gibt einen Überblick über das interdisziplinäre wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgebiet der „Neuroökonomie“ – einem jungen Forschungsfeld der Neurowissenschaften. Dieser Überblick ist auf sieben Hauptaspekte ökonomischer und finanzieller Entscheidungen fokusiert: 1. In welcher Weise werden ökonomische Parameter wie Wert und Nutzen einer Belohnung, Gewinn oder Verlust, Risiko und Ungewissheit in spezifischen Hirnregionen abgebildet? 2. In welcher spezifischen Weise tragen anatomisch definierte Areale des Gehirns zum Entscheidungsprozess bei? 3. In welcher Weise sind die Entscheidungsprozesse durch Läsion entscheidungsrelevanter Areale des Gehirns gestört? 4. In welcher Weise sind Hirnregionen, die an den Prozessen der Entscheidung beteiligt sind, miteinander vernetzt, um durch Interaktion die Entscheidung herbeizuführen? 5. In welcher Weise ist der Entscheidungsprozess von Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, von genetischen Variationen neuronaler Funktionen und von physiologischer Regulation, z.B. durch Hormone bestimmt? 6. In welcher Weise hängt der Entscheidungsprozess vom sozialen und kulturellen Umfeld des Entscheiders ab? 7. Auf welche Weise werden bei unvollständiger Information über die Optionen der Entscheidung Heuristiken oder Intuitionen genutzt, und in welcher Weise sind Entscheidungen durch Biases beeinflussbar? Der zentrale Teil dieser Publikation gibt einen zusammenfassenden Überblick (review) über die Ergebnisse neuroökonomischer Studien, die die fMRI-Technik nutzen (bis Juni 2010).


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Questa ricerca indaga la prospettiva investigativa di Carlos Martí Arís. È stato assunto il campo d’azione da lui prediletto, ovvero l’articolato rapporto che in architettura si instaura tra teoria e pratica, comprensivo delle svariate ricadute nel mondo dell’arte e della produzione umana in genere, che fanno del progetto architettonico un campo disciplinare complesso. La sua figura è però assunta in modo strumentale, come grimaldello per addentrarsi in un articolato ambito culturale, che se da un lato coincide con la sua città, Barcellona, dall’altro la trascende grazie a quei “ponti della conoscenza” che CMA interrottamente ha teso al suo intorno. Ci riferiamo alla sua costruzione teorica destinata a consolidare la storica reciprocità tra Italia e Spagna, le cui tematiche urbane e tipologiche ne sono la base, Milano e Barcellona ne sono gli estremi. Ci riferiamo al suo sguardo sull’esperienza del Movimento Moderno e il relativo tema della residenza. Ci riferiamo alla sua naturale vocazione al silenzio, che si oppone al fragoroso rumore della contemporaneità e affianca la discreta parola del mestiere: un modo per porsi all’ascolto. All’ascolto dell’altro e del mondo. Ci riferiamo, insomma, alla sua idea di architettura intesa come «territorio dissodato da tempi remoti»; come trama di corrispondenze sincroniche tra terre, tempi, fatti, uomini, vicini e lontani: condizione ideale per chi voglia disciogliere il proprio lavoro nei labirintici sentieri del mondo, indifferente al rischio di perdersi nell’oblio. Oggi, in cui il progetto architettonico risulta sempre più spesso veicolo di soggettive e arbitrarie sperimentazioni formali, la lezione di CMA indica una via d’uscita: un mo(n)do condiviso che all’arroganza opponga la discrezione, che persuada a celarsi nella tradizione e a porsi umilmente all’ombra dei maestri. Tradizione e Maestri, Eteronimi e Nomi, complementarità a cui CMA affida il suo progetto di anonimato, sovrapersonale e ostinatamente teso a rilevarne le relazioni inedite.


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Mr. Tutnjevic set out to define the position of the Muslim community within the overall framework of literature in Serbo-Croat, particularly in terms of its relation to the Serbian and Croatian Literatures, on the basis of an extensive comparative study of primary and secondary sources relating to the most important Muslim writers in Serbo-Croat. Carried out against the background of an unprecedented civil war between these national groups, his research focused rather on the encounters between them on the historical and literary stages. He concludes that the Muslim national community was established and developed on a foundation of Slavic self-consciousness and oriental influences. The constantly changing relative weights of the influence of these two factors on the community shaped the specific nature of its literature as well as its place in the cultural environment of its neighbouring national communities, and Muslim literary traditions are inseparably linked with the total literature in Serbo-Croat. A real Muslim literature first emerged at the end of the nineteenth century and virtually all authors writing about this at the time emphasised its educational character and its importance for the process of national identification. At the same time there were visible results of the self-awareness process in which Muslim authors affiliated with Serbian or Croatian literary tradition, sometimes even substituting one with another. During the period between the two world wars Muslim literature reached maturity and while Muslim authors generally focused on their national milieu in terms of subject matter, their forms of expression and their understanding of the function of literature showed the same preoccupation as other Yugoslav authors of the period. When the ideological and class-related concept of society replaced the national character of literature after 1945, Muslim writers found themselves in the same position as writers from other ethnic groups. As in earlier times, writers sought to present themselves to as wide a market as possible and would provide grounds for consideration as Serbian or Croatian writers, sometimes even explicitly presenting themselves as such. Most of the writers of this period are described at times as Yugoslav, at others as Bosnian-Herzegovina, and at still others as Serbian, Croatian or Muslim. Mr. Tutnjevic quotes, for example, the case of Camil Sijaric, a Muslim from Sandzak who also wrote in Sarajevo and falls within the boundaries of Bosnian-Herzegovnian literature, but is also described as a Muslim, Montenegrin and Serbian writer, together with a number of other such examples. An understanding of this process provides the basis for a completely new perception of the intertwining of Serbian, Croatian and Muslim literary traditions, without the earlier visible prejudice on all three sides.