941 resultados para fungal plant disease


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RNA interference (RNAi) is widely used to silence genes in plants and animals. It operates through the degradation of target mRNA by endonuclease complexes guided by approximately 21 nucleotide (nt) short interfering RNAs (siRNAs). A similar process regulates the expression of some developmental genes through approximately 21 nt microRNAs. Plants have four types of Dicer-like (DCL) enzyme, each producing small RNAs with different functions. Here, we show that DCL2, DCL3 and DCL4 in Arabidopsis process both replicating viral RNAs and RNAi-inducing hairpin RNAs (hpRNAs) into 22-, 24- and 21 nt siRNAs, respectively, and that loss of both DCL2 and DCL4 activities is required to negate RNAi and to release the plant's repression of viral replication. We also show that hpRNAs, similar to viral infection, can engender long-distance silencing signals and that hpRNA-induced silencing is suppressed by the expression of a virus-derived suppressor protein. These findings indicate that hpRNA-mediated RNAi in plants operates through the viral defence pathway.


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The expression patterns of GUS fusion constructs driven by the Agrobacterium rhizogenes RolC and the maize Sh (Shrunken: sucrose synthase-1) promoters were examined in transgenic potatoes (cv. Atlantic). RolC drove high-level gene expression in phloem tissue, bundle sheath cells and vascular parenchyma, but not in xylem or non-vascular tissues. Sh expression was exclusively confined to phloem tissue. Potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV) replicates only in phloem tissues, and we show that when RolC is used to drive expression of the PLRV coat protein gene, virus-resistant lines can be obtained. In contrast, no significant resistance was observed when the Sh promoter was used.


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Pseudocercospora macadamiae is an important pathogen of macadamia in Australia, causing a disease known as husk spot. Growers strive to control the disease with a number of carbendazim and copper treatments. The aim of this study was to consider the macadamia fruit developmental stage at which fungicide application is most effective against husk spot, and whether application of copper-only applications at full-size fruit developmental stage toward the end of the season contributed to effective disease control. Fungicides were applied to macadamia trees at four developmental stages in three orchards in two subsequent production seasons. The effects of the treatments on disease incidence and severity were quantified using area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) and logistic regression models. Although disease incidence varied between cultivars, incidence and severity on cv. A16 showed consistent differences between the treatments. Most significant reduction in husk spot incidence occurred when spraying commenced at match-head sized-fruit developmental stage. All treatments significantly reduced husk spot incidence and severity compared with the untreated controls, and a significant positive linear relationship (R2 = 73%) between AUDPC and severity showed that timing of the first fungicide application is important for effective disease control. Application of fungicide at full-size fruit stage reduced disease incidence but had no impact on premature fruit drop.


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Fusarium wilt of cotton, caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schlechtend. f. sp. vasinfectum (Atk.) Snyd. & Hans, was first identified in 1892 in cotton growing in sandy acid soils in Alabama (8). Although the disease was soon discovered in other major cotton-producing areas, it did not become global until the end of the next century. After its original discovery, Fusarium wilt of cotton was reported in Egypt (1902) (30), India (1908) (60), Tanzania (1954) (110), California (1959) (33), Sudan (1960) (44), Israel (1970) (27), Brazil (1978) (5), China (1981) (17), and Australia (1993) (56). In addition to a worldwide distribution, Fusarium wilt occurs in all four of the domesticated cottons, Gossypium arboretum L., G. barbadense L., G. herbaceum L., and G. hirsutum L. (4,30). Disease losses in cotton are highly variable within a country or region. In severely infested fields planted with susceptible cultivars, yield losses can be high. In California, complete crop losses in individual fields have been observed (R. M. Davis, unpublished). Disease loss estimates prepared by the National Cotton Disease Council indicate losses of over 109,000 bales (227 kg or 500 lb) in the United States in 2004 (12).


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Colombian datura virus was identified from the ornamental plant Brugmansia sp., showing leaf mosaic symptoms. The nucleotide sequence of the 3 untranslated region and the amino acid sequence of the 3 portion of the coat protein were 100% identical to those from a Hungarian isolate of the virus. This represents the first record of this virus in Australia.


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Various chemical and non-chemical treatments were tested for their efficacy against damping-off in papaya seedlings caused by Pythium aphanidermatum. Three-week-old papaya seedlings were placed in a climate controlled experimental chamber and inoculated with macerated mycelium of P. aphanidermatum. Propamocarb as Previcur was found to be most effective at managing damping-off in papaya seedlings.


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High populations (5000 to 20 000/kg soil) of the stubby-root nematode Paratrichodorus porosus were identified morphologically from soil samples taken under patches of poorly growing barley in a field between Yuleba and Surat in western Queensland, Australia. Lower populations (<4000/kg soil) were recovered from soil samples taken from asymptomatic barley. This is the first record of this nematode species on barley in Australia.


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Toxic Pimelea species (desert riceflower) are naturally occurring species found throughout beef cattle regions of Queensland, New South Wales, South Australia and the Northern Territory. Three species of Pimelea (simplex, elongata, and trichostachya) are poisonous to livestock and potentially fatal to cattle, with serious economic consequences through the loss of production, stock deaths and the costs of agistment. A better understanding of the ecology of the plant/disease is required to develop best practice to manage Pimelea in cattle-producing areas. Development of a chemical assay for the toxin (simplexin) is a key component of the current research project enabling toxin levels to be related to stage of plant growth, environmental and climatic factors.


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The responses of 95 barley lines and cultivars to spot form of net blotch (SFNB) caused by Pyrenophora teres f. maculata were analyzed as seedlings and adults in Australia and Canada. Cluster analyses revealed complex reaction responses. Only 2 lines (Esperance Orge 289 and TR3189) were resistant to all isolates at the seedling stage, whereas 15 lines and cultivars (81-82/033, Arimont, BYDV-018, CBSS97M00855T-B2-M1-Y1-M2-Y-1M-0Y, C19776, Keel, Sloop, Torrens, TR326, VB0111, Yarra, VB0229, WI-2477, WI2553, and Wisconsin Pedigree) were resistant toward the two Canadian isolates and mixture of Australian isolates at the adult stages. In Australian field experiments, the effectiveness of SFNB resistance in three barley cultivars (Barque. Cowabbie, and Schooner) and one breeding line (VB9104) with a different source of resistance was tested. Barque, which possessed a resistance gene that provided complete resistance to SFNB, was the most effective and showed no effect on grain yield or quality in the presence of inoculum. Generally, cultivars with seedling or adult resistance had less disease and better grain quality than the susceptible control. Dash, but they were not as effective as Barque. A preliminary differential set of 19 barley lines and cultivars for P teres I. maculata is proposed.


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Shoot blight symptom was found on persimmon (Diospyros kaki) in southern Western Australia in December 2010. The pathogen was isolated and identified as Diaporthe neotheicola on the basis of morphology, sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF). A pathogenicity test was conducted and Koch's postulates were fulfilled by re-isolation of the fungus from diseased tissues. This is the first report of D. neotheicola causing shoot blight on persimmon in Australia and worldwide. © 2012 Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc.


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An examination of Australian herbarium specimens of powdery mildew on Clitoria revealed two species. Oidium clitoriae is reported for the first time in Australia causing powdery mildew on Clitoria sp. in northern Queensland. Golovinomyces cf. orontii is reported for the first time on the genus Clitoria, from Clitoria ternatea in Queensland and the Northern Territory. © 2012 Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc.


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A powdery mildew with a Pseudoidium anamorph was found on Glycine max in south-east Queensland, Australia. Morphological examination and molecular identification determined this species as Erysiphe diffusa, which is reported for the first time from Australia. © 2012 Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc.


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Alternaria leaf blotch and fruit spot of apple caused by Alternaria spp. cause annual losses to the Australian apple industry. Erratic control using protectant fungicides is often experienced and may be due to the lack of understanding of the timing of infection and epidemiology of the diseases. We found that Alternaria leaf blotch infection began about 20 days after bloom (DAB) and the highest disease incidence occurred from 70 to 110 DAB. Alternaria fruit spot infection occurred about 100 DAB in the orchard. Fruit inoculations in planta showed that there was no specific susceptible stage of fruit. Leaves and fruit in the lower canopy of trees showed higher levels of leaf blotch and fruit spot incidence than those in the upper canopy and the incidence of leaf blotch in shoot leaves was higher than in spur leaves. Temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall affected leaf blotch and fruit spot incidence. The gained knowledge on the timing of infection and development of disease may aid in the development of more effective disease management strategies.