989 resultados para functional compounds


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A micro-camada superficial da água (SML) é caracterizada pela ocorrência de grandes quantidades de compostos orgânicos, pela acumulação de contaminantes antropogênicos e é submetida a uma intensa radiação solar, extrema mudança de temperatura e, no caso dos estuários, flutuação de salinidade. Estas propriedades físico-químicas estão, provavelmente, a modular a comunidade bacteriana (bacterioneuston) com propriedades filogenéticas e funcionais específicas. Neste estudo, as abordagens dependentes e independentes do cultivo foram aplicadas para avaliar a estrutura e dinâmica das comunidades bacterioneuston e bacterioplâncton em três localizações geográficas ao longo do estuário da Ria de Aveiro. Além disso, comparámos a diversidade filogenética de grupos específicos (Aeromonas, Pseudomonas e Psychrobacter) presentes em bacterioneuston e bacterioplâncton. Finalmente, as duas comunidades foram comparadas em termos de prevalência e diversidade de bactérias resistentes aos antibióticos e respetivos genes de resistência. Bactérias heterotróficas cultiváveis foram enriquecidas em SML. Eletroforese em gel de gradiente desnaturante (DGGE) permitiu a identificação de filotipos específicos em SML. Além disso, a análise de agrupamento dos perfis de DGGE de ambas as comunidades revelou uma ligeira tendência de agrupamento de acordo com a camada amostrada. As diferenças entre as duas comunidades variaram de acordo com factores espaciais e temporais. Em termos de diversidade filogenética de grupos específicos, não foram identificadas diferenças consistentes entre SML e UW com relação às comunidades de Aeromonas. Com relação ao género Pseudomonas, uma unidade operacional taxonómica cultivável foi consistentemente hiper-representada nas amostras de SML. Metodologias dependentes e independentes do cultivo revelaram a presença de populações de Psychrobacter complexas e muito estáveis em todos os sítios e datas de amostragens, com diferenças significativas entre as comunidades de Psychrobacter presentes em SML e UW. Estirpes representativas de prováveis novas espécies também foram cultivadas. Em termos de resistência aos antibióticos, a prevalência de bactérias resistentes em SML foi alta sugerindo selecção pelas condições presentes em SML. É preciso enfatizar que a resistência aos antibióticos foi incomum entre as bactérias estuarinas e os mecanismos de resistência foram, predominantemente, intrínsecos. Pela combinação de abordagens inovadoras dependentes e independentes do cultivo, este estudo forneceu novas e consistentes informações com relação às diferenças em ambas as comunidades bacterianas e em relação a alguns dos fatores que contribuem para a sua formação.


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This work is about the combination of functional ferroelectric oxides with Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes for microelectronic applications, as for example potential 3 Dimensional (3D) Non Volatile Ferroelectric Random Access Memories (NVFeRAM). Miniaturized electronics are ubiquitous now. The drive to downsize electronics has been spurred by needs of more performance into smaller packages at lower costs. But the trend of electronics miniaturization challenges board assembly materials, processes, and reliability. Semiconductor device and integrated circuit technology, coupled with its associated electronic packaging, forms the backbone of high-performance miniaturized electronic systems. However, as size decreases and functionalization increases in the modern electronics further size reduction is getting difficult; below a size limit the signal reliability and device performance deteriorate. Hence miniaturization of siliconbased electronics has limitations. On this background the Road Map for Semiconductor Industry (ITRS) suggests since 2011 alternative technologies, designated as More than Moore; being one of them based on carbon (carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene) [1]. CNTs with their unique performance and three dimensionality at the nano-scale have been regarded as promising elements for miniaturized electronics [2]. CNTs are tubular in geometry and possess a unique set of properties, including ballistic electron transportation and a huge current caring capacity, which make them of great interest for future microelectronics [2]. Indeed CNTs might have a key role in the miniaturization of Non Volatile Ferroelectric Random Access Memories (NVFeRAM). Moving from a traditional two dimensional (2D) design (as is the case of thin films) to a 3D structure (based on a tridimensional arrangement of unidimensional structures) will result in the high reliability and sensing of the signals due to the large contribution from the bottom electrode. One way to achieve this 3D design is by using CNTs. Ferroelectrics (FE) are spontaneously polarized and can have high dielectric constants and interesting pyroelectric, piezoelectric, and electrooptic properties, being a key application of FE electronic memories. However, combining CNTs with FE functional oxides is challenging. It starts with materials compatibility, since crystallization temperature of FE and oxidation temperature of CNTs may overlap. In this case low temperature processing of FE is fundamental. Within this context in this work a systematic study on the fabrication of CNTs - FE structures using low cost low temperature methods was carried out. The FE under study are comprised of lead zirconate titanate (Pb1-xZrxTiO3, PZT), barium titanate (BaTiO3, BT) and bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3, BFO). The various aspects related to the fabrication, such as effect on thermal stability of MWCNTs, FE phase formation in presence of MWCNTs and interfaces between the CNTs/FE are addressed in this work. The ferroelectric response locally measured by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) clearly evidenced that even at low processing temperatures FE on CNTs retain its ferroelectric nature. The work started by verifying the thermal decomposition behavior under different conditions of the multiwall CNTs (MWCNTs) used in this work. It was verified that purified MWCNTs are stable up to 420 ºC in air, as no weight loss occurs under non isothermal conditions, but morphology changes were observed for isothermal conditions at 400 ºC by Raman spectroscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). In oxygen-rich atmosphere MWCNTs started to oxidized at 200 ºC. However in argon-rich one and under a high heating rate MWCNTs remain stable up to 1300 ºC with a minimum sublimation. The activation energy for the decomposition of MWCNTs in air was calculated to lie between 80 and 108 kJ/mol. These results are relevant for the fabrication of MWCNTs – FE structures. Indeed we demonstrate that PZT can be deposited by sol gel at low temperatures on MWCNTs. And particularly interesting we prove that MWCNTs decrease the temperature and time for formation of PZT by ~100 ºC commensurate with a decrease in activation energy from 68±15 kJ/mol to 27±2 kJ/mol. As a consequence, monophasic PZT was obtained at 575 ºC for MWCNTs - PZT whereas for pure PZT traces of pyrochlore were still present at 650 ºC, where PZT phase formed due to homogeneous nucleation. The piezoelectric nature of MWCNTs - PZT synthesised at 500 ºC for 1 h was proved by PFM. In the continuation of this work we developed a low cost methodology of coating MWCNTs using a hybrid sol-gel / hydrothermal method. In this case the FE used as a proof of concept was BT. BT is a well-known lead free perovskite used in many microelectronic applications. However, synthesis by solid state reaction is typically performed around 1100 to 1300 ºC what jeopardizes the combination with MWCNTs. We also illustrate the ineffectiveness of conventional hydrothermal synthesis in this process due the formation of carbonates, namely BaCO3. The grown MWCNTs - BT structures are ferroelectric and exhibit an electromechanical response (15 pm/V). These results have broad implications since this strategy can also be extended to other compounds of materials with high crystallization temperatures. In addition the coverage of MWCNTs with FE can be optimized, in this case with non covalent functionalization of the tubes, namely with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). MWCNTs were used as templates to grow, in this case single phase multiferroic BFO nanorods. This work shows that the use of nitric solvent results in severe damages of the MWCNTs layers that results in the early oxidation of the tubes during the annealing treatment. It was also observed that the use of nitric solvent results in the partial filling of MWCNTs with BFO due to the low surface tension (<119 mN/m) of the nitric solution. The opening of the caps and filling of the tubes occurs simultaneously during the refluxing step. Furthermore we verified that MWCNTs have a critical role in the fabrication of monophasic BFO; i.e. the oxidation of CNTs during the annealing process causes an oxygen deficient atmosphere that restrains the formation of Bi2O3 and monophasic BFO can be obtained. The morphology of the obtained BFO nano structures indicates that MWCNTs act as template to grow 1D structure of BFO. Magnetic measurements on these BFO nanostructures revealed a week ferromagnetic hysteresis loop with a coercive field of 956 Oe at 5 K. We also exploited the possible use of vertically-aligned multiwall carbon nanotubes (VA-MWCNTs) as bottom electrodes for microelectronics, for example for memory applications. As a proof of concept BiFeO3 (BFO) films were in-situ deposited on the surface of VA-MWCNTs by RF (Radio Frequency) magnetron sputtering. For in situ deposition temperature of 400 ºC and deposition time up to 2 h, BFO films cover the VA-MWCNTs and no damage occurs either in the film or MWCNTs. In spite of the macroscopic lossy polarization behaviour, the ferroelectric nature, domain structure and switching of these conformal BFO films was verified by PFM. A week ferromagnetic ordering loop was proved for BFO films on VA-MWCNTs having a coercive field of 700 Oe. Our systematic work is a significant step forward in the development of 3D memory cells; it clearly demonstrates that CNTs can be combined with FE oxides and can be used, for example, as the next 3D generation of FERAMs, not excluding however other different applications in microelectronics.


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This work reports one possible way to develop new functional coatings used to increase the life time of metallic structures. The functionalities selected and attributed to model coatings in the frame of this work were corrosion protection, self-sensing and prevention of fouling (antifouling). The way used to confer those functionalities to coatings was based on the encapsulation of active compounds (corrosion inhibitors, pH indicators and biocides) in micro and nanocontainers followed by their incorporation into the coating matrices. To confer active corrosion protection, one corrosion inhibitor (2-mercaptobenzothiazole, MBT) was encapsulated in two different containers, firstly in silica nanocapsules (SiNC) and in polyurea microcapsules (PU-MC). The incorporation of both containers in different models coatings shows a significant improvement in the corrosion protection of aluminum alloy 2024 (AA2024). Following the same approach, SiNC and PU-MC were also used for the encapsulation of phenolphthalein (one well known pH indicator) to introduce sensing properties in polymeric coatings. SiNC and PU-MC containing phenolphthalein acted as corrosion sensor, showing a pink coloration due to the beginning of cathodic reaction, resulting in a pH increase identified by those capsules. Their sensing performance was proved in suspension and when integrated in coatings for aluminium alloy 2024 and magnesium alloy AZ31. In a similar way, the biocide activity (antifouling) was assigned to two polymeric matrices using SiNC for encapsulation of one biocide (Dichloro-2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one, DCOIT) and also SiNC-MBT was tested as biocide. The antifouling activity of those two encapsulated compounds was assessed through inhibition and consequent decrease in the bioluminescence of modified E. coli. That effect was verified in suspension and when incorporated in coatings for AISI 1008 carbon steel. The developed micro and nanocontainers presented the desired performance, allowing the introduction of new functionalities to model coatings, showing potential to be used as functional additives in the next generation of multifunctional coatings.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biotecnológicas (Biotecnologia Alimentar), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Dissertação de mestrado, Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Bioquímica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014


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In recent years, new methods of clean and environmentally friendly energy production have been the focus of intense research efforts. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are devices that utilize naturally occurring microorganisms that feed on organic matter, like waste water, while producing electrical energy. The natural habitats of bacteria thriving in microbial fuel cells are usually marine and freshwater sediments. These microorganisms are called dissimilatory metal reducing bacteria (DMRB), but in addition to metals like iron and manganese, they can use organic compounds like DMSO or TMAO, radionuclides and electrodes as terminal electron acceptors in their metabolic pathways.(...)


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Catharanthus roseus is the sole biological source of the medicinal compounds vinblastine and vincristine. These chemotherapeutic compounds are produced in the aerial organs of the plant, however they accumulate in small amounts constituting only about 0.0002% of the fresh weight of the leaf. Their limited biological supply and high economical value makes its biosynthesis important to study. Vinblastine and vincristine are dimeric monoterpene indole alkaloids, which consists of two monomers vindoline and catharanthine. The monoterpene indole alkaloids (MIA's) contain a monoterpene moiety which is derived from the iridoid secologanin and an indole moiety tryptamine derived from the amino acid tryptophan. The biosynthesis of the monoterpene indole alkaloids has been localized to at least three cell types namely, the epidermis, the laticifer and the internal phloem assisted parenchyma. Carborundum abrasion (CA) technique was developed to selectively harvest epidermis enriched plant material. This technique can be used to harvest metabolites, protein or RNA. Sequencing of an expressed sequence tagged (EST) library from epidermis enriched mRNA demonstrated that this cell type is active in synthesizing a variety of secondary metabolites namely, flavonoids, lipids, triterpenes and monoterpene indole alkaloids. Virtually all of the known genes involved in monterpene indole alkaloid biosynthesis were sequenced from this library.This EST library is a source for many candidate genes involved in MIA biosynthesis. A contig derived from 12 EST's had high similarity (E'^') to a salicylic acid methyltransferase. Cloning and functional characterization of this gene revealed that it was the carboxyl methyltransferase imethyltransferase (LAMT). In planta characterization of LAMT revealed that it has a 10- fold enrichment in the leaf epidermis as compared to the whole leaf specific activity. Characterization of the recombinant enzyme revealed that vLAMT has a narrow substate specificity as it only accepts loganic acid (100%) and secologanic acid (10%) as substrates. rLAMT has a high Km value for its substrate loganic acid (14.76 mM) and shows strong product inhibition for loganin (Kj 215 |iM). The strong product inhibition and low affinity for its substrate may suggest why the iridoid moiety is the limiting factor in monoterpene indole alkaloid biosynthesis. Metabolite profiling of C. roseus organs shows that secologanin accumulates within these organs and constitutues 0.07- 0.45% of the fresh weight; however loganin does not accumulate within these organs suggesting that the product inhibition of loganin with LAMT is not physiologically relevant. The limiting factor to iridoid and MIA biosynthesis seems to be related to the spatial separation of secologanin and the MIA pathway, although secologanin is synthesized in the epidermis, only 2-5% of the total secologanin is found in the epidermis while the remaining secologanin is found within the leaf body inaccessable to alkaloid biosynthesis. These studies emphasize the biochemical specialization of the epidermis for the production of secondary metabolites. The epidermal cells synthesize metabolites that are sequestered within the plant and metabolites that are secreted to the leaf surface. The secreted metabolites comprise the epidermome, a layer separating the plant from its environment.


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Flavour is a combination of taste, odour, and chemesthetic sensations. Close associations exist between these sensory modalities, and thus, the overall flavour of a food or beverage product can change when the intensity of one or more of these sensations is altered. Strategies to modify flavour are often utilized by the food industry, and are central to the engineering of new and reformulated products. For functional food and beverages, flavour modification is particularly important, as fortifying agents can elicit high levels of less than desirable sensations, such as bitterness and astringency. The application of various flavour modifying strategies can decrease the perceived intensity of these sensations, and in tum, improve the sensory profile of the product. This collection of studies describes the sensory characteristics of experimental functional beverages fortified with trans-resveratrol, (+)-catechin, and/or caffeine, and examines the impact of novel flavour modifying strategies on the perceived flavour of these beverages. In the first study, results demonstrate that the flavour profile of Cabemet Sauvignon wines fortified with 20 mglL and 200 mg/L of trans-resveratrol is not perceived as different compared to control wine (0 mglL). However, Riesling wine fortified with 200 mg/L is perceived as significantly higher in bitterness compared to 20 mglL and control. For some functional food formulations, alternative strategies for flavour modification are needed. Traditional methods, such as the addition of sucrose and sodium chloride, may decrease the perceived 'healthiness' of a product, and thus, may be sub-optimal. In a second study, high and low concentrations of five different bitter inhibiting compounds - 'bitter blockers' - (B-cyclodextrin, homoeridictyol sodium salt, carboxymethylcellulose - low viscosity, zinc sulfate, magnesium sulfate) were tested for their efficacy towards decreasing the bitterness of high and low concentrations of caffeine and (+)catechin - two health-relevant, plant-derived bitterants. B-cyclodextrin and homoeridictyol sodium salt were the most effective blockers at decreasing (+ )-catechin and caffeine, respectively. In addition to bitter blockers, additional flavour modifying strategies, either alone or in combination - may also be successful in functional food formulations. Both sucrose and rebaudioside A - a plant-derived sweetener - were effective at decreasing the bitterness of (+)catechin. When added to (+)-catechin along with B-cyc1odextrin, both sweeteners provided the most effective decrease in bitterness compared to binary, ternary, or quaternary mixtures of (+)catechin together with bitter blockers, sweeteners, andlor odourants. The perceived intensity of sensations elicited by sweeteners and odourants was not affected by the addition of bitter blockers, and thus, their impact within these complex matrices is minimal. In addition, withinmodal (taste-taste) compared to cross-modal (taste-odour) sensory interactions were more effective at decreasing the bitterness of (+ )-catechin. Overall, results from these studies demonstrate that certain novel, alternative flavour modifying approaches may be successful towards lowering the bitterness and astringency elicited by (+ )-catechin and caffeine in aqueous solutions.


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It has been previously shown that octopus venoms contain novel tachykinin peptides that despite being isolated from an invertebrate, contain the motifs characteristic of vertebrate tachykinin peptides rather than being more like conventional invertebrate tachykinin peptides. Therefore, in this study we examined the effect of three variants of octopus venom tachykinin peptides on invertebrate and vertebrate tissues. While there were differential potencies between the three peptides, their relative effects were uniquely consistent between invertebrate and vertebrae tissue assays. The most potent form (OCT-TK-III) was not only the most anionically charged but also was the most structurally stable. These results not only reveal that the interaction of tachykinin peptides is more complex than previous structure–function theories envisioned, but also reinforce the fundamental premise that animal venoms are rich resources of novel bioactive molecules, which are useful investigational ligands and some of which may be useful as lead compounds for drug design and development.


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Les récepteurs couplés aux protéines G (RCPGs) représentent la plus grande famille de cibles thérapeutiques pour le traitement d’une panoplie de pathologies humaines. Bien que plusieurs décennies de recherche aient permis de façonner nos connaissances sur ces protéines membranaires, notre compréhension des déterminants moléculaires de leur activité signalétique reste encore limitée. De ces domaines de recherche, une avancée récente a mis à jour un nouveau phénomène, appelé sélectivité fonctionnelle des ligands, qui a bouleversé les paradigmes décrivant leu fonctionnement de ces récepteurs. Ce concept émane d’observations montrant que l’activité pharmacologique de certains ligands n’est pas nécessairement conservée sur tout le répertoire signalétiques connu du récepteur et peu se restreindre à l'activation sélective d’un sous-groupe de voies de signalisation.Ce nouveau modèle pharmacologique de l'activation des RCPG ouvre de nouvelles possibilités pour la découverte de médicaments plus efficace et sûr, ciblant les RCPGs. En effet, il permet la conception de molécules modulant spécifiquement les voies signalétiques d’intérêt thérapeutique, sans engager les autres voies qui pourraient mener à des effets secondaires indésirables ou de la tolérance. Cette thèse décrit l'utilisation d'une nouvelle approche sans marquage, basée sur la mesure du changement l'impédance cellulaire. Par la mesure des changements cellulaires, comme la morphologie, l’adhésion et/ou la redistribution des macromolécules, cette approche permet de mesurer de façon simultanée l'activité de plusieurs voies de signalisation impliqués dans ces réponses. Utilisant le récepteur β2-adrénergique (β2AR) comme modèle, nous avons démontré que les variations dans l’impédance cellulaire étaient directement liées à l’activation de multiples voies de signalisation suite à la stimulation du récepteur par son ligand. L’agoniste type du β2AR, l’isoprotérénol, s’est avéré induire une réponse d’impédance dose-dépendante constituée, dans le temps, de plusieurs caractéristiques distinctes pouvant être bloquées de façon compétitive par l’antagoniste ICI118,551 Par l’utilisation d’inhibiteurs sélectifs, nous avons été en mesure de déterminer la contribution de plusieurs voies signalétiques canoniques, comme les voies dépendantes de Gs et Gi, la production d’AMPc et l’activation de ERK1/2, sur ces changements. De plus, la dissection de la réponse d’impédance a permis d’identifier une nouvelle voie de mobilisation du Ca2+ contribuant à la réponse globale des changements initiés par la stimulation du β2AR. Dans une autre étude, nous avons rapporté que la réponse calcique induite par le β2AR serait attribuable à une transactivation Gs-dépendant du récepteur purinergique P2Y11, lui-même couplé à la protéine Gq. La mesure d’impédance permettant de distinguer et de décrire une pléiade d’activités signalétiques, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que des ligands arborant des profils signalétiques différents généreraient des réponses d’impédance distinctes. Le criblage d’une librairie de ligands spécifiques au β2AR a révélé une grande variété de signatures d’impédance. Grâce au développement d’une approche computationnelle innovatrice, nous avons été en mesure de regrouper ces signatures en cinq classes de composés, un regroupement qui s’est avéré hautement corrélé avec le profil signalétique des différents ligands. Nous avons ensuite combiné le criblage de composés par impédance avec l’utilisation d’inhibiteurs sélectifs de voies signalétiques afin d’augmenter la résolution du regroupement. En évaluant l’impact d’une voie signalétique donnée sur la signature d’impédance, nous avons été en mesure de révéler une plus grande variété de textures parmi les ligands. De plus, cette méthode s’est avérée efficace pour prédire le profil signalétique d’une librairie de composés non caractérisés, ciblant le β2AR. Ces travaux ont mené à l’élaboration d’une méthode permettant d’exprimer visuellement la sélectivité fonctionnelle de ligands et ont révélé de nouvelles classes de composés pour ce récepteur. Ces nouvelles classes de composés ont ensuite été testées sur des cardiomyocytes humains, confirmant que les composés regroupés dans différentes classes produisent des effets distincts sur la contractilité de ces cellules. Globalement, ces travaux démontrent la pertinence de l’utilisation de l’impédance cellulaire pour une évaluation précise des différences fonctionnelles parmi les composés ciblant les RCPGs. En fournissant une représentation pluridimensionnelle de la signalisation émanant des RCPGs à l’aide d’un seul essai ne requérant pas de marquage, les signatures d’impédance représentent une stratégie simple et innovante pour l’évaluation de la fonctionnalité sélective des ligands. Cette méthode pourrait être d’une grande utilité dans le processus de découverte de nouveaux médicaments.


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In the present work different new approaches for the synthesis of Vitamin A are investigated. In these synthetic schemes, all the twenty carbon atoms of the target molecule are derived either fully from components isolated from common essential oils or partially from commercially available materials. By retrosynthetic analysis, Vitamin A molecule can be disconnected into a cyclic and a linear unit. Different methods for the synthesis of the linear and the cyclic components are described. The monoterpenes, geraniol and citral, major constituents of palmarosa and lemongrass oils, have the required basic carbon framework for consideration as starting materials for the synthesis of Vitamin A. The potential of these easily available naturally occurring compounds as promising starting materials for Vitamin A synthesis is demonstrated. Organoselenium and organosulfur mediated functional group transformations for the synthesis of the functionalised conjugated C10 linear components (ie., the dimethyloctatriene derivatives) are reported. The classical approaches as well as the attempted preparation of cyclic C10 and C13 units employed in the present study as intermediates for Vitamin A synthesis are described. The utility of commercially available materials namely 2-acetylbutyrolactone and levulinic acid in -the preparation of C5 intermediates for Vitamin A synthesis is demonstrated.


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Nanoparticulate drug delivery systems provide wide opportunities for solving problems associated with drug stability or disease states and create great expectations in the area of drug delivery (Bosselmann & Williams, 2012). Nanotechnology, in a simple way, explains the technology that deals with one billionth of a meter scale (Ochekpe, et al., 2009). Fewer side effects, poor bioavailability, absorption at intestine, solubility, specific delivery to site of action with good pharmacological efficiency, slow release, degradation of drug and effective therapeutic outcome, are the major challenges faced by most of the drug delivery systems. To a great extent, biopolymer coated drug delivery systems coupled with nanotechnology alleviate the major drawbacks of the common delivery methods. Chitosan, deacetylated chitin, is a copolymer of β-(1, 4) linked glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and N- acetyl glucosamine (acetylated unit) (Radhakumary et al., 2005). Chitosan is biodegradable, non-toxic and bio compatible. Owing to the removal of acetyl moieties that are present in the amine functional groups of chitin, chitosan is readily soluble in aqueous acidic solution. The solubilisation occurs through the protonation of amino groups on the C-2 position of D-glucosamine residues whereby polysaccharide is converted into polycation in acidic media. Chitosan interacts with many active compounds due to the presence of amine group in it. The presence of this active amine group in chitosan was exploited for the interaction with the active molecules in the present study. Nanoparticles of chitosan coupled drugs are utilized for drug delivery in eye, brain, liver, cancer tissues, treatment of spinal cord injury and infections (Sharma et al., 2007; Li, et a., 2009; Paolicelli et al., 2009; Cho et al., 2010). To deliver drugs directly to the intended site of action and to improve pharmacological efficiency by minimizing undesired side effects elsewhere in the body and decrease the long-term use of many drugs, polymeric drug delivery systems can be used (Thatte et al., 2005).


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A comparative systematic study of the CrO2F2 compound has been performed using different conventional ab initio methodologies and density functional procedures. Two points have been analyzed: first, the accuracy of results yielded by each method under study, and second, the computational cost required to reach such results. Weighing up both aspects, density functional theory has been found to be more appropriate than the Hartree-Fock (HF) and the analyzed post-HF methods. Hence, the structural characterization and spectroscopic elucidation of the full CrO2X2 series (X=F,Cl,Br,I) has been done at this level of theory. Emphasis has been given to the unknown CrO2I2 species, and specially to the UV/visible spectra of all four compounds. Furthermore, a topological analysis in terms of charge density distributions has revealed why the valence shell electron pair repulsion model fails in predicting the molecular shape of such CrO2X2 complexes


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The present work provides a generalization of Mayer's energy decomposition for the density-functional theory (DFT) case. It is shown that one- and two-atom Hartree-Fock energy components in Mayer's approach can be represented as an action of a one-atom potential VA on a one-atom density ρ A or ρ B. To treat the exchange-correlation term in the DFT energy expression in a similar way, the exchange-correlation energy density per electron is expanded into a linear combination of basis functions. Calculations carried out for a number of density functionals demonstrate that the DFT and Hartree-Fock two-atom energies agree to a reasonable extent with each other. The two-atom energies for strong covalent bonds are within the range of typical bond dissociation energies and are therefore a convenient computational tool for assessment of individual bond strength in polyatomic molecules. For nonspecific nonbonding interactions, the two-atom energies are low. They can be either repulsive or slightly attractive, but the DFT results more frequently yield small attractive values compared to the Hartree-Fock case. The hydrogen bond in the water dimer is calculated to be between the strong covalent and nonbonding interactions on the energy scale