993 resultados para fossil record


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This study was undertaken to ascertain whether meromictic lakes could be differentiated from holomictic lakes on the basis of their surficial profundal sediments. Surface sediment cores (15 cm long) were collected from both the littoral and profundal zones of four meromictic and six holomictic lakes and analyzed for total number of fossil chironomid headcapsu~es, chlorophyll and carotenoid degradation products as well as \ iron and manganese concentrations. Littoral and profundal comparisons of the surface sediments were made between the two lake types using the Mann-Whitney U test. Iron, manganese and the iron to manganese ratio in the littoral sediments of meromictic lakes were significantly lower than those found in the littoral sediments of holomictic lakes. The observed differences are believed to represent an artifact of the significantly higher carbonate concentrations found in three of the four meromictic lakes studied. Profundal and littoral to profundal ratio comparison between holomictic and meromictic lakes suggest that the significantly lower iron and higher carotenoid concentrations in meromictic profundal sediments were a con~equence of meromixis. However, the overlap in distribution exhibited by both iron and carotenoid degradation products between the two lake types was sufficiently large in this study to nullify their use as a means of differentiating meromictic from holomictic lakes. A long core (4.25 m) was removed from the deepest part of the meromictic Crawford Lake (Ontario), sectioned at 5 cm intervals, and analyzed to assess when meromixis occurred, based on its fossil record. Temporal changes in the total number of chironomid headcapsules, and chlorophyll and carotenoid sediment degradation products were closely correlated with organic matter, indicating in my opinion that extensive redeposition of littoral chironomid headcapsules in the profundal zone has occurred. Temporal variations in carotenoid degradation products, in response to changes in organic matter, obscured increased preservation that may have occurred as a consequence of meromixis. Temporal variations in iron and manganese suggest that relatively stable redox conditions have existed throughout most of the lake's history. Therefore it would appear that Crawford Lake has been meromictic since its inception.


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Thecamoebian (testate amoeba) species diversity and assemblages in reclamation wetlands and lakes in northeastern Alberta respond to chemical and physical parameters associated with oil sands extraction. Ecosystems more impacted by OSPM (oil sands process-affected material) contain sparse, low-diversity populations dominated by centropyxid taxa and Arcella vulgaris. More abundant and diverse thecamoebian populations rich in difflugiid species characterize environments with lower OSPM concentrations. These shelled protists respond quickly to environmental change, allowing year-to-year variations in OSPM impact to be recorded. Their fossil record thus provides corporations with interests in the Athabasca Oil Sands with a potential means of measuring the progression of highlyimpacted aquatic environments to more natural wetlands. Development of this metric required investigation of controls on their fossil assemblage (e.g. seasonal variability, fossilization potential) and their biogeographic distribution, not only in the constructed lakes and wetlands on the oil sands leases, but also in natural environments across Alberta.


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Crawford Lake, Ontario, provides an ideal natural laboratory to study the response of freshwater dinoflagellates to cultural eutrophication. The anoxic bottom waters that result from meromixis in this small (2.4 ha) but deep (24 m) lake preserve varved sediments that host an exceptional fossil record. These annual layers provide dates for human activity (agriculture and land disturbance) around the lake over the last millennium by both Iroquoian village farmers (ca. A.D. 1268-1486) and Canadian farmers beginning ~A.D. 1883. The well established separate intervals of human activity around Crawford Lake, together with an abundance of available data from other fossil groups, allow us to further investigate the potential use of the cyst of freshwater dinoflagellates in studies of eutrophication. Cyst morphotypes observed have been assigned as Peridinium willei Huitfeldt-Kaas, Peridinium wisconsinense Eddy and Peridinium volzii Lemmermann and Parvodinium inconspicuum (Lemmermann) Carty. The latter two cyst-theca relationships were determined by culturing and by the exceptional preservation of thecae of P. inconspicuum in varves deposited at times of anthropogenic reductions in dissolved oxygen.


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Les crinoïdes sont bien connus pour leurs fossiles, mais la biominéralisation de leurs stades larvaires n’est que peu documentée. La première partie du projet présente le développement des ossicules des trois stades larvaires du comatule Florometra serratissima : doliolaria, cystidienne et pentacrinoïde. Les ossicules du crinoïde démontraient de la plasticité phénotypique et de la désynchronisation dans leur développement. Les crinoïdes étant la classe basale des échinodermes modernes, ceci porte à croire que ces traits étaient aussi caractéristiques des échinodermes ancestraux et auraient joué un rôle dans la radiation hâtive et la grande disparité des échinodermes. Pour notre deuxième étude, comme les patrons de morphologie des crinoïdes et des autres échinodermes sont nombreux et sont régulés par des protéines spécifiques, nous avons vérifié la présence de quatre familles de protéines de la matrice de spicules (SMAP) connues chez les oursins dans les transcriptomes des autres échinodermes et d’autres deutérostomes. La famille des spicules matrix (SM) et l’anhydrase carbonique CARA7LA étaient absentes chez tout autre organisme que les oursins, les protéines spécifiques au mésenchyme (MSP130) étaient présentes en nombres différents chez tous les ambulacraires suggérant de multiples duplications et pertes, et les métalloprotéases étaient nombreuses chez chacun. Le développement des ossicules chez les échinodermes est un sujet qui a gagné en popularité au cours des dernières décennies, spécialement chez les oursins, et inclure les crinoïdes dans ce type d’étude permettra de nous renseigner sur l’origine et l’évolution des échinodermes modernes.


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A spatangoid-produced ichnofabric is described from the Miocene Bateig Limestone, SE Spain. This ichnofabric is characterized by the dominant presence of large meniscate burrows (Bichordites) produced by irregular echinoids. This constitutes an unusual mode of occurrence for spatangoid bioturbation, as their traces are most typically preserved in bases and tops of sandstone event beds. In fact, despite their important role as burrowers in modern settings (that can be extended back to the Early Cretaceous based on their body fossil record), spatangoid trace fossils (Scolicia and Bichordites) are comparatively rare. Several factors play an important role in their preservation: mechanism of burrowing, sediment characteristics, early diagenesis and presence/absence of deep-tier burrowers. Spatangoid-produced ichnofabrics, such as those from the Bateig Limestone, characterize depositional settings with intermittent deposition of event beds where there is an absence of deeper-tier bioturbation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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An investigation using the Stepping Out model of early hominin dispersal out of Africa is presented here. The late arrival of early hominins into Europe, as deduced from the fossil record, is shown to be consistent with poor ability of these hominins to survive in the Eurasian landscape. The present study also extends the understanding of modelling results from the original study by Mithen and Reed (2002. Stepping out: a computer simulation of hominid dispersal from Africa. J. Hum. Evol. 43, 433-462). The representation of climate and vegetation patterns has been improved through the use of climate model output. This study demonstrates that interpretative confidence may be strengthened, and new insights gained when climate models and hominin dispersal models are integrated. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Ramsar site of Lake Uluabat, western Turkey, suffers from eutrophication, urban and industrial pollution and water abstraction, and its water levels are managed artificially. Here we combine monitoring and palaeolimnological. techniques to investigate spatial and temporal limnological variability and ecosystem impact, using an ostracod and mollusc survey to strengthen interpretation of the fossil record. A combination of low invertebrate Biological Monitoring Working Party scores (<10) and the dominance of eutrophic diatoms in the modern lake confirms its poor ecological status. Palaeolimnological analysis of recent (last >200 yr) changes in organic and carbonate content, diatoms, stable isotopes, ostracods and molluscs in a lake sediment core (UL20A) indicates a 20th century trend towards increased sediment accumulation rates and eutrophication which was probably initiated by deforestation and agriculture. The most marked ecological shift occurs in the early 1960s, however. A subtle rise in diatom-inferred total phosphorus and an inferred reduction in submerged aquatic macrophyte cover accompanies a major increase in sediment accumulation rate. An associated marked shift in ostracod stable isotope data indicative of reduced seasonality and a change in hydrological input suggests major impact from artificial water management practices, all of which appears to have culminated in the sustained loss of submerged macrophytes since 2000. The study indicates it is vital to take both land-use and water management practices into account in devising restoration strategies. in a wider context, the results have important implications for the conservation of shallow karstic lakes, the functioning of which is still poorly understood. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A longstanding debate in evolutionary biology concerns whether species diverge gradually through time or by rapid punctuational bursts at the time of speciation. The theory of punctuated equilibrium states that evolutionary change is characterised by short periods of rapid evolution followed by longer periods of stasis in which no change occurs. Despite years of work seeking evidence for punctuational change in the fossil record, the theory remains contentious. Further there is little consensus as to the size of the contribution of punctuational changes to overall evolutionary divergence. Here we review recent developments which show that punctuational evolution is common and widespread in gene sequence data.


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The use of nucleotide and amino acid sequences allows improved understanding of the timing of evolutionary events of life on earth. Molecular estimates of divergence times are, however, controversial and are generally much more ancient than suggested by the fossil record. The limited number of genes and species explored and pervasive variations in evolutionary rates are the most likely sources of such discrepancies. Here we compared concatenated amino acid sequences of 129 proteins from 36 eukaryotes to determine the divergence times of several major clades, including animals, fungi, plants, and various protists. Due to significant variations in their evolutionary rates, and to handle the uncertainty of the fossil record, we used a Bayesian relaxed molecular clock simultaneously calibrated by six paleontological constraints. We show that, according to 95% credibility intervals, the eukaryotic kingdoms diversified 950-1,259 million years ago (Mya), animals diverged from choanoflagellates 761-957 Mya, and the debated age of the split between protostomes and deuterostomes occurred 642-761 Mya. The divergence times appeared to be robust with respect to prior assumptions and paleontological calibrations. Interestingly, these relaxed clock time estimates are much more recent than those obtained under the assumption of a global molecular clock, yet bilaterian diversification appears to be approximate to100 million years more ancient than the Cambrian boundary.


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Background The best documented survival responses of organisms to past climate change on short (glacial-interglacial) timescales are distributional shifts. Despite ample evidence on such timescales for local adaptations of populations at specific sites, the long-term impacts of such changes on evolutionary significant units in response to past climatic change have been little documented. Here we use phylogenies to reconstruct changes in distribution and flowering ecology of the Cape flora - South Africa's biodiversity hotspot - through a period of past (Neogene and Quaternary) changes in the seasonality of rainfall over a timescale of several million years. Results Forty-three distributional and phenological shifts consistent with past climatic change occur across the flora, and a comparable number of clades underwent adaptive changes in their flowering phenology (9 clades; half of the clades investigated) as underwent distributional shifts (12 clades; two thirds of the clades investigated). Of extant Cape angiosperm species, 14-41% have been contributed by lineages that show distributional shifts consistent with past climate change, yet a similar proportion (14-55%) arose from lineages that shifted flowering phenology. Conclusions Adaptive changes in ecology at the scale we uncover in the Cape and consistent with past climatic change have not been documented for other floras. Shifts in climate tolerance appear to have been more important in this flora than is currently appreciated, and lineages that underwent such shifts went on to contribute a high proportion of the flora's extant species diversity. That shifts in phenology, on an evolutionary timescale and on such a scale, have not yet been detected for other floras is likely a result of the method used; shifts in flowering phenology cannot be detected in the fossil record.


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Although foraminifera have been found living in inland saline lakes isolated from the sea, this phenomenon has rarely been recognized in the fossil record. This study documents the occurrence of benthic foraminifera in Holocene lake sediments located nearly 500 km inland from the Red Sea, in the Al-Mundafan region of southern Saudi Arabia. The lake formed during a regional pluvial period, 10,500–6000 yr BP. The presence of foraminifera and brackish charophytes in the studied section represent an interval when the lake was slightly brackish due to high evaporation. The studied sediments yielded a bispecific benthic foraminiferal fauna comprised of Helenina anderseni and Trichohyalus aguayoi, as well as the brackish charophyte genus Lamprothamnium. The benthic foraminifera are species characteristic of mangrove swamps, salt marshes, and lagoons, which are environments currently widespread along the Red Sea coasts. Because the Al Mundafan area was never connected to the sea during the Quaternary, wading birds must have been the vector that transported the foraminifera to the paleolake.


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The extent to which past climate change has dictated the pattern and timing of the out-of-Africa expansion by anatomically modern humans is currently unclear [Stewart JR, Stringer CB (2012) Science 335:1317–1321]. In particular, the incompleteness of the fossil record makes it difficult to quantify the effect of climate. Here, we take a different approach to this problem; rather than relying on the appearance of fossils or archaeological evidence to determine arrival times in different parts of the world, we use patterns of genetic variation in modern human populations to determine the plausibility of past demographic parameters. We develop a spatially explicit model of the expansion of anatomically modern humans and use climate reconstructions over the past 120 ky based on the Hadley Centre global climate model HadCM3 to quantify the possible effects of climate on human demography. The combinations of demographic parameters compatible with the current genetic makeup of worldwide populations indicate a clear effect of climate on past population densities. Our estimates of this effect, based on population genetics, capture the observed relationship between current climate and population density in modern hunter–gatherers worldwide, providing supporting evidence for the realism of our approach. Furthermore, although we did not use any archaeological and anthropological data to inform the model, the arrival times in different continents predicted by our model are also broadly consistent with the fossil and archaeological records. Our framework provides the most accurate spatiotemporal reconstruction of human demographic history available at present and will allow for a greater integration of genetic and archaeological evidence.


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Despite decades of research, the roles of climate and humans in driving the dramatic extinctions of large-bodied mammals during the Late Quaternary period remain contentious. Here we use ancient DNA, species distribution models and the human fossil record to elucidate how climate and humans shaped the demographic history of woolly rhinoceros, woolly mammoth, wild horse, reindeer, bison and musk ox. We show that climate has been a major driver of population change over the past 50,000 years. However, each species responds differently to the effects of climatic shifts, habitat redistribution and human encroachment. Although climate change alone can explain the extinction of some species, such as Eurasian musk ox and woolly rhinoceros, a combination of climatic and anthropogenic effects appears to be responsible for the extinction of others, including Eurasian steppe bison and wild horse. We find no genetic signature or any distinctive range dynamics distinguishing extinct from surviving species, emphasizing the challenges associated with predicting future responses of extant mammals to climate and human-mediated habitat change.


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Puyasena et al. question our interpretation of climate-driven vegetation change on the Andean flank in western Amazonia during the middle Pleistocene and suggest that the use of Podocarpus spp. as a proxy of past climate change should be reassessed. We defend our assertion that vegetation change at the Erazo study site was predominantly driven by climate change due to concomitant changes recorded by multiple taxa in the fossil record.


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Debate over the late Quaternary megafaunal extinctions has focussed on whether human colonisation or climatic changes were more important drivers of extinction, with few extinctions being unambiguously attributable to either. Most analyses have been geographically or taxonomically restricted and the few quantitative global analyses have been limited by coarse temporal resolution or overly simplified climate reconstructions or proxies. We present a global analysis of the causes of these extinctions which uses high-resolution climate reconstructions and explicitly investigates the sensitivity of our results to uncertainty in the palaeological record. Our results show that human colonisation was the dominant driver of megafaunal extinction across the world but that climatic factors were also important. We identify the geographic regions where future research is likely to have the most impact, with our models reliably predicting extinctions across most of the world, with the notable exception of mainland Asia where we fail to explain the apparently low rate of extinction found in in the fossil record. Our results are highly robust to uncertainties in the palaeological record, and our main conclusions are unlikely to change qualitatively following minor improvements or changes in the dates of extinctions and human colonisation.