989 resultados para food preparation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Since the beginning of life in society, the human being has sought sources of energy that can be used continuously, or stored to be consumed in times of need. The various energy generation processes has enabled the human race for the implementation of many activities ranging from food preparation, handling of large industries and even the possibility of total annihilation by the availability of powerful nuclear weapons. In Brazil, whereupon the various deleterious aspects and especially the finite resources used on a large scale for the energy conservation, there is a huge devotion of society referred to the prospects for alternatives to the use of energy in local, regional and global, but overall, as it wouldn’t be different, the main factors in this scenario are economic. The fact that the unused potential of a region in the use of alternative sources of energy leads to a larger socio-environmental prejudice generalized to all. The purpose of this project is targeted for a comprehensive, systemic and integrated discussion about some of the main alternative energy sources, associated with technical procedures related to them, to contribute to a better and effective use of natural resources available in each region of the country, in order to minimize the impacts on the environment in which they are inserted.


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Foods are susceptible to be contaminated with several etiologic agents, which can lead to the development of illnesses, triggered by pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins. Food prepared and improperly stored can be the diseases vehicle. This study aimed at evaluating the sanitary conditions in preparing free school meals in the nursery schools, located in a city of the state of São Paulo. This study was conducted by performing microbiological analyses of samples collected from hands of workers responsible for preparing food, and of the water samples used for cleansing and preparing foods. The kitchen physical, structural and cleaning conditions were assessed by means of a checklist. This study analyzed 31 samples from worker hands swab, and 21 samples of water collected from three school kitchens. This study pointed out that the food handlers training should be improved, and a peremptory control of the water used for food preparation purpose should be established. Also, this study showed that the evaluated schools maintain the respective kitchens in a good standard of conservation and cleanliness.


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The Mediterranean diet is rich in healthy substances such as fibres, vitamins and phenols. Often these molecules are lost during food processing. Olive oil milling waste waters, brans, grape skins are some of the most relevant agri-food by-products in the Mediterranean countries. These wastes are still rich in extremely valuable molecules, such as phenolic antioxidants, that have several interesting health promoting properties. Using innovative environmental friendly technologies based in the rational use of enzymatic treatment is possible to obtain from agri-food by-products new ingredients containing antioxidants that can be used as functional ingredients in order to produce fortified foods. These foods, having health protecting/promoting properties, on top of the traditional nutritional properties, are attracting consumer’s attentions due to the increasing awareness on health protection through prevention. The use of these new ingredients in different food preparation was studied in order to evaluate the effects that the food processing might have on the antioxidant fraction, the effect of these ingredient on foods appearances as well as the impact in terms of taste and scent, crucial feature for the acceptability of the final product. Using these new ingredients was possible to produce antioxidant bred, pasta, cheese, cookies and ice-cream. These food products retains very well the antioxidant properties conferred by the added ingredients despite the very different treatments that were performed. The food obtained had a good palatability and in some cases the final product had also a good success on the market.


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This contribution investigates the evolution of diet in the Pan – Homo and hominin clades. It does this by focusing on 12 variables (nine dental and three mandibular) for which data are available about extant chimpanzees, modern humans and most extinct hominins. Previous analyses of this type have approached the interpretation of dental and gnathic function by focusing on the identification of the food consumed (i.e. fruits, leaves, etc.) rather than on the physical properties (i.e. hardness, toughness, etc.) of those foods, and they have not specifically addressed the role that the physical properties of foods play in determining dental adaptations. We take the available evidence for the 12 variables, and set out what the expression of each of those variables is in extant chimpanzees, the earliest hominins, archaic hominins, megadont archaic hominins, and an inclusive grouping made up of transitional hominins and pre-modern Homo . We then present hypotheses about what the states of these variables would be in the last common ancestor of the Pan – Homo clade and in the stem hominin. We review the physical properties of food and suggest how these physical properties can be used to investigate the functional morphology of the dentition. We show what aspects of anterior tooth morphology are critical for food preparation (e.g. peeling fruit) prior to its ingestion, which features of the postcanine dentition (e.g. overall and relative size of the crowns) are related to the reduction in the particle size of food, and how information about the macrostructure (e.g. enamel thickness) and microstructure (e.g. extent and location of enamel prism decussation) of the enamel cap might be used to make predictions about the types of foods consumed by extinct hominins. Specifically, we show how thick enamel can protect against the generation and propagation of cracks in the enamel that begin at the enamel– dentine junction and move towards the outer enamel surface.


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Background. The purpose of this study was to describe the risk factors and demographics of persons with salmonellosis and shigellosis and to investigate both seasonal and spatial variations in the occurrence of these infections in Texas from 2000 to 2004, utilizing time series analyses and the geographic information system digital mapping methods. ^ Methods. Spatial Analysis: MapInfo software was used to map the distribution of age-adjusted rates of reported shigellosis and salmonellosis in Texas from 2000–2004 by zip codes. Census data on above or below poverty level, household income, highest level of educational attainment, race, ethnicity, and urban/rural community status was obtained from the 2000 Decennial Census for each zip code. The zip codes with the upper 10% and lower 10% were compared using t-tests and logistic regression to determine whether there were any potential risk factors. ^ Temporal analysis. Seasonal patterns in the prevalence of infections in Texas from 2000 to 2003 were determined by performing time-series analysis on the numbers of cases of salmonellosis and shigellosis. A linear regression was also performed to assess for trends in the incidence of each disease, along with auto-correlation and multi-component cosinor analysis. ^ Results. Spatial analysis: Analysis by general linear model showed a significant association between infection rates and age, with young children aged less than 5 and those aged 5–9 years having increased risk of infection for both disease conditions. The data demonstrated that those populations with high percentages of people who attained a higher than high school education were less likely to be represented in zip codes with high rates of shigellosis. However, for salmonellosis, logistic regression models indicated that when compared to populations with high percentages of non-high school graduates, having a high school diploma or equivalent increased the odds of having a high rate of infection. ^ Temporal analysis. For shigellosis, multi-component cosinor analyses were used to determine the approximated cosine curve which represented a statistically significant representation of the time series data for all age groups by sex. The shigellosis results show 2 peaks, with a major peak occurring in June and a secondary peak appearing around October. Salmonellosis results showed a single peak and trough in all age groups with the peak occurring in August and the trough occurring in February. ^ Conclusion. The results from this study can be used by public health agencies to determine the timing of public health awareness programs and interventions in order to prevent salmonellosis and shigellosis from occurring. Because young children depend on adults for their meals, it is important to increase the awareness of day-care workers and new parents about modes of transmission and hygienic methods of food preparation and storage. ^


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In this study we sought to identify and understand feelings, benefits and barriers to making heart healthy behavioral changes by reviewing and analyzing participant responses to a follow-up telephone survey conducted as part of the HEART project (Health Education Awareness Research Team). Individuals who participated in HEART attended classes and received “Su Corazon, Su Vida” education. The HEART follow-up telephone survey was conducted only on those participants who were part of the experimental group. A total of 93 individuals from this group were successfully contacted for participation in the telephone survey after the classes ended. Quantitative data regarding ‘feelings’ and ‘difficulty making heart healthy behavioral changes’ were analyzed by calculating frequencies of each category of response for post-intervention weeks 9, 13, and 15. In addition, Wilcoxon rank-sum tests were conducted for post-intervention at weeks 9, 13, and 15 to measure associations between feelings and difficulties making heart healthy behavioral changes. Changes in responses over time for feelings and difficulties making heart healthy behavioral changes were looked at by counting differences in responses between pairs of follow up weeks. Qualitative responses to the survey were analyzed by categorizing content of responses under themes in order to identify factors related to feelings and difficulties making heart healthy behavioral changes. Telephone survey participants showed positive attitudes towards making nutritional and physical activity changes. Out of the 93 telephone survey respondents, 53 (57%) reported some type of physical activity change during the follow-up period while 46 (49%) reported specific changes in nutrition. Data from the “difficulty to making changes” responses were categorized under constructs from the Health Belief Model, perceived benefits and barriers. Overall, the barriers for physical activity were health issues, individual habits and time. Barriers to eating healthy were family support, individual habits, and knowledge. This study suggests that with respect to nutritional knowledge barriers, educational programs should explore other ways of teaching and familiarizing individuals with information sources that may be more appropriate for those populations not accustomed to them. For example, nutrition labels, portions, recipes, and use of photonovelas. Our findings of the barriers to changes in food preparation due to lack of family support may also suggest the need for the development of programs where influential partners or relatives are involved in order to create a more supportive environment which may provide more opportunity for change toward healthier lifestyle behaviors. Finally, the physical activity barriers found suggest that it may be beneficial to recommend appropriate exercises for those with specific health problems or those with time restrictions due to work or travel so that physical activity is not completely avoided.^


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Few, if any studies, have attempted to identify the specific environmental factors associated with the incidence of diarrheal disease and to rank these by their contribution to the total incidence of diarrheal illness. Potentially those factors with the greatest contribution are the variables on which intervention could be expected to have the greatest impact on the incidence of diarrhea.^ In 317 rural Egyptian households participating in a longitudinal study of diarrheal disease, selected environmental characteristics were observed and recorded on a questionnaire. Characteristics of the environment were classified into seven categories including water usage, proximity of animals to the house, waste management, food preparation area, toilet area, the household structure and hygiene. The variables from each of the seven major groupings most associated with the incidence of diarrhea in infants were selected through the application of stepwise multiple regression. Each area was then ranked by the portion of the incidence of diarrhea in infants that each composite group of area-specific variables alone would explain. The groups of household structure and water usage variables were found to be more associated with the incidence of diarrhea in infants than variables describing the toilet area, proximity to animals or others. It was also found that 24.7% of the total variance in incidence of diarrheal illness was explained by environmental variables. ^


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Includes sections on food preparation, cooking for the sick, and household hints; some recipes include wine or liquor as an ingredient. Sample recipes: Alamode beef, Cold slaw, Little plum cakes that will keep a year, Currant jelly.


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This paper describes a study undertaken to: (1) determine the prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and hookworm infections and nutritional status among Pacific Island school children; (2) identify factors influencing helminthiasis; (3) identify interventions to improve school health. A total of 3,683 children aged 5-12 years attending 27 primary schools in 13 Pacific Island countries were surveyed along with school environmental data. Stool samples were collected from 1996 children (54.2%) and analysed for ova and helminths. Total prevalence of helminthiasis was 32.8%. Anaemia prevalence was 12.4%. Children with helminthiasis and anaemia were found to be 8.7 times more likely to be stunted and 4.3 times more likely to be underweight than non-anaemic and non-infected children. Four significant environmental influences on helminthiasis were identified: (1) an inadequate water supply; (2); availability of a school canteen; (3) regular water/sanitation maintenance regimes; and (4) overcrowded classrooms. Helminthiasis was found to be strongly associated with anaemia, stunting and underweight and environmental influences identified. Although mass anti-helminthic drug administrations (MDA) have been taking place, reinfection is common as drug therapy alone is not enough. Programme effectiveness depends upon upgrading school environments to include an adequate water supply, controlled food preparation/provision, well-maintained water/sanitation facilities and class sizes of 30 students or less.


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Sarawak, Malaysia has a large population of ethnic minorities who live in longhouses in remote rural areas where poverty, non-communicable diseases, accidents and injuries, environmental hazards and communicable diseases all contribute to a lower quality of life than is possible to achieve in these regions. To address these issues and improve the quality of life for longhouse people, the Kapit Divisional Health Office implemented the World Health Organization's Healthy Village programme in 2000. An evaluation was undertaken in 2003 to determine physical and behavioural changes resulting from the programme. The main changes evaluated were those involving smoking habits, exercise habits, health screening, fire safety, environmental improvements and food preparation and hygiene. A qualitative evaluation was conducted using participant observation and key-informant interviews, focus groups and observation. Results indicate that the programme is inspiring changes in various behavioural and physical characteristics of the study population. It is clear that the Healthy Village programme is a widely accepted way of improving health outcomes in longhouses, and that it is succeeding in making beneficial health changes.


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In the discussion - Industry Education: The Merger Continues - by Rob Heiman Assistant Professor Hospitality Food Service Management at Kent State University, the author originally declares, “Integrating the process of an on-going catering and banquet function with that of selected behavioral academic objectives leads to an effective, practical course of instruction in catering and banquet management. Through an illustrated model, this article highlights such a merger while addressing a variety of related problems and concerns to the discipline of hospitality food service management education.” The article stresses the importance of blending the theoretical; curriculum based learning process with that of a hands-on approach, in essence combining an in-reality working program, with academics, to develop a well rounded hospitality student. “How many programs are enjoying the luxury of excessive demand for students from industry [?],” the author asks in proxy for, and to highlight the immense need for qualified personnel in the hospitality industry. As the author describes it, “An ideal education program concerns itself with the integration of theory and simulation with hands-on experience to teach the cognitive as well as the technical skills required to achieve the pre-determined hospitality education objectives.” In food service one way to achieve this integrated learning curve is to have the students prepare foods and then consume them. Heiman suggests this will quickly illustrate to students the rights and wrongs of food preparation. Another way is to have students integrating the academic program with feeding the university population. Your author offers more illustrations on similar principles. Heiman takes special care in characterizing the banquet and catering portions of the food service industry, and he offers empirical data to support the descriptions. It is in these areas, banquet and catering, that Heiman says special attention is needed to produce qualified students to those fields. This is the real focus of the discussion, and it is in this venue that the remainder of the article is devoted. “Based on the perception that quality education is aided by implementing project assignments through the course of study in food service education, a model description can be implemented for a course in Catering and Banquet Management and Operations. This project model first considers the prioritized objectives of education and industry and then illustrates the successful merging of resources for mutual benefits,” Heiman sketches. The model referred to above is also the one aforementioned in the thesis statement at the beginning of the article. This model is divided into six major components; Heiman lists and details them. “The model has been tested through two semesters involving 29 students,” says Heiman. “Reaction by all participants has been extremely positive. Recent graduates of this type of program have received a sound theoretical framework and demonstrated their creative interpretation of this theory in practical application,” Heiman says in summation.


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In the US, one in every eight deaths is due to an obesity-related chronic health condition (ORCHC). More than half of African American women (AAW) 20 years old or older are obese or morbidly obese, as are 63% of menopausal AAW. Many have ORCHC that increase their morbidity and mortality and increase health care costs. In 2013, 42.6 percent of AAs living in South Carolina (SC) were obese. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to identify the cognitive, behavioral, biological, and demographic factors that influence health outcomes (BMI, and ORCHC) of AAW living in rural SC. A sample of 200 AAW (50 in each of the 4 groups of rurality by menopausal status), 18-64 years, completed the: Menopausal Rating Scale (symptoms); Body Image Assessment for Obesity (self-perception of body); Mental Health Inventory; Block Food Frequency Questionnaire; Eating Behaviors and Chronic Conditions, Traditional Food Habits, and Food Preparation Technique questionnaires — and measures for Body Mass Index. Most rural, and premenopausal AAW were single and not living with a partner. Premenopausal women had significantly higher educational levels. Sixty percent of AAW had between 1 and 5 ORCHC. Most AAW used salt based seasonings, ate deep fried foods 1 to 3 times a week, and ate outside the home 1 to 3 times a month. Few AAW knew the correct daily serving for grains and dairy, and most consumed less than the recommended daily serving of fruits, vegetables and dairy. Morbidly obese AAW used more traditional food preparation techniques than obese and normal-weight AAW. Rural, and menopausal AAW had significantly higher morbid obesity levels, consumed larger portions of meats and vegetables, and reported more body image dissatisfaction than very rural AAW, and premenopausal AAW, respectively. Controlling for socioeconomic factors the relationships between perceptions of body images, psychological distress, and psychological wellbeing remained significant for numbers of ORCHC^


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In the US, one in every eight deaths is due to an obesity-related chronic health condition (ORCHC). More than half of African American women (AAW) 20 years old or older are obese or morbidly obese, as are 63% of menopausal AAW. Many have ORCHC that increase their morbidity and mortality and increase health care costs. In 2013, 42.6 percent of AAs living in South Carolina (SC) were obese. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to identify the cognitive, behavioral, biological, and demographic factors that influence health outcomes (BMI, and ORCHC) of AAW living in rural SC. A sample of 200 AAW (50 in each of the 4 groups of rurality by menopausal status), 18-64 years, completed the: Menopausal Rating Scale (symptoms); Body Image Assessment for Obesity (self-perception of body); Mental Health Inventory; Block Food Frequency Questionnaire; Eating Behaviors and Chronic Conditions, Traditional Food Habits, and Food Preparation Technique questionnaires – and measures for Body Mass Index. Most rural, and premenopausal AAW were single and not living with a partner. Premenopausal women had significantly higher educational levels. Sixty percent of AAW had between 1 and 5 ORCHC. Most AAW used salt based seasonings, ate deep fried foods 1 to 3 times a week, and ate outside the home 1 to 3 times a month. Few AAW knew the correct daily serving for grains and dairy, and most consumed less than the recommended daily serving of fruits, vegetables and dairy. Morbidly obese AAW used more traditional food preparation techniques than obese and normal-weight AAW. Rural, and menopausal AAW had significantly higher morbid obesity levels, consumed larger portions of meats and vegetables, and reported more body image dissatisfaction than very rural AAW, and premenopausal AAW, respectively. Controlling for socioeconomic factors the relationships between perceptions of body images, psychological distress, and psychological wellbeing remained significant for numbers of ORCHC


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Eating food prepared outside of the home has become the norm for adults on the island of Ireland. On 24% of eating or drinking occasions in the Republic of Ireland, food is cooked and prepared "out of the home". Bought-in cooked food makes up an average of 11% of a person’s energy intake in the United Kingdom. "Convenient" and "fast" cheap food has also become increasingly available to people. However, food prepared outside of the home has been found to contain considerably more dietary fat and less fibre and micronutrients than food prepared within the home. Traditionally, Indian diets are low in fat and high in fibre and rich in fruit and vegetables. However, these traditional meals have been adapted to suit Western palates and, as such, different ingredients in various quantities are added, potentially increasing their fat and salt content. Given the diversity of Indian takeaway dishes available on the island of Ireland, this survey has been designed to provide an insight into the energy (calorie), total fat, saturated fat, protein and salt content of the most popular starters, main courses and side dishes from various Indian takeaways and Indian restaurants with a takeaway service, as well as supermarkets or shop-bought equivalents. With two out of every three adults on the island of Ireland currently classified as overweight or obese, excess body weight is now one of the most important nutritional issues of our times. In addition to this, salt and fat intake is high and consumption of fruit, vegetables and fibre on the island of Ireland is low, increasing the risk of common chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain cancers. The consumption of excess calories and nutrient-poor foods contributes to our current obesity epidemic.